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Subunit-specific NMDA receptor trafficking to synapses   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Barria A  Malinow R 《Neuron》2002,35(2):345-353
To elucidate mechanisms controlling the number and subunit composition of synaptic NMDA-Rs in hippocampal slice neurons, the NR1, NR2A, and NR2B subunits were optically and electrophysiologically tagged. The NR2 subunit directs delivery of receptors to synapses with different rules controlling NR2A and NR2B. Synaptic incorporation of NR2B-containing receptors is not limited by synaptic transmission nor enhanced by increased subunit expression. NR2A-containing receptors whose expression normally increases with age replace synaptic NR2B-containing receptors. Replacement is enhanced by increased NR2A expression and requires synaptic activity. Surprisingly, spontaneously released transmitter acting on synaptic NMDA-Rs is sufficient for replacement and reduces NMDA-R responses. Thus, as with AMPA-Rs, synaptic trafficking of NMDA-Rs is tightly regulated and has subunit-specific rules with functionally important consequences.  相似文献   

AMPA receptor trafficking at excitatory synapses   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Bredt DS  Nicoll RA 《Neuron》2003,40(2):361-379
Excitatory synapses in the CNS release glutamate, which acts primarily on two sides of ionotropic receptors: AMPA receptors and NMDA receptors. AMPA receptors mediate the postsynaptic depolarization that initiates neuronal firing, whereas NMDA receptors initiate synaptic plasticity. Recent studies have emphasized that distinct mechanisms control synaptic expression of these two receptor classes. Whereas NMDA receptor proteins are relatively fixed, AMPA receptors cycle synaptic membranes on and off. A large family of interacting proteins regulates AMPA receptor turnover at synapses and thereby influences synaptic strength. Furthermore, neuronal activity controls synaptic AMPA receptor trafficking, and this dynamic process plays a key role in the synaptic plasticity that is thought to underlie aspects of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Shi S  Hayashi Y  Esteban JA  Malinow R 《Cell》2001,105(3):331-343
AMPA-type glutamate receptors (AMPA-Rs) mediate a majority of excitatory synaptic transmission in the brain. In hippocampus, most AMPA-Rs are hetero-oligomers composed of GluR1/GluR2 or GluR2/GluR3 subunits. Here we show that these AMPA-R forms display different synaptic delivery mechanisms. GluR1/GluR2 receptors are added to synapses during plasticity; this requires interactions between GluR1 and group I PDZ domain proteins. In contrast, GluR2/GluR3 receptors replace existing synaptic receptors continuously; this occurs only at synapses that already have AMPA-Rs and requires interactions by GluR2 with NSF and group II PDZ domain proteins. The combination of regulated addition and continuous replacement of synaptic receptors can stabilize long-term changes in synaptic efficacy and may serve as a general model for how surface receptor number is established and maintained.  相似文献   

Signal transduction through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is regulated by receptor desensitization and internalization that follow agonist stimulation. Nitric oxide (NO) can influence these processes, but the cellular source of NO bioactivity and the effects of NO on GPCR-mediated signal transduction are incompletely understood. Here, we show in cells and mice that beta-arrestin 2, a central element in GPCR trafficking, interacts with and is S-nitrosylated at a single cysteine by endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), and that S-nitrosylation of beta-arrestin 2 is promoted by endogenous S-nitrosogluthathione. S-nitrosylation after agonist stimulation of the beta-adrenergic receptor, a prototypical GPCR, dissociates eNOS from beta-arrestin 2 and promotes binding of beta-arrestin 2 to clathrin heavy chain/beta-adaptin, thereby accelerating receptor internalization. The agonist- and NO-dependent shift in the affiliations of beta-arrestin 2 is followed by denitrosylation. Thus, beta-arrestin subserves the functional coupling of eNOS and GPCRs, and dynamic S-nitrosylation/denitrosylation of beta-arrestin 2 regulates stimulus-induced GPCR trafficking.  相似文献   

