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Desmocollin (Dsc) 1–3 and desmoglein (Dsg) 1–4, transmembrane proteins of the cadherin family, form the adhesive core of desmosomes. Here we provide evidence that Dsc3 homo- and heterophilic trans-interaction is crucial for epidermal integrity. Single molecule atomic force microscopy (AFM) revealed homophilic trans-interaction of Dsc3. Dsc3 displayed heterophilic interaction with Dsg1 but not with Dsg3. A monoclonal antibody targeted against the extracellular domain reduced homophilic and heterophilic binding as measured by AFM, caused intraepidermal blistering in a model of human skin, and a loss of intercellular adhesion in cultured keratinocytes. Because autoantibodies against Dsg1 are associated with skin blistering in pemphigus, we characterized the role of Dsc3 binding for pemphigus pathogenesis. In contrast to AFM experiments, laser tweezer trapping revealed that pemphigus autoantibodies reduced binding of Dsc3-coated beads to the keratinocyte cell surface. These data indicate that loss of heterophilic Dsc3/Dsg1 binding may contribute to pemphigus skin blistering.Desmogleins (Dsg)2 and desmocollins (Dsc) are members of the Ca2+-dependent cadherin family of adhesion molecules that extend with their outer domains into the extracellular core of desmosomes. Desmosomal cadherins include four Dsg (Dsg1–4) and three Dsc3 isoforms (Dsc1–3) (1, 2). Desmosomal cadherins share a common domain organization with five N-terminally located extracellular subdomains (EC1–5). The membrane-distal EC1 domain is thought to contain the adhesive interface necessary for trans-interaction as could be concluded from structural analysis and blocking studies using peptides and antibodies (35). By establishing trans- and cis-interacting adhesive complexes, desmosomal cadherins participate in providing mechanical strength to stratified epithelia (6). In human epidermis Dsg1 and Dsc1 expression decreases from the outermost granular layer toward deeper layers, whereas Dsg3 and Dsc3 are primarily found in the basal layer and display an inverse expression gradient (7, 8). In contrast to classical cadherins present in adherens junctions that primarily undergo homophilic trans-interaction, desmosomal cadherins are generally believed to mediate both homo- and heterophilic binding (9). Recently, an important role of Dsc3 for integrity of murine epidermis was demonstrated in animals with conditional epidermal Dsc3 deficiency that suffered from severe intraepidermal blister formation (10) comparable with the phenotype of the autoimmune bullous skin disease pemphigus vulgaris (PV) (11). PV is associated with antibodies (Abs) against Dsg3, in part combined with Abs targeting Dsg1, whereas Dsg1 Abs alone are associated with pemphigus foliaceus (PF). However, PV and PF sera usually do not contain autoantibodies targeting Dsc3 (12). In view of the apparently important role of Dsc3 in epidermal adhesion, we addressed whether Dsg1 and Dsg3 might heterophilically interact with Dsc3 and whether Abs in pemphigus might interfere with such type of interaction.  相似文献   

EphA2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is engaged and activated by membrane-linked ephrin-A ligands residing on adjacent cell surfaces. Ligand targeting of EphA2 has been implicated in epithelial growth regulation by inhibiting the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (Erk1/2)-mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Although contact-dependent EphA2 activation was required for dampening Erk1/2-MAPK signaling after a calcium switch in primary human epidermal keratinocytes, the loss of this receptor did not prevent exit from the cell cycle. Incubating keratinocytes with a soluble ephrin-A1-Fc peptide mimetic to target EphA2 further increased receptor activation leading to its down-regulation. Moreover, soluble ligand targeting of EphA2 restricted the lateral expansion of epidermal cell colonies without limiting proliferation in these primary cultures. Rather, ephrin-A1-Fc peptide treatment promoted epidermal cell colony compaction and stratification in a manner that was associated with increased keratinocyte differentiation. The ligand-dependent increase in keratinocyte adhesion and differentiation relied largely upon the up-regulation of desmoglein 1, a desmosomal cadherin that maintains the integrity and differentiated state of suprabasal keratinocytes in the epidermis. These data suggest that keratinocytes expressing EphA2 in the basal layer may respond to ephrin-A1–based cues from their neighbors to facilitate entry into a terminal differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

