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The N-terminal modules of cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C) play a regulatory role in mediating interactions between myosin and actin during heart muscle contraction. The so-called "motif," located between the second and third immunoglobulin modules of the cardiac isoform, is believed to modulate contractility via an "on-off" phosphorylation-dependent tether to myosin ΔS2. Here we report a novel Ca(2+)-dependent interaction between the motif and calmodulin (CaM) based on the results of a combined fluorescence, NMR, and light and x-ray scattering study. We show that constructs of cMyBP-C containing the motif bind to Ca(2+)/CaM with a moderate affinity (K(D) ~10 μm), which is similar to the affinity previously determined for myosin ΔS2. However, unlike the interaction with myosin ΔS2, the Ca(2+)/CaM interaction is unaffected by substitution with a triphosphorylated motif mimic. Further, Ca(2+)/CaM interacts with the highly conserved residues (Glu(319)-Lys(341)) toward the C-terminal end of the motif. Consistent with the Ca(2+) dependence, the binding of CaM to the motif is mediated via the hydrophobic clefts within the N- and C-lobes that are known to become more exposed upon Ca(2+) binding. Overall, Ca(2+)/CaM engages with the motif in an extended clamp configuration as opposed to the collapsed binding mode often observed in other CaM-protein interactions. Our results suggest that CaM may act as a structural conduit that links cMyBP-C with Ca(2+) signaling pathways to help coordinate phosphorylation events and synchronize the multiple interactions between cMyBP-C, myosin, and actin during the heart muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a molecule capable of initiating the release of intracellular Ca2+ required for many essential cellular processes. Recent evidence links two-pore channels (TPCs) with NAADP-induced release of Ca2+ from lysosome-like acidic organelles; however, there has been no direct demonstration that TPCs can act as NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ release channels. Controversial evidence also proposes ryanodine receptors as the primary target of NAADP. We show that TPC2, the major lysosomal targeted isoform, is a cation channel with selectivity for Ca2+ that will enable it to act as a Ca2+ release channel in the cellular environment. NAADP opens TPC2 channels in a concentration-dependent manner, binding to high affinity activation and low affinity inhibition sites. At the core of this process is the luminal environment of the channel. The sensitivity of TPC2 to NAADP is steeply dependent on the luminal [Ca2+] allowing extremely low levels of NAADP to open the channel. In parallel, luminal pH controls NAADP affinity for TPC2 by switching from reversible activation of TPC2 at low pH to irreversible activation at neutral pH. Further evidence earmarking TPCs as the likely pathway for NAADP-induced intracellular Ca2+ release is obtained from the use of Ned-19, the selective blocker of cellular NAADP-induced Ca2+ release. Ned-19 antagonizes NAADP-activation of TPC2 in a non-competitive manner at 1 μm but potentiates NAADP activation at nanomolar concentrations. This single-channel study provides a long awaited molecular basis for the peculiar mechanistic features of NAADP signaling and a framework for understanding how NAADP can mediate key physiological events.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a member of family C of the GPCRs responsible for sensing extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) levels, maintaining extracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, and transducing Ca2+ signaling from the extracellular milieu to the intracellular environment. In the present study, we have demonstrated a Ca2+-dependent, stoichiometric interaction between CaM and a CaM-binding domain (CaMBD) located within the C terminus of CaSR (residues 871–898). Our studies suggest a wrapping around 1–14-like mode of interaction that involves global conformational changes in both lobes of CaM with concomitant formation of a helical structure in the CaMBD. More importantly, the Ca2+-dependent association between CaM and the C terminus of CaSR is critical for maintaining proper responsiveness of intracellular Ca2+ responses to changes in extracellular Ca2+ and regulating cell surface expression of the receptor.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms underlying Ca(2+) regulation by perinuclear endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR) cisternae in cardiomyocytes remain obscure. To investigate the mechanisms of changes in cardiac calsequestrin (CSQ2) trafficking on perinuclear Ca(2+) signaling, we manipulated the subcellular distribution of CSQ2 by overexpression of CSQ2-DsRed, which specifically accumulates in the perinuclear rough ER. Adult ventricular myocytes were infected with adenoviruses expressing CSQ2-DsRed, CSQ2-WT, or empty vector. We found that perinuclear enriched CSQ2-DsRed, but not normally distributed CSQ2-WT, enhanced nuclear Ca(2+) transients more potently than cytosolic Ca(2+) transients. Overexpression of CSQ2-DsRed produced more actively propagating Ca(2+) waves from perinuclear regions than did CSQ2-WT. Activities of the SR/ER Ca(2+)-ATPase and ryanodine receptor type 2, but not inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 2, were required for the generation of these perinuclear initiated Ca(2+) waves. In addition, CSQ2-DsRed was more potent than CSQ2-WT in inducing cellular hypertrophy in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. Our data demonstrate for the first time that CSQ2 retention in the rough ER/perinuclear region promotes perinuclear Ca(2+) signaling and predisposes to ryanodine receptor type 2-mediated Ca(2+) waves from CSQ2-enriched perinuclear compartments and myocyte hypotrophy. These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of CSQ2 in Ca(2+) homeostasis, suggesting that rough ER-localized Ca(2+) stores can operate independently in raising levels of cytosolic/nucleoplasmic Ca(2+) as a source of Ca(2+) for Ca(2+)-dependent signaling in health and disease.  相似文献   

