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Archaea represent a significant portion of biomass in the marine sediments and may play an important role in global carbon cycle. However, the identity and composition of deep sea sediment Archaea are unclear. Here, we used the archaeal 16S rRNA gene primers to determine the diversity and community structure of Archaea from shallow water (<100 m) and deep water (>1500 m) sediments in the South China Sea. Phylogenetically the archaeal community is separated between the shallow- and deep sea sediments, with the former being dominated by the Thaumarchaeota and the latter by the Marine Benthic Group B, E and the South African GoldMine Euryarchaeotal Group as well as Thaumarchaeota. Sand content showed significant correlation with Thaumarchaeota, suggesting that the porous media may create an oxic environment that allowed these aerobic organisms to thrive in the surface sediments. The carbon isotope composition of total organic carbon was significantly correlated to the distribution of archaeal groups, suggesting that Archaea overall may be constrained by the availability or sources of organic carbon in the sediments of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The environmental regulation of plcoplankton distribution in the northern South China Sea was examined In winter and summer of 2004. The average abundance of Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and heterotrophlc bacteria was lower In winter (30, 21, and 780×10^3 cells/cm^3, respectively) than In summer (53, 85, and 1 090×10^3 cells/cm^3, respectively), but the seasonal pattern was opposite for plcoeukaryotlc phytoplankton (4 500 and 3 200 cells/cm^3 In winter and summer, respectively). Synechococcus, picoeukaryotes, and bacteria were most abundant in the nutrient-rich coastal zone and continental shelf, but Prochlorococcus was most abundant In the continental slope and open ocean. The vertical distribution of each photosynthetic group and heterotrophlc bacteria changed between the two seasons. Synechococcus populations with apparently different phycoerythrobilin content occurred at many stations In the summer. In addition, two different populations of Prochlorococcus were found: (i) small, weakly fluorescing cells in the surface layer; and (ii) larger, strongly fluorescent cells In the deep layer. The distribution pattern of photosynthetic plcoplankton and heterotrophlc bacteria depends on environmental effects and their ecophyslologlcal differences. The distribution of Synechococcus appeared to be related to nutrient availability, whereas the distribution of Prochlorococcus appeared to be limited by temperature. Synechococcus was the only plcophytoplankton with a consistent strong relationship with bacteria.  相似文献   

从南海深海沉积环境样品中分离到一株编号为00457的真菌,基于形态学特征、ITS和5.8S rDNA序列比对分析,鉴定该菌株为白黄笋顶孢霉( Acrostalagmus luteoalbus).活性研究表明,其代谢产物粗浸膏的卤虫致死活性明显,并具有一定强度的抑菌和DPPH自由基清除活性.此外,研究还发现代谢产物粗浸膏在25-100℃持续加热不超过30 min时,卤虫致死活性成分稳定,但在100C持续加热超过60 min后卤虫致死活性成分显著减少,而一定强度的紫外光照射90 min内则无显著影响.  相似文献   