Desmosomal cadherins are transmembrane adhesion molecules that provide cell adhesion by interacting in the intercellular space of adjacent cells. In keratinocytes, several desmoglein (Dsg1–4) and desmocollin (Dsc1–3) isoforms are coexpressed. We have shown previously that Dsg2 is less important for keratinocyte cohesion compared with Dsg3 and that the latter forms a complex with p38 MAPK. In this study, we compared the involvement of Dsg2 and Dsg3 in the p38 MAPK-dependent regulation of keratinocyte cohesion. We show that loss of cell adhesion and keratin filament retraction induced by Dsg3 depletion is ameliorated by specific p38 MAPK inhibition. Furthermore, in contrast to depletion of Dsg2, siRNA-mediated silencing of Dsg3 induced p38 MAPK activation, which is in line with immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrating the interaction of activated p38 MAPK with Dsg3 but not with Dsg2. Cell fractionation into a cytoskeleton-unbound and a cytoskeleton-anchored desmosome-containing pool revealed that Dsg3, in contrast to Dsg2, is present in relevant amounts in the unbound pool in which activated p38 MAPK is predominantly detectable. Moreover, because loss of cell adhesion by Dsg3 depletion was partially rescued by p38 MAPK inhibition, we conclude that, besides its function as an adhesion molecule, Dsg3 is strengthening cell cohesion via modulation of p38 MAPK-dependent keratin filament reorganization. Nevertheless, because subsequent targeting of Dsg3 in Dsg2-depleted cells led to drastically enhanced keratinocyte dissociation and Dsg2 was enhanced at the membrane in Dsg3 knockout cells, we conclude that Dsg2 compensates for Dsg3 loss of function.  相似文献   

Distributional learning of speech sounds (i.e., learning from simple exposure to frequency distributions of speech sounds in the environment) has been observed in the lab repeatedly in both infants and adults. The current study is the first attempt to examine whether the capacity for using the mechanism is different in adults than in infants. To this end, a previous event-related potential study that had shown distributional learning of the English vowel contrast /æ/∼/ε/ in 2-to-3-month old Dutch infants was repeated with Dutch adults. Specifically, the adults were exposed to either a bimodal distribution that suggested the existence of the two vowels (as appropriate in English), or to a unimodal distribution that did not (as appropriate in Dutch). After exposure the participants were tested on their discrimination of a representative [æ] and a representative [ε], in an oddball paradigm for measuring mismatch responses (MMRs). Bimodally trained adults did not have a significantly larger MMR amplitude, and hence did not show significantly better neural discrimination of the test vowels, than unimodally trained adults. A direct comparison between the normalized MMR amplitudes of the adults with those of the previously tested infants showed that within a reasonable range of normalization parameters, the bimodal advantage is reliably smaller in adults than in infants, indicating that distributional learning is a weaker mechanism for learning speech sounds in adults (if it exists in that group at all) than in infants.  相似文献   

