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The morphology and taxonomy of nine desmid taxa belonging to the three genera Closterium, Euastrum and Cosmarium are studied based on freshwater algal collections from Brazil and Argentina. They represent five new varieties (Closterium cynthia De Notaris var. minutum Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum attenuatum Wolle var. saitoi Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium laticollum Delponte var. minutum Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Grönblad var. major Kanetsuna var. nov. and Cosmarium taxichondrum Lundell var. yamagishii Kanetsuna var. nov.), two new forms (Euastrum hypochondrum Nordstedt var. hypochondrum f. divergens Kanetsuna f. nov. and Euastrum insulare (Wittrock) Roy var. silesiacum (Gronblad) Krieger f. brasiliense Kanetsuna f. nov.) and one new status (Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Gronblad var. incrassatum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna f. elonga‐tum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna stat. nov.). In addition, a new combination (Cosmarium pseudovariolatum Gronblad var. incrassatum (Scott et Gronblad) Kanetsuna comb, nov.) is proposed.  相似文献   

U. D. Bongale 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(2):103-106
Six new taxa including two new species (Cosmarium bourrellyi Bongale sp. nov. andC. desikacharyi Bongale sp. nov.) and four new varieties (C. auriculatum var.protrusum Bongale var. nov.,C. pachydermum var.inflatum Bongale var. nov.,C. pseudoconnatum var.tuberculans Bongale var. nov. andC. quadrum var.rotundatum Bongale var. nov.) are reported. Algae were collected from a paddy field at Belgaum.  相似文献   

我们从江苏、浙江两省采到的一些样品中分离得到六株毛霉菌种并鉴定为分别属于三个变种的同一个新种,即单孢共头霉原变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al.sp. nov. var. monosporum),单孢共头霉冠囊变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. cristatum Zheng et al. var. nov.),以及单孢共头霉多重生变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. pluriproliferum Zheng et al. var. nov.).它们与共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉(Syncephalastrum racemosum Cohn ex Schroeter)的主要区别在于全部孢子囊都是单孢的小型孢子囊(柱孢囊)而不是像后者一样孢子成单行排列的多袍柱孢囊.我们把这些菌归人共头霉属而没有为它们专门成立一个新属的理由除因它们与总状共头霉有明显的亲缘关系外,主要还因我们认为在不具备其它重要区别特征的情况下,在毛霉目的分类中,无论在科级或属级的水平上,都不应过分强调单孢孢子囊的作用.尽管单孢共头霉是毛霉目内唯一具单孢子柱孢囊的种,我们仍然把它们归入共头霉属内.至于我们为什么要把这六株菌鉴定为一个种的三个变种而不是三个各自独立的种,则是由于我们承认共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉是一个变异性很大的种而并没有把它分成许多不同的种,因此,我们对这个属的另外一个种,即单孢共头霉同样采用较大的种概念.  相似文献   

Essential oil components and gross morphological characters are closely correlated in Dichanthium parviflorum (R. Br.) de Wet et Harlan (Gramineae) and related species. Different species, varieties, and geographical races, as well as hybrids between them, can be identified on the basis of absence or presence and quantity of essential oil components. The morphologically variable D. parviflorum was subdivided into four varieties: var. parviflorum, var. capilliflorum (Steud.) de Wet et Harlan comb. nov., var. mutispiculum (Ohwi) de Wet et Harlan comb. nov., and var. spicigerum (S. T. Blake) de Wet et Harlan comb. nov. These varieties differ from each other morphologically in having respectively racemes with 1-4 and awned, 3-5 and awned, 1-2 and awnlass, and 4-10 and awned spikelet pairs per raceme.  相似文献   

The genus Coelastrella was established by Chodat (Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve, 13 [1922] 66), and was characterized as being unicellular or in few‐celled aggregations with many longitudinal ribs on the cell wall. Many species of this genus showed strong ability to accumulate carotenoids and oils, so they have recently attracted much attention from researchers due to its potential applicability in the energy and food industries. In this study, a total of 23 strains of Coelastrella were sampled from China, and three new species and two new varieties were described: C. thermophila sp. nov., C. yingshanensis sp. nov., C. tenuitheca sp. nov., C. thermophila var. globulina var. nov., C. rubescens var. oocystiformis var. nov. Besides 18S rDNA and ITS2 sequences, we have newly sequenced the tufA gene marker for this taxon. Phylogenetic analysis combined with morphological studies revealed four morphotypes within the Coelastrella sensu lato clade, which contained the morphotype of original Coelastrella, original Scotiellopsis, Asterarcys, and morphotype of C. vacuolata and C. tenuitheca sp. nov. The relationships between morphological differences and phylogenic diversity based on different markers were discussed. Our results support that 18S rDNA was too conserved to be used a species‐specific or even a genus‐specific marker in this clade. The topology of tufA gene‐based phylogenetic tree had a better match with the morphological findings.  相似文献   