Neurogranin (Ng) is a member of the IQ motif class of calmodulin (CaM)-binding proteins, and interactions with CaM are its only known biological function. In this report we demonstrate that the binding affinity of Ng for CaM is weakened by Ca2+ but to a lesser extent (2–3-fold) than that previously suggested from qualitative observations. We also show that Ng induced a >10-fold decrease in the affinity of Ca2+ binding to the C-terminal domain of CaM with an associated increase in the Ca2+ dissociation rate. We also discovered a modest, but potentially important, increase in the cooperativity in Ca2+ binding to the C-lobe of CaM in the presence of Ng, thus sharpening the threshold for the C-domain to become Ca2+-saturated. Domain mapping using synthetic peptides indicated that the IQ motif of Ng is a poor mimetic of the intact protein and that the acidic sequence just N-terminal to the IQ motif plays an important role in reproducing Ng-mediated decreases in the Ca2+ binding affinity of CaM. Using NMR, full-length Ng was shown to make contacts largely with residues in the C-domain of CaM, although contacts were also detected in residues in the N-terminal domain. Together, our results can be consolidated into a model where Ng contacts residues in the N- and C-lobes of both apo- and Ca2+-bound CaM and that although Ca2+ binding weakens Ng interactions with CaM, the most dramatic biochemical effect is the impact of Ng on Ca2+ binding to the C-terminal lobe of CaM.  相似文献   

Homer proteins are scaffold molecules with a domain structure consisting of an N-terminal Ena/VASP homology 1 protein-binding domain and a C-terminal leucine zipper/coiled-coil domain. The Ena/VASP homology 1 domain recognizes proline-rich motifs and binds multiple Ca2+-signaling proteins, including G protein-coupled receptors, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors, ryanodine receptors, and transient receptor potential channels. However, their role in Ca2+ signaling in nonexcitable cells is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the role of Homer2 on Ca2+ signaling in parotid gland acinar cells using Homer2-deficient (Homer2−/−) mice. Homer2 is localized at the apical pole in acinar cells. Deletion of Homer2 did not affect inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor localization or channel activity and did not affect the expression and activity of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pumps. In contrast, Homer2 deletion markedly increased expression of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) pumps, in particular PMCA4, at the apical pole. Accordingly, Homer2 deficiency increased Ca2+ extrusion by acinar cells. These findings were supported by co-immunoprecipitation of Homer2 and PMCA in wild-type parotid cells and transfected human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells. We identified a Homer-binding PPXXF-like motif in the N terminus of PMCA that is required for interaction with Homer2. Mutation of the PPXXF-like motif did not affect the interaction of PMCA with Homer1 but inhibited its interaction with Homer2 and increased Ca2+ clearance by PMCA. These findings reveal an important regulation of PMCA by Homer2 that has a central role on PMCA-mediated Ca2+ signaling in parotid acinar cells.  相似文献   

