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1. There is widespread belief that intracellular messengers [e.g., Ca2+, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)] assert their actions primarily through activation of protein kinases. 2. In studies of excitable cells protein kinase activation has been shown to alter membrane ionic conductance, presumably through phosphorylation of ion channels (see Levitan, 1985). However, recent reports from several laboratories indicate that intracellular messengers can also affect membrane ionic conductances directly without invoking protein kinase activation. 3. In this article we examine those examples of direct activation of ionic conductances by intracellular messengers which are supported by single-channel studies of isolated membrane patches. The list of cell types displaying this kind of response is growing and includes cells of neuronal as well as nonneuronal origin.  相似文献   

Previously, we described a model which treats ion channel gating as a discrete diffusion problem. In the case of agonist-activated channels at high agonist concentration, the model predicts that the closed lifetime probability density function from single channel recording approximates a power law with an exponent of -3/2 (Millhauser, G. L., E. E. Salpeter, and R. E. Oswald. 1988a. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 85: 1503-1507). This prediction is consistent with distributions derived from a number of ligand-gated channels at high agonist concentration (Millhauser, G. L., E. E. Salpeter, and R. E. Oswald. 1988b. Biophys. J. 54: 1165-1168.) but does not describe the behavior of ion channels at low activator concentrations. We examine here an extension of this model to include an agonist binding step. This extended model is consistent with the closed time distributions generated from the BC3H-1 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor for agonist concentrations varying over three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Metal ions affect ion channels either by blocking the current or by modifying the gating. In the present review we analyse the effects on the gating of voltage-gated channels. We show that the effects can be understood in terms of three main mechanisms. Mechanism A assumes screening of fixed surface charges. Mechanism B assumes binding to fixed charges and an associated electrostatic modification of the voltage sensor. Mechanism C assumes binding and an associated non electrostatic modification of the gating. To quantify the non-electrostatic effect we introduced a slowing factor, A. A fourth mechanism (D) is binding to the pore with a consequent pore block, and could be a special case of Mechanisms B or C. A further classification considers whether the metal ion affects a single site or multiple sites. Analysing the properties of these mechanisms and the vast number of studies of metal ion effects on different voltage-gated on channels we conclude that group 2 ions mainly affect channels by classical screening (a version of Mechanism A). The transition metals and the Zn group ions mainly bind to the channel and electrostatically modify the gating (Mechanism B), causing larger shifts of the steady-state parameters than the group 2 ions, but also different shifts of activation and deactivation curves. The lanthanides mainly bind to the channel and both electrostatically and non-electrostatically modify the gating (Mechanisms B and C). With the exception of the ether-à-go-go-like channels, most channel types show remarkably similar ion-specific sensitivities.  相似文献   

Most current models of membrane ion channel gating are abstract compartmental models consisting of many undefined states connected by rate constants arbitrarily assigned to fit the known kinetics. In this paper is described a model with states that are defined in terms of physically plausible real systems which is capable of describing accurately most of the static and dynamic properties measured for the sodium channel of the squid axon. The model has two components. The Q-system consists of charges and dipoles that can move in response to an electric field applied across the membrane. It would contain and may compose the gating charge that is known to transfer prior to channel opening. The N-system consists of a charged group or dipole that is constrained to move only in the plane of the membrane and thus does not interact directly with the trans-membrane electric field but can interact electrostatically with the Q-system. The N-system has only two states, its resting state (channel closed) and its excited state (channel open) and its response time is very short in comparison with that of the Q-system. On depolarizing the membrane the the N-system will not make a transition to its open state until a critical amount of Q-charge transfer has occurred. Using only four adjustable parameters that are fully determined by fitting the equilibrium properties of the model to those of the sodium channel in the squid axon, the model is then able to describe with some accuracy the kinetics of channel opening and closing and includes the Cole and Moore delay. In addition to these predictions of the behaviour of assemblies of channels the model predicts some of the individual channel properties measured by patch clamp techniques.  相似文献   

Reptation theory is a highly successful approach for describing polymer dynamics in entangled systems. In turn, this molecular process is the basis of viscoelasticity. We apply a modified version of reptation dynamics to develop an actual physical model of ion channel gating. We show that at times longer than microseconds these dynamics predict an alpha-helix-screw motion for the amphipathic protein segment that partially lines the channel pore. Such motion has been implicated in several molecular mechanics studies of both voltage-gated and transmitter-gated channels. The experimental probability density function (pdf) for this process follows t-3/2 which has been observed in several experimental systems. Reptation theory predicts that channel gating will occur on the millisecond time scale and this is consistent with experimental results from single-channel recording. We examine the consequences of reptation over random barriers and we show that, to first order, the pdf remains unchanged. In the case of a charged helix undergoing reptation in the presence of a transmembrane potential we show that the tail of the pdf will be exponential. We provide a list of practical experimental predictions to test the validity of this physical theory.  相似文献   