The activation state of the EGF receptor (EGF-R) is tightly controlled in the cell so as to prevent excessive signalling, with the dangerous consequences that this would have on cell growth and proliferation. This control occurs at different levels, with a key level being the trafficking and degradation of the EGF-R itself. Multiple guanosine triphosphatases belonging to the Arf, Rab and Rho families and their accessory proteins have key roles in these processes. In this study, we have identified ARAP1, a multidomain protein with both Arf GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and Rho GAP activities, as a novel component of the machinery that controls the trafficking and signalling of the EGF-R. We show that ARAP1 localizes to multiple cell compartments, including the Golgi complex, as previously reported, and endosomal compartments, where it is enriched in the internal membranes of multivesicular bodies. ARAP1 distribution is controlled by its phosphorylation and by its interactions with the 3- and 4-phosphorylated phosphoinositides through its five PH domains. We provide evidence that ARAP1 controls the late steps of the endocytic trafficking of the EGF-R, with ARAP1 knockdown leading to EGF-R accumulation in a sorting/late endosomal compartment and to the inhibition of EGF-R degradation that is accompanied by prolonged signalling.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter receptor trafficking in and out synapses has emerged as a key process to regulate synaptic transmission during synaptic development and plasticity both at excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Lateral diffusion of surface neurotransmitter receptors has recently emerged as a key pathway to regulate receptor trafficking to and from synapses. Receptors enter and exit synapses mainly by lateral diffusion within the plane of the membrane while their retrieval and addition from and to the plasma membrane by endo and exocytotic processes occur largely at extrasynaptic sites. As a consequence, regulation of receptor surface trafficking is likely to be a major process to regulate receptor numbers at synapses. Measurement of receptor surface diffusion has required the development of new experimental approaches to specifically label and track surface receptor with appropriate time- and space-resolutions. In this review, we first discuss the approaches that have been used to measure receptor surface diffusion, such as the ensemble approach that measure average diffusion of a defined surface receptor population and the single molecule/particle approaches that measure the surface diffusion of isolated receptors. To date, surface diffusion has been described for a variety of neurotransmitter receptors that exhibit common as well as specific features. These points are discussed in a comparative manner and emerging rules of surface trafficking as well as potential interplay between receptor classes are further commented. Because our knowledge on neurotransmitter receptor surface diffusion is fairly recent, open questions and experimental challenges facing the field are highlighted throughout the review.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter receptor trafficking in and out synapses has emerged as a key process to regulate synaptic transmission during synaptic development and plasticity both at excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Lateral diffusion of surface neurotransmitter receptors has recently emerged as a key pathway to regulate receptor trafficking to and from synapses. Receptors enter and exit synapses mainly by lateral diffusion within the plane of the membrane while their retrieval and addition from and to the plasma membrane by endo and exocytotic processes occur largely at extrasynaptic sites. As a consequence, regulation of receptor surface trafficking is likely to be a major process to regulate receptor numbers at synapses. Measurement of receptor surface diffusion has required the development of new experimental approaches to specifically label and track surface receptor with appropriate time- and space-resolutions. In this review, we first discuss the approaches that have been used to measure receptor surface diffusion, such as the ensemble approach that measure average diffusion of a defined surface receptor population and the single molecule/particle approaches that measure the surface diffusion of isolated receptors. To date, surface diffusion has been described for a variety of neurotransmitter receptors that exhibit common as well as specific features. These points are discussed in a comparative manner and emerging rules of surface trafficking as well as potential interplay between receptor classes are further commented. Because our knowledge on neurotransmitter receptor surface diffusion is fairly recent, open questions and experimental challenges facing the field are highlighted throughout the review.  相似文献   

