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Preferential spatial associations between related animals have been reported in several species, but whether these relationships extend to fine resolution is largely unknown. Using a novel approach that combined pedigrees and precise geographic locations, we tested the relationship between extremely fine-scale (<3 m) spatial structure and relatedness within a captive flock of domestic female Dorset sheep ( Ovis aries ). Using GPS, we recorded the spatial distribution of individuals while foraging on summer pasture; we compared this to pair-wise coefficients of relatedness (r) and assessed significance of the patterns using Mantel and partial Mantel tests. Population organization was discernible even at this fine spatial resolution. Closely related ewes, especially full- and half-siblings (r ≥ 0.25), formed closer spatial associations than lesser-related and unrelated pairs. The genetic structuring of the flock provides a potential platform for kin selection and suggests that random population organization may not exist even at the finest spatial scales.  相似文献   

Mangrove plants comprise a unique group of organisms that grow within the intertidal zones of tropical and subtropical regions and whose distributions are influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. To understand how these extrinsic and intrinsic processes influence a more fundamental level of the biological hierarchy of mangroves, we studied the genetic diversity of two Neotropical mangrove trees, Avicenniagerminans and A. schaueriana, using microsatellites markers. As reported for other sea-dispersed species, there was a strong differentiation between A. germinans and A. schaueriana populations sampled north and south of the northeastern extremity of South America, likely due to the influence of marine superficial currents. Moreover, we observed fine-scale genetic structures even when no obvious physical barriers were present, indicating pollen and propagule dispersal limitation, which could be explained by isolation-by-distance coupled with mating system differences. We report the first evidence of ongoing hybridization between Avicennia species and that these hybrids are fertile, although this interspecific crossing has not contributed to an increase in the genetic diversity the populations where A. germinans and A. schaueriana hybridize. These findings highlight the complex interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors that shape the distribution of the genetic diversity in these sea-dispersed colonizer species.  相似文献   

Bees are the primary pollinators of flowering plants in almost all ecosystems. Worldwide declines in bee populations have raised awareness about the importance of their ecological role in maintaining ecosystem functioning. The naturally strong philopatric behavior that some bee species show can be detrimental to population viability through increased probability of inbreeding. Furthermore, bee populations found in human-altered landscapes, such as urban areas, can experience lower levels of gene flow and effective population sizes, increasing potential for inbreeding depression in wild bee populations. In this study, we investigated the fine-scale population structure of the solitary bee Colletes inaequalis in an urbanized landscape. First, we developed a predictive spatial model to detect suitable nesting habitat for this ground nesting bee and to inform our field search for nests. We genotyped 18 microsatellites in 548 female individuals collected from nest aggregations throughout the study area. Genetic relatedness estimates revealed that genetic similarity among individuals was slightly greater within nest aggregations than among randomly chosen individuals. However, genetic structure among nest aggregations was low (Nei’s GST = 0.011). Reconstruction of parental genotypes revealed greater genetic relatedness among females than among males within nest aggregations, suggesting male-mediated dispersal as a potentially important mechanism of population connectivity and inbreeding avoidance. Size of nesting patch was positively correlated with effective population size, but not with other estimators of genetic diversity. We detected a positive trend between geographic distance and genetic differentiation between nest aggregations. Our landscape genetic models suggest that increased urbanization is likely associated with higher levels of inbreeding. Overall, these findings emphasize the importance of density and distribution of suitable nesting patches for enhancing bee population abundance and connectivity in human dominated habitats and highlights the critical contribution of landscape genetic studies for enhanced conservation and management of native pollinators.  相似文献   