Changes in the regulation of connective tissue ATP-mediated mechano-transduction and remodeling may be an important link to the pathogenesis of chronic pain. It has been demonstrated that mast cell-derived histamine plays an important role in painful fibrotic diseases. Here we analyzed the involvement of ATP in the response of human subcutaneous fibroblasts to histamine. Acute histamine application caused a rise in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and ATP release from human subcutaneous fibroblasts via H1 receptor activation. Histamine-induced [Ca2+]i rise was partially attenuated by apyrase, an enzyme that inactivates extracellular ATP, and by blocking P2 purinoceptors with pyridoxal phosphate-6-azo(benzene-2,4-disulfonic acid) tetrasodium salt and reactive blue 2. [Ca2+]i accumulation caused by histamine was also reduced upon blocking pannexin-1 hemichannels with 10Panx, probenecid, or carbenoxolone but not when connexin hemichannels were inhibited with mefloquine or 2-octanol. Brefeldin A, an inhibitor of vesicular exocytosis, also did not block histamine-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization. Prolonged exposure of human subcutaneous fibroblast cultures to histamine favored cell growth and type I collagen synthesis via the activation of H1 receptor. This effect was mimicked by ATP and its metabolite, ADP, whereas the selective P2Y1 receptor antagonist, MRS2179, partially attenuated histamine-induced cell growth and type I collagen production. Expression of pannexin-1 and ADP-sensitive P2Y1 receptor on human subcutaneous fibroblasts was confirmed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis. In conclusion, histamine induces ATP release from human subcutaneous fibroblasts, via pannexin-1 hemichannels, leading to [Ca2+]i mobilization and cell growth through the cooperation of H1 and P2 (probably P2Y1) receptors.  相似文献   

The epithelial Ca2+ channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) undergoes Ca2+-induced inactivation that protects the cell from toxic Ca2+ overload and may also limit intestinal Ca2+ transport. To dissect the roles of individual signaling pathways in this phenomenon, we studied the effects of Ca2+, calmodulin (CaM), and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) in excised inside-out patches. The activity of TRPV6 strictly depended on the presence of PI(4,5)P2, and Ca2+-CaM inhibited the channel at physiologically relevant concentrations. Ca2+ alone also inhibited TRPV6 at high concentrations (IC50 = ∼20 μm). A double mutation in the distal C-terminal CaM-binding site of TRPV6 (W695A/R699E) essentially eliminated inhibition by CaM in excised patches. In whole cell patch clamp experiments, this mutation reduced but did not eliminate Ca2+-induced inactivation. Providing excess PI(4,5)P2 reduced the inhibition by CaM in excised patches and in planar lipid bilayers, but PI(4,5)P2 did not inhibit binding of CaM to the C terminus of the channel. Overall, our data show a complex interplay between CaM and PI(4,5)P2 and show that Ca2+, CaM, and the depletion of PI(4,5)P2 all contribute to inactivation of TRPV6.  相似文献   

The NH2-terminal region (residues 1–543) of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) harbors a large number of mutations associated with cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies. Functional studies have revealed that the NH2-terminal region is involved in the activation and termination of Ca2+ release. The three-dimensional structure of the NH2-terminal region has recently been solved. It is composed of three domains (A, B, and C). However, the roles of these individual domains in Ca2+ release activation and termination are largely unknown. To understand the functional significance of each of these NH2-terminal domains, we systematically deleted these domains and assessed their impact on caffeine- or Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and store overload-induced Ca2+ release (SOICR) in HEK293 cells. We found that all deletion mutants were capable of forming caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive functional channels, indicating that the NH2-terminal region is not essential for channel gating. Ca2+ release measurements revealed that deleting domain A markedly reduced the threshold for SOICR termination but had no effect on caffeine or Ca2+ activation or the threshold for SOICR activation, whereas deleting domain B substantially enhanced caffeine and Ca2+ activation and lowered the threshold for SOICR activation and termination. Conversely, deleting domain C suppressed caffeine activation, abolished Ca2+ activation and SOICR, and diminished protein expression. These results suggest that domain A is involved in channel termination, domain B is involved in channel suppression, and domain C is critical for channel activation and expression. Our data shed new insights into the structure-function relationship of the NH2-terminal domains of RyR2 and the action of NH2-terminal disease mutations.  相似文献   

