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In order to test the hypothesis that zooplankton biomass distribution (total and taxonomic groups) was influenced by the nutrient concentration and primary productivity distribution in three tropical reservoirs, subsurface samples were taken in the fluvial, transitional and lacustrine regions of three reservoirs (oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic) in southern Brazil (Paraná State) in March and September 2002. Zooplankton biomass ranged from 0.04 to 264.47 mg DW m−3. Higher biomass values were observed for cladocerans (73.60%; 0.01–259.86 mg DW m−3), followed by copepods (22.05%; 0.01–69.69 mg DW m−3) and rotifers (4.35%; 0.01–11.52 mg DW m−3). In general, the total zooplankton, rotifer, cladoceran and copepod biomass, and chlorophyll-a and total nutrient concentrations showed a similar longitudinal distribution within the reservoirs. Total zooplankton, rotifer and cladoceran biomass were related to the chlorophyll-a concentration, and zooplankton biomass was related to the total phosphorus distribution. This may have been due to the significant multicolinearity between the chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus concentrations. Cyanobacteria influenced the taxonomic group biomass results by interfering with the filter feeding in larger zooplankton species, which favoured the dominance of smaller species. As regards the longitudinal distribution of copepod biomass, cyanobacteria biomass determined the displacement of the microcrustaceans to the fluvial region of Iraí Reservoir. Our results supported the hypothesis formulated and the primary productivity was the major predictor of the zooplankton biomass distribution in the reservoirs. Handling editor: S. Dodson  相似文献   

We investigated phytoplankton biomass, assemblage structure and production along an environmental gradient to evaluate if chlorophyll-a (as proxy for biomass) and primary production peaked under conditions hypothesised to favour phytoplankton growth. During Spring 2003, a wide area from shallow estuarine waters to the shelf slope off the Río de la Plata was sampled and routine measurements included CTD profiles, nutrients, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton composition and abundance, seston and organic matter loads, downwelling light and, at selected stations, production versus irradiance experiments. Spatial differences in abiotic variables suggested distinct hydrographic zones that differed in phytoplankton biomass and productivity. Chlorophyll-a was highest under estuarine influence and peaked at low salinity when strong stratification developed in the outer estuary, and was minimum at the shelf break and slope. In that area, however, relatively high chlorophyll-a was associated to oceanographic fronts and to the occurrence of Sub Antarctic water within the photic depth range. Productivity was maximum in shallow waters, but biomass-specific productivity peaked at the outer shelf in oceanographic fronts or in upwelled Sub Antarctic waters. Over shelf and slope waters productivity and biomass were not tightly coupled, as indicated by situations of high biomass and low productivity (Station 9), low biomass and high productivity (Station 10), or both high biomass and productivity (Station 22). Ordination analysis of phytoplankton taxa suggested that assemblages changed gradually along the environmental gradient and correlated to abiotic variables defining geographic zones. Overall results were consistent with an interpretation that phytoplankton biomass and growth were modulated by light in estuarine and coastal waters, and by hydrographic processes on the continental shelf and slope. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Reservoir hydrodynamics may create heterogeneity in nitrogen (N) fixation along the riverine–transition–lacustrine gradient. In particular, N fixation may be highest in reservoir transition zones where phytoplankton biomass is also expected to be relatively high. We investigated spatial patterns of N fixation in three Texas (USA) reservoirs of varying trophic state. We sampled 6–9 stations along the longitudinal axes of the major inflows and measured N fixation using the acetylene reduction method. Total N, total phosphorus (P), and algal biomass (as chlorophyll-a) were also measured at each sample location. Measurable N fixation was observed in all reservoirs and was light-dependent. Nitrogen fixation was consistently low in the riverine zone, highest in the transition zone, and low in lacustrine zone of all reservoirs. The absolute magnitude of N fixation was similar in two relatively unproductive reservoirs and an order of magnitude higher in the eutrophic reservoir. A similar pattern was observed in mean nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations among reservoirs. However, chlorophyll-a concentrations were highest in the riverine zone of each reservoir and exhibited a monotonic decrease in the downstream direction. Maximum chlorophyll-a concentrations did not coincide with maximum N fixation rates. Results of our study indicate that reservoir transition zones can be biogeochemical hot spots for planktonic N fixation, regardless of trophic state. Therefore, transition zones may be the most at risk locations for water quality degradation associated with increased reservoir productivity. Water quality managers and aquatic scientists should consider the spatial heterogeneity imposed by unique hydrodynamic controls in reservoir ecosystems. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Biomass assessments of algae in wetlands usually include only the phytoplankton community without considering the contribution of other algal associations to total algal biomass. This omission prevents an accurate evaluation of the phytoplankton community as an integral part of the total ecosystem. In the present work, the biomass contributions (expressed as chlorophyll-a content per m2 of lake) of phytoplankton, epiphyton on both submerged and emergent macrophytes, and epipelon were measured in Lacombe Lake, Argentina, for the purpose of (1) establishing the relative importance of the phytoplankton and (2) evaluating the entire contribution of algal biomass within the context of the Goldsborough & Robinson conceptual model. Our sampling was carried out monthly for a year in sites representative of different conditions with respect to water depth and type of macrophytes. Physicochemical analyses of water were performed following standard methods. Plankton was collected in a five-level profile at deeper stations and in subsurface samples at the shallow one. Samples of sediment obtained with corers were collected for epipelon sampling and segments of plants were cut at different levels, so as to obtain the epiphytes by scraping. Pigment was extracted with aqueous acetone and calculations were made by means of the Lorenzen equation. According to the Goldsborough & Robinson model, a Lake State developed here during the winter (phytoplankton maxima: 150 mg chlorophyll-a per m2). Then, through the subsequent growth of the submerged macrophytes, an Open State was observed, characterized by a maximum epiphyton biomass (at 3,502 mg chlorophyll-a per m2) along with lower levels of phytoplankton biomass. The epiphytic algae on the emergent macrophytes were always present but attained only relatively low biomass values (maximum: 120 mg of chlorophyll-a per m2 in February). The epipelon biomass varied between 50 and 252 mg chlorophyll-a per m2, registering a considerable contribution of settled algae from the water column (phytoplankton). This study contributes to our knowledge of wetland dynamics through its assessment of the rapid changes in the relative contributions of both planktonic and attached algae to the total algal biomass within the context of specific environmental factors. Guest editors: U. M. Azeiteiro, I. Jenkinson & M. J. Pereira Plankton Studies  相似文献   

