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M. Cresti  F. Ciampolini  G. Sarfatti 《Planta》1980,150(3):211-217
No differences have been observed in vivo between Lycopersicum peruvianum compatible and incompatible pollen during activation and pollen tube emission and organization, that is until 4 h and 30 min after pollination. During pollen activation the main events are the setting free of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisterns which were stacked in the mature pollen, the increase in the number of polysomes, and a great activity of the dictyosomes. Immediately after germination of the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell move into the tube, the generative cell diviting to form the male gametes; the tube then becomes organized in four zones. This series of changes is similar to what has already been observed in vitro except that in vitro the generative cell remains undivided and the whole process from seeding to tube organization takes 3 h instead of 4 h and 30 min after pollination, as it does in vivo. Our findings are compatible with the main models of the tube inhibition mechanism proposed till now.Abbreviations RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - GC generative cell - VN vegetative nucleus - GP germinative pore Research performed under C.N.R. (Italian National Research Council) program Biology of Reproduction  相似文献   

Summary Phaseolus coccineus typically has six linearly arranged ovules per ovary. The three ovules near the stylar end of the fruit (positions one, two, and three) are more likely to produce mature seeds, to produce heavier seeds, and to produce more vigorous progeny than the ovules in positions near the peduncular/basal end of the fruit (ovule positions four, five, and six). We conducted a series of field experiments designed to supplement our understanding of the mechanisms determining these position effects. We found that approximately 98% of the ovules in 752 fruits were fertilized — about 0.6% of the stylar ovules were not fertilized, whereas 3.2% of the basal ovules were unfertilized. Moreover, we found that only about 49% of the ovules in these 752 fruits produced mature seeds. Over 60% of the stylar ovules produced mature seeds, whereas only 37% of the basal ovules produced mature seeds. Consequently, the proportion of fertilized ovules cannot explain the differences in seed maturation among the ovule positions. We found that after 6.5 h most of the fertilized ovules were located in the stylar ovule positions, and that there were no fertilized ovules in ovule positions five and six, indicating that the stylar ovules are fertilized first. When only the fastest growing pollen tubes were permitted to enter the ovary (due to exision of the style), only the ovules at the stylar end were fertilized, indicating that the ovule positions that are fertilized first are indeed fertilized by the fastest growing pollen tubes.On leave from the Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Cuidad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America  相似文献   

One of the rare weak points of the model plant Arabidopsis is the technical problem associated with the germination of its male gametophyte and the generation of the pollen tube in vitro. Arabidopsis pollen being tricellular has a notoriously low in vitro germination compared to species with bicellular pollen. This drawback strongly affects the reproducibility of experiments based on this cellular system. Together with the fact that pollen collection from this species is tedious, these are obstacles for the standard use of Arabidopsis pollen for experiments that require high numbers of pollen tubes and for which the percentage of germination needs to be highly reproducible. The possibility of freeze-storing pollen after bulk collection is a potential way to solve these problems, but necessitates methods that ensure continued viability and reproducible capacity to germinate. Our objective was the optimization of germination conditions for Arabidopsis pollen that had been freeze-stored. We optimized the concentrations of various media components conventionally used for in vitro pollen germination. We found that in general 4 mM calcium, 1.62 mM boric acid, 1 mM potassium, 1 mM magnesium, 18% sucrose at pH 7 and a temperature of 22.5°C are required for optimal pollen germination. However, different experimental setups may deviate in their requirements from this general protocol. We suggest how to optimally use these optimized methods for different practical experiments ranging from morphological observations of pollen tubes in optical and electron microscopy to their bulk use for molecular and biochemical analyses or for experimental setups for which a specific medium stiffness is critical. F. Bou Daher and Y. Chebli contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