The Ryukyu Archipelago is located in the southwest of the Japanese islands and is composed of dozens of islands, grouped into the Miyako Islands, Yaeyama Islands, and Okinawa Islands. Based on the results of principal component analysis on genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms, genetic differentiation was observed among the island groups of the Ryukyu Archipelago. However, a detailed population structure analysis of the Ryukyu Archipelago has not yet been completed. We obtained genomic DNA samples from 1,240 individuals living in the Miyako Islands, and we genotyped 665,326 single-nucleotide polymorphisms to infer population history within the Miyako Islands, including Miyakojima, Irabu, and Ikema islands. The haplotype-based analysis showed that populations in the Miyako Islands were divided into three subpopulations located on Miyakojima northeast, Miyakojima southwest, and Irabu/Ikema. The results of haplotype sharing and the D statistics analyses showed that the Irabu/Ikema subpopulation received gene flows different from those of the Miyakojima subpopulations, which may be related with the historically attested immigration during the Gusuku period (900 − 500 BP). A coalescent-based demographic inference suggests that the Irabu/Ikema population firstly split away from the ancestral Ryukyu population about 41 generations ago, followed by a split of the Miyako southwest population from the ancestral Ryukyu population (about 16 generations ago), and the differentiation of the ancestral Ryukyu population into two populations (Miyako northeast and Okinawajima populations) about seven generations ago. Such genetic information is useful for explaining the population history of modern Miyako people and must be taken into account when performing disease association studies.  相似文献   

The extent of spatial genetic structure (SGS) within plant populations depends on seed and pollen dispersal distance, breeding type, level of self-fertilization and effective plant density. Self-fertilizing species with gravity-dispersed seeds are expected to have both small effective population sizes and low pollen movement leading to high genetic structure. Higher SGS can be expected in more patchy and peripheral populations because of lower plant density and population sizes, and lower intensity of gene flow. We tested these predictions analyzing SGS in two core and two peripheral populations of predominantly self-fertilizing emmer wheat. Analysis of SGS with 11 nuclear microsatellites revealed (1) a negative linear relationship between kinship coefficients, calculated for pairs of individuals, and the logarithm of geographical distance between members of the pairs, in all studied populations; and (2) a significant autocorrelation for a distance up to 5 m (core populations) or 20 m (peripheral populations). Pollen flow, estimated from comparison of nuclear and chloroplast variation, was spatially limited, as was seed dispersal. Our results support a hypothesized relationship between SGS intensity and breeding system, the mode of seed dispersal and the population range position (core vs. periphery).  相似文献   

The indigenous population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a unique demographic and cultural history. Its tradition of endogamy and consanguinity is expected to produce genetic homogeneity and partitioning of gene pools while population movements and intercontinental trade are likely to have contributed to genetic diversity. Emiratis and neighboring populations of the Middle East have been underrepresented in the population genetics literature with few studies covering the broader genetic history of the Arabian Peninsula. Here, we genotyped 1,198 individuals from the seven Emirates using 1.7 million markers and by employing haplotype-based algorithms and admixture analyses, we reveal the fine-scale genetic structure of the Emirati population. Shared ancestry and gene flow with neighboring populations display their unique geographic position while increased intra- versus inter-Emirati kinship and sharing of uniparental haplogroups, reflect the endogamous and consanguineous cultural traditions of the Emirates and their tribes.  相似文献   

果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翼手类(Chiroptera)(俗称蝙蝠)分为小蝙蝠亚目(Microchiroptera)和大蝙蝠亚目(Megachiroptera),大蝙蝠又称果蝠或狐蝠,果蝠仅狐蝠科(Pteropodidae)1科188种。深入地了解其独特的婚配行为机制、独特的繁殖发育机制,对有效地开展果蝠的保护工作、合理地控制种群数量有积极意义。本文对果蝠的婚配制度及繁殖策略进行了阐述。  相似文献   

An exciting advance in the understanding of metapopulation dynamics has been the investigation of how populations respond to ephemeral patches that go ‘extinct’ during the lifetime of an individual. Previous research has shown that this scenario leads to genetic homogenization across large spatial scales. However, little is known about fine-scale genetic structuring or how this changes over time in ephemeral patches. We predicted that species that specialize on ephemeral habitats will delay dispersal to exploit natal habitat patches while resources are plentiful and thus display fine-scale structure. To investigate this idea, we evaluated the effect of frequent colonization of ephemeral habitats on the fine-scale genetic structure of a fire specialist, the black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) and found a pattern of fine-scale genetic structure. We then tested for differences in spatial structure between sexes and detected a pattern consistent with male-biased dispersal. We also detected a temporal increase in relatedness among individuals within newly burned forest patches. Our results indicate that specialist species that outlive their ephemeral patches can accrue significant fine-scale spatial structure that does not necessarily affect spatial structure at larger scales. This highlights the importance of both spatial and temporal scale considerations in both sampling and data interpretation of molecular genetic results.  相似文献   