The phytoplankton productivity and chlorphyll-a concentration of Oguta Lake, the largest natural lake in south-eastern Nigeria, are presented (Dec. 1983. Nov. 1984). The gross productivity ranged from 1.3 to 3.77 g C.m–2.day–1 for the water column, dropped during the period of heavy rainfall and varied with depth. The chlorophyll-a concentration had monthly means ranging from 2.31 to 4.00 mg.m–3, with a drop during the rains, but little depth variation. Both productivity and chlorophyll-a showed non-significant correlation with the physico-chemical features of the water. The values of the biological parameters showed the lake as mesotrophic. The values are compared with those of other African lakes.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of species changes in lake ecosystems following biomanipulation measures is of paramount importance in view of water quality management. The temporal variation of phytoplankton biomass as chlorophyll-a and transparency as Secchi depth measurements are studied in the Lake Bleiswijkse Zoom, The Netherlands, with a comprehensive structural dynamic model. In the formulation of the biological model, phytoplankton as several species, zooplankton, detritus, planktivores and benthivores, and piscivores are considered to be major contributing state variables for the model. The primary goal of this paper is to describe the possible impacts of several environmental scenarios on chlorophyll-a biomass qualitatively as it would help lake and environmental managers and relevant authorities elucidate the processes of eutrophication and biomanipulation in a broad way. Some of the scenarios that have been studied by this model are: (1) The effect of fixed stoichiometry in terms of internal nitrogen and phosphorus that are tied up within algal cells; (2) the effects of external phosphorus limitation; (3) light limitation and external nitrogen limitation on algal growth; (4) probable consequences that have taken place within the chlorophyll-a biomass due to change in biomasses of various aquatic organisms; and (5) possible changes of chlorophyll-a biomass due to higher temperatures caused by global warming.  相似文献   