One new Bolivian species (Borreria pazensis) and three new varieties (Borreria densiflora var.minima, Richardia, scabra var.chacoensis andStaelia virgata var.killeenii) are described and illustrated. The genusDiodella, with three species (D. apiculata comb. nov., D. radula comb. nov., andD. teres), is reported for the first time.Borreria limae, B. wunschmannii, B. scabiosoides var.scabiosoides, andB. scabiosoides var.anderssonii are also reported as new to Bolivia.  相似文献   

G. I. Naumov 《Microbiology》2000,69(3):338-342
Partial genetic isolation of twoSaccharomyces bayanus varieties, 5.bayanus var.bayanus andS. bayanus var.uvarum comb, nov., was established by hybridological analysis. The hybrids of these two varieties were semisterile: their ascospores were characterized by low survival. Earlier, the new variety was described as a group of cryophilic wine yeast cultivars capable of fermenting melibiose.  相似文献   

Many desmid taxa were found in collections from Asia (Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand). The following 21 new taxa and two new combinations belonging to five genera (Closterium, Euastrum, Cosmarium, Xanthidium and Staurastrum) and a rare species of Xanthidium, are reported. These include Closterium nasutum Nordstedt var. kazukoae Kanetsuna var. nov., Closterium nematodes Joshua var. nematodes f. kriegeri Kanetsuna f. nov., Euastrum binale (Turpin) Ehrenberg ex Ralfs var. protuberans Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum borgeanum Scott et Prescott var. cambodiense Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum dubium Nägeli var. protuberans Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum fissum W. et G. S. West var. yasukoae Kanetsuna var. nov., Euastrum gemmatum Brébisson var. tenuius Krieger f. porosum (Förster) Kanetsuna comb. nov., Euastrum pseudojenneri Scott et Prescott var. glabrum Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium denticulatum Borge var. multispinum (Hirano) Kanetsuna comb. nov., Cosmarium furcatospermum W. et G. S. West var. fallax Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium pileatum Borge var. cambodiense Kanetsuna var. nov., Cosmarium retusiforme (Wille) Gutwinski var. incrassatum Gutwinski f. retusum Kanetsuna f. nov., Cosmarium trapezoideum Kanetsuna sp. nov., Cosmarium zonatum Lundell var. zonatum f. majus Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium cristatum Brébisson var. delpontei Roy et Bisset f. mizoroensis Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium fasciculatum Ehrenberg ex Ralfs var. siamense Kanetsuna var. nov., Xanthidium pseudofreemanii Kanetsuna sp. nov., Xanthidium subtrilobum W. et G. S. West var. inornatum Skuja f. depressum Kanetsuna f. nov., Xanthidium subtrilobum W. et G. S. West var. inornatum Skuja f. singulare Kanetsuna f. nov., Staurastrum boergesenii Raciborski var. verrucosum Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum dickiei Ralfs var. polypyrenoideum Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum neglectum G. S. West var. fuseense Kanetsuna var. nov., Staurastrum trissacanthum Scott et Prescott var. dissacanthum Scott et Prescott f. longispinum Kanetsuna f. nov., and a rare interesting form, Xanthidium superbum Elfving var. centricornis Prowse.  相似文献   

