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不同浓度茚虫威对红火蚁的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索适合防治红火蚁的茚虫威浓度,利用丙酮溶解茚虫威原药,使用雾化手段与载体和配方其他试剂充分混合,干燥后保存,进行野外试验测定其防治红火蚁的药效。结果表明,研制的0.025%茚虫威饵剂综合防治效果达85.30%,0.05%茚虫威饵剂达100%,0.1%茚虫威饵剂达100%。3个浓度的茚虫威饵剂拥有良好的防治红火蚁药效,0.05%浓度最适合研制红火蚁饵剂。  相似文献   

Red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, are generalist predators that can have major impacts on foliar arthropod communities in agricultural systems; however, their effects as predators at the soil surface have not been adequately characterized. We examined the contribution of fire ants to predation at the soil surface and in cotton foliage at two sites and over the course of two field seasons in Georgia, using egg masses of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua. To assess interactions between fire ants and other arthropod species, we also measured the densities of edaphic predators and honeydew‐producing hemipterans at both sites. The sites occurred in different growing regions (Piedmont and Coastal Plain), and allowed us to characterize the importance of fire ants as predators under different climatic and soil conditions. Fire ant suppression decreased egg predation at both field sites, and predation by fire ants at the soil surface was equal to if not greater than that in cotton foliage. However, the impact of fire ants on predation varied between sites, likely due to differences in climate and the composition and activity of the extant arthropod communities. Our study also indicates that fire ant suppression is associated with decreases in the density of honeydew‐producing insects, and increasing abundance of whiteflies on the plants coincided with a decrease in egg predation at the soil surface. This finding suggests the mutualism between ants and whiteflies may lead to a shift in predation intensity from edaphic towards plant‐based food webs.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of eradicating the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in the hot, humid and rainy conditions of northern Taiwan. Thirteen hectares of the Shihmen Reservoir have been infected with these ants, with a total of 1 578 mounds. Pyriproxyfen was applied at a rate of 2 kg/hectare each season, for a total of four seasons. Surveys using visual examination, bait traps, as well as the population index method showed that the brood, the reproductive ants, and the worker ants within the nests were all significantly reduced 1 month after the first application of pyriproxyfen. Four months after the initial application there were no more brood or reproductive ants. After 8 months there were no longer any active mounds left, and 12 months later there were no more worker ants. After monitoring for 1 more year, it was ascertained that the red imported fire ants were eradicated. The percentages of decrease after 2, 4 and 6 months of treatment were 57.4%, 80.5%, and 98.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation: a widespread interaction related to species biology   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Intraguild predation (IGP), defined as killing and eating among potential competitors, seems to be a ubiquitous interaction, differing from competition or predation. In the present study we assess the frequency of IGP among 763 potential intraguild prey and 599 potential intraguild predators. Our results indicate that IGP is common in nature, reaching frequencies between 58.4 and 86.7%. A null model suggests that IGP in different groups of predators and prey (i.e. carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, detritivores, or top and intermediate species) have different deviations from a chance expectation, indicating these attributes of species biology as main determinants of IGP persistence. We suggest that IGP satisfies two basic requirements to be considered as important to the trophic structuring of communities. First, its occurrence is not random, rather it is associated with well‐defined attributes of species biology, and secondly, it is a widespread interaction.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation of the mealybug parasitoids Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault), and Leptomastix dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encrytidae) by Nephus kreissli Fürsch & Uygun (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was studied. The latter is a native predator of the important pest Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on grapevines in Turkey. For this purpose, P. ficus of different ages parasitised by A. pseudococci or L. dactylopii, or by both A. pseudococci and L. dactylopii, were served to fourth instars and adults of N. kreissli as food. Experiments were conducted using two different treatments: no-choice (served unparasitised or only one stage of parasitised mealybug) and choice (served unparasitised and only one age of parasitised mealybug together), under controlled environmental conditions. Both fourth instars and adult predators were fed on two- and four-day-old mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci or on two-, four- and six-day-old mealybugs parasitised by L. dactylopii or by either A. pseudococci or L. dactylopii. The predators could not consume six-day-old mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci, eight-day-old mealybugs parasitised by L. dactylopii, or those parasitised by either of these parasitoids which had become mummified. While it was found that the adult predators preferred parasitised mealybugs to unparasitised, the larvae did not show a pronounced preference between parasitised and unparasitised mealybugs (except for mealybugs parasitised by A. pseudococci).  相似文献   