Adducin is a protein organizing the cortical actin cytoskeleton and a target of RhoA and PKC signaling. However, the role for intercellular cohesion is unknown. We found that adducin silencing induced disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, reduced intercellular adhesion of human keratinocytes, and decreased the levels of the desmosomal adhesion molecule desmoglein (Dsg)3 by reducing its membrane incorporation. Because loss of cell cohesion and Dsg3 depletion is observed in the autoantibody-mediated blistering skin disease pemphigus vulgaris (PV), we applied antibody fractions of PV patients. A rapid phosphorylation of adducin at serine 726 was detected in response to these autoantibodies. To mechanistically link autoantibody binding and adducin phosphorylation, we evaluated the role of several disease-relevant signaling molecules. Adducin phosphorylation at serine 726 was dependent on Ca2+ influx and PKC but occurred independent of p38 MAPK and PKA. Adducin phosphorylation is protective, because phosphorylation-deficient mutants resulted in loss of cell cohesion and Dsg3 fragmentation. Thus, PKC elicits both positive and negative effects on cell adhesion, since its contribution to cell dissociation in pemphigus is well established. We additionally evaluated the effect of RhoA on adducin phosphorylation because RhoA activation was shown to block pemphigus autoantibody-induced cell dissociation. Our data demonstrate that the protective effect of RhoA activation was dependent on the presence of adducin and its phosphorylation at serine 726. These experiments provide novel mechanisms for regulation of desmosomal adhesion by RhoA- and PKC-mediated adducin phosphorylation in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Desmoglein 2 is a receptor for adenovirus serotypes 3, 7, 11 and 14   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have identified desmoglein-2 (DSG-2) as the primary high-affinity receptor used by adenoviruses Ad3, Ad7, Ad11 and Ad14. These serotypes represent key human pathogens causing respiratory and urinary tract infections. In epithelial cells, adenovirus binding of DSG-2 triggers events reminiscent of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, leading to transient opening of intercellular junctions. This opening improves access to receptors, for example, CD46 and Her2/neu, that are trapped in intercellular junctions. In addition to complete virions, dodecahedral particles (PtDds), formed by excess amounts of viral capsid proteins, penton base and fiber during viral replication, can trigger DSG-2-mediated opening of intercellular junctions as shown by studies with recombinant Ad3 PtDds. Our findings shed light on adenovirus biology and pathogenesis and may have implications for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The ability of neurons to detoxify exogenously applied peroxides was analyzed using neuron-rich primary cultures derived from embryonic rat brain. Incubation of neurons with H2O2 at an initial concentration of 100 microM (300 nmol/3 ml) led to a decrease in the concentration of the peroxide, which depended strongly on the seeding density of the neurons. When 3 x 10(6) viable cells were seeded per dish, the half-time for the clearance by neurons of H2O2 from the incubation buffer was 15.1 min. Immediately after application of 100 microM H2O2 to neurons, glutathione was quickly oxidized. After incubation for 2.5 min, GSSG accounted for 48% of the total glutathione. Subsequent removal of H2O2 caused an almost complete regeneration of the original ratio of GSH to GSSG within 2.5 min. Compared with confluent astroglial cultures, neuron-rich cultures cleared H2O2 more slowly from the incubation buffer. However, if the differences in protein content were taken into consideration, the ability of the cells to dispose of H2O2 was identical in the two culture types. The clearance rate by neurons for H2O2 was strongly reduced in the presence of the catalase inhibitor 3-aminotriazol, a situation contrasting with that in astroglial cultures. This indicates that for the rapid clearance of H2O2 by neurons, both glutathione peroxidase and catalase are essential and that the glutathione system cannot functionally compensate for the loss of the catalase reaction. In addition, the protein-normalized ability of neuronal cultures to detoxify exogenous cumene hydroperoxide, an alkyl hydroperoxide that is reduced exclusively via the glutathione system, was lower than that of astroglial cells by a factor of 3. These results demonstrate that the glutathione system of peroxide detoxification in neurons is less efficient than that of astroglial cells.  相似文献   