陈法军 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):23-64
被孢霉属(Mortierella Coemans)是接合菌纲(Zygomycetes)、毛霉目(Mucorales)、被孢霉科(Mortierellaceae)中的一个大属,目前已知约有90种;主要存在于土壤、植物残体、动物粪便等基物中。我国过去对被孢霉的研究不多,在《中国真菌总汇》(1979)中记录了8个种。本研究从全国22个省、市、自治区采集的2000多号样品中,分离到约220个被孢霉菌株。本研究主要采用Gams (1970, 1977)的分类系统进行分类鉴定,并对该系统进行了修改。在属下分3个亚属(Micromucor, MortierellaGamsiella), 8个组(Actinomortierella, Alpina,Hygrophila, Mortierella, Schmuckii, Simplex, SpinosaStylospora),单囊霉(Haplosporangium)被承认为独立的一个属。本研究鉴定出22个种和3个变种,包括一个新种(武夷山被孢霉Mortierella wuyishanensis sp. nov.)和一个新变种(极细无色被孢霉Mortierella hyalina(Harz) W. Gams var. subtilissima var. nov.), 14个中国新纪录。这14个新纪录为:产芽胞被孢霉(Mortierella. gemmifera M. Ellis)、园圃被孢霉(M. horticola Linnem.)、矮小被孢霉(M. humilis Linnem.)、无色被孢霉(M. hyalina(Harz) W. Gams)、印度被孢霉(M. indica B.S. Mehrotra)、英杜被孢霉(M. indohii C.Y. Chien),詹金氏被孢霉(M. jenkinii (A.L. Sm.) Naumov)、可疑极小被孢霉(M. minutissima Tiegh. var. dubia Linnem.)、易变被孢霉(M. mutabilis Linnem.)、微孢被孢霉(M. parvispora Linnem.)、角胞拉曼被孢霉(M. ramanniana(Moller) Linnem. var. angulispora (Naumov) Linnem.)、网孢被孢霉(M. reticulata Tiegh.& G. Le Monn.)、多疣被孢霉(M. verrucosa Linnem.)、轮枝被孢霉(M. verticillata Linnem.)。文中讨论和评价了一些分类性状,还列出分亚属、分组、分种和变种的检索表.每个分类单元都有描述和讨论以及线条图、并列出分布地区。  相似文献   

The taxonomic problem of cryptic species has long been recognized. Hemiboea subcapitata C. B. Clarke is a widespread and morphologically diverse species including two varieties, H. subcapitata var. subcapitata C. B. Clarke and H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) Z. Y. Li. However, genetic distance and molecular phylogenetic analyses based on nuclear ITS and four plastid DNA sequences (atpB‐rbcL, matK, rbcL, rpS16 intron) revealed that H. subcapitata var. guangdongensis is sister to H. subacaulis, and separated from H. subcapitata var. subcapitata, suggesting that it should be raised to the rank of an independent species as H. guangdongensis (Z. Y. Li) X. Q. Li & X. G. Xiang, comb. & stat. nov. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from H. subacaulis by its calyx 5‐sect from base, segments narrowly oblong‐lanceolate (versus calyx 5‐sect from base or 2‐lipped and adaxial lip 2‐lobed from below middle, segments ovate), peduncle glabrous (versus pubescent), and vermiform sclereids dispersed in leaf mesophyll (versus without sclereids).  相似文献   

Saturn-spored species assigned to the generaWilliopsis andPichia were compared from extent of nuclear DNA complementarity. Of thePichia spp., four were recognized as distinct taxa:P. dispora, P. saitoi, P. zaruensis andPichia sp. nov. AmongWilliopsis spp., the following were accepted:W. californica, W. mucosa comb. nov.,W. pratensis, W. saturnus var.saturnus, W. saturnus var.mrakii comb. nov.,W. saturnus var.sargentensis comb. nov.,W. saturnus var.subsufficiens comb. nov. andWilliopsis sp. nov. The newPichia andWilliopsis species are described elsewhere. Moderate (36–68%) DNA relatedness was detected between the formerPichia sargentensis and varieties ofW. saturnus again demonstrating that nitrate assimilation is not a reliable criterion for separating yeast species.  相似文献   

Yukari Mizuta 《Mycoscience》2006,47(6):380-384
Two new species and one new variety of Oudemansiella (Agaricales) from Japan are described and illustrated: (1) Oudemansiella latilamellata sp. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Radicatae) has relatively broad lamellae and broadly ellipsoid spores with a subacute apex; (2) Oudemansiella rhodophylla sp. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Radicatae), growing in deciduous forests of Fagus crenata, Quercus crispula, etc., is characteristic in having lamellae tinted reddish; and (3) Oudemansiella amygdaliformis var. bispora var. nov. (subgenus Xerula, section Albotomentosae) is distinguished from the type variety by having two-spored basidia and grows in evergreen oak forests (Castanopsis sieboldii, Quercus glauca, etc.) or bamboo groves.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1984,36(2):178-183
Taxonomic investigations on the West Indian Hypnaceae have resulted in the following new taxa,Taxiphyllum gallorum, Ectropothecium aquaticum, andIrelandia (forIsopterygium robusticaule). Vesicularia in the West Indies is treated as a single species with four varieties,V. vesicularis var.vesicularis, var.rutilans (Brid.) comb. nov., var.portoricensis (Brid.) comb. nov., and var.crassicaulis (Mitt.) comb. nov.Chryso-hypnum is segregated fromMittenothamnium; the combinationC. diminutivum (Hampe) Buck is made.  相似文献   