Cai H  Jiao N 《Microbial ecology》2008,56(4):751-764
Marine heterotrophic microorganisms that assimilate nitrate play an important role in nitrogen and carbon cycling in the water column. The nasA gene, encoding the nitrate assimilation enzyme, was selected as a functional marker to examine the nitrate assimilation community in the South China Sea (SCS). PCR amplification, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) screening, and phylogenetic analysis of nasA gene sequences were performed to characterize in situ nitrate assimilatory bacteria. Furthermore, the effects of nutrients and other environmental factors on the genetic heterogeneity of nasA fragments from the SCS were evaluated at the surface in three stations, and at two other depths in one of these stations. The diversity indices and rarefaction curves indicated that the nasA gene was more diverse in offshore waters than in the Pearl River estuary. The phylotype rank abundance curve showed an abundant and unique RFLP pattern in all five libraries, indicating that a high diversity but low abundance of nasA existed in the study areas. Phylogenetic analysis of environmental nasA gene sequences further revealed that the nasA gene fragments came from several common aquatic microbial groups, including the Proteobacteria, Cytophaga–Flavobacteria (CF), and Cyanobacteria. In addition to the direct PCR/sequence analysis of environmental samples, we also cultured a number of nitrate assimilatory bacteria isolated from the field. Comparison of nasA genes from these isolates and from the field samples indicated the existence of horizontal nasA gene transfer. Application of real-time quantitative PCR to these nasA genes revealed a great variation in their abundance at different investigation sites and water depths.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of polycystine radiolarians in the northern South China Sea (SCS) in September 2005 in order to document the relation between radiolarian assemblages and environmental parameters. Vertical plankton tows were collected at depth-intervals from 0 to 250 m at thirteen stations, using a closing net (62 µm mesh). The highest abundance of polycystine radiolarians generally occurred at depths of 0–75 m, i.e., above the chlorophyll-a maximum and thermocline. In contrast, the maximum polycystine abundance occurred below the chlorophyll-a maximum at station E105 (75–150 m), possibly as a result of down-welling of warm waters, and the maximum fell within the chlorophyll-a maximum at station E702, as a result of upwelling of intermediate cold waters.During our sampling period, the southwestern monsoon caused upwelling in the northern SCS (the Taiwan Bank region), as shown by the high abundance of Tetrapyle octacantha, Acanthodesmia vinculata, Cladococcus cervicoris, Octopyle octospinosa, Spongaster tetras, Streblacantha circumtexta and Spongotrochus glacialis. The patterns of distribution and the abundances of the species Botryocyrtis scutum, Pterocorys hertwigii, Collosphaera tuberosa and Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus suggested that western Equatorial Pacific waters did not yet influence the region at the time of sampling; the first two species were dominant in the northern SCS during our sampling. The species Cornutella profunda and Cyrtopera laguncula were rare at depths of 150–250 m in the tropical region of the SCS, and assemblages in northern and southern SCS were very similar. The relative abundance of B. scutum and P. hertwigii is an indicator for seasonal changes in monsoonal circulation.  相似文献   

2008年夏季南海北部浮游植物群落结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2008年8月15日—2008年9月7日南海北部调查期间所获得的网采浮游植物资料,对该海域的4个断面共计13个站位的浮游植物群落结构特征进行了研究,包括种类组成、丰度、分布、多样性以及浮游植物群落结构与环境因子之间相关关系等基本状况。本次调查共鉴定出浮游植物4门53属169种(含变种和变型),主要以暖水性、广温性和广布性种为主,其中硅藻门(Bacillariophyceae)37属114种,占总种数的67.4%,甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)12属50种,占总种数的29.6%,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)2属3种及金藻门(Chrysophyta)2属2种等。浮游植物丰度平均值为18.06×104cells/m3,其中硅藻丰度平均值为55.72×106cells/m3,甲藻丰度平均值为0.81×106cells/m3。调查区域内的优势种包括铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii),洛氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros lorenzianus),柔弱菱形藻(Nitzschia delicatissima),红海束毛藻(Trichodesmium erythraeum)和菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)。藻类为聚类分析(UPMGA)将站点大致上分为4个生态区(珠江口生态区,吕宋海峡区,琼东上升流区和18°N断面区),结果表明,在地理位置上分布比较相近的站点具有较高的群落结构组成相似性。  相似文献   