A model of the gating of ion channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The gating of ion channels in biological membranes has usually been described in terms of Markov transitions between a few discrete open or closed states. Such models predict that the distributions of open and closed durations decay as a sum of exponential terms. Recent experimental data have indicated that certain channels are not easily described by these models. We show that distributions of open and closed times similar to those seen experimentally are predicted by a model that involves only one open and closed state but that assumes the activation energy of the gating process to be stochastic. This model involves only a few parameters and these have direct physical interpretations. Measurements of the correlation between the durations of successive open or closed events is shown to provide an experimental method for distinguishing between this and other models.  相似文献   

An important task in the application of Markov models to the analysis of ion channel data is the determination of the correct gating scheme of the ion channel under investigation. Some prior knowledge from other experiments can reduce significantly the number of possible models. If these models are standard statistical procedures nested like likelihood ratio testing, provide reliable selection methods. In the case of non-nested models, information criteria like AIC, BIC, etc., are used. However, it is not known if any of these criteria provide a reliable selection method and which is the best one in the context of ion channel gating. We provide an alternative approach to model selection in the case of non-nested models with an equal number of open and closed states. The models to choose from are embedded in a properly defined general model. Therefore, we circumvent the problems of model selection in the non-nested case and can apply model selection procedures for nested models.  相似文献   

A minimal gating model for the cardiac calcium release channel.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A Markovian model of the cardiac Ca release channel, based on experimental single-channel gating data, was constructed to understand the transient nature of Ca release. The rate constants for a minimal gating scheme with one Ca-free resting state, and with two open and three closed states with one bound Ca2+, were optimized to simulate the following experimental findings. In steady state the channel displays three modes of activity: inactivated 1 mode without openings, low-activity L mode with single openings, and high-activity H mode with bursts of openings. At the onset of a Ca2+ step, the channel first activates in H mode and then slowly relaxes to a mixture of all three modes, the distribution of which depends on the new Ca2+. The corresponding ensemble current shows rapid activation, which is followed by a slow partial inactivation. The transient reactivation of the channel (increment detection) in response to successive additions of Ca2+ is then explained by the model as a gradual recruitment of channels from the extant pool of channels in the resting state. For channels in a living cell, the model predicts a high level of peak activation, a high extent of inactivation, and rapid deactivation, which could underlie the observed characteristics of the elementary release events (calcium sparks).  相似文献   

Patch clamp data from the large conductance mechanosensitive channel (MscL) in E. coli was studied with the aim of developing a strategy for statistical analysis based on hidden Markov models (HMMs) and determining the number of conductance levels of the channel, together with mean current, mean dwell time and equilibrium probability of occupancy for each level. The models incorporated state-dependent white noise and moving average adjustment for filtering, with maximum likelihood parameter estimates obtained using an EM (expectation-maximisation) based iteration. Adjustment for filtering was included as it could be expected that the electronic filter used in recording would have a major effect on obviously brief intermediate conductance level sojourns. Preliminary data analysis revealed that the brevity of intermediate level sojourns caused difficulties in assignment of data points to levels as a result of over-estimation of noise variances. When reasonable constraints were placed on these variances using the better determined noise variances for the closed and fully open levels, idealisation anomalies were eliminated. Nevertheless, simulations suggested that mean sojourn times for the intermediate levels were still considerably over-estimated, and that recording bandwidth was a major limitation; improved results were obtained with higher bandwidth data (10 kHz sampled at 25 kHz). The simplest model consistent with these data had four open conductance levels, intermediate levels being approximately 20%, 51% and 74% of fully open. The mean lifetime at the fully open level was about 1 ms; estimates for the three intermediate levels were 54-92 micros, probably still over-estimates.  相似文献   

A number of ion channels contain transmembrane (TM) alpha-helices that contain proline-induced molecular hinges. These TM helices include the channel-forming peptide alamethicin (Alm), the S6 helix from voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels, and the D5 helix from voltage-gated chloride (CLC) channels. For both Alm and KvS6, experimental data implicate hinge-bending motions of the helix in an aspect of channel gating. We have compared the hinge-bending motions of these TM helices in bilayer-like environments by multi-nanosecond MD simulations in an attempt to describe motions of these helices that may underlie possible modes of channel gating. Alm is an alpha-helical channel-forming peptide, which contains a central kink associated with a Gly-x-x-Pro motif in its sequence. Simulations of Alm in a TM orientation for 10 ns in an octane slab indicate that the Gly-x-x-Pro motif acts as a molecular hinge. The S6 helix from Shaker Kv channels contains a Pro-Val-Pro motif. Modeling studies and recent experimental data suggest that the KvS6 helix may be kinked in the vicinity of this motif. Simulations (10 ns) of an isolated KvS6 helix in an octane slab and in a POPC bilayer reveal hinge-bending motions. A pattern-matching approach was used to search for possible hinge-bending motifs in the TM helices of other ion channel proteins. This uncovered a conserved Gly-x-Pro motif in TM helix D5 of CLC channels. MD simulations of a model of hCLC1-D5 spanning an octane slab suggest that this channel also contains a TM helix that undergoes hinge-bending motion. In conclusion, our simulations suggest a model in which hinge-bending motions of TM helices may play a functional role in the gating mechanisms of several different families of ion channels.  相似文献   