J. Kenrick  V. Kaul  E. G. Williams 《Planta》1986,169(2):245-250
In self-incompatible Acacia retinodes Schldl. var. uncifolia J.M. Black there is no inhibition of self pollen tubes before entry into the ovule, but the frequency of fertilized embryo sacs observed after self pollination is only 0.09–0.24 of that observed after outcrossing. Fluorescence- and light-microscope studies of sectioned, squashed or cleared whole ovules indicate that most self pollen tubes are arrested within the first or second layer of cells of the nucellus. The probability that nucellar arrest represents a primitive feature of self-incompatibility is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Theparthenocarpic fruit (pat) allele causes a complex syndrome affecting different aspects of tomato reproductive development. This mutation affects stamen (reduced length and carpelloidy), ovule (arrested integument growth and unviability), and ovary (autonomous growth, i.e., parthenocarpy) development;pat mutant plants therefore have reduced male and female fertility. We studied the phenotypic expression patterns of thepat gene after treatments with gibberellic acid (GA3) and under different growth seasons (late spring and autumn) and genetic backgrounds (backcross [BC] population after interspecific cross). GA3 treatments were only effective in restoring carpelloid anthers to the wild-type phenotype. Compared to late spring, mutant plants grown in autumn had a lower frequency of carpelloid anthers and aberrant ovules and a higher seed set. Inflorescence position also affected thepat expression; upper inflorescences had low frequency of short anthers and aberrant ovules and an increased tendency to set seeds,pat expressivity was more variable in BC1 plants segregating after interspecific cross withLycopersicon pennellii than in the originalL. esculentum line. Therefore, a role for minor genes that modify the quantitative expression of thepat mutation is postulated and discussed.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BC backcross - GA gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Morphologic changes occurring during pollen grain activation and ultrastructural features of Lycopersicum peruvianum Mill. pollen tube during the first stages of growth in vitro have been studied. The more evident morphologic changes during activation, in comparison to those already described for mature inactive pollen, concern dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and ribosomes. The dictyosomes are very abundant and produce large and small vesicles. Near the germinative pores both types of vesicles are present, while all along the remaining cell wall only the large type is observed. These latter react weakly to Thiéry's test and probably contain a callose precursor necessary for the deposition of a callosic layer lining at first only the inner side of the functioning pore and occasionally the other two pores, and subsequently the entire inner surface of the cell wall. The small vesicles, highly positive to Thiéry's test, are present only near the pores and could be involved in the formation of the pectocellulosic layer of the tube wall. The setting free of RER cisterns, which in the mature inactive pollen were aggregated in stacks, coinciding with polysome formation and resumption of protein synthesis, is in accord with the hypothesized role of RER cistern stacks as a reserve of synthesizing machinery. The pollen tube reaches a definitive spatial arrangement soon after the generative cell and vegetative nucleus have moved into it. At this stage four different zones that reflect a functional specialization are present. In the apical and subapical zone two types of dictysosome-originated vesicles, similar to those found in the activated pollen grain, are present. Their role in the formation of the callosic and pectocellulosic wall layers seems to be the same as in the activated pollen grain.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum Research performed under CNR program Biology of Reproduction  相似文献   

A unique mode of fertilization called chalazogamy, whereby the pollen tube passes through the chalaza instead of the micropyle, is known in several species of derived genera in Casuarinaceae. In this paper we report the occurrence of chalazogamy in Gymnostoma (G. poissonianum), the most primitive genus in the family. We also show that the pollen tube grows discontinuously from the stigma to ovules in about 3 months. At the time of pollination, the ovules have not yet formed in the ovary, and require a long time to develop. The pollen tube(s) lie in a zigzag line and are branched in the upper region of the style, and their growth is arrested there until the ovary develops further. Studies of the relevant literature further revealed discontinuous pollen-tube growth in relation to a prolonged period between pollination and fertilization, as well as chalazogamy, in Betulaceae, Juglandaceae and/or Fagaceae that are closely related to Casuarinaceae. This feature may have derived early in the evolution of Fagales.  相似文献   

The path of the pollen tube has been examined in pistachio (Pistacia vera), a chalazogamous species where the pollen tube penetrate the ovule via the chalaza. Special attention was paid to the way the pollen tube gains access to the ovule. A single anatropous ovule with a big funiculus occupies the entire ovary cavity. At anthesis, a physical gap exists between the ovule and the base of the style. However, upon pollen tube arrival a protuberance, the ponticulus, develops in the uppermost area of the funiculus between the style and ovule. This structure appears to facilitate access to the ovule by the pollen tube. The pollen tube penetrates the ovule via this ponticulus. Upon penetration, callose develops in the ponticulus cells surrounding the pollen tube. After pollen tube passage, the upper layer of the ponticulus lignifies and isolates the ovule from the style. This separation is further enlarged 2 weeks later when the ovary starts to develop without expansion of the ovule and a large gap develops separating the ovule from the style. Except for the induction of callose formation by the pollen tube in the funiculus, this process is independent of pollination and appears to be developmentally regulated since it occurs in the same way and at the same time in pollinated and unpollinated flowers. The ponticulus, although by a different mechanism, appears to be playing the role of an obturator regulating access of the pollen tube to the ovule. Furthermore, this access is restricted to a particular time during the development of the ovule.  相似文献   