Numerous detailed studies have been made of climatically and environmentally influenced macroalgal geographic distribution patterns. However, so far, there have been only a few intrinsic investigations of the geographic distributions of microalgae. In order to investigate the physiological differences among geographically different microalgal strains, six Cosmarium strains were collected from various climate areas and studied. They were grown under a constant light-temperature regime (16°C and 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1) and nutrient supply. The arctic representative, C. crenatum var. boldtianum, and the typical tropical desmid, C. beatum, behaved like algae adapted to high light intensities, as judged from the distinctly high values of photosynthetic capacity and saturating irradiance measured, in accordance with the high solar radiation prevailing in their sampling areas. The arctic taxon appeared more optimally suited to the low cultivation temperature, as evidenced by the relatively high values of growth rates, maximum quantum yield and photosynthetic efficiency measured. The cosmopolitan taxa, C. meneghinii and C. punctulatum var. subpunctulatum, exhibited a high maximum quantum yield and photosynthetic efficiency concomitantly during growth, which explained their ubiquitous distribution. Nevertheless, two clones belonging to C. punctulatum var. subpunctulatum, collected from polar and mountainous tropical regions, differed significantly with regard to cell volume, growth rates, surface area to volume ratio and photosynthetic parameters. The physiological differences between the Cosmarium strains were in accordance with their geographic origin; they are discussed in detail in this study. Moreover, these differences were maintained despite the long-term cultivation under identical and constant laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Two new species, five new varieties and five new forms belonging to the desmid genera Closterium Nitzsch, Pleurotaenium Naeg., Euastridium W. & W., Micrasterias Agardh, Cosmarium Corda and Staurastrum Meyen from the Andaman Islands are described.  相似文献   

Kelly W. Allred 《Brittonia》1984,36(4):382-395
The morphology of the Purpureae Group of North AmericanAristida is assessed by principal components and statistical analyses. Long considered a complex of about eight species, a mosaic of intergrading phenetic forms is revealed and the complex is reduced to one species with seven varieties. The taxa that are recognized areAristida purpurea var.purpurea, var.nealleyi (comb. nov.), var.curvifolia (comb. nov.), var.parishii (comb. nov.), var.wrightii (comb. nov.), var.fendleriana, and var.longiseta. A key and synopses for the varieties are provided.  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specimens collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified. The result shows that the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family. In this paper, however, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

河南玉兰属两新变种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发表河南玉兰属两新变种,即:①狭被望春玉兰(Yulania biondii (Pamp.) D. L. Fu var. angustitepala D. L. Fu, T. B. Zhao et D. W. Zhao,var. nov.);②椭圆叶罗田玉兰(Y. pilocarpa (Z. Z. Zhao et Z. W. Xie) D. L. Fu var. ellipticifolia D. L. Fu, T. B. Zhao et J. Zhao,var. nov.)。  相似文献   

A new planktonic species of Prorocentrum is described from the Gulf of Mexico. First observed with the Imaging FlowCytobot, Prorocentrum texanum sp. nov. was characterized using LM, SEM, and TEM along with sequencing of the SSU, LSU, and ITS ribosomal regions and the mitochondrial cob and cox1 regions. P. texanum sp. nov. is a round to oval bivalvate dinoflagellate, with a prominent anterior, serrated solid flange on periflagellar a platelet and an opposing short, flat flange on the h platelet. The periflagellar area consists of 10 platelets. Both left and right valves have shallow round depressions and two‐sized valve pores. The anterior ejectosome pore pattern differs between the left and right valve in relation to the periflagellar area and margins. Ten to eleven rows of tangential ejectosome pores are present on each valve. P. texanum sp. nov. has two varieties which exhibit distinct morphotypes, one round to oval (var. texanum) and the other pointed (var. cuspidatum). P. texanum var. cuspidatum is morphologically similar to P. micans in surface markings, but is smaller, and has a serrated periflagellar flange, and is genetically distinct from P. micans. Cytologically, P. texanum has two parietal chlo‐roplasts, each with a compound, interlamellar pyrenoid, trichocysts, fibrous vesicles that resemble mucocysts, pusules, V‐ to U‐shaped posterior nucleus, golgi, and tubular mitochondria. No genetic difference was found between the two varieties in the five genes examined. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU, LSU, and ITS ribosomal regions place P. texanum sp. nov. as a sister group to P. micans. One isolate of P. texanum var. texanum produces okadaic acid.  相似文献   

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