Human relaxin-3 is a neuropeptide that is structurally similar to human insulin with two chains (A and B) connected by three disulfide bonds. It is expressed primarily in the brain and has modulatory roles in stress and anxiety, feeding and metabolism, and arousal and behavioural activation. Structure-activity relationship studies have shown that relaxin-3 interacts with its cognate receptor RXFP3 primarily through its B-chain and that its A-chain does not have any functional role. In this study, we have investigated the effect of modification of the B-chain C-terminus on the binding and activity of the peptide. We have chemically synthesised and characterized H3 relaxin as C-termini acid (both A and B chains having free C-termini; native form) and amide forms (both chains’ C-termini were amidated). We have confirmed that the acid form of the peptide is more potent than its amide form at both RXFP3 and RXFP4 receptors. We further investigated the effects of amidation at the C-terminus of individual chains. We report here for the first time that amidation at the C-terminus of the B-chain of H3 relaxin leads to significant drop in the binding and activity of the peptide at RXFP3/RXFP4 receptors. However, modification of the A-chain C-terminus does not have any effect on the activity. We have confirmed using circular dichroism spectroscopy that there is no secondary structural change between the acid and amide form of the peptide, and it is likely that it is the local C-terminal carboxyl group orientation that is crucial for interacting with the receptors.  相似文献   

Zhang  Jing  Ma  Kui  Wang  Xiangyu  Jiang  Yinbo  Zhao  Shan  Ou  Junxian  Lan  Wendong  Guan  Wenyi  Wu  Xiaowei  Zheng  Heping  Yang  Bin  Wan  Chengsong  Zhao  Wei  Wu  Jianguo  Zhang  Qiwei 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1400-1410
Virologica Sinica - Human adenovirus type 55 (HAdV-B55) is a re-emergent acute respiratory disease pathogen that causes adult community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). Previous studies have shown that...  相似文献   

Salt-inducible kinases (SIKs), members of the 5′-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family, are proposed to be important suppressors of gluconeogenic programs in the liver via the phosphorylation-dependent inactivation of the CREB-specific coactivator CRTC2. Although a dramatic phenotype for glucose metabolism has been found in SIK3-KO mice, additional complex phenotypes, dysregulation of bile acids, cholesterol, and fat homeostasis can render it difficult to discuss the hepatic functions of SIK3. The aim of this study was to examine the cell autonomous actions of SIK3 in hepatocytes. To eliminate systemic effects, we prepared primary hepatocytes and screened the small compounds suppressing SIK3 signaling cascades. SIK3-KO primary hepatocytes produced glucose more quickly after treatment with the cAMP agonist forskolin than the WT hepatocytes, which was accompanied by enhanced gluconeogenic gene expression and CRTC2 dephosphorylation. Reporter-based screening identified pterosin B as a SIK3 signaling-specific inhibitor. Pterosin B suppressed SIK3 downstream cascades by up-regulating the phosphorylation levels in the SIK3 C-terminal regulatory domain. When pterosin B promoted glucose production by up-regulating gluconeogenic gene expression in mouse hepatoma AML-12 cells, it decreased the glycogen content and stimulated an association between the glycogen phosphorylase kinase gamma subunit (PHKG2) and SIK3. PHKG2 phosphorylated the peptides with sequences of the C-terminal domain of SIK3. Here we found that the levels of active AMPK were higher both in the SIK3-KO hepatocytes and in pterosin B-treated AML-12 cells than in their controls. These results suggest that SIK3, rather than SIK1, SIK2, or AMPKs, acts as the predominant suppressor in gluconeogenic gene expression in the hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The sense of agency refers to the feeling that one is controlling events through one’s own behavior. This study examined how task performance and the delay of events influence one’s sense of agency during continuous action accompanied by a goal. The participants were instructed to direct a moving dot into a square as quickly as possible by pressing the left and right keys on a keyboard to control the direction in which the dot traveled. The interval between the key press and response of the dot (i.e., direction change) was manipulated to vary task difficulty. Moreover, in the assisted condition, the computer ignored participants’ erroneous commands, resulting in improved task performance but a weaker association between the participants’ commands and actual movements of the dot relative to the condition in which all of the participants’ commands were executed (i.e., self-control condition). The results showed that participants’ sense of agency increased with better performance in the assisted condition relative to the self-control condition, even though a large proportion of their commands were not executed. We concluded that, when the action-feedback association was uncertain, cognitive inference was more dominant relative to the process of comparing predicted and perceived information in the judgment of agency.  相似文献   