Abstract  The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , a damaging invasive pest, was discovered in February 2001 in Brisbane, Australia at two sites, Fisherman Islands and suburban Richlands-Wacol. Using four microsatellite loci and the protein marker Gp-9 , we compared the two infestations with each other, and with potential source populations in North and South America to better understand the history of their introduction to Brisbane. Based on an analysis of molecular variance, as well as a maximum likelihood tree of colonies from the two Australian sites, we found that the two sites were genetically distinct and were almost certainly introduced separately. All of the colonies at Fisherman Islands were monogynous, headed by a single queen, while the Richlands-Wacol site had a mixture of single-queen monogynous and multiple-queen polygynous colonies. However, the monogynous and polygynous colonies at the Richlands-Wacol site were not genetically distinct from each other, and probably constitute a single, mixed introduction. Based on allele frequencies at the microsatellite loci, and Gp-9 , both Australian infestations were more similar to North American populations than to South American, though the Fisherman Islands infestation was intermediate, making it difficult to assign. Thus, there has been one introduction from either a North or South American monogynous population at Fisherman Islands, and one introduction from a mixed monogynous/polygynous North American population at Richlands-Wacol. These findings have implications for the control of the current infestations, as well as for the quarantine regulations necessary to prevent additional introductions to Australia.  相似文献   

严防危险性害虫红火蚁入侵   总被引:40,自引:5,他引:40  
张润志  任立  刘宁 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):6-10,F004
原产南美洲的红火蚁SolenopsisinvictaBuren,先后入侵美国和澳洲,最近又入侵中国台湾,对人类健康和环境安全构成重大威胁。该文介绍了红火蚁的形态特征、与近源种的形态区别、生物学特性、入侵特性、危害以及预防、控制等方面的知识,最后提出我国大陆需要高度警惕,严防红火蚁入侵。  相似文献   

Four mutations that reduce waxbloom in Brassica oleracea L. were examined for their effects on predation, mobility, and adhesion to the plant surface by the general predator Hippodamia convergens (Guérin-Menéville) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The mutations reduce waxbloom to different degrees, but all produce a glossy phenotype. Plants tested were inbred lines, near isogenic lines, or segregating F2 populations, depending on the mutation. In an experiment on caged leaves, predation of Plutella xylostella L. larvae by H. convergens adult females was significantly greater on glossy types as compared with normal-wax or wild-type counterparts. Although the trend was the same for each mutation, individual comparisons between glossy and normal-wax lines or segregants were only significant for two of them, those producing mutant alleles gla and gld. Individual H. convergens were observed to spend more time walking on leaf edges and less time walking on leaf surfaces of normal-wax plants than glossy plants. Hippodamia convergens also obtained better adhesion to the surfaces of glossy plants than to normal-wax plants when tested using a centrifugal device. Two of the mutations produced similarly strong effects on predation, behaviour, and adhesion by H. convergens. These two are the same previously determined by us to provide the strongest similar effects on another generalist predator, Chrysoperla plorabunda (Fitch). The results indicate that waxbloom variation in nature could affect herbivore populations through its effects on generalist predators.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Host plant preferences of the female diamondback moth Plutella xylostella were studied.
2. Female moths preferred conspecific-damaged cabbage plants over undamaged cabbage plants. The performance of P. xylostella larvae on conspecific-infested plants did not differ significantly from that of larvae on undamaged plants.
3.  Cotesia plutellae , the specialist parasitoid wasp of P. xylostella larvae, displayed equal preference for plants with differing levels of host-larvae damage, and the wasp attacked only one or two hosts on average before leaving an infested plant, irrespective of the number of hosts on the plant. It is hypothesised that the oviposition preferences of P. xylostella females for host plants already damaged by conspecific larvae demonstrate an encounter–dilution effect against C. plutellae .  相似文献   