The lesser white-fronted goose is a sub-Arctic species with a currently fragmented breeding range, which extends from Fennoscandia to easternmost Siberia. The population started to decline at the beginning of the last century and, with a current world population estimate of 25,000 individuals, it is the most threatened of the Palearctic goose species. Of these, only 30–50 pairs breed in Fennoscandia. A fragment of the control region of mtDNA was sequenced from 110 individuals from four breeding, one staging and two wintering areas to study geographic subdivisions and gene flow. Sequences defined 15 mtDNA haplotypes that were assigned to two mtDNA lineages. Both the mtDNA lineages were found from all sampled localities indicating a common ancestry and/or some level of gene flow. Analyses of molecular variance showed significant structuring among populations ( ST 0.220, P < 0.001). The results presented here together with ecological data indicate that the lesser white-fronted goose is fragmented into three distinctive subpopulations, and thus, the conservation status of the species should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Parasitoid sex ratios can be greatly influenced by mating and dispersal behaviour. Many sex ratio models assume that mating is strictly local (only mated females disperse from the natal patch) and that a single male is sufficient to inseminate all females in a brood. Bethylids (aculeate parasitoids) have been used to test predictions of these models, but less attention has been paid to testing their underlying assumptions. We investigated the timing of eclosion, mating and dispersal in mixed-sex and single-sex broods of the bethylid wasp Goniozus nephantidis. In mixed-sex broods, almost all females mate before dispersal and a single male is sufficient to inseminate virtually all females, even when brood sizes are large. Males disperse from both mixed-sex and all-male broods, but males in all-male broods disperse more slowly. Virgin females disperse from all-female broods, which are common. Virgin females can produce a brood, mate with their own sons and subsequently produce mixed-sex broods, but their success rate is very low. Virgin females could potentially circumvent sex allocation constraints by superparasitizing mixed-sex broods, but when presented with hosts bearing mixed-sex broods they destroy all members of the initial brood before ovipositing. Because of the high prevalence of single-sex broods and dispersal of both sexes, the mating structure of G. nephantidis is unlikely to conform to the assumption of strict local mating.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Despite their importance for conservation, the genetic consequences of small-scale habitat fragmentation for bat populations are largely unknown. In this study, we linked genetic with ecological and demographic data to assess the effects of habitat fragmentation on two species of phyllostomid bats ( Uroderma bilobatum and Carollia perspicillata ) that differ in their dispersal abilities and demographic response to fragmentation. We hypothesized that population differentiation and the effect of habitat fragmentation on levels of genetic diversity will be a function of the species' mobility. We sequenced mtDNA from 232 bats caught on 11 islands in Gatún Lake, Panamá, isolated from the mainland for ca 90 yr, and in adjacent, continuous forest on the mainland. Populations of both species showed significant genetic differentiation ( F ST). Consistent with our prediction, population subdivision was lower in the highly mobile U. bilobatum ( F ST= 0.01) compared to the less vagile C. perspicillata ( F ST= 0.06), and only the latter species showed a pattern indicative of isolation by distance and, in addition, an effect of fragmentation. Genetic erosion as a result of fragmentation was also only detectable in the less mobile species, C. perspicillata , where haplotype diversity was lower in island compared to mainland populations. Our results suggest that some Neotropical bat species are prone to loss of genetic variation in response to anthropogenic small-scale habitat fragmentation. In this context, our findings point toward mobility as a good predictor of a species' vulnerability to fragmentation and altered population genetic structure.  相似文献   

In the tropical forests of SE Asia, only a few studies have dealt with the role animal dispersal plays in early forest succession and rehabilitation, and a comparison of bird and bat dispersal is even rarer. We investigated seed dispersal by birds and bats in a successional area in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines. Using pairs of day and night traps, we collected seeds during 3 mo of wet season and 3 mo of dry season in a 1.2-ha study site. Bird-dispersed seeds predominated over those dispersed by bats in terms of both seed abundance and number of seed species. The most abundant endozoochorous seed species were significantly biased toward either bird or bat dispersal. Birds and bats appeared to compete more strongly for fruit resources during the dry season than during the wet season, and bats responded more to changes in the seasons than birds did. GLM analyses showed that the factor that had the strongest influence on overall seed distribution was the number of fleshy-fruited trees surrounding the traps, and that the distribution pattern of day-dispersed seeds was affected by more physical factors (number of trees, size of trees, presence of fleshy-fruited and conspecific trees) in the study site than the pattern of night-dispersed seeds were. Given that birds are the more important dispersers in the study site, restoration efforts in SWFR might benefit by focusing on attracting these dispersers into its degraded habitats.  相似文献   

