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Three pyrones and a 2(5H)-furanone, designated pectinolides D-G, have been isolated from the dichloromethane extract of Hyptis pectinata. The metabolites were characterized on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic techniques. The pyrones were identified as 6S-[3S,6S-(diacetoxy)-5R-hydroxy-1Z-heptenyl]-5S-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one (1)- pectinolide D, 6S-[3S,5R,6S-(triacetoxy)-1Z-heptenyl]-5S-acetoxy-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-one (2)- pectinolide E and 6S-[3S,5R,6S-(triacetoxy)-1Z-heptenyl]-5S-acetoxy-4R-methoxy-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-4H pyran-2-one (3)- pectinolide F. The furanone was identified as [2'Z,5(1')Z] 5-(4'S,6'R,7'S-triacetoxy-2-octenylidene)-2(5H)-furanone (4)-pectinolide G.  相似文献   

The lectin found in mycelium and sclerotes of the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a homodimer consisting of two identical non-covalently bound subunits of 16,000 Da. CD spectra analysis revealed that the S. sclerotiorum agglutinin (SSA) contains predominantly beta-sheet structures. SSA exhibits specificity towards GalNAc whereby the hydroxyls at positions 4 and 6 of the pyranose ring play a key role in the interaction with simple sugars. The carbohydrate-binding site of SSA can also accommodate disaccharides. The N-terminal sequence of SSA shares no significant similarity with any other protein except a lectin from the Sclerotiniaceae species Ciborinia camelliae. A comparison of SSA and the lectins from C. camelliae and some previously characterized lectins indicates that the Sclerotiniaceae lectins form a homogeneous family of fungal lectins. This newly identified lectin family, which is structurally unrelated to any other family of fungal lectins, is most probably confined to the Ascomycota.  相似文献   

Parmeliaceae is the largest family of lichen-forming fungi. In spite of its importance for fungal diversity, its relationships with other families in Lecanorales remain poorly known. To better understand the evolutionary history of the diversification of lineages and species richness in Parmeliaceae it is important to know the phylogenetic relationships of the closest relatives of the family. A recent study based on two molecular loci suggested that either Protoparmelia s. str. or a group consisting of Gypsoplaca and Protoparmelia s. str. were the possible sister-group candidates of Parmeliaceae, but that study could not distinguish between these two alternatives. Here, we used a four-locus phylogeny (nuLSU, ITS, RPB1, MCM7) to reveal relationships of Parmeliaceae with other potential relatives in Lecanorales. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses showed that Protoparmelia is polyphyletic, with Protoparmelia s. str. (including Protoparmelia badia and Protoparmelia picea) being most closely related to Parmeliaceae s. str., while the Protoparmelia atriseda-group formed the sister-group to Miriquidica. Gypsoplaca formed the sister-group to the Parmeliaceae s. str. + Protoparmelia s. str. clade. Monophyly of Protoparmelia as currently circumscribed, and Gypsoplaca as sister-group to Parmeliaceae s. str. were both significantly rejected by alternative hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

Four p-terphenyl derivatives named curtisians E-H (1-4) were isolated from the methanolic extract of fruit bodies of the Basidiomycete Paxillus curtisii by a combination of Sephadex LH-20, silica gel column chromatography and preparative reversed phase HPLC. The relative stereochemistries of the curtisians were elucidated by 2D NMR, MS, IR and UV spectroscopy with the absolute configurations at C(3a-3d) of the side chains being established as S by GC-MS on a chiral column previously used for separation of authentic standards.  相似文献   

Three species which contain both gyrophoric and lecanoric acids and possess perithecioid ascomata are recognized in the genusDiploschistes. D. badius andD. gyrophoricus are described as new, whileD. subcupreus is reduced to synonymy withD. sticticus. Two species occur in the southern hemisphere, whileD. badius is found in N. America.  相似文献   