Mitochondria capture and subsequently release Ca2+ ions, thereby sensing and shaping cellular Ca2+ signals. The Ca2+ uniporter MCU mediates Ca2+ uptake, whereas NCLX (mitochondrial Na/Ca exchanger) and LETM1 (leucine zipper-EF-hand-containing transmembrane protein 1) were proposed to exchange Ca2+ against Na+ or H+, respectively. Here we study the role of these ion exchangers in mitochondrial Ca2+ extrusion and in Ca2+-metabolic coupling. Both NCLX and LETM1 proteins were expressed in HeLa cells mitochondria. The rate of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux, measured with a genetically encoded indicator during agonist stimulations, increased with the amplitude of mitochondrial Ca2+ ([Ca2+]mt) elevations. NCLX overexpression enhanced the rates of Ca2+ efflux, whereas increasing LETM1 levels had no impact on Ca2+ extrusion. The fluorescence of the redox-sensitive probe roGFP increased during [Ca2+]mt elevations, indicating a net reduction of the matrix. This redox response was abolished by NCLX overexpression and restored by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibitor CGP37157. The [Ca2+]mt elevations were associated with increases in the autofluorescence of NAD(P)H, whose amplitude was strongly reduced by NCLX overexpression, an effect reverted by Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibition. We conclude that NCLX, but not LETM1, mediates Ca2+ extrusion from mitochondria. By controlling the duration of matrix Ca2+ elevations, NCLX contributes to the regulation of NAD(P)H production and to the conversion of Ca2+ signals into redox changes.  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA) enhances synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system by increasing NMDA receptor current amplitude and Ca2+ flux in an isoform-dependent yet poorly understood manner. PKA phosphorylates multiple residues on GluN1, GluN2A, and GluN2B subunits in vivo, but the functional significance of this multiplicity is unknown. We examined gating and permeation properties of recombinant NMDA receptor isoforms and of receptors with altered C-terminal domain (CTDs) prior to and after pharmacological inhibition of PKA. We found that PKA inhibition decreased GluN1/GluN2B but not GluN1/GluN2A gating; this effect was due to slower rates for receptor activation and resensitization and was mediated exclusively by the GluN2B CTD. In contrast, PKA inhibition reduced NMDA receptor-relative Ca2+ permeability (PCa/PNa) regardless of the GluN2 isoform and required the GluN1 CTD; this effect was due primarily to decreased unitary Ca2+ conductance, because neither Na+ conductance nor Ca2+-dependent block was altered substantially. Finally, we show that both the gating and permeation effects can be reproduced by changing the phosphorylation state of a single residue: GluN2B Ser-1166 and GluN1 Ser-897, respectively. We conclude that PKA effects on NMDA receptor gating and Ca2+ permeability rely on distinct phosphorylation sites located on the CTD of GluN2B and GluN1 subunits. This separate control of NMDA receptor properties by PKA may account for the specific effects of PKA on plasticity during synaptic development and may lead to drugs targeted to alter NMDA receptor gating or Ca2+ permeability.  相似文献   

