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Sexual dimorphism in phenotypic traits associated with the useof resources is a widespread phenomenon throughout the animalkingdom. While ecological dimorphisms are often initially generatedby sexual selection operating on an animal's size, natural selectionis believed to maintain, or even amplify, these dimorphismsin certain ecological settings. The trophic apparatus of snakeshas proven to be a model system for testing the adaptive natureof ecological dimorphisms because head size is rarely undersexual selection and it limits the maximum ingestible size ofprey in these gape-limited predators. Significantly less attentionhas been paid to the evolution of ecological dimorphisms inlizards, however, which may be due to the fact that lizards’feeding apparatus can be under both sexual and natural selectionsimultaneously, making it difficult to formulate clear-cut hypothesesto distinguish between the influences of natural and sexualselection. In order to tease apart the respective influencesof natural selection and sexual selection on the feeding apparatusof squamates, we take an integrative approach to formulate twohypotheses for snakes and lizards, respectively: (1) For gape-limitedsnakes, we predict that natural selection will act to generatedifferences in maximum gape, which will translate into differencesin maximum ingestible prey size between the sexes. (2) For lizardswhich mechanically reduce their prey, we predict that the degreeof dimorphism in head size should be positively correlated tothe degree of dimorphism in bite force which, in turn, shouldbe correlated to dimorphism in aspects of size or hardness ofprey. Finally, we predict that functional differences in thefeeding apparatus of these animals will also be linked withdifferences in sex-based feeding behavior and with selectionof prey.  相似文献   

The review considers the current problems of molecular phylogenetics based on mitochondrial and chromosomal DNA sequences. The emphasis is placed on mtDNA markers, which are widely employed in reconstructing molecular evolution, but often without a critical analysis of the physiological and biochemical features of mitochondria that affect the adequacy and reliability of the results. In addition to the factors that make mtDNA-based phylogenies difficult to interpret (unrecognized hybridization and introgression events, ancestral polymorphism, and nuclear paralogs of mtDNA sequences), attention is paid to the nonneutrality and unequal mutation rates of mtDNA genes and their fragments, violations of uniparental inheritance of mitochondria, recombination events, natural heteroplasmy, and mtDNA haplotypic diversity. These factors may influence the congruence of phylogenetic inferences and trees constructed for the same organisms with different mtDNA markers or with mitochondrial and nuclear markers. The review supports the viewpoint that mitochondrial genes and their fragments fail to provide reliable evolutionary markers when considered without a thorough study of the environmental conditions and life of the taxa. The influence of external conditions on the metabolism and physiology of mitochondria cannot be taken into account in full nor modeled well enough for phylogenetic applications. It is assumed that mtDNA is valuable as a phylogenetic marker primarily because its complete sequence may be analyzed to identify the apomorphic and synmorphic properties of a taxon and to search for informative nuclear paralogs of mtDNA for phylogeographical studies and estimations of relative evolution times.  相似文献   

R. Shine  J. F. Berry 《Oecologia》1978,33(3):261-268
Summary We use a stepwise multiple regression procedure to correlate geographic patterns in the distribution of live-bearing reptilian species with patterns in climatic variables, in both Australia and North America. Previous authors have interpreted reptilian live-bearing as an evolutionary adaptation to cold climates. Our results indicate that environmental temperature and irradiance measures are no more highly correlated with the percent live-bearing species than are measures of precipitation, evaporation and humidity. We conclude that, except in very cold environments in North America, environmental temperatures seem to play little role in the relative success of live-bearing versus egg-laying reptilian reproductive strategies. It appears from previous work that reptilian live-bearing evolves mainly, or exclusively, because of the advantage it confers in enabling successful reproduction in cold climates. The present study suggests that the subsequent radiation of live-bearing reptilian species may be due to entirely different selective forces.  相似文献   