α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid receptors (AMPARs) are the primary mediators of excitatory synaptic transmission in the brain. Alterations in AMPAR localization and turnover have been considered critical mechanisms underpinning synaptic plasticity and higher brain functions, but the molecular processes that control AMPAR trafficking and stability are still not fully understood. Here, we report that mammalian AMPARs are subject to ubiquitination in neurons and in transfected heterologous cells. Ubiquitination facilitates AMPAR endocytosis, leading to a reduction in AMPAR cell-surface localization and total receptor abundance. Mutation of lysine residues to arginine residues at the glutamate receptor subunit 1 (GluA1) C-terminus dramatically reduces GluA1 ubiquitination and abolishes ubiquitin-dependent GluA1 internalization and degradation, indicating that the lysine residues, particularly K868, are sites of ubiquitination. We also find that the E3 ligase neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4 (Nedd4) is enriched in synaptosomes and co-localizes and associates with AMPARs in neurons. Nedd4 expression leads to AMPAR ubiquitination, leading to reduced AMPAR surface expression and suppressed excitatory synaptic transmission. Conversely, knockdown of Nedd4 by specific siRNAs abolishes AMPAR ubiquitination. These data indicate that Nedd4 is the E3 ubiquitin ligase responsible for AMPAR ubiquitination, a modification that regulates multiple aspects of AMPAR molecular biology including trafficking, localization and stability.  相似文献   

Emerging data are sheding light on the critical task for synapses to locally control the production of neurotransmitter receptors ultimately leading to receptor accumulation and modulation at postsynaptic sites. By analogy with the epithelial-cell paradigm, the postsynaptic compartment may be regarded as a polarized domain favoring the selective recruitment and retention of newly delivered receptors at synaptic sites. Targeted delivery of receptors to synaptic sites is facilitated by a local organization of the exocytic pathway, likely resulting from spatial cues triggered by the nerve. This review focuses on the various mechanisms responsible for regulation of receptor assembly and trafficking. A particular emphasis is given to the role of synaptic anchoring and scaffolding proteins in the sorting and routing of their receptor companion along the exocytic pathway. Other cellular components such as lipidic microdomains, the docking and fusion machinery, and the cytoskeleton also contribute to the dynamics of receptor trafficking at the synapse.  相似文献   

Oxygen influences behaviour in many organisms, with low levels (hypoxia) having devastating consequences for neuron survival. How neurons respond physiologically to counter the effects of hypoxia is not fully understood. Here, we show that hypoxia regulates the trafficking of the glutamate receptor GLR-1 in C. elegans neurons. Either hypoxia or mutations in egl-9, a prolyl hydroxylase cellular oxygen sensor, result in the internalization of GLR-1, the reduction of glutamate-activated currents, and the depression of GLR-1-mediated behaviours. Surprisingly, hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1, the canonical substrate of EGL-9, is not required for this effect. Instead, EGL-9 interacts with the Mint orthologue LIN-10, a mediator of GLR-1 membrane recycling, to promote LIN-10 subcellular localization in an oxygen-dependent manner. The observed effects of hypoxia and egl-9 mutations require the activity of the proline-directed CDK-5 kinase and the CDK-5 phosphorylation sites on LIN-10, suggesting that EGL-9 and CDK-5 compete in an oxygen-dependent manner to regulate LIN-10 activity and thus GLR-1 trafficking. Our findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which neurons sense and respond to hypoxia.  相似文献   