We examined seed dispersal by bats and birds in four habitats of the Selva Lacandona tropical rain forest region, Chiapas, Mexico. The four habitats represented a disturbance gradient: active cornfield, ten-year-old abandoned cornfield, cacao plantation, and forest. Using seed traps examined before sunrise (0400 h) and before sunset (1800 h), we compared volant vertebrate seed dispersal, assuming that seeds found at the end of the night were dispersed by bats and those found at the end of the day were dispersed by birds. We did not find seeds from other frugivores such as monkeys or opossums. In all habitats bats dispersed more seeds than birds. In most months bats also dispersed more seeds than birds, except in December when no seeds were found in the traps. Bats also consistently dispersed more species of seeds than birds, although a x2 comparison showed differences not to be significant. Fifty percent of the species represented in the dispersed seeds in all habitats were pioneer species. Cecropia seeds represented a high percentage (up to 87% of those dispersed by bats and up to 83% by birds) of dispersed seeds that fell in our traps. The influence of bats and birds on secondary successional processes is likely to be fundamental for the establishment of vegetation. Since bats dispersed more seeds than birds (primarily to disturbed areas and consisting primarily of pioneer species), they are likely to play an important role in successional and restoration processes among habitats as structurally and vegetationally different as cornfields, old fields, cacao plantations, and forest.  相似文献   

To nest in the same breeding area, territory or even nest-site in successive years may provide a possibility to look at mechanisms involved in breeding habitat selection and could also be an important tool for conservation, management and restoration attempts. In this study we examine site fidelity towards the breeding area as well as the nesting site in a dense and stable population of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor, a long-distance migrant and highly endangered passerine species, at its present northern border of its breeding range. Overall we recovered 48 out of 146 (32.8%) adults between 1996 and 2000. Recovery rate is significantly higher for males (31 of 77, 40.25%) than for females (17 of 69, 24.6%). Recovery rate of nestlings is much lower since only 51 of 790 (6.5%) were recovered and there is no significant sex difference. Furthermore, our results from 1989 to 2000 revealed that more than 30% (97/319) of the nests were built in the same nest tree in successive years and more than half (183/319 = 57.4%) of the nests in the same or neighboring trees (up to 20 m), but very seldom by the same individuals. The fact that nest reuse in successive years is almost exclusively done by different individuals suggests habitat copying and public information of individual birds. Due to optimal ecological breeding conditions other parameters like inbreeding avoidance or increased genetic variability could be important factors in nest-site selection strategies and consequently result in a “disperse over stay strategy”.  相似文献   