The reptilian clade Squamata is defined primarily by osteological synapomorphies, few of which are entirely unambiguous. Studies of developing squamate eggs have revealed a uniquely specialized feature not known to occur in any other amniotes. This feature—the yolk cleft/isolated yolk mass complex—lines the ventral hemisphere of the egg. During its formation, extraembryonic mesoderm penetrates the yolk and an exocoelom (the yolk cleft [YC]) forms in association with it, cutting off a thin segment of yolk (the “isolated yolk mass” [IYM]) from the main body of the yolk. The YC–IYM complex has been observed and described in more than 65 squamate species in 12 families. In viviparous species, it contributes to the “omphaloplacenta,” a type of yolk sac placenta unique to squamates. The only squamates known to lack the IYM are a few highly placentotrophic skinks with minuscule eggs, viviparous species in which it clearly has been lost. Given its absence in mammals, chelonians, crocodylians, and birds, the YC–IYM complex warrants recognition as a developmental synapomorphy of the squamate clade. As in extant viviparous lizards and snakes, the YC–IYM complex presumably contributed to the placenta of extinct viviparous squamates.  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification of clades of squamate reptiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analysed the diversification of squamate reptiles (7488 species) based on a new molecular phylogeny, and compared the results to similar estimates for passerine birds (5712 species). The number of species in each of 36 squamate lineages showed no evidence of phylogenetic conservatism. Compared with a random speciation-extinction process with parameters estimated from the size distribution of clades, the alethinophidian snakes (2600 species) were larger than expected and 13 clades, each having fewer than 20 species, were smaller than expected, indicating rate heterogeneity. From a lineage-through-time plot, we estimated that a provisional rate of lineage extinction (0.66 per Myr) was 94% of the rate of lineage splitting (0.70 per Myr). Diversification in squamate lineages was independent of their stem age, but strongly related to the area of the region within which they occur. Tropical vs. temperate latitude exerted a marginally significant influence on species richness. In comparison with passerine birds, squamates share several clade features, including: (1) independence of species richness and age; (2) lack of phylogenetic signal with respect to clade size; (3) general absence of exceptionally large clades; (4) over-representation of small clades; (5) influence of region size on clade size; and (6) similar rates of speciation and extinction. The evidence for both groups suggests that clade size has achieved long-term equilibrium, suggesting negative feedback of species richness on the rate of diversification.  相似文献   

The structure of communities may be largely a result of evolutionary changes that occurred many millions of years ago. We explore the historical ecology of squamates (lizards and snakes), identify historically derived differences among clades, and examine how this history has affected present-day squamate assemblages globally. A dietary shift occurred in the evolutionary history of squamates. Iguanian diets contain large proportions of ants, other hymenopterans, and beetles, whereas these are minor prey in scleroglossan lizards. A preponderance of termites, grasshoppers, spiders, and insect larvae in their diets suggests that scleroglossan lizards harvest higher energy prey or avoid prey containing noxious chemicals. The success of this dietary shift is suggested by dominance of scleroglossans in lizard assemblages throughout the world. One scleroglossan clade, Autarchoglossa, combined an advanced vomeronasal chemosensory system with jaw prehension and increased activity levels. We suggest these traits provided them a competitive advantage during the day in terrestrial habitats. Iguanians and gekkotans shifted to elevated microhabitats historically, and gekkotans shifted activity to nighttime. These historically derived niche differences are apparent in extant lizard assemblages and account for some observed structure. These patterns occur in a variety of habitats at both regional and local levels throughout the world.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the dermal palate and of the septomaxilla in extant squamate reptiles is reviewed in terms of Lakjer's distinctions of a palaeochoanate, incomplete neochoanate, and neochoanate condition. The differentiation of the bones surrounding the mushroom body, Jacobson's organ, and the internal naris (choana) supports a number of clades including Squamata, Scleroglossa, and Autarchoglossa, with Serpentes nested within Autarchoglossa. Dermal palate morphology and the differentiation of the septomaxilla in squamates reflect the evolution of the chemosensory system in general, and the vomeronasal system in particular, and strongly contradict a recent hypothesis of squamate phylogeny based on molecular data.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 131–152.  相似文献   

Functional morphology studies physico-chemical properties and biological roles of organs. If applied to fossils this approach is connected with specific methodological problems. The fields of application of functional morphology in paleontology are illustrated with examples. In a working concept it is shown how the results of functional morphology can be integrated into an account of the evolutionary ecology of fossil taxa.  相似文献   