The South China Sea is one of the largest marginal seas, with relatively frequent passage of eddies and featuring distinct spatial variation in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. Here, we report a phylogenetic study of bacterial community structures in surface seawater of the northern South China Sea (nSCS). Samples collected from 31 sites across large environmental gradients were used to construct clone libraries and yielded 2,443 sequences grouped into 170 OTUs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 23 bacterial classes with major components α-, β- and γ-Proteobacteria, as well as Cyanobacteria. At class and genus taxon levels, community structure of coastal waters was distinctively different from that of deep-sea waters and displayed a higher diversity index. Redundancy analyses revealed that bacterial community structures displayed a significant correlation with the water depth of individual sampling sites. Members of α-Proteobacteria were the principal component contributing to the differences of the clone libraries. Furthermore, the bacterial communities exhibited heterogeneity within zones of upwelling and anticyclonic eddies. Our results suggested that surface bacterial communities in nSCS had two-level patterns of spatial distribution structured by ecological types (coastal VS. oceanic zones) and mesoscale physical processes, and also provided evidence for bacterial phylogenetic phyla shaped by ecological preferences.  相似文献   

Little is known about the biodiversity of microbial eukaryotes in the South China Sea, especially in waters at bathyal depths. Here, we employed SSU rDNA gene sequencing to reveal the diversity and community structure across depth and distance gradients in the South China Sea. Vertically, the highest alpha diversity was found at 75‐m depth. The communities of microbial eukaryotes were clustered into shallow‐, middle‐, and deep‐water groups according to the depth from which they were collected, indicating a depth‐related diversity and distribution pattern. Rhizaria sequences dominated the microeukaryote community and occurred in all samples except those from less than 50‐m deep, being most abundant near the sea floor where they contributed ca. 64–97% and 40–74% of the total sequences and OTUs recovered, respectively. A large portion of rhizarian OTUs has neither a nearest named neighbor nor a nearest neighbor in the GenBank database which indicated the presence of new phylotypes in the South China Sea. Given their overwhelming abundance and richness, further phylogenetic analysis of rhizarians were performed and three new genetic clusters were revealed containing sequences retrieved from the deep waters of the South China Sea. Our results shed light on the diversity and community structure of microbial eukaryotes in this not yet fully explored area.  相似文献   

This article argues that a resolution of the maritime disputes in the South China Sea must be based upon a universalist framework where the maritime interests of the world are upheld. The article discusses the universalist framework of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the universalist approach taken by the Tribunal on 12 July 2016 in the South China Sea Arbitration regarding the extinguishment of a state's “exceptionalist” maritime claims and the adoption of strict criteria for the characterization of features at sea.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the species composition and spatial distribution patterns of Rose Bengal stained and unstained benthic foraminifera from the central part of the Sunda Shelf in the south-western South China Sea in relation to environmental factors. The uppermost centimetre of the surface sediments (> 150 μm) from 45 sites from inner (60 m) to outer shelf (226 m) water depths revealed 584 species including 443 stained species.The univariate analyses of individual species abundances and community parameters and next canonical correspondence analysis were used to relate the faunal data to a set of measured environmental parameters. Four biofacies recognised on the Sunda Shelf are most strongly correlated to water depth, primary production and sediment type of the habitat. The inner shelf biofacies (CCA cluster A), defined by Ammomassilina alveoliniformis and Asterorotalia pulchella, occurs in fine grained sediments classified as modern terrigenous mud in the region with the highest primary production values. The high-energy inner shelf biofacies (CCA cluster B), defined by Heterolepa dutemplei and Textularia lythostrota, occurs in modern terrigenous sand and silt dominated sediments, northeast from the Natuna Island. The high-energy outer shelf biofacies (CCA cluster C), defined by Cibicidoides pachyderma and Textularia bocki, is sandwiched between assemblages of biofacies D. It occurs in the region characterised by neritic relict sand. In the shallow-waters on the Sunda Shelf the relationship of benthic foraminiferal faunal composition to grain size of sediments indirectly signals the prevailing bottom hydrodynamic conditions. The dominance of the epibenthic foraminifera attached to bigger particles (e.g. Cibicides lobatulus, Planulina arimiensis) and much higher abundances of empty tests suggest greater current velocities northeast of Natuna Island. The outer shelf biofacies (CCA cluster D) is defined by Facetocochlea pulchra and Bulimina marginata. It occurs in an area covered with modern terrigenous silt and mud and is characterised by lower annual primary production, but seasonally influenced by weak upwelling.  相似文献   