Polycystin-2 (PC2) belongs to the transient receptor potential (TRP) family and forms a Ca2+-regulated channel. The C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of human PC2 (HPC2 Cterm) is important for PC2 channel assembly and regulation. In this study, we characterized the oligomeric states and Ca2+-binding profiles in the C-terminal tail using biophysical approaches. Specifically, we determined that HPC2 Cterm forms a trimer in solution with and without Ca2+ bound, although TRP channels are believed to be tetramers. We found that there is only one Ca2+-binding site in the HPC2 Cterm, located within its EF-hand domain. However, the Ca2+ binding affinity of the HPC2 Cterm trimer is greatly enhanced relative to the intrinsic binding affinity of the isolated EF-hand domain. We also employed the sea urchin PC2 (SUPC2) as a model for biophysical and structural characterization. The sea urchin C-terminal construct (SUPC2 Ccore) also forms trimers in solution, independent of Ca2+ binding. In contrast to the human PC2, the SUPC2 Ccore contains two cooperative Ca2+-binding sites within its EF-hand domain. Consequently, trimerization does not further improve the affinity of Ca2+ binding in the SUPC2 Ccore relative to the isolated EF-hand domain. Using NMR, we localized the Ca2+-binding sites in the SUPC2 Ccore and characterized the conformational changes in its EF-hand domain due to trimer formation. Our study provides a structural basis for understanding the Ca2+-dependent regulation of the PC2 channel by its cytosolic C-terminal domain. The improved methodology also serves as a good strategy to characterize other Ca2+-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Cav1.4 L-type Ca2+ channels are crucial for synaptic transmission in retinal photoreceptors and bipolar neurons. Recent studies suggest that the activity of this channel is regulated by the Ca2+-binding protein 4 (CaBP4). In the present study, we explored this issue by examining functional effects of CaBP4 on heterologously expressed Cav1.4. We show that CaBP4 dramatically increases Cav1.4 channel availability. This effect crucially depends on the presence of the C-terminal ICDI (inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent inactivation) domain of Cav1.4 and is absent in a Cav1.4 mutant lacking the ICDI. Using FRET experiments, we demonstrate that CaBP4 interacts with the IQ motif of Cav1.4 and that it interferes with the binding of the ICDI domain. Based on these findings, we suggest that CaBP4 increases Cav1.4 channel availability by relieving the inhibitory effects of the ICDI domain on voltage-dependent Cav1.4 channel gating. We also functionally characterized two CaBP4 mutants that are associated with a congenital variant of human night blindness and other closely related nonstationary retinal diseases. Although both mutants interact with Cav1.4 channels, the functional effects of CaBP4 mutants are only partially preserved, leading to a reduction of Cav1.4 channel availability and loss of function. In conclusion, our study sheds new light on the functional interaction between CaBP4 and Cav1.4. Moreover, it provides insights into the mechanism by which CaBP4 mutants lead to loss of Cav1.4 function and to retinal disease.  相似文献   

CaBP4 modulates Ca2+-dependent activity of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Cav1.4) in retinal photoreceptor cells. Mg2+ binds to the first and third EF-hands (EF1 and EF3), and Ca2+ binds to EF1, EF3, and EF4 of CaBP4. Here we present NMR structures of CaBP4 in both Mg2+-bound and Ca2+-bound states and model the CaBP4 structural interaction with Cav1.4. CaBP4 contains an unstructured N-terminal region (residues 1–99) and four EF-hands in two separate lobes. The N-lobe consists of EF1 and EF2 in a closed conformation with either Mg2+ or Ca2+ bound at EF1. The C-lobe binds Ca2+ at EF3 and EF4 and exhibits a Ca2+-induced closed-to-open transition like that of calmodulin. Exposed residues in Ca2+-bound CaBP4 (Phe137, Glu168, Leu207, Phe214, Met251, Phe264, and Leu268) make contacts with the IQ motif in Cav1.4, and the Cav1.4 mutant Y1595E strongly impairs binding to CaBP4. We conclude that CaBP4 forms a collapsed structure around the IQ motif in Cav1.4 that we suggest may promote channel activation by disrupting an interaction between IQ and the inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent inactivation domain.  相似文献   