During the summer months of 1974–1985 chlorophyll-a and total P concentration, biomass of Daphnia hyalina, smelt Osmerus eperlanus, bream Abramis brema and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca, water temperature and water intake from lake IJsselmeer were monitored in Tjeukemeer. During this period there were manipulations with the bream and pikeperch stocks as a consequence of the termination of a gill-net fishery in 1977, and larval smelt immigrated each year from the large lake IJsselmeer and contributed largely to the yearly smelt recruitment.The correlation matrix of the nine variables mentioned above showed a positive correlation between bream and chlorophyll-a, but surprisingly a negative one between smelt and chlorophyll-a. The latter can only be explained when smelt is the dependent variable. In a multi-linear regression there was a negative effect of temperature, chlorophyll a and pikeperch on smelt and a positive effect of water intake. Daphnia hyalina was negatively influenced by the biomass of smelt and the water intake of lake IJsselmeer. The positive relation of Daphnia hyalina and chlorophyll-a was probably related to better survival chances of D. hyalina in an Oscillatoria-rich environment when smelt is the most important predator. An increasing biomass of bream coincided with higher total-P levels and probably contributed to higher chlorophyll-a levels.  相似文献   

The temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a in the layer 0–1 cm were determined in the Western Scheldt estuary over the period 1991–1992. Connections between the annually averaged benthic chlorophyll-a and station elevation and sediment composition (as a measure of the hydrodynamic energy caused by currents and waves) were also examined.Microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a showed one main peak in early summer and a smaller peak in autumn. The mean chlorophyll-a concentration of 113 mg Chl-a m–2 in the upper centimeter is of the same order of magnitude as in other estuarine areas. The average annual primary production of the microphytobenthos has been estimated at 136 g C m–2 y–1 The primary production of sediment inhabiting microalgae is at least 17% of the total primary production in the estuary.Considerable differences in annually averaged chlorophyll-a emerges between the stations. These differences are related mainly to the interaction between station elevation and clay content of the sediment.  相似文献   

Summary Chlorophyll-a and primary production on the euphotic zone of the N-NW Spanish shelf were studied at 125 stations between 1984 and 1992. Three geographic areas (Cantabrian Sea, Rías Altas and Was Baixas), three bathymetric ranges (20 to 60 m, 60 to 150 m and stations deeper than 200 m), and four oceanographic stages (spring and autumn blooms, summer upwelling, summer stratification and winter mixing) were considered. One of the major sources of variability of chlorophyll and production data was season. Bloom and summer upwelling stages have equivalent mean and maximum values. Average chlorophyll-a concentrations approximately doubled in every step of the increasing productivity sequence: winter mixing — summer stratification — high productivity (upwelling and bloom) stages. Average primary production rates increased only 60% in the described sequence. Mean (± sd) values of chlorophyll-a and primary production rates during the high productivity stages were 59.7 ± 39.5 mg Chl-a m–2 and 86.9 ± 44.0 mg C m–2 h–1, respectively. Significant differences in both chlorophyll and primary production resulted between geographic areas in most stages. Only 27 stations showed the effects of the summer upwelling that affected coastal areas in the Cantabrian Sea and Rías Baixas shelf, but also shelf-break stations in the Rías Altas area. The Rías Baixas area had lower chlorophyll than both the Rías Altas and the Cantabrian Sea areas during spring and autumn blooms, but higher during summer upwelling events. On the contrary, primary production rates were higher in the Rías Baixas area during blooms in spring and autumn. Mid-shelf areas showed the highest chlorophyll concentrations during high productivity stages, probably due to the existence of frontal zones in all geographic areas considered. The estimated phytoplankton growth rates were comparable to those of other coastal upwelling systems, with average values lower than the maximum potential growth rates. Doubling rates for upwelling and stratification stages in the northern and Rías Altas shelf areas were equivalent, despite larger biomass accumulations during upwelling events. Low turnover rates of the existing biomass in the Rías Baixas shelf in upwelling stages suggests that the accumulation of phytoplankton was due mainly to the export from the highly productive rías, while the contribution of in situ production to these accumulations was relatively lower.  相似文献   

