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Sexual selection against immigrants is a mechanism that can regulate premating isolation between populations but, so far, few field studies have examined whether males can discriminate between immigrant and resident females. Males of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens show mate preferences and are able to force pre‐copulatory tandems. We related male mate responses to the ecological characteristics of female origin, geographic distances between populations, and morphological traits of females to identify factors influencing male mate discrimination. Significant heterogeneity between populations in male mate responses towards females was found. In some populations, males discriminated strongly against immigrant females, whereas the pattern was reversed or nonsignificant in other populations. Immigrant females were particularly attractive to males when they came from populations with similar predation pressures and densities of conspecifics. By contrast, immigrant females from populations with strongly dissimilar predation pressures and conspecific densities were not attractive to males. Differences in the abiotic environment appeared to affect mating success to a lesser degree. This suggests that male mate discrimination is context‐dependent and influenced by ecological differences between populations, a key prediction of ecological speciation theory. The results obtained in the present study suggest that gene‐flow is facilitated between ecologically similar populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 506–518.  相似文献   

Incubation periods of Neotropical birds are often longer than those of related species at temperate latitudes. We conducted a common-garden experiment to test the hypothesis that longer tropical incubation periods result from longer embryo development times rather than from different patterns of parental incubation behavior. House wrens, one of few species whose geographic range includes tropical equatorial and temperate high latitudes, have incubation periods averaging 1.2 days longer at tropical latitudes. We incubated eggs of house wrens in Illinois and Panama under identical conditions in mechanical incubators. Even after factoring out differences in egg size, tropical house wrens still required 1.33 days longer, on average, to hatch. We conclude that parental attendance patterns do not account for latitudinal differences in incubation period but that some other as yet unmeasured factor intrinsic to the egg or embryo, or both, extends development time in the tropics.  相似文献   

Why do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The aim of this review is to consider the potential benefits that females may gain from mating more than once in a single reproductive cycle. The relationship between non-genetic and genetic benefits is briefly explored. We suggest that multiple mating for purely non-genetic benefits is unlikely as it invariably leads to the possibility of genetic benefits as well. We begin by briefly reviewing the main models for genetic benefits to mate choice, and the supporting evidence that choice can increase offspring performance and the sexual attractiveness of sons. We then explain how multiple mating can elevate offspring fitness by increasing the number of potential sires that compete, when this occurs in conjunction with mechanisms of paternity biasing that function in copula or post-copulation. We begin by identifying cases where females use pre-copulatory cues to identify mates prior to remating. In the simplest case, females remate because they identify a superior mate and 'trade up' genetically. The main evidence for this process comes from extra-pair copulation in birds. Second, we note other cases where pre-copulatory cues may be less reliable and females mate with several males to promote post-copulatory mechanisms that bias paternity. Although a distinction is drawn between sperm competition and cryptic female choice, we point out that the genetic benefits to polyandry in terms of producing more viable or sexually attractive offspring do not depend on the exact mechanism that leads to biased paternity. Post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity biasing may: (1) reduce genetic incompatibility between male and female genetic contributions to offspring; (2) increase offspring viability if there is a positive correlation between traits favoured post-copulation and those that improve performance under natural selection; (3) increase the ability of sons to gain paternity when they mate with polyandrous females. A third possibility is that genetic diversity among offspring is directly favoured. This can be due to bet-hedging (due to mate assessment errors or temporal fluctuations in the environment), beneficial interactions between less related siblings or the opportunity to preferentially fertilise eggs with sperm of a specific genotype drawn from a range of stored sperm depending on prevailing environmental conditions. We use case studies from the social insects to provide some concrete examples of the role of genetic diversity among progeny in elevating fitness. We conclude that post-copulatory mechanisms provide a more reliable way of selecting a genetically compatible mate than pre-copulatory mate choice. Some of the best evidence for cryptic female choice by sperm selection is due to selection of more compatible sperm. Two future areas of research seem likely to be profitable. First, more experimental evidence is needed demonstrating that multiple mating increases offspring fitness via genetic gains. Second, the role of multiple mating in promoting assortative fertilization and increasing reproductive isolation between populations may help us to understand sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

Between-group antagonism or territoriality in primates may serve two different but compatible functions: resource defense or mate defense. Females are expected to be involved more strongly in the first, males in the second. The resource defense hypothesis predicts that home range overlap should decrease as defensibility and population density increase, and that females should be involved in hostile between-group interactions. The mate defense hypothesis predicts that between-group relations should be hostile and that males should take the primary role in antagonistic encounters. In a comparative study of 12 populations of 6 Presbytis species in Southeast Asia, we found support for the mate defense hypothesis; only males produce loud calls, between-group antagonism is entirely a male affair, and neither defensibility nor population density determine spatial exclusivity or the level of antagonism. We discuss the differences between our findings and traditional interpretations of territorial behavior.  相似文献   