Elevated jasmonic acid (JA) concentrations in response to herbivory can induce wounded plants to produce defences against herbivores. In laboratory and field experiments we compared the effects of exogenous JA treatment to two closely related cabbage species on the host‐searching and oviposition preference of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella. JA‐treated Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris) was less attractive than untreated Chinese cabbage to ovipositing DBM, while JA‐treatment of common cabbage (B. oleracea) made plants more attractive than untreated controls for oviposition by this insect. Similar effects were observed when plants of the two species were damaged by DBM larvae. In the absence of insect‐feeding, or JA application, Chinese cabbage is much more attractive to DBM than common cabbage. Inducible resistance therefore appears to occur in a more susceptible plant and induced susceptibility appears to occur in a more resistant plant, suggesting a possible balance mechanism between constitutive and inducible defences to a specialist herbivore.  相似文献   

The potential for intraguild predation (IGP) between larval and adult life stages of twopolyphagous arthropod predators common in NorthAmerican agroecosystems was studied in thelaboratory. Predators examined were the spinedsoldier bug, Podisus maculiventris Say,and the twelve-spotted ladybeetle, Coleomegilla maculata Lengi. A shared preyitem, eggs of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB),Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, was alsoprovided to the predators, both to provide analternate food source and to quantify theimpact of IGP on the potential for pestsuppression by these two predators. Experimentswere conducted on single potato leaves inplastic cup arenas, and, subsequently, in cagesenclosing whole potato plants. IGP occurredasymmetrically, with P. maculiventrisadults and nymphs only attacking C. maculata larvae. Even though ladybeetle adultswere generally smaller than soldier bug adults,they were never preyed upon. This appears to bethe first documented case of a coccinellidshowing differential larval and adult immunityto attack by a larger invertebrate predator.The impact of IGP, when it did occur, on CPBegg consumption was equivocal. IGP did notconsistently influence levels of predation onthe eggs. Conversely, even when IGP did notoccur, predation on CPB eggs by both predatorstogether did not increase significantly overlevels inflicted by either predator alone. Theimplications for biological control of CPB bythese predators, which are being considered foraugmentative release in potato and tomato cropsin the United States, are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal population structure of Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an introduced parasitoid of the invasive red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), was investigated at three locations in Louisiana, USA, during the fall of 2005. Georeferenced disturbed fire ant mounds that attracted adult P. tricuspis were analyzed using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs to model the population structure of this parasitoid on a local spatial scale, and relate spatial abundance to host colony social form and infection with the fire ant pathogen, Thelohania solenopsae Knell, Allen and Hazard (Microsporidia: Thelohaniidae). Spatial associations between P. tricuspis counts and host Sinvicta colonies infected with T. solenopsae were not detected. Overall, spatio‐temporal count patterns of P. tricuspis were largely random. However, high P. tricuspis counts were significantly associated with areas of polygyne host colonies. Occasional aggregations of P. tricuspis populations into discrete spatial patches and gaps were also found. The implications of this study are that population surveys of P. tricuspis should be conducted in several areas at a location to account for local patchiness in fly populations and/or varying densities and social form of host ant colonies.  相似文献   

This is the first report of Thelohania solenopsae infections in monogyne (single-queen) Solenopsis invicta colonies in the field. In a 0.2-ha plot near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, inter-colony prevalence was 63% infection in June, 1999, when the population was 100% monogyne. In February, 2000, 21% of 33 monogyne and 90% of 10 polygyne colonies were infected. By May, 2001, the polygyne colonies had disappeared and only one of 34 monogyne colonies was infected, the final detection of T. solenopsae in the plot. Colony size did not differ significantly among the four types (monogyne versus polygynexinfected versus uninfected).  相似文献   