Ciliates (protozoa) are ubiquitous components of plankton community and play important roles in aquatic ecosystems in regards of their abundance, biomass, diversity and energy turnover. Based on the stratified samples collected from the northern Beibu Gulf in August 2011, species composition, abundance, biomass, diversity and spatial pattern of planktonic ciliates were studied. Furthermore the main environmental factors controlling ciliate communities were determined. A total of 101 species belonging to 44 genera and 7 orders (i.e., Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Euplotida, Sessilida, Pleurostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Tintinnida) were identified. The variation of ciliate communities was significant at horizontal level, but that was not at vertical level. Based on cluster analysis, ciliate communities were divided into three main groups. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that Group A, existing in the waters with higher concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen, was dominated by Tintinnidium primitivum. Group B in the waters with lower temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by Leegaardiella ovalis. Group C, existing in the waters with higher temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by large Strombidium spp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Combining multiple analytic methods, our results strongly supported that phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll-a were the most significant factors affecting the ciliate communities in the northern Beibu Gulf in summer. Concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen primarily influenced ciliate biomass, implying a potential impact of eutrophication on ciliate growth. The correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, on one hand indicate the response of ciliates to the food availability, and on the other hand, the ciliates containing chloroplasts or endosymbionts may contribute greatly to the chlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

The study was conducted on the Shatt Al-Arab River at Basrah, Iraq from September 1976 to August 1977 at three stations located at the upstream, middle and lowest parts of Basrah city. There was a bimodal seasonal variation of chlorophyll-a, the concentration of which ranged between 0.52–3.25 mg/m3. The gross primary production ranged between 6.03–37.02 mgC/m3/hr and showed a unimodal seasonal variation with a maximum in August. From the concentration of chlorophyll-a and from measurement of primary productivity it was clear that the section of the river at the upstream end of Basrah city was poorest and that at the middle of the Basrah city below Ashar Channel was the richest. A positive corelation between primary productivity and chlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of zooxanthellae during a bacterial bleaching event   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Each summer 80–90% of the colonies of Oculina patagonica undergo bleaching off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. To investigate fluctuations through a yearly bleaching cycle, monthly measurements of zooxanthella density, mitotic index and chlorophyll-a concentration were conducted. Results showed (1) a significant negative correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and zooxanthella density; (2) both significantly lower zooxanthella mitotic index and higher chlorophyll-a per zooxanthella content during the bleaching season compared with the non-bleaching period; (3) prior to bleaching, a lag between the peak of zooxanthella density and chlorophyll-a concentration followed by a similar lag during recovery. Zooxanthella density declined significantly between March and May while chlorophyll-a concentration peaked in April, and then declined. Zooxanthella density increased significantly in November while chlorophyll-a concentration increased significantly in January. We conclude that during bacterial bleaching events, zooxanthellae are severely damaged. However, by the time of the following bleaching event the coral tissues regain their “normal” (pre-bleaching) zooxanthella population density.  相似文献   

Algal bloom phenomenon was defined as “the rapid growth of one or more phytoplankton species which leads to a rapid increase in the biomass of phytoplankton”, yet most estimates of temporal coherence are based on yearly or monthly sampling frequencies and little is known of how synchrony varies among phytoplankton or of the causes of temporal coherence during spring algal bloom. In this study, data of chlorophyll a and related environmental parameters were weekly gathered at 15 sampling sites in Xiangxi Bay of Three‐Gorges Reservoir (TGR, China) to evaluate patterns of temporal coherence for phytoplankton during spring bloom and test if spatial heterogeneity of nutrient and inorganic suspended particles within a single ecosystem influences synchrony of spring phytoplankton dynamics. There is a clear spatial and temporal variation in chlorophyll a across Xiangxi Bay. The degree of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a between pairs of sites located in Xiangxi Bay ranged from –0.367 to 0.952 with mean and median values of 0.349 and 0.321, respectively. Low levels of temporal coherence were often detected among the three stretches of the bay (Down reach, middle reach and upper reach), while high levels of temporal coherence were often found within the same reach of the bay. The relative difference of DIN between pair sites was the strong predictor of temporal coherence for chlorophyll a in down and middle reach of the bay, while the relative difference in Anorganic Suspended Solids was the important factor regulating temporal coherence in middle and upper reach. Contrary to many studies, these results illustrate that, in a small geographic area (a single reservoir bay of approximately 25 km), spatial heterogeneity influence synchrony of phytoplankton dynamics during spring bloom and local processes may override the effects of regional processes or dispersal. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   