A new microsporidian parasite Nosema chrysorrhoeae n. sp., isolated in Bulgaria from the browntail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.), is described. Its life cycle includes two sequential developmental cycles that are similar to the general developmental cycles of the Nosema-like microsporidia and are indistinguishable from those of two Nosema spp. from Lymantria dispar. The primary cycle takes place in the midgut tissues and produces binucleate primary spores. The secondary developmental cycle takes place exclusively in the silk glands and produces binucleate environmental spores. N. chrysorrhoeae is specific to the browntail moth. Phylogenetic analysis based on the ssu rRNA gene sequence places N. chrysorrhoeae in the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade, with the microsporidia from lymantriid and hymenopteran hosts. Partial sequences of the lsu rRNA gene and ITS of related species Nosema kovacevici (Purrini K., Weiser J., 1975. Natürliche Feinde des Goldafters, Euproctis chrysorrhoea L., im Gebiet von Kosovo, FSR Jugoslawien. Anzeiger fuer Sch?dlingskunde, Pflanzen-Umweltschutz, 48, 11-12), Nosema serbica Weiser, 1963 and Nosema sp. from Lymantria monacha was obtained and compared with N. chrysorrhoeae. The molecular data indicate the necessity of future taxonomic reevaluation of the genera Nosema and Vairimorpha.  相似文献   

We have described the synthesis of (+)-(2R,3S,4R)-2,3,4-trihydroxycyclohexanone by the reduction of a keto-conduritol derivative, the latter being prepared in five steps from (-)-(2S,3R,4S,5S)-2,3,4-tribenzyloxy-5-hydroxycyclohexanone, which is in turn readily synthesized from D-glucose.  相似文献   

Two isofuranonaphthoquinone derivatives, named arthoniafurones A (1-acetyl-8-hydroxynaphtho[2,3-c]furan-4,9-dione) and B [1-acetyl-4,8-dihydroxynaphtho[2,3-c]furan-9(4H)-one], were isolated from a spore-derived culture of the mycobiont of the lichen Arthonia cinnabarina, that is new to Japan. Bostrycoidin and 8-O-methylbostrycoidin were also identified in the A. cinnabarina culture.  相似文献   

The methanol extract of fruiting bodies of the ascomycete Xylaria polymorpha afforded three isopimarane diterpene glycosides, namely, 16-α-d-mannopyranosyloxyisopimar-7-en-19-oic acid (1), 15-hydroxy-16-α-d-mannopyranosyloxyisopimar-7-en-19-oic acid (2), and 16-α-d-glucopyranosyloxyisopimar-7-en-19-oic acid (3). Their structures were determined by spectroscopic methods and by single-crystal X-ray analysis. They showed cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines and exhibited IC50 values ranging from 71 to 607 μM. Further studies on the cytotoxicity of these compounds against HL60 cells demonstrated that they induced apoptosis along with typical DNA fragmentation. It was observed that 2 was less active than 1 and 3.  相似文献   

Epi- and endozoic bacterial communities associated with four bryozoan species from the Jade (North Sea, Germany) were investigated by the combined application of molecular tools and electron microscopic visualisation of zooids. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments of associated bacteria displayed specific bacterial community profiles in the examined species Aspidelectra melolontha, Conopeum reticulum, Electra monostachys and Electra pilosa. Actual bacterial epibiosis was only observed on C. reticulum whilst the other bryozoans under investigation were largely free of microbial epibionts. These observations indicated that bryozoan-associated bacteria identified by molecular methods originated from internal cavities of bryozoan zooids. Cluster analysis of DGGE band patterns revealed species-specific bacterial communities in A. melolontha, E. monostachys and E. pilosa. Bacteria associated with C. reticulum were seemingly influenced by site-specific parameters. A comparison of bacterial community profiles between reference and invertebrate surfaces allowed for an interpretation of conspicuous group-specific differences. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) obtained from a single set of bryozoan replicates that were absent on the inorganic reference samples (mussel shells) were hypothesized to be favourable endobionts. Contrary, OTUs present in the references but absent in bryozoan samples could be assumed to stem from bryozoan-specific defenses against ubiquitous bacterial colonizers. Although there was no experimental evidence for a mutual relationship between prokaryotes and their eukaryotic bryozoan hosts, this study demonstrated that in three out of four bryozoans under investigation associated bacterial communities were characteristically shaped by host attributes.  相似文献   