Binding of K+ and Na+ to the potassium channel KcsA has been characterized from the stabilization observed in the heat-induced denaturation of the protein as the ion concentration is increased. KcsA thermal denaturation is known to include (i) dissociation of the homotetrameric channel into its constituent subunits and (ii) protein unfolding. The ion concentration-dependent changes in the thermal stability of the protein, evaluated as the Tm value for thermal-induced denaturation of the protein, may suggest the existence of both high- and low-affinity K+ binding sites of KcsA, which lend support to the tenet that channel gating may be governed by K+ concentration-dependent transitions between different affinity states of the channel selectivity filter. We also found that Na+ binds to KcsA with a KD similar to that estimated electrophysiologically from channel blockade. Therefore, our findings on ion binding to KcsA partly account for K+ over Na+ selectivity and Na+ blockade and argue against the strict “snug fit” hypothesis used initially to explain ion selectivity from the X-ray channel structure. Furthermore, the remarkable effects of increasing the ion concentration, K+ in particular, on the Tm of the denaturation process evidence that synergistic effects of the metal-mediated intersubunit interactions at the channel selectivity filter are a major contributor to the stability of the tetrameric protein. This observation substantiates the notion of a role for ions as structural “effectors” of ion channels.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs in the central nervous system have a modulatory role in synaptic transmission and are involved in cell injury induced by acidosis. We have recently demonstrated that ASIC function is regulated by serine proteases. We provide here evidence that this regulation of ASIC function is tightly linked to channel cleavage. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a with a similar time course as it changes ASIC1a function, whereas ASIC1b, whose function is not modified by trypsin, is not cleaved. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a at Arg-145, in the N-terminal part of the extracellular loop, between a highly conserved sequence and a sequence that is critical for ASIC1a inhibition by the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. This channel domain controls the inactivation kinetics and co-determines the pH dependence of ASIC gating. It undergoes a conformational change during inactivation, which renders the cleavage site inaccessible to trypsin in inactivated channels.  相似文献   

We describe a new electrophysiological technique called nonequilibrium response spectroscopy, which involves application of rapidly fluctuating (as high as 14 kHz) large-amplitude voltage clamp waveforms to ion channels. As a consequence of the irreversible (in the sense of Carnot) exchange of energy between the fluctuating field and the channel protein, the gating response is exquisitely sensitive to features of the kinetics that are difficult or impossible to adequately resolve by means of traditional stepped potential protocols. Here we focus on the application of dichotomous (telegraph) noise voltage fluctuations, a broadband Markovian colored noise that fluctuates between two values. Because Markov kinetic models of channel gating can be embedded within higher-dimensional Markov models that take into account the effects of the voltage fluctuations, many features of the response of the channels can be calculated algebraically. This makes dichotomous noise and its generalizations uniquely suitable for model selection and kinetic analysis. Although we describe its application to macroscopic ionic current measurements, the nonequilibrium response method can also be applied to gating and single channel current recording techniques. We show how data from the human cardiac isoform (hH1a) of the Na+ channel expressed in mammalian cells can be acquired and analyzed, and how these data reveal hidden aspects of the molecular kinetics that are not revealed by conventional methods.  相似文献   

The linear peptide gramicidin forms prototypical ion channels specific for monovalent cations and has been extensively used to study the organization, dynamics and function of membrane-spanning channels. In recent times, the availability of crystal structures of complex ion channels has challenged the role of gramicidin as a model membrane protein and ion channel. This review focuses on the suitability of gramicidin as a model membrane protein in general, and the information gained from gramicidin to understand lipid-protein interactions in particular. Special emphasis is given to the role and orientation of tryptophan residues in channel structure and function and recent spectroscopic approaches that have highlighted the organization and dynamics of the channel in membrane and membrane-mimetic media.  相似文献   

Substituted benzoxazole derivatives which possess a nitrogen-containing heterocycle at C2 are selective partial agonists of the 5-HT(3) receptor. Alteration of substituents on the benzoxazole nucleus affords both agonist-like and antagonist-like compounds, and uniquely modifies the function of the 5-HT(3) receptor ion channel gating system. SAR and corroborative computational docking study for these partial agonists successfully explained structure and function of the 5-HT(3) receptor.  相似文献   

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