The restored Maltañski Reservoir was studied from its filling with water in 1990 till 2000. Total phosphorus, chlorophyll-a, and Secchi depth, as well as the Carlson's trophic state index (TSI) values based on those three parameters showed characteristic patterns of changes among seasons and years. Within each year, the lowest trophic state was usually observed in winter and the highest in summer. Because of the high loads of phosphorus received by the reservoir, this element did not limit primary production. TSI values calculated on the basis of total phosphorus were always markedly higher than calculated on chlorophyll-a and Secchi depth (similar to each other). The trophic upsurge phase lasted only a few months after the filling of the reservoir in 1990. Similar symptoms were observed after its refilling in the spring of 1993. The trophic depression phase lasted until the end of 1995. After that time a significant correlation between phosphorus concentration in the reservoir and in river waters flowing into the reservoir was observed. The successive phases of reservoir ageing, determined on the basis of phosphorus concentration, were not accompanied by changes in chlorophyll-a content. The influence of the top-down mechanism (biomanipulation effect) resulted in relatively low values of chlorophyll-a after the filling of the reservoir with water in 1990 and in 1993. As early as 1992 chlorophyll-a values reached a very high level and stayed at that level until the end of the study in 2000 (except for the short decline in 1993).


The seasonal variation of phytoplankton in an eutrophic tropical reservoir was evaluated through photosynthetic pigments analyzed by HPLC. The contributions of algal classes to total chlorophyll a (TChl-a) were estimated by two procedures. The first one used fixed marker pigment/chlorophyll a ratio available from culture studies of the major species of each class. In the second procedure, a matrix factorization program (CHEMTAX) was used to analyze the pigment data. The pigment data were compared with carbon biomass estimated from microscope analysis. A significant correlation between total chlorophyll a (measured by HPLC) and total biomass was obtained, indicating only a slight variation in the content of algal chlorophyll a when compared to its fluctuations in carbon biomass. The interpretation of pigment data with CHEMTAX resulted in a good agreement with biomass. Although displaying some differences, the general pattern of the phytoplankton community dynamics and the major shifts in composition, biomass and the cyanobacterial bloom were evidenced. In contrast, Chl-a biomass estimates from fixed Xan/Chl-a ratios presented poor agreement with microscope data and did not register the principal changes in phytoplankton. Our results also highlighted the needs of better understanding of the relationships between marker pigments, chlorophyll-a and algal biomass.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus are the primary nutrients that affect water quality in streams in the midwestern USA and high concentrations of these nutrients tend to increase algal biomass. However, how nutrients interact with physical controls in regulating algal biomass is not well known in agricultural streams. Eighteen streams in east-central Illinois (USA) were sampled during June and September 2003 to analyze factors possibly regulating algal biomass. Additionally, two shaded and two non-shaded sites in the Embarras River in east-central Illinois were sampled intensively from June to December 2003. Both sestonic and periphytic chlorophyll-a (chl-a) were analyzed, and periphytic chl-a was assessed on natural substrata and unglazed ceramic tiles. Although high concentrations of nutrients were found in these streams (mean total P = 0.09–0.122 mg l−1 and mean NO3-N=4.4–8.4 mg l−1), concentrations of sestonic chl-a were low among all sites and both sampling periods (<18 mg m−3, median values of 5 and 3 in June and September, respectively). Filamentous algae were an important component of the algal communities in streams with stable substrata. Periphytic chl-a was generally not related to the concentration of N or P in the water column, and in non-shaded streams periphyton appeared at times to be light-limited due to turbid water. Turbidity was found to be an important factor controlling chl-a on ceramic tiles across the 18 sites and for the Embarras River sites; chl-a decreased exponentially in concentration (132–0 mg m−2) as turbidity increased from 4 to 39 NTU (r 2 = 0.80). In general, the interaction between hydrology and light (turbidity) likely controlled algal biomass in these nutrient-rich, agricultural streams.  相似文献   