The metabolites produced by the secretory canals of the root cortex from four Smallanthus species belonging to the yacon group were identified as ent-kaurane-type diterpenes. The dichloromethane root cortex extracts of the four species were treated with diazomethane and analyzed comparatively by GC–MS using a simple and rapid procedure which is very sensitive and reproducible permitting detection of minor components. In all cases, ent-16-kauren-19-oic acid (kaurenoic acid) methyl ester was the main component, differences being observed only in the minor components. The minor components identified were grandiflorenic acid methyl ester, ent-16-kauren-19-al, 16α,17-epoxy-15α-angeloyloxy-kauran-19-oic acid methyl ester and several O-acyl derivatives at C-15 or C-18 of kaurenoic acid. One of the minor components, 18-isobutyroyloxy-ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid is a new kaurenoic acid derivative. Grandiflorenic acid and 15-α-angeloyloxy-16,17-α-epoxy-ent-16-kauren-19-oic acid were present only in Smallanthus sonchifolius and Smallanthus siegesbeckius which showed very similar GC traces. The different GC profile of RC diterpenes from Smallanthus connatus and Smallanthus macroscyphus supports the view that they are different taxa. Some chemotaxonomic aspects of the genus Smallanthus and the subtribe Milleriinae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, natural stocks of the Manila clam, Venerupis (=Ruditapes) philippinarum, have been drastically reduced in Japan. To clarify the reason for this decline in number, clams were sampled monthly from Yamaguchi and processed for histological observations, during which three protozoan parasites were discovered. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that these parasites were unidentified haplosporidian in the connective tissues, Marteilia sp. in the digestive gland and Marteilioides sp. in the oocytes. Histopathological observations suggest that Marteilia sp. and Marteilioides sp. were not pathogenic to the host. However, infection with a haplosporidian may have a negative impact on the clams. The prevalence of these parasites was low and further investigations should be undertaken to clarify their taxonomic status and establish any pathogenicity to clams.  相似文献   

A structural study of the carbohydrates from Coccomyxa mucigena, the symbiotic algal partner of the lichenized fungus Peltigera aphthosa, was carried out. It produced an O-methylated mannogalactan, with a (1 → 6)-linked β-galactopyranose main-chain partially substituted at O-3 by β-Galp, 3-OMe-α-Manp or α-Manp units. There were no similarities with polysaccharides previously found in the lichen thallus of P. aphthosa. Moreover, the influence of lichenization in polysaccharide production by symbiotic microalgae and the nature of the photobiont in carbohydrate production in lichen symbiosis are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports the activity of crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide (pure compound) obtained from Tanacetum parthenium against two forms of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Feverfew is a traditional herbal medicine that has been used for the treatment of migraine, fever and arthritis. Activity against epimastigote forms was observed for crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide, and a progressive increase in the antitrypanosomal effect was observed in the course of the purification process. The pure compound showed IC50/96h and IC90/96h of 0.5 microg/ml and 1.25 microg/ml, respectively. The cytotoxic effect of parthenolide in LLMCK2 cells was 3.2 microg/ml (CC50/96h) and the selectivity index was 6.4. No hemolysis was detected for the pure compound. The internalization index of T. cruzi in LLMCK2 cells was reduced almost 51% at the concentration of 2 microg/ml of parthenolide, and 96.6% at 4 microg/ml. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy permitted observation of morphological modifications and ultrastructural alterations.  相似文献   