Regular meiotic chromosome segregation requires sister centromeres to mono-orient (orient to the same pole) during the first meiotic division (meiosis I) when homologous chromosomes segregate, and to bi-orient (orient to opposite poles) during the second meiotic division (meiosis II) when sister chromatids segregate. Both orientation patterns require cohesion between sister centromeres, which is established during meiotic DNA replication and persists until anaphase of meiosis II. Meiotic cohesion is mediated by a conserved four-protein complex called cohesin that includes two structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) subunits (SMC1 and SMC3) and two non-SMC subunits. In Drosophila melanogaster, however, the meiotic cohesion apparatus has not been fully characterized and the non-SMC subunits have not been identified. We have identified a novel Drosophila gene called sisters unbound (sunn), which is required for stable sister chromatid cohesion throughout meiosis. sunn mutations disrupt centromere cohesion during prophase I and cause high frequencies of non-disjunction (NDJ) at both meiotic divisions in both sexes. SUNN co-localizes at centromeres with the cohesion proteins SMC1 and SOLO in both sexes and is necessary for the recruitment of both proteins to centromeres. Although SUNN lacks sequence homology to cohesins, bioinformatic analysis indicates that SUNN may be a structural homolog of the non-SMC cohesin subunit stromalin (SA), suggesting that SUNN may serve as a meiosis-specific cohesin subunit. In conclusion, our data show that SUNN is an essential meiosis-specific Drosophila cohesion protein.  相似文献   

In patients with pemphigus vulgaris (PV), autoantibodies against desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) cause loss of cell–cell adhesion of keratinocytes in the basal and immediate suprabasal layers of stratified squamous epithelia. The pathology, at least partially, may depend on protease release from keratinocytes, but might also result from antibodies interfering with an adhesion function of Dsg3. However, a direct role of desmogleins in cell adhesion has not been shown. To test whether Dsg3 mediates adhesion, we genetically engineered mice with a targeted disruption of the DSG3 gene. DSG3 −/− mice had no DSG3 mRNA by RNase protection assay and no Dsg3 protein by immunofluorescence (IF) and immunoblots. These mice were normal at birth, but by 8–10 d weighed less than DSG3 +/− or +/+ littermates, and at around day 18 were grossly runted. We speculated that oral lesions (typical in PV patients) might be inhibiting food intake, causing this runting. Indeed, oropharyngeal biopsies showed erosions with histology typical of PV, including suprabasilar acantholysis and “tombstoning” of basal cells. EM showed separation of desmosomes. Traumatized skin also had crusting and suprabasilar acantholysis. Runted mice showed hair loss at weaning. The runting and hair loss phenotype of DSG3 −/− mice is identical to that of a previously reported mouse mutant, balding (bal). Breeding indicated that bal is coallelic with the targeted mutation. We also showed that bal mice lack Dsg3 by IF, have typical PV oral lesions, and have a DSG3 gene mutation. These results demonstrate the critical importance of Dsg3 for adhesion in deep stratified squamous epithelia and suggest that pemphigus autoantibodies might interfere directly with such a function.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is mutated in sporadic and familial colorectal tumors. APC stimulates the activity of the Cdc42- and Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Asef and promotes the migration and invasion of colorectal tumor cells. Furthermore, Asef is overexpressed in colorectal tumors and is required for colorectal tumorigenesis. It is also known that NOTCH signaling plays critical roles in colorectal tumorigenesis and fate determination of intestinal progenitor cells. Here we show that NOTCH3 up-regulates Asef expression by activating the Asef promoter in colorectal tumor cells. Moreover, we demonstrate that microRNA-1 (miR-1) is down-regulated in colorectal tumors and that miR-1 has the potential to suppress NOTCH3 expression through direct binding to its 3’-UTR region. These results suggest that the miR-1-NOTCH3-Asef pathway is important for colorectal tumor cell migration and may be a promising molecular target for the treatment of colorectal tumors.  相似文献   

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