A GluR1-cGKII interaction regulates AMPA receptor trafficking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trafficking of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is regulated by specific interactions of the subunit intracellular C-terminal domains (CTDs) with other proteins, but the mechanisms involved in this process are still unclear. We have found that the GluR1 CTD binds to cGMP-dependent protein kinase II (cGKII) adjacent to the kinase catalytic site. Binding of GluR1 is increased when cGKII is activated by cGMP. cGKII and GluR1 form a complex in the brain, and cGKII in this complex phosphorylates GluR1 at S845, a site also phosphorylated by PKA. Activation of cGKII by cGMP increases the surface expression of AMPARs at extrasynaptic sites. Inhibition of cGKII activity blocks the surface increase of GluR1 during chemLTP and reduces LTP in the hippocampal slice. This work identifies a pathway, downstream from the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) and nitric oxide (NO), which stimulates GluR1 accumulation in the plasma membrane and plays an important role in synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Eph receptors orchestrate cell positioning during normal and oncogenic development. Their function is spatially and temporally controlled by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), but the underlying mechanisms are unclear and the identity of most regulatory PTPs are unknown. We demonstrate here that PTP1B governs signaling and biological activity of EphA3. Changes in PTP1B expression significantly affect duration and amplitude of EphA3 phosphorylation and biological function, whereas confocal fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) reveals direct interactions between PTP1B and EphA3 before ligand-stimulated receptor internalization and, subsequently, on endosomes. Moreover, overexpression of wild-type (w/t) PTP1B and the [D-A] substrate-trapping mutant decelerate ephrin-induced EphA3 trafficking in a dose-dependent manner, which reveals its role in controlling EphA3 cell surface concentration. Furthermore, we provide evidence that in areas of Eph/ephrin-mediated cell-cell contacts, the EphA3-PTP1B interaction can occur directly at the plasma membrane. Our studies for the first time provide molecular, mechanistic, and functional insights into the role of PTP1B controlling Eph/ephrin-facilitated cellular interactions.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent changes in excitatory transmission allow the brain to develop, mature, learn and retain memories, and underlie many pathological states of the central nervous system. A principal mechanism by which neurons regulate excitatory transmission is by altering the number and composition of glutamate receptors at the postsynaptic plasma membrane. The dynamic trafficking of glutamate receptors to and from synaptic sites involves a complex series of events including receptor assembly, trafficking through secretory compartments, membrane insertion and endocytic cycling. While these events have become widely appreciated as critical processes regulating AMPA-type glutamate receptors during synaptic plasticity, the mechanisms that control the trafficking of NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) are only now beginning to be understood. Until recently, NMDARs were considered immobile receptors, tightly anchored to the postsynaptic membrane. Here, we review recent evidence that challenges this view, focusing on the role that activity plays in altering NMDAR trafficking and how such dynamic regulation of NMDARs may impact on the plasticity of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Girard M  McPherson PS 《FEBS letters》2008,582(6):961-966
We recently identified receptor-mediated endocytosis 8 (RME-8), a DnaJ domain protein localized to endosomes. We now demonstrate that RME-8 depletion leads to decreased levels of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) without influencing receptors that primarily recycle to the plasma membrane. Decreases in EGFR are detected at both surface and intracellular pools and result from increased rates of EGFR degradation. Interestingly, RME-8 depletion also decreases EGFR levels in breast cancer cell lines in which overexpression of the EGFR family member ErbB2 has been shown to protect EGFR from degradation. These data implicate RME-8 in sorting decisions influencing EGFR at the level of endosomes and point to RME-8 as a potential regulatory target in ErbB2-positive breast cancers.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediates inhibitory signaling in the brain via stimulation of both GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)R), which are chloride-permeant ion channels, and GABA(B) receptors (GABA(B)R), which signal through coupling to G proteins. Here we report physical interactions between these two different classes of GABA receptor. Association of the GABA(B) receptor 1 (GABA(B)R1) with the GABA(A) receptor gamma2S subunit robustly promotes cell surface expression of GABA(B)R1 in the absence of GABA(B)R2, a closely related GABA(B) receptor that is usually required for efficient trafficking of GABA(B)R1 to the cell surface. The GABA(B)R1/gamma2S complex is not detectably functional when expressed alone, as assessed in both ERK activation assays and physiological analyses in oocytes. However, the gamma2S subunit associates not only with GABA(B)R1 alone but also with the functional GABA(B)R1/GABA(B)R2 heterodimer to markedly enhance GABA(B) receptor internalization in response to agonist stimulation. These findings reveal that the GABA(B)R1/gamma2S interaction results in the regulation of multiple aspects of GABA(B) receptor trafficking, allowing for cross-talk between these two distinct classes of GABA receptor.  相似文献   