Bats are the second largest group of mammals on earth and act as reservoirs of many emerging viruses. In this study, a novel bat adenovirus (AdV) (BtAdV-TJM) was isolated from bat fecal samples by using a bat primary kidney cell line. Infection studies indicated that most animal and human cell lines are susceptible to BtAdV-TJM, suggesting a possible wide host range. Genome analysis revealed 30 putative genes encoding proteins homologous to their counterparts in most known AdVs. Phylogenetic analysis placed BtAdV-TJM within the genus Mastadenovirus, most closely related to tree shrew and canine AdVs. PCR analysis of 350 bat fecal samples, collected from 19 species in five Chinese provinces during 2007 and 2008, indicated that 28 (or 8%) samples were positive for AdVs. The samples were from five bat species, Hipposideros armiger, Myotis horsfieldii, M. ricketti, Myotis spp., and Scotophilus kuhlii. The prevalence ranged from 6.25% (H. armiger in 2007) to 40% (M. ricketti in 2007). Comparison studies based on available partial sequences of the pol gene demonstrated a great genetic diversity among bat AdVs infecting different bat species as well as those infecting the same bat species. This is the first report of a genetically diverse group of DNA viruses in bats. Our results support the notion, derived from previous studies based on RNA viruses (especially coronaviruses and astroviruses), that bats seem to have the unusual ability to harbor a large number of genetically diverse viruses within a geographic location and/or within a taxonomic group.Members of the family Adenoviridae are nonenveloped, icosahedral viruses approximately 70 to 100 nm in size. The family is divided into four genera: Mastadenovirus, Aviadenovirus, Atadenovirus, and Siadenovirus (3, 6, 7). Adenoviruses (AdVs) contain a linear, nonsegmented, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with a genome size ranging from 30 to 36 kb for mastadenoviruses, 31 to 36 kb for atadenoviruses, and 26 to 45 kb for siadenoviruses (3).AdV infection can be identified in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish, and live AdVs have been isolated from at least 40 vertebrate species (3, 6, 21, 25). A total of 52 human AdV (hAdV) serotypes have been identified and classified into seven groups, designated serotypes A through G. AdVs are highly prevalent in the human population and can cause human infections ranging from respiratory disease (mainly by AdV-B and -C) and conjunctivitis (AdV-B and -D) to gastroenteritis (AdV-F serotypes 40 and 41) (11, 24). In animals, canine AdV type 1 (CAV-1) and canine AdV type 2 (CAV-2) cause hepatitis and respiratory and enteric diseases in dogs (20, 30). The egg drop syndrome-1976 virus (EDS-76 virus), belonging to the aviadenoviruses, is the causative agent of an economically important disease characterized by a severe and sudden drop in egg production (17).Bats are reservoirs of numerous new or emerging viruses, including henipavirus, Ebola virus, Marbourg virus, Menangle virus, rabies virus, coronavirus, and astrovirus, and most of the bat viral species reported to date are RNA viruses (4, 5, 14, 23, 28, 31). Although numerous virus species and strains were identified in recent years by PCR and sequencing, the isolation of live bat viruses remains rare and difficult, probably due to the lack of appropriate bat cell lines. Recently, two bat adenoviruses (bat AdV-FBV1 and bat AdV-2 PPV1) were isolated from fruit bat (Pteropus dasymallus yayeyamae) and common pipistrelles (Pteropus pipistrellus), respectively. The agent was identified as novel adenovirus by partial sequencing (16, 22).In this study, we report the isolation of a novel AdV from bat fecal samples using a newly established bat primary kidney cell culture. The isolated AdV, named bat adenovirus strain TJM (BtAdV-TJM), is capable of infecting several vertebrate cell lines and inducing a cytopathic effect (CPE). The near-full-length genome sequence (except the 5′- and/or 3′-terminal ends) of BtAdV-TJM is 31,681 bp and carries 30 putative genes. Our epidemiological investigation demonstrated that among the 19 bat species surveyed in this study, bat AdVs are prevalent mainly in Myotis species and Scotophilus kuhlii. This report represents a first detailed study of a DNA virus group in bats.  相似文献   

Characterizing host traits that influence viral richness and diversification is important for understanding wildlife pathogens affecting conservation and/or human health. Behaviors that affect contact rates among hosts could be important for viral diversification because more frequent intra- and inter-specific contacts among hosts should increase the potential for viral diversification within host populations. We used published data on bats to test the contact-rate hypothesis. We predicted that species forming large conspecific groups, that share their range with more heterospecifics (i.e., sympatry), and with mating systems characterized by high contact rates (polygynandry: multi-male/multi-female), would host higher viral richness than species with small group sizes, lower sympatry, or low contact-rate mating systems (polygyny: single male/multi-female). Consistent with our hypothesis and previous research, viral richness was positively correlated with conspecific group size although the relationship plateaued at group sizes of approximately several hundred thousand bats. This pattern supports epidemiological theory that, up to a point, larger groups have higher contact rates, greater likelihood of acquiring and transmitting viruses, and ultimately greater potential for viral diversification. However, contrary to our hypothesis, there was no effect of sympatry on viral richness and no difference in viral richness between mating systems. We also found no residual effect of host phylogeny on viral richness, suggesting that closely related species do not necessarily host similar numbers of viruses. Our results support the contact-rate hypothesis that intra-specific viral transmission can enhance viral diversification within species and highlight the influence of host group size on the potential of viruses to propagate within host populations.  相似文献   

