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Expression of antigenous determinants of structural proteins G-MuLV (p10, p12, p30, gp14, gp17) and R-MuLV (gp69/71, p15) on thymocytes of normal and leukemic AKR mice was studied by membrane immunofluorescence. From this sign sharp difference between normal and malignant thymocytes was shown. A possible role in the antitumour immunity of antigens to structural viral proteins MuLV expressed on the leukemic cell membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Reduced expression of Ia antigens by thymic epithelial cells of aged mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thymic Ia antigen expression was examined with biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. We found that expression of Ia antigens was reduced in thymic tissue of aged mice and that much of this loss was associated with cortical thymic epithelial cells. The ontologic pattern of Ia antigen expression in the thymus closely followed that observed for thymic weight, reaching maximal values at 4 wk of age and declining thereafter.  相似文献   

The Ia.8 and 9 specificities detected either by conventional or monoclonal antisera (Ia.m3, 4) are present in strains bearing the b H-2 haplotype, but absent from those with the k haplotype. It would be expected that the (b x k)F1 hybrids would have approximately half the amount of these specificities found on the b parent, but the Ia.8 and 9 specificities are absent or reduced in this F1 hybrid, though not on F1 LPS blasts. Examination of appropriate H-2 congenic strains demonstrated that only the k haplotype confers the absence of these specificities on H-2 b — it was not observed with b, d, q, r or s haplotypes. In the k haplotype the gene(s) responsible for this effect is mapped to the I-A k subregion. The reason for this low expression effect is not clear but the observation has important implications for the relationship of Ia specificities and Ir genes and may serve to explain the low responder status of certain F1 hybrids, e. g., to TNP-mouse serum albumin, as observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

By indirect immunofluorescence and microcytotoxicity it was demonstrated that different populations of murine macrophages bear different amounts of Ia antigens on their membranes. At least three subpopulations could be distinguished: those that lack Ia antigens and predominate in peritoneal exudate; cells bearing I-A antigens that are the majority of splenic macrophages and a minor population in the peritoneum; and cells bearing I-C antigens that are a minor population in both spleen and peritoneum. Internal radioisotope labeling studies confirmed that the I region molecules are synthesized by the macrophages. It is suggested that these different macrophage subpopulations may play distinct roles in the immune response.  相似文献   

AKR and HSS lymphoid leukemias were transplanted into identical mouse strains and changes in pyruvate kinase activity were measured in thymus, mesenteric lymph node and spleen during the posttransplantation period. The heterogeneity of the cellular density and the size distribution were determined in the HSS spleen cells in order to get more information about the settlement and proliferation of the transplanted leukemic lymphoblasts. The data obtained suggest that this model system may be useful for a follow up the fate of leukemic blast cells in the host animal.  相似文献   

R C Nowinski  T Doyle 《Cell》1977,12(2):341-353
Thymus cells of preleukemic and leukemic AKR mice express on their cell surface elevated levels of antigens associated with the murine leukemia virus (MuLV) proteins gp70 and p30. The gp70 antigenicity is contained in a 70,000 dalton polypeptide that corresponds to the viral envelope protein, while the p30 antigenicity is contained in two polypeptides of 85,000 and 95,000 daltons that correspond to glycosylated forms of the polyprotein product of the gag gene.The expression of these viral coded proteins on the cell surface of thymocytes varies both quantitatively with the age of the mouse and qualitatively with the cellular populations that express these antigens. Four discrete stages in the leukemic pathway can be identified. First, low numbers of cells from the thymuses of young (2 month old) AKR mice express p30 (<0.25%) and gp70 (2–7%) antigens. Expression of gp70 antigen is restricted to large cells in the subcapsular region of the thymus. Second, thymuses of 6 month old AKR mice show a selective depletion of cortical thymocytes with a concomitant increase in the medullary region of the thymus. Thymus cells of these mice contain elevated numbers of cells that express an increased concentration of p30 and gp70 antigens. Viral antigens are found on the surface of all large cells of the subcapsular region of the thymus, and in variable numbers (2–85%) of small cells of the cortical and medullary regions. Third, the thymuses of some 8 month old AKR mice demonstrate selective hypertrophy of a single thymic lobe. The enlarged lobe contains a population of cells that are intermediate in size between the small cortical cells and leukemic blast cells. This new cell population expresses elevated levels of p30 and gp70 viral antigens. These cells, which are not leukemic (since transfer of high numbers of these cells to syngeneic hosts does not induce transplantable disease), may represent preleukemic thymocytes. Fourth, thymuses of mice with overt leukemia contain primarily leukemic blast cells. These cells express extremely high levels of viral antigens on their cell surfaces, and upon transfer of these cells to syngeneic hosts, they rapidly induce transplantable leukemias.The increased expression of viral antigens on the surface of thymus cells is correlated with an increased production of infectious ecotropic and xenotropic MuLV in the thymus. During aging, the percentage of cells producing ecotropic MuLV increases 10-fold, while the percentage of cells producing xenotropic MuLV increases 100 fold.  相似文献   