Human P2X receptors are a family of seven ATP-gated ion channels that transport Na(+), K(+), and Ca(2+) across cell surface membranes. The P2X4 receptor is unique among family members in its sensitivity to the macrocyclic lactone, ivermectin, which allosterically modulates both ion conduction and channel gating. In this paper we show that removing the fixed negative charge of a single acidic amino acid (Glu(51)) in the lateral entrance to the transmembrane pore markedly attenuates the effect of ivermectin on Ca(2+) current and channel gating. Ca(2+) entry through P2X4 receptors is known to trigger downstream signaling pathways in microglia. Our experiments show that the lateral portals could present a novel target for drugs in the treatment of microglia-associated disease including neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) is traditionally viewed as an axonal growth protein involved in axon/dendrite specification. Here, we describe novel functions of CRMP2. A 15-amino acid peptide from CRMP2, fused to the TAT cell-penetrating motif of the HIV-1 protein, TAT-CBD3, but not CBD3 without TAT, attenuated N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activity and protected neurons against glutamate-induced Ca2+ dysregulation, suggesting the key contribution of CRMP2 in these processes. In addition, TAT-CBD3, but not CBD3 without TAT or TAT-scramble peptide, inhibited increases in cytosolic Ca2+ mediated by the plasmalemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) operating in the reverse mode. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed an interaction between CRMP2 and NMDAR as well as NCX3 but not NCX1. TAT-CBD3 disrupted CRMP2-NMDAR interaction without change in NMDAR localization. In contrast, TAT-CBD3 augmented the CRMP2-NCX3 co-immunoprecipitation, indicating increased interaction or stabilization of a complex between these proteins. Immunostaining with an anti-NCX3 antibody revealed that TAT-CBD3 induced NCX3 internalization, suggesting that both reverse and forward modes of NCX might be affected. Indeed, the forward mode of NCX, evaluated in experiments with ionomycin-induced Ca2+ influx into neurons, was strongly suppressed by TAT-CBD3. Knockdown of CRMP2 with short interfering RNA (siRNA) prevented NCX3 internalization in response to TAT-CBD3 exposure. Moreover, CRMP2 down-regulation strongly attenuated TAT-CBD3-induced inhibition of reverse NCX. Overall, our results demonstrate that CRMP2 interacts with NCX and NMDAR and that TAT-CBD3 protects against glutamate-induced Ca2+ dysregulation most likely via suppression of both NMDAR and NCX activities. Our results further clarify the mechanism of action of TAT-CBD3 and identify a novel regulatory checkpoint for NMDAR and NCX function based on CRMP2 interaction with these proteins.  相似文献   

Neuronal calcium sensor (NCS) proteins transduce Ca2+ signals and are highly conserved from yeast to humans. We determined NMR structures of the NCS-1 homolog from fission yeast (Ncs1), which activates a phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase. Ncs1 contains an α-NH2-linked myristoyl group on a long N-terminal arm and four EF-hand motifs, three of which bind Ca2+, assembled into a compact structure. In Ca2+-free Ncs1, the N-terminal arm positions the fatty acyl chain inside a cavity near the C terminus. The C14 end of the myristate is surrounded by residues in the protein core, whereas its amide-linked (C1) end is flanked by residues at the protein surface. In Ca2+-bound Ncs1, the myristoyl group is extruded (Ca2+-myristoyl switch), exposing a prominent patch of hydrophobic residues that specifically contact phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase. The location of the buried myristate and structure of Ca2+-free Ncs1 are quite different from those in other NCS proteins. Thus, a unique remodeling of each NCS protein by its myristoyl group, and Ca2+-dependent unmasking of different residues, may explain how each family member recognizes distinct target proteins.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is characterized by the loss-of-function of a signaling complex involving polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 (TRPP2, an ion channel of the TRP superfamily), resulting in a disturbance in intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Here, we identified the molecular determinants of the interaction between TRPP2 and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), an intracellular Ca2+ channel in the endoplasmic reticulum. Glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments combined with mutational analysis led to the identification of an acidic cluster in the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of TRPP2 and a cluster of positively charged residues in the N-terminal ligand-binding domain of the IP3R as directly responsible for the interaction. To investigate the functional relevance of TRPP2 in the endoplasmic reticulum, we re-introduced the protein in TRPP2−/− mouse renal epithelial cells using an adenoviral expression system. The presence of TRPP2 resulted in an increased agonist-induced intracellular Ca2+ release in intact cells and IP3-induced Ca2+ release in permeabilized cells. Using pathological mutants of TRPP2, R740X and D509V, and competing peptides, we demonstrated that TRPP2 amplified the Ca2+ signal by a local Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release mechanism, which only occurred in the presence of the TRPP2-IP3R interaction, and not via altered IP3R channel activity. Moreover, our results indicate that this interaction was instrumental in the formation of Ca2+ microdomains necessary for initiating Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. The data strongly suggest that defects in this mechanism may account for the altered Ca2+ signaling associated with pathological TRPP2 mutations and therefore contribute to the development of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.  相似文献   

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