In June 1992, an extensive investigation programme was carried out in the turbidity zone of the Elbe river. Special attention was paid to salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM) and their influence on bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, mysids and fish. SPM was separated into three fractions of different settling velocities. Mean settling velocity (ws) was 0.05 cm s−1. The major part of SPM belonged to the slow settling fraction (ws<0.02 cm s−1). Bacterial exoenzymatic activity showed a positive correlation with SPM and chlorophyll-a content, and also to total dissolved free amino acids. Phytoplankton biomass reached maximum values of 5.7 μg chlorophyll-a l−1 at ebb tide. Chlorophyll-a correlated negatively with salinity, indicating riverine input of phytoplankton. A positive correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and dissolved oxygen. Abundance of zooplankton species and their developmental stages varied over the tidal cycles; abundance of cirriped larvae and copepodite stages of the dominant speciesEurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Crustacea) was positively correlated with salinity. Individual filtering rates (IFR) ofEurytemora affinis were negatively affected by the SPM content of the water. Maximum IFR for adults was 7.2 ml h−1. Community grazing reached maximum rates of 30.3 ml l−1 h−1 (i.e. 72.7% d−1). The dominant mysidNeomysis integer showed maximum abundance at night, possibly resulting from diel vertical migration. Abundance ofN. integer was positively correlated with SPM content. The fish community, consisting of 17 fish species, was characterised by high densities of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). A positive correlation was found between salinity and abundance of typical marine fish species, such as sprat (Sprattus sprattus). Similar temporal variation of abundance of smelt, sprat, andEurytemora copepodites indicates processes of habitat preference of these planktivorous fish in relation to optimal food supply. SPM was the factor controlling both distribution of organisms and the turnover of nutrients. Salinity only was important for the distribution of organisms.  相似文献   

Based on 388 parallel data of phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll-a of two shallow lakes and two ponds, the following results were obtained:
  1. Relative chlorophyll-a content of phytoplankton biomass varied between 0.08–1.88%; chlorophyll-a concentration showed great differences among lakes.
  2. Significant correlations (r = 0.68–0.92) were established between phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll-a concentration. The regression in the artificial ponds was non-linear.
  3. In parallel with the increase of average cell volume, a decrease in relative chlorophyll-a content was observed. A significant correlation (r = + 0.83) between the two variables was found. Relative chlorophyll-a content of phytoplankton is a log-function of average cell volume.

In contrast to shallow lakes, factors affecting trophic state in ponds are not well described, and may include unique effects related to pond size. We examined the interdependence of ambient N and P, phytoplankton biomass, light penetration and stratification in 13 ponds of varying area and mean depth in Chester County, PA (USA) during March, May and July of 2002. Seven of the ponds had primarily residential watersheds, and six were farm ponds. The ponds were all eutrophic or hypereutrophic based on Carlsons Trophic State Index, but varied widely in nutrient content (from 20 to 179 g total P/L and from 683 to 3895 g total N/L) and size (surface areas from 0.1 to 1.7 ha, mean depths from 0.6 to 1.8 m). Although total N (TN) typically declined while total P (TP) rose from March to July, the ratio TN/TP remained sufficiently high that algal growth was probably limited by P during the study period. Phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll-a) was positively correlated with TP and negatively correlated with Secchi depth on all three sampling dates. Despite their shallow nature, the ponds were frequently stratified with near-anoxic hypolimnia later in the study period; mixing depth was greater in ponds with greater light penetration. Residual variation in chlorophyll-a unexplained by TP, and in Secchi depth unexplained by chlorophyll-a, was related to either mean depth or surface area, suggesting that trophic state in ponds may be controlled differently than in much larger, shallow lakes.  相似文献   

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