浮游植物粒级结构是海洋生态系统中的一个重要生物学因子。基于生物光学参数反演浮游植物粒级结构变化是当前水色遥感研究的热点问题。本文综合南海北部海区多年航次调查数据,对现有几类反演算法进行了区域性优化和验证评价。根据叶绿素 a 浓度(Chl a)或浮游植物吸收系数(aph (443))的阈值可实现南海北部海区小型(Micro)和微微型(Pico)浮游植物主导的划分,微型(Nano)的判别精度较差。基于归一化吸收光谱提取的粒级指数可定性地表征浮游植物粒级结构的综合变化趋势。基于叶绿素 a 浓度的三组分模型,较好地模拟浮游植物粒级结构的变化规律,可实现分粒级叶绿素 a 浓度的定量反演,Pico 粒级的反演精度较高;在此基础上,耦合浮游植物吸收光谱变化规律和总叶绿素 a 浓度定量反演粒级结构的模型,进一步提高了 Micro 和Nano 粒级的反演精度,且线性相关程度增强。  相似文献   

Diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) in samples of the northern South China Sea subsurface sediment were assessed by analyzing the amoA gene sequences retrieved from the samples. The microbial diversity was assessed using rarefaction and phylogenetic analyses. The deep-sea subsurface sediments harbored diverse and distinct AOA and AOB communities, but the abundance of AOA was lower than that of AOB, consistent with many other studies about bacteria and archaea in subsurface sediments. Diversity of AOA shown in the OTUs and Shannon index was correlated with the concentration of nitrite in the Pearson analysis, but no obvious relationships between the diversity or abundance of AOB and the physicochemical parameters could be identified in the present study, indicating the concentration of ammonium may not be an important factor to determine the diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in the subsurface sediments. Additionally, Nitrosomonas-like AOB was found to be dominant in subsurface sediments of the northern South China Sea showing a different adaption strategy comparing with some Nitrosospira-like AOB lineages. Concentration of nitrite was correlated with diversity of AOA, but no correlations between diversity and abundance of AOB and the physicochemical parameters were established in the study. Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the free supplemental files.  相似文献   

南海生物多样性的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈清潮 《生物多样性》2011,19(6):834-836
海洋对我们有很大的魅力,仅就生物多样性而言,我国是联合国《生物多样性公约》的最早缔约和制定保护生物多样性行动计划的国家之一,保护生物多样性是我国人民必须履行的共同义务,也是关系子孙后代生存的大事.1地理位置南海位于我国东南,面积约350 km2,平均深度为1,212 m,最大深度为5,377 m.它是一个长轴东北-西南向的边缘海,由西沙、中沙、东沙和南沙群岛构成,四大岛礁群散布其中,西南还有北部湾和泰国湾两大海湾.南海东临菲律宾群岛,北靠华南大陆,南接加里曼丹和苏门答腊,西接马来半岛和中南半岛.南海周边共有9个海峡,与东海、太平洋、苏禄海、爪哇海和印度洋相连通,地理位置非常重要,是欧、亚、非通道,在安全航运、经贸往来、环境保护、资源开发和军事战略等方面都具有非常重要的地位.  相似文献   

Viarovorax paradoxusT4 strain was isolated from deep-ocean sediment and demonstrated to be able to degrade dimethyl isophthalate (DMI). When DMI was utilized as the sole source of carbon and energy, it was transformed by hydrolysis initially, forming monomethyl isophthalate (MMI) and isophthalate acid (IA) as degradation intermediates. DMI and MMI were completely transformed to MMI and IA in about 100 h, respectively. Degradation of IA was completed in about 55 h. Analysis of total organic carbon in the culture medium confirmed that more than 80% of the substrate carbon was mineralized. Bacterial esterase induced by a range of substrates could be assessed using p-nitrophenyl acetate as the common substrate using crude enzyme preparation. The decreasing trend of K m values derived from the Michaelis–Menten equation was dimethyl phthalate (DMP) > monomethyl phthalate (MMP) > dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) > Liver esterase > DMI > MMI > monomethyl terephthalate (MMT), indicating that higher K m values were obtained by di-esters than mono-ester and the esters induced by terephthalate esters showed the highest activity. This investigation suggests that biochemical pathways for phthalate esters share many common characteristics and the esterases induced by different substrates are highly specific.  相似文献   