Virulence (speed of kill) of a fungal entomopathogen against a particular host insect depends on biological properties of the specific isolate-host combination, together with factors such as fungal dose. How these intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect the actual pattern and extent of fungal growth invivo is poorly understood. In this study we exposed adult house flies (Muscadomestica L.) to surfaces treated with high and low doses of Beauveriabassiana (isolates BbGHA and Bb5344), Metarhiziumanisopliae (strain MaF52) and M.anisopliae var. acridum (isolate Ma189) and used quantitative real-time PCR with species-specific primers to examine the relationship between fungal growth kinetics and virulence. At the highest dose, all fungal isolates killed flies significantly faster than controls, with BbGHA, Bb5344 and MaF52 roughly equivalent in virulence (median survival time (±SE) = 5.0 ± 0.10, 5.0 ± 0.08 and 5.0 ± 0.12 days, respectively) and Ma189 killing more slowly (MST = 8.0 ± 0.20 days). At the lower dose, effective virulence was reduced and only flies exposed to isolates BbGHA and Bb5344 died significantly faster than controls (MST = 12 ± 1.36, 15 ± 0.64, 18 ± 0.86 and 21.0 ± 0.0 days for BbGHA, Bb5344, MaF52 and Ma189, respectively). Real-time PCR assays revealed that flies exposed to surfaces treated with the high dose of spores had greater spore pickup than flies exposed to the low dose for each isolate. After pickup, a general pattern emerged for all isolates in which there was a significant reduction of recovered fungal DNA 48 h after exposure followed by a brief recovery phase, a stable period of little net change in fungal sequence counts, and then a dramatic increase in sequence counts of up to three orders of magnitude around the time of host death. However, while the patterns of growth were similar, there were quantitative differences such that higher final sequence counts were recovered in insects infected with the most lethal isolates and with the higher dose. These results suggest that variation in virulence between isolates, species and doses is determined more by quantitative rather than qualitative differences in fungal growth kinetics.  相似文献   

Sanguilevator yearsleyi n. gen., n. sp. and Cathetocephalus resendezi n. sp. are described from the Broadfin shark, Lamiopsis temmincki, in Malaysian Borneo and Carcharhinus leucas in Mexico, respectively. The new genus is unusual in its possession of internal chambers and channels in its scolex that appear to house extensive quantities of host white and red blood cells, respectively. Histology reveals an extremely intimate association between host tissue and the surface of the apical pad of the scolex. Positive staining with periodic acid-Schiff of the surface of the pad of the scolex and the linings of the chambers and channels suggests that an adhesive substance may be produced in these regions. However, explanations for how and why host blood cells come to reside within the scolex remain elusive. Cathetocephalus resendezi n. sp. is distinctive in the form of the papillae in the papillate band of the scolex and also in the inconspicuous nature of the rugose base of the scolex. Scanning electron microscopy of both new taxa as well as Cathetocephalus thatcheri, Cathetocephalus australis and an undescribed species of Cathetocephalus collected from Carcharhinus amboinensis in Australia, suggests that the papillae surrounding the pad of the scolex are of significant taxonomic utility in distinguishing among species in these groups. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of sequence data (766 bases of 18S rDNA and 405 bases of 28S rDNA) generated from ethanol preserved specimens of C. thatcheri and S. yearsleyi, when compared with equivalent data available for 40 cestode species in GenBank, resulted in trees that support previous propositions that Cathetocephalus should be placed in the order Cathetocephalidea. The results suggest that Sanguilevator should also be considered to belong to this order.  相似文献   

In the newly fertilized Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, cytoplasmic determinants become localized asymmetrically along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis of the embryo. The mitotic apparatus then orients so as to cleave the embryo into anterior and posterior blastomeres that differ in both size and developmental potential. Here we describe a role for MBK-2, a member of the Dyrk family of protein kinases, in asymmetric cell division in C. elegans. In mbk-2 mutants, the initial mitotic spindle is misplaced and cytoplasmic factors, including the germline-specific protein PIE-1, are mislocalized. Our findings support a model in which MBK-2 down-regulates the katanin-related protein MEI-1 to control spindle positioning and acts through distinct, as yet unknown factors, to control the localization of cytoplasmic determinants. These findings in conjunction with work from Schizosaccharomyces pombe indicate a possible conserved role for Dyrk family kinases in the regulation of spindle placement during cell division.  相似文献   

Placopsis auriculata Lumbsch & Kashiwadani is described from Papua New Guinea. This new species is characterized by the presence of campylidia-like helmet-shaped soralia and the presence of the gyrophoric acid chemosyndrome. Hiascic acid is reported for the first time from theAgyriaceae. The distinction of that species from other sorediate species ofPlacopsis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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