Although females are traditionally thought of as the choosy sex, there is increasing evidence in many species that males will preferentially court or mate with certain females over others when given a choice. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, males discriminate between potential mating partners based on a number of female traits, including species, mating history, age, and condition. Interestingly, many of these male preferences are affected by the male''s previous sexual experiences, such that males increase courtship toward types of females that they have previously mated with and decrease courtship toward types of females that have previously rejected them. Dmelanogaster males also show courtship and mating preferences for larger females over smaller females, likely because larger females have higher fecundity. It is unknown, however, whether this preference shows behavioral plasticity based on the male''s sexual history as we see for other male preferences. Here, we manipulate the sexual experience of Dmelanogaster males and test whether this manipulation has any effect on the strength of male mate choice for large females. We find that sexually inexperienced males have a robust courtship preference for large females that is unaffected by previous experience mating with, or being rejected by, females of differing sizes. Given that female body size is one of the most common targets of male mate choice across insect species, our experiments with Dmelanogaster may provide insight into how these preferences develop and evolve.  相似文献   

Rosvall KA 《Behavioral ecology》2011,22(6):1131-1140
In spite of recent interest in sexual selection in females, debate exists over whether traits that influence female-female competition are sexually selected. This review uses female-female aggressive behavior as a model behavioral trait for understanding the evolutionary mechanisms promoting intrasexual competition, focusing especially on sexual selection. I employ a broad definition of sexual selection, whereby traits that influence competition for mates are sexually selected, whereas those that directly influence fecundity or offspring survival are naturally selected. Drawing examples from across animal taxa, including humans, I examine 4 predictions about female intrasexual competition based on the abundance of resources, the availability of males, and the direct or indirect benefits those males provide. These patterns reveal a key sex difference in sexual selection: Although females may compete for the number of mates, they appear to compete more so for access to high-quality mates that provide direct and indirect (genetic) benefits. As is the case in males, intrasexual selection in females also includes competition for essential resources required for access to mates. If mate quality affects the magnitude of mating success, then restricting sexual selection to competition for quantity of mates may ignore important components of fitness in females and underestimate the role of sexual selection in shaping female phenotype. In the future, understanding sex differences in sexual selection will require further exploration of the extent of mutual intrasexual competition and the incorporation of quality of mating success into the study of sexual selection in both sexes.  相似文献   

Offspring should demand more food than the optimal amount for the parents to bring (parent–offspring conflict), and models on the evolution of parent–offspring communication suggest that an equilibrium is reached when the costs associated with begging make it unprofitable for the offspring to increase its level of begging. Empirical evidence for this cost, however, is mixed, and the conclusions of most of authors are that begging is inexpensive. In this study, the existing empirical evidence for this cost is reviewed. One cost proposed is the attraction of predators due to begging calls, but empirical support for this cost is low. However, studies performed cannot dismiss such a cost. Another possible cost is the metabolic expenditure, but empirical evidence for this cost is mixed, with some works contending that it is low, while others deem it important. Other possible metabolic costs have not been studied. A loss of inclusive fitness may be an important cost for the evolution of begging, and robust empirical evidence does exist for this cost. Costs associated with brood reduction also are reviewed. In conclusion, there is not enough empirical evidence to test the models on the evolution of begging. Most costs proposed have not yet been studied or the approach used has been insufficient to reject the null hypothesis (i.e., absence of cost).  相似文献   

Pollinator specificity has traditionally been considered the main reproductive isolation mechanism in orchids. Among Mediterranean orchids, however, many species attract and deceive pollinators by mimicking nectar-rewarding plants. To test the extent to which deceptive orchid species share pollinators, we collected and identified hemipollinaria-carrying insects, and used ribosomal sequences to identify the orchid species from which hemipollinaria were removed. We found that social and solitary bees, and also flies, carried hemipollinaria belonging to nine orchid species with different degrees of specialization. In particular, Anacamptis morio, Dactylorhiza romana and Orchis mascula used a large set of pollinator species, whereas others such as Orchis quadripunctata seemed to be pollinated by one pollinator species only. Out of the insects with hemipollinaria, 19% were found to carry hemipollinaria from more than one orchid species, indicating that sympatric food-deceptive orchids can share pollinators. This sharing was apparent even among orchid sister-species, thus revealing an effective overlap in pollinator sets among closely related species. These results suggest varying degrees of pollinator specificity in these orchids, and indicate that pollinator specificity cannot always act as the main isolation mechanism in food-deceptive temperate orchids.  相似文献   