Abstract Determining total annual seed loss from seed predators is an important step in quantifying the role they have in modifying plant populations. Total seed loss is typically estimated with a single, well‐timed survey. However, this overlooks the potential importance of within‐season patterns of seed availability and insect activity, particularly where seed gain and loss are not synchronous and where insects are multivoltine. In Australia the introduced legume weed, Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpinaceae) is one such example. A replicated survey was conducted throughout a single cropping season in two contrasting habitats (uplands and wetland) to estimate total annual seed loss from seed predation and to test the relative importance of seed availability, seed feeder abundance, seed feeder behaviour and parasitism in determining total seed loss. Two seed feeders were present, the introduced biological control agent Penthobruchus germaini (Pic) (Bruchidae) and the moth, Mesophleps palpigera (Walsingham) (Gelechiidae). Seed availability patterns differed with habitat, with a greater proportion of seeds being available for longer in uplands, and resulted in total seed consumption by the beetle being twice as high in the uplands (5.2%) and no difference between habitats for the moth. Total seed loss from beetle predation was restricted by the egg parasitoid Uscana sp. (Trichogrammatidae), which was abundant throughout the season, and also by unexplained larval mortalities. This study highlights the potential importance of within‐season interactions between plant, seed feeder, natural enemies and environment in determining total seed loss through predation. The possible population and evolutionary consequences of such interactions for both the plant and the seed feeder require further consideration.  相似文献   

The phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis is an introduced parasitoid of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta in the United States. Previous studies show that phorid flies are attracted to host ant workers at disturbed colonies, to colonies exhibiting aggressive interspecific interactions, and to fire ant mating flights. In a series of behavioral and electroantennogram (EAG) experiments, we confirm the possible use of fire ant odor as cues for host location by P. tricuspis. We tested the response of P. tricuspis of different sex and mating status to several host-related odor stimuli including live fire ant workers, extracts of worker whole body, head, thorax, and abdomen, and (E,E)-α-farnesene, a trail pheromone component of Solenopsis fire ants. Results from Y-tube olfactometer bioassays demonstrated the attraction of mated female P. tricuspis to live S. invicta workers. In addition, extracts of S. invicta worker whole body and thorax elicited strong olfactometer response in female flies (mated and unmated) and mated males, but not in unmated males. Pseudacteon tricuspis did not show significant attraction to extracts of S. invicta worker head and abdomen, or to (E,E)-α-farnesene, irrespective of sex and mating status. In EAG experiments, female and male P. tricuspis showed significant EAG response to extracts of worker whole body, head, and abdomen, and to a less extent, thorax extract, but not to (E,E)-α-farnesene. Females showed slightly greater EAG response than males, but EAG response was not affected by mating status. These results suggest that fire ant thorax is likely the source of kairomones used as host location cues by P. tricuspis, and support the hypothesis that fire ant worker trail pheromones are not likely used by P. tricuspis for host location.  相似文献   

Headspace composition, collected from intact cabbage plants and cabbage plants infested with eitherPieris brassicae L. orP. rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) first instar larvae, was determined by GC-MS. Twenty-one volatiles were identified in the headspace of intact plants. Twenty-two volatiles were identified in the headspace of plants infested byP. brassicae larvae, 2 of which, Z-3-hexenyl butyrate and Z-3-hexenyl isovalerate, were not detected in the headspace of either intact orP. rapae damaged plants. In the headspace of the latter, 21 compounds were identified, all of which which were also produced by intact plants. No significant quantitative differences were found between headspace composition of the plants damaged by one or the other caterpillar species. Major differences between intact and caterpillar-damaged plants in contribution to the headspace profile were revealed for hexyl acetate, Z-3-hexenyl acetate, myrcene, sabinene and 1,8-cineole. The larval endoparasitoidCotesia glomerata L. was attracted by the volatiles emanating fromB. oleracea damaged byP. brassicae first instar larvae.C. rubecula L., a specialized larval endoparasitoids ofP. rapae, was attracted by the volatiles released from theB. oleracea-P. rapae plant-host complex. This shows that cabbage plants kept under the conditions of headspace collection produce attractive volatiles for both parasitoids.  相似文献   

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