Functional morphology and evolutionary biology   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
In this study the relationship between functional morpholoy and evolutionary biology is analysed by confronting the main concepts in both disciplines.Rather than only discussing this connection theoretically, the analysis is carried out by introducing important practical and experimental studies, which use aspects from both disciplines. The mentioned investigations are methodologically analysed and the consequences for extensions of the relationship are worked out. It can be shown that both disciplines have a large domain of their own and also share a large common ground. Many disagreements among evolutionary biologists can be reduced to differences in general philosophy (idealism vs. realism), selection of phenomenona (structure vs. function), definition of concepts (natural selection) and the position of the concept theory as an explaining factor (neutralists vs. selectionists, random variation, determinate selection, etc.).The significance of functional morphology for evolutionary biology, and vice versa depends on these differences. For a neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory, contributions from functional and ecological morphology are indispensable. Of ultimate importance are the notions of internal selection and constraints in the constructions determining further development. In this context the concepts of random variation and natural selection need more detailed definition.The study ends with a recommendation for future research founded in a system-theoretical or structuralistic conception.  相似文献   

Taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity are often discordant and independent components of diversity. A fundamental and largely unanswered question in evolutionary biology is why some clades diversify primarily in some of these components and not others. Dramatic variation in trunk vertebral numbers (14 to >300) among squamate reptiles coincides with different body shapes, and snake-like body shapes have evolved numerous times. However, whether increased evolutionary rates or numbers of vertebrae underlie body shape and taxonomic diversification is unknown. Using a supertree of squamates including 1375 species, and corresponding vertebral and body shape data, we show that increased rates of evolution in vertebral numbers have coincided with increased rates and disparity in body shape evolution, but not changes in rates of taxonomic diversification. We also show that the evolution of many vertebrae has not spurred or inhibited body shape or taxonomic diversification, suggesting that increased vertebral number is not a key innovation. Our findings demonstrate that lineage attributes such as the relaxation of constraints on vertebral number can facilitate the evolution of novel body shapes, but that different factors are responsible for body shape and taxonomic diversification.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution of phenotypes is considered evidence that evolution is deterministic. Establishing if such convergent phenotypes arose through convergent evolutionary pathways is a stronger test of determinism. We studied the evolution of snake‐like body shapes in six clades of lizards, each containing species ranging from short‐bodied and pentadactyl to long‐bodied and limbless. We tested whether body shapes that evolved in each clade were convergent, and whether clades evolved snake‐like body shapes following convergent evolutionary pathways. Our analyses showed that indeed species with the same numbers of digits in each clade evolved convergent body shapes. We then compared evolutionary pathways among clades by considering patterns of evolutionary integration and shape of relationship among body parts, patterns of vertebral evolution, and models of digit evolution. We found that all clades elongated their bodies through the addition, not elongation, of vertebrae, and had similar patterns of integration. However, patterns of integration, the body parts that were related by a linear or a threshold model, and patterns of digit evolution differed among clades. These results showed that clades followed different evolutionary pathways. This suggests an important role of historical contingency as opposed to determinism in the convergent evolution of snake‐like body shapes.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are highly abundant in the genome and capable of mobility, two properties that make them particularly prone to transfer horizontally between organisms. Although the impact of horizontal transfer (HT) of TEs is well recognized in prokaryotes, the frequency of this phenomenon and its contribution to genome evolution in eukaryotes remain poorly appreciated. Here, we provide evidence that a DNA transposon called SPIN has colonized the genome of 17 species of reptiles representing nearly every major lineage of squamates, including 14 families of lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians. Slot blot analyses indicate that SPIN has amplified to high copy numbers in most of these species, ranging from 2,000-28,000 copies per haploid genome. In contrast, we could not detect the presence of SPIN in any of the turtles (seven species from seven families) and crocodiles (four species) examined. Genetic distances between SPIN sequences from species belonging to different squamate families are consistently very low (average = 0.1), considering the deep evolutionary divergence of the families investigated (most are >100 My diverged). Furthermore, these distances fall below interfamilial distances calculated for two genes known to have evolved under strong functional constraint in vertebrates (RAG1, average = 0.24 and C-mos, average = 0.27). These data, combined with phylogenetic analyses, indicate that the widespread distribution of SPIN among squamates is the result of at least 13 independent events of HTs. Molecular dating and paleobiogeographical data suggest that these transfers took place during the last 50 My on at least three different continents (North America, South America and, Africa). Together, these results triple the number of known SPIN transfer events among tetrapods, provide evidence for a previously hypothesized transoceanic movement of SPIN transposons during the Cenozoic, and further underscore the role of HT in the evolution of vertebrate genomes.  相似文献   