Nonvisual arrestins are regulated by direct post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and nitrosylation. However, whether arrestins are regulated by other post-translational modifications remains unknown. Here we show that nonvisual arrestins are modified by small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 (SUMO-1) upon activation of β(2)-adrenergic receptor (β(2)AR). Lysine residues 295 and 400 in arrestin-3 fall within canonical SUMO consensus sites, and mutagenic analysis reveals that Lys-400 represents the main SUMOylation site. Depletion of the SUMO E2 modifying enzyme Ubc9 blocks arrestin-3 SUMOylation and attenuates β(2)AR internalization, suggesting that arrestin SUMOylation mediates G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis. Consistent with this, expression of a SUMO-deficient arrestin mutant failed to promote β(2)AR internalization as compared with wild-type arrestin-3. Our data reveal an unprecedented role for SUMOylation in mediating GPCR endocytosis and provide novel mechanistic insight into arrestin function and regulation.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that severe mood disorders are associated with impairment of structural plasticity and cellular resilience. Cumulative data demonstrate that mood stabilizers regulate intracellular signaling cascades, including protein kinase C (PKC), PKA, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK3-beta) and intracellular calcium, which are signaling pathways that regulate synaptic plasticity. In this context, it is noteworthy that a growing body of data indicates that the glutamatergic system, has a major role in neuronal plasticity and cellular resilience, might be involved in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. AMPA glutamate-receptor trafficking is important in synaptic plasticity and might play crucial roles in maintaining critical neuronal circuits associated with mood. Two clinically effective, structurally dissimilar, antimanic agents, lithium and valproate (VPA), down-regulate synaptic expression of AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 in hippocampus in chronically treated rats. This reduction in synaptic GluR1 by lithium and VPA is due to attenuated phosphorylation of GluR1 at a specific PKA site (residue 845 of GluR1), which is crucial for AMPA receptor insertion. By contrast,imipramine, which can provoke mania, increases synaptic expression of GluR1 in the hippocampus in vivo. Furthermore, there is ample evidence from preclinical and clinical research that the glutamatergic system is involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders and that many of the somatic treatments used for mood disorders including antidepressants, mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy have both direct and indirect effects on the glutamatergic system. Given these findings, further research with medications that specifically affect the glutamatergic system is warranted. Recent studies in our lab have shown that riluzole, a FDA approved medicine that regulates the glutamatergic system, shows antidepressant efficacy in unipolar and bipolar depression. These studies indicate that regulation of glutamate-mediated synaptic plasticity might play a role in the treatment of mood disorders, and raise new avenues for novel therapies for this devastating illness.  相似文献   

Autism is a developmental disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication and restricted repetitive and stereotyped behavior. It is generally assumed that in most cases autism has a polygenic cause, but the pathogenesis is still unknown. Neurobeachin (NBEA) has recently been identified as a candidate gene for autism in a patient with a de novo chromosomal translocation and three patients with a monoallelic deletion. This multidomain scaffolding protein has been suggested to be involved in neuronal post-Golgi membrane traffic. Knockout of Nbea in two independent mouse models has demonstrated a role in neurotransmitter release and synaptic functioning. Knockdown in a cell line has shown a role as negative regulator of secretion of large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs) and haploinsufficiency in blood platelets results in dense granules with an aberrant morphology. A potential role in vesicle transport is further supported by a study of SEL-2, the C.elegans homologue of NBEA. This protein was identified as a negative regulator of LIN-12/Notch activity, probably due to defects in endosomal trafficking. Members of the Notch pathway have also been shown to be modifiers of the NBEA homologue in Drosophila, rugose. These new insights in the function of NBEA may help identifying novel pathways affected in autistic patients. In particular, it suggests that impaired functionality of LDCVs, which contain neurotrophins, neuropeptides and monoamines, might contribute to the pathogenesis of autism in at least a subgroup of patients.  相似文献   

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