Investment in reproduction is costly and frequently decreases survival or future reproductive success. However, the proximate underlying causes for this are largely unknown. Oxidative stress has been suggested as a cost of reproduction and several studies have demonstrated changes in antioxidants with reproductive investment. Here, we test whether oxidative stress is a consequence of reproduction in female house mice (Mus musculus domesticus), which have extremely high energetic demands during reproduction, particularly through lactation. Assessing oxidative damage after a long period of reproductive investment, there was no evidence of increased oxidative stress, even when females were required to defend their breeding territory. Instead, in the liver, markers of oxidative damage (malonaldehyde, protein thiols and the proportion of glutathione in the oxidized form) indicated lower oxidative stress in reproducing females when compared with non-reproductive controls. Even during peak lactation, none of the markers of oxidative damage indicated higher oxidative stress than among non-reproductive females, although a positive correlation between protein oxidation and litter mass suggested that oxidative stress may increase with fecundity. Our results indicate that changes in redox status occur during reproduction in house mice, but suggest that females use mechanisms to cope with the consequences of increased energetic demands and limit oxidative stress.  相似文献   

A satisfactory understanding of the process of mate choice in many species of anurans requires that we know how sensitive females are to the variation in male calls under natural conditions and what is the timescale or ‘window’ over which females compare potential mates. In natural choruses, grey treefrog females may sit near calling males for many minutes before approaching a particular individual to mate, whereas in laboratory-based phonotaxis tests, they may approach a speaker within 30 s of exposure to broadcast calls. Females prefer long versus short calls. To estimate ‘assessment time’ of females in nature, we broadcast calls from four pairs of 360-degree speakers suspended within screen cages at four locations at the edge of a pond. One speaker per pair presented calls of constant duration while the other speaker shifted between broadcasts of calls that were longer or shorter than the constant duration call. The time period over which this change in call duration occurred differed between the four venues. Laboratory-based choice tests indicated that females preferred call sources with variable numbers of pulses to those with constant numbers of pulses when the former had more total pulses per time window. Accordingly, we assigned the probabilities of field captures at the different speakers based on the summed pulses from the constant and cycling speakers within the possible assessment windows. These probabilities, together with the numbers of females captured at the speaker array over the breeding season, indicated that the most likely assessment time is close to 2 min.  相似文献   

In most animals, the origins of mating preferences are not clear. The "sensory-bias" hypothesis proposes that biases in female sensory or neural systems are important in triggering sexual selection and in determining which male traits will become elaborated into sexual ornaments. Subsequently, other mechanisms can evolve for discriminating between high- and low-quality mates. Female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) generally show a preference for males with larger, more chromatic orange spots. It has been proposed that this preference originated because it enabled females to obtain high-quality mates. We present evidence for an alternative hypothesis, that the origin of the preference is a pleiotropic effect of a sensory bias for the colour orange, which might have arisen in the context of food detection. In field and laboratory experiments, adult guppies of both sexes were more responsive to orange-coloured objects than to objects of other colours, even outside a mating context. Across populations, variation in attraction to orange objects explained 94% of the inter-population variation in female mate preference for orange coloration on males. This is one of the first studies to show both an association between a potential trigger of a mate-choice preference and a sexually selected trait, and also that an innate attraction to a coloured inanimate object explains almost all of the observed variation in female mate choice. These results support the "sensory-bias" hypothesis for the evolution of mating preferences.  相似文献   

In 20 white rats bilateral coagulation of the amygdalar complex was produced; on the fifth day to one half of them transplantation was performed by introducing stereotaxically on the left side 0.2-0.5 mm3 of the brain embryonal tissue from the corresponding area of the amygdala of 20-days embryo; in control saline was administered. After two months the rats were sacrificed to determine the activity of antiradical defense by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the level of lipids peroxide oxidation (LPO) in the cerebral cortex. The transplantation decreased LPO even more and increased SOD as compared to amygdalectomy, e. i. caused still greater deviations from the norm (in this meaning--paradoxal effect), what apparently corresponds to intensification of adaptative-compensatory processes caused by amygdalectomy. The transplantation did not reverse the rats behaviour to the initial one and did not eliminate memory defect in the test of conditioned reaction of passive avoidance (like pyrazetam); it had different direction influence on "drinking under current" in conflict situation, only in particular cases approaching it to the norm.  相似文献   

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