In Neotropical regions, fruit bats are among the most important components of the remaining fauna in disturbed landscapes. These relatively small-bodied bats are well-known dispersal agents for many small-seeded plant species, but are assumed to play a negligible role in the dispersal of large-seeded plants. We investigated the importance of the small tent-roosting bat Artibeus watsoni for dispersal of large seeds in the Sarapiquí Basin, Costa Rica. We registered at least 43 seed species > 8 mm beneath bat roosts, but a species accumulation curve suggests that this number would increase with further sampling. Samples collected beneath bat feeding roosts had, on average, 10 times more seeds and species than samples collected 5 m away from bat feeding roosts. This difference was generally smaller in small, disturbed forest patches. Species-specific abundance of seeds found beneath bat roosts was positively correlated with abundance of seedlings, suggesting that bat dispersal may influence seedling recruitment. Our study demonstrates a greater role of small frugivorous bats as dispersers of large seeds than previously thought, particularly in regions where populations of large-bodied seed dispersers have been reduced or extirpated by hunting.  相似文献   

Genetic Structure of Coral Reef Organisms: Ghosts of Dispersal Past   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
SYNOPSIS. Molecular genetic studies are revealing the presenceof cryptic taxa, and patterns of gene flow in coral reef species,that do not correspond to present day ocean circulation patterns.Concordant borders of genetic inhomogeneity in several taxaemphasise the influence of historical barriers to gene flow.The persistence of genetic differences between sites apparentlyconnected by present-day currents provides evidence for lackof effective contemporary gene exchange. A review of the limiteddata available to date cannot be conclusive, but suggests thatpresent patterns of genetic variation in the Indo-Pacific haveresulted from highly pulsed dispersal events associated withrange expansion during interglacial periods. Thus, populationgenetic structure appears to be dominated by events associatedwith global climate change and sea level fluctuation duringthe last 1–3 million years, rather than vicariant geologicalevents in the early Caenozoic. Regional speciation outside thetropical Indo-West Pacific and movement of these species intothat region may have played a more important role in producingdiversity in that region than traditionally recognised. Somegenetic variants have arisen before, and have persisted through,several cycles of climate change. The genetic structure of populationsis likely to have been maintained for several thousand yearsafter they were first established, during or immediately afterrange expansion, by the occurrence of co-adapted gene complexesof some form, and because of more limited opportunity for dispersalthan has been assumed to date.  相似文献   

In spite of their recognized importance as seed dispersers in other parts of the tropics, seed dispersal by fruit bats has received scant research attention in Africa. To evaluate the role of African fruit bats in seed dispersal, we studied fruits and seeds below 480 bat feeding roosts in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. We compared these findings to those reported in other African localities to place our results in a broader context. We found 49 plant species dispersed by bats: 28 species, 18 genera, and one family are novel reports of bat dispersal in Africa. Approximately 20 percent of the submontane tree flora of the East Usambaras is bat‐dispersed, including both widespread and endemic trees. African fruit bats are important seed dispersers at our study site because they move seeds of dozens of species tens or hundreds of meters, even seeds that are too large to ingest (greater than 5 mm in length). Fruit bats are likely important seed dispersers in other Afrotropical forests, as bats elsewhere in Africa are known to consume 20 genera and 16 species of plants reported here. Insights from studying remains under bat feeding roosts offer a simple method to further document and substantially increase our understanding of the role of African fruit bats in seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Thermal pollution from industrial processes can have negative impacts on the spawning and development of cold-water fish. Point sources of thermal effluent may need to be managed to avoid affecting discrete populations. Correspondingly, we examined fine-scale ecological and genetic population structure of two whitefish species (Coregonus clupeaformis and Prosopium cylindraceum) on Lake Huron, Canada, in the immediate vicinity of thermal effluent from nuclear power generation. Niche metrics using δ13C and δ15N stable isotopes showed high levels of overlap (48.6 to 94.5%) in resource use by adult fish captured in areas affected by thermal effluent compared to nearby reference locations. Isotopic niche size, a metric of resource use diversity, was 1.3- to 2.8-fold higher than reference values in some thermally affected areas, indicative of fish mixing. Microsatellite analyses of genetic population structure (Fst, STRUCTURE and DAPC) indicated that fish captured at all locations in the vicinity of the power plant were part of a larger population extending beyond the study area. In concert, ecological and genetic markers do not support the presence of an evolutionarily significant unit in the vicinity of the power plant. Thus, future research should focus on the potential impacts of thermal emissions on development and recruitment.  相似文献   

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