An aerobic, Gram-staining negative, non-motile, and rod-shaped bacterial strain, SS011A0-7#2-2T, was isolated from the sediment of South China Sea with the depth of 1,500 m. Optimum growth occurred at pH 8.0, 30 °C, and 6 % (w/v) NaCl. Strain SS011A0-7#2-2T did not synthesize bacteriochlorophyll a or carotenoid, neither possess photosynthesis genes. Its genome DNA G+C content was 67.9 mol%. It contained Q-10 as the predominant ubiquinone and C18:1 ω7c (52.3 %) as the major fatty acid. The major polar lipids were phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, unidentified phospholipid, and unidentified aminolipid. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that it was closely related to Seohaeicola saemankumensis SD-15T, Phaeobacter gallaeciensis BS 107T and Roseovarius pacificus 81-2T in Rhodobacteraceae, with the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities being 96.5, 95.7, and 95.6 %, respectively. However, the phylogeny of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain SS011A0-7#2-2T was a member of the genus Seohaeicola. Strain SS011A0-7#2-2T was moderately halophilic which was different from Seohaeicola saemankumensis SD-15T, and it showed the enzyme activities and carbon source spectrum significantly different from Seohaeicola saemankumensis SD-15T. As its physiological and chemotaxinomic properties were different from those of Seohaeicola saemankumensis SD-15T, strain SS011A0-7#2-2T represents a novel species of the genus Seohaecola. The name Seohaeicola nanhaiensis sp. nov. is proposed, with strain SS011A0-7#2-2T (=LMG 27733T = CGMCC 1.12759T) as the type strain.  相似文献   

南海北部夏季基础生物生产力分布特征及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年夏季对南海北部不同海区的基础生物生产力(初级生产力及细菌生产力)进行了调查。结果表明,表层初级生产力(C)和真光层水柱初级生产力平均值(C)分别为(0.83±1.15)mg·m-·3h-1和(225.39±136.64)mg·m-·2d-1;表层细菌生产力(C)和真光层水柱细菌生产力平均值(C)分别为(0.14±0.19)mg·m-·3h-1和(128.14±74.86)mg·m-·2d-1。基础生产力的平面分布整体呈由近岸向深海降低的趋势,同时在西沙群岛邻近水域存在一个基础生物生产力的高值区。与环境因子的相关分析表明,温度、营养盐不是影响南海细菌生产力的主要因素,细菌生产力与浮游植物生物量及初级生产过程密切相关IBP:IPP比平均值为(67.55±37.13)%。与细菌生产力的分布规律不同,IBP:IPP比值在深海海域明显高于近岸水域,在吕宋海峡附近水域发现了IBP:IPP100%的高比值区,说明异养细菌在南海寡营养海域碳循环体系中的重要生态作用。  相似文献   

Despite its existence on the Chinese maps for more than six decades, the U-shaped line, as a traditional maritime boundary line of China in the South China Sea, has never received a wide recognition in the world community, much less by the other claimant states in the South China Sea. The U-shaped line is a legal conundrum not only for China but also for the world community, particularly after the map with the U-shaped line, together with China's Notes Verbale with respect to the claims to the outer continental shelves made by Malaysia and Vietnam, were submitted to the UN Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf in May 2009. This article discusses China's recent practice relating to the U-shaped line as well as the external factors that affect the validity of the line and tries to unravel the legal puzzle posed by the line.  相似文献   

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