Original and published data on the structure of egg teeth in squamate reptiles and the phylogenetic significance of corresponding characters are reviewed, elaborating A.M. Sergeev’s ideas on the subject. Problems are discussed concerning the use of this character in modern phylogenetic constructions and the necessity of new embryological investigations to resolve the issue concerning the formation of an unpaired egg tooth rudiment in all Squamata except the Dibamidae and Gekkota.  相似文献   

Postnatal patterns of skeletal development, includingthe sequence of appearance of ossification centres and the distributionof sesamoids, appear to be highly conserved species-level phenomenain squamates. As such, they are a potential source of charactersfor phylogenetic inquiry. These patterns, from 21 species representing14 crown squamate clades, form the basis for two analyses. In thefirst, the sequence of postnatal skeletal events is coded as charactersusing the sequence unit approach. This analysis reveals that thesequence of postnatal skeletal events might be useful for determiningrelationships at or above the level of crown clades, but not amongthem. The second analysis utilizes discrete data from postnatalskeletal development, such as the presence/absence of sesamoidsand the number of secondary centres in epiphyseal cartilages. Thesediscrete data appear capable of recovering the deeper divergenceswithin Squamata, but evolve too slowly to be informative at thelevel of crown clades. Thus, patterns of postnatal skeletal developmenthave the potential to help illuminate relationships throughout thesquamate tree. Further progress in this area will require the examinationof additional squamate species, the exploration of alternative codingschemes for developmental sequences, and comparable postnatal datafor Sphenodon .  © 2002 The Linnean Societyof London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 136 ,277−313.  相似文献   

Squamate reptiles are uniquely suited to study of evolution of reproductive mode and pattern of embryonic nutrition. Viviparous species have evolved from oviparous ancestors on numerous occasions, patterns of nutritional provision to embryos range widely from lecithotrophy, at one end of a continuum, to placentotrophy at the other, and structure and function of the maternal-embryonic relationship is highly constrained resulting in parallel evolutionary trajectories among taxa. Embryos of oviparous species primarily receive nourishment from yolk, but also mobilize a significant quantity of calcium from the eggshell. Most viviparous species also are predominantly lecithotrophic, yet all viviparous species are placentotrophic to some degree. Similarities in embryonic development and nutritional pattern between oviparous species and most viviparous species suggest that the pattern of nutrition of oviparous squamates is an exaptation for the evolution of viviparity and that placentotrophy and viviparity evolve concomitantly. The few species of squamates that rely substantially on placentotrophy have structural modifications of the interface between the embryo and mother that are interpreted as adaptations to enhance nutritional exchange. Recent studies have extended understanding of the diversity of embryonic nutrition and placental structure and have resulted in hypotheses for transitions in the evolution of placentotrophy, yet data are available for few species. Indirect tests of these hypotheses, by comparison of structural-functional relationships among clades in which viviparity has evolved, awaits further study of the reproductive biology of squamates.  相似文献   

Body growth is typically thought to be indeterminate in ectothermic vertebrates. Indeed, until recently, this growth pattern was considered to be ubiquitous in ectotherms. Our recent observations of a complete growth plate cartilage (GPC) resorption, a reliable indicator of arrested skeletal growth, in many species of lizards clearly reject the ubiquity of indeterminate growth in reptiles and raise the question about the ancestral state of the growth pattern. Using X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT), here we examined GPCs of long bones in three basally branching clades of squamate reptiles, namely in Gekkota, Scincoidea and Lacertoidea. A complete loss of GPC, indicating skeletal growth arrest, was the predominant finding. Using a dataset of 164 species representing all major clades of lizards and the tuataras, we traced the evolution of determinate growth on the phylogenetic tree of Lepidosauria. The reconstruction of character states suggests that determinate growth is ancestral for the squamate reptiles (Squamata) and remains common in the majority of lizard lineages, while extended (potentially indeterminate) adult growth evolved several times within squamates. Although traditionally associated with endotherms, determinate growth is coupled with ectothermy in this lineage. These findings combined with existing literature suggest that determinate growth predominates in both extant and extinct amniotes.  相似文献   

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