Only 15 to 25% of purified oil-induced guinea pig macrophages could be lysed by treatment with anti-Ia serum and C. Those cells remaining alive after treatment were not damaged and were metabolically active since they readily phagocytized latex beads. However, the "Ia-negative" macrophages were markedly deficient in their ability to present protein antigens to immune T lymphocytes and to function as stimulator cells when mixed with allogeneic T cells in the mixed leukocyte reaction. It thus appears that Ia antigens are expressed on a subpopulation of macrophages and that this subpopulation plays a critical role in the activation of T cell proliferation to soluble protein antigens and to alloantigens.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of negative selection with anti-Ia serum and C on a number of T cell functions and have clearly defined two subpopulations of guinea pig T lymphocytes. One subpopulation is susceptible to the lytic effects on anti-Ia serum and C and includes the majority of the primed T cells which proliferate and which produce migration inhibition factor in response to specific antigen stimulation in vitro. The lytic effects of anti-Ia serum were directed against the antigen-specific T cell and not an accessory cell such as a macrophage or nonantigen-specific T cell. No evidence for allelic exclusion of the Ia antigens of the antigen-responsive cell could be demonstrated. The susceptibility of the mitogen-responsive T cell to lysis by anti-Ia serum and C varied with the mitogen used, anatomic origin of the T cell, and the strain of animals studied. A second subpopulation of T cells is completely resistant to the lytic effects of anti-Ia serum and C and includes the primed T helper cell and the T cell that proliferates in response to alloantigenic stimulation in the MLR.  相似文献   

Spontaneously leukemic AKR mice were exposed from 6 weeks age to a 50 kV/m electric field 12 hrs./day. In this study, carrying on 50 exposed and 50 sham-exposed mice, like in the two preceding experiments, the exposed group mortality is lightly retarded, and reaches 100% only 10 weeks after the sham-exposed group. These differences are not however statistically significative.  相似文献   

We studied the appearance and structure of murine leukemia viral genomes in preleukemic AKR/J mice by Southern hybridization. Up to an average of one to two copies per thymocyte of unintegrated murine leukemia virus DNA appears in the thymuses of preleukemic mice beginning at 4 to 5 months of age and disappears in leukemic thymuses. The free viral genomes are absent in the spleens, livers, and brains of preleukemic mice. Using a series of ecotropic and nonecotropic murine leukemia virus hybridization probes, we showed that the unintegrated viral genomes are structurally analogous to those of recombinant mink cell focus-forming viruses that appear as proviruses in leukemic AKR thymocytes, suggesting that these free viral DNAs are the direct precursors to the leukemia-specific proviruses. The mosaic of ecotropic and nonecotropic sequences within these unintegrated viral DNAs varies from one preleukemic thymus to another but often appears structurally homogeneous within individual thymuses, indicating that often each thymus was being infected by a unique mink cell focus-forming virus. Analysis of high-molecular-weight DNA shows that recombinant proviruses reside in the chromosomal DNA of thymocytes within the preleukemic thymus, with the number rising to an average of several copies per thymocyte, but we do not detect any preferred integration sites. These results suggest that, in general, before the development of thymic leukemias in AKR mice there is a massive infection by a unique mink cell focus-forming virus which then integrates into many different sites of individual thymocytes, one of which grows out to become a tumor.  相似文献   

Summary Cytogenetic studies of three Fanconi's anemia patients are reported, one of the patients having erythroleukemia, the other two preleukemia. Clonal abnormalities were present in all three cases. Partial chromosomal duplication uncommon in other leukemias was observed. Partial duplication of the long arm of chromosome 3 has been observed in the present case of erythroleukemia examined as well as in a previously reported one.  相似文献   

To address the effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on programmed cell death we assessed both the spontaneous and dexamethasone (Dex)-induced apoptosis of thymocytes and spleen cells from mice submitted to a long-term continuous exposure of a 0.4–1.0 μT 60 Hz magnetic field or an 8–20 μT direct current (DC) magnetic field. Dex-induced apoptosis but not spontaneous apoptosis was substantially increased in thymocytes from 0.4 to 1.0 μT 60 Hz field-exposed animals. Spontaneous apoptosis and Dex-induced apoptosis of spleen cells were not affected by the 0.4–1.0 μT 60 Hz field exposure. In addition, spontaneous apoptosis and Dex-induced apoptosis of thymocytes and spleen cells from mice exposed to an 8–20 μT DC field were similar to the controls. These findings represent the first demonstration that thymocytes from mice exposed to a long-term 0.4–1.0 μT 60 Hz field may show abnormal response to Dex apoptotic stimuli. Bioelectromagnetics 19:131–135, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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