Synopsis Anadromous salmonid females exhibit indicators of mate choice based on male size. Direct benefits to females of mating with larger males have not been identified for semelparous Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp. We tested the null hypothesis that females forced to spawn naturally in a stream channel and artificially (gametes removed manually) with males about half their body mass would experience egg fertilization rates similar to that of females forced to spawn with males of about equal mass. Fertilization rates did not differ significantly between large- and small-male pairs. The fertilization rates were also very similar for eggs deposited naturally and those that we fertilized artificially. Therefore, fertilization success does not appear to be the mechanism responsible for female mate choice based on male size. Benefits of females mating with larger males probably have only indirect (i.e., genetic) benefits to a females offspring, as suggested by previous authors.  相似文献   

The lifespan of individual microbes in the soil influences nutrient cycling rates as well as population dynamics, but their responses to global change factors such as anthropogenic nitrogen deposition have been challenging to quantify in situ. We used minirhizotron images to track the abundance and turnover rate of individual fungal rhizomorphs under nitrogen fertilization in a pinyon-juniper woodland in New Mexico. We hypothesized that increases in nitrogen availability would alter rhizomorph lifespan and abundance. Sequential images were collected over eight sampling dates from November 1997 to August 1999, and a total of 278 rhizomorphs were examined. We found that neither standing stocks nor lifespans of rhizomorphs differed significantly between treatments. Lifespans of rhizomorphs lasted eleven months on average, indicating that nutrient immobilization in these structures could last for longer than a growing season in these sites.  相似文献   

This study focused on haploid induction in mandarin through in situ gynogenesis by pollination with irradiated pollen of ‘Meyer’ lemon. Pollination was carried out for three genotypes of mandarin with four levels of gamma-ray-irradiated pollen (150, 300, 600, and 900 Gy). The resulting seeds were characterised by a small size. Embryos were rescued in vitro and the ploidy level of the plantlets was determined by flow cytometry analysis. Haploid, diploid, triploid plantlets were obtained. The haploid parthenogenetic origin was confirmed using microsatellite marker analysis and chromosome count. Diploid and triploid plants were the result of crosses between mandarin and lemon. The induction of gynogenetic haploids of ‘Fortune’ (Citrus clementina Hort ex Tan. × Citrus tangerina Hort ex Tan.) and ‘Ellendale’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco × Citrus sinensis L. Osb) is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Summary The manipulation of single pollen grains of maize was studied. The effects of delivering substances both locally to the grain wall, tube or tip by a microcapillary and directly into the pollen grain by microinjection, and single grain pollination were investigated. Germination was induced by adding small amounts of water locally to the grains with either a microcapillary or with a waterdelivering emulsion without any other ingredients in the medium. The grains were overlayered by mineral or silicone oil so that tube growth proceeded without the grains bursting. There was no apparent penetration of high-molecular-weight substances (FITC-dextran, ethidium bromide labelled DNA) into the living grain either before or after pollination. Neither could the penetration of these substances be detected in both dry, viable and hydrated grains, tubes and tube tips, with or without treatment with Triton X-100 and dimethyl sulfoxide. By microinjection, however, the delivery of high-molecular-weight substances into grains was possible. Such injected grains successfully pollinated stigmas of cultured ear segments. Pollination with pore-injected grains was most efficient (mean 26%). No difference in fertilization rates between mass pollination (mean 41%) and single grain pollination (mean 39%) could be found. A mean fertilization rate of 29% could be obtained after microinjection. Seedlings developed 3 weeks after being pollinated by means of the in vitro pollination and fertilization method.  相似文献   

以‘杂交石竹’为试验材料,利用荧光显微镜观察其授粉后花粉萌发、花粉管生长情况,采用石蜡切片法对其受精及胚胎发育过程进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)授粉后1h母本柱头上少量花粉开始萌发;授粉后4h大量花粉萌发,花粉管生长至柱头中部有胼胝质出现;授粉后6h花粉管生长至子房组织并有少量与胚珠结合;授粉后15h柱头中出现大量胼胝质,花粉管与胚珠结合数增多;授粉后24h胚珠周围出现多条花粉管,其中1条花粉管进入胚珠,部分进入胚囊的花粉管卷曲盘绕生长并产生胼胝质;精细胞与极核的融合主要发生在授粉后17~48h,与卵细胞融合主要于授粉后1~3d。(2)杂交石竹胚发育经过原胚、球形胚、棒状形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚阶段。(3)杂交障碍表现为:只有游离的胚乳核而无胚发育的胚囊、合子未分裂、两极核未融合、球形胚败育。研究表明,杂交石竹存在受精前和受精后障碍,这是导致其结实率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments compared the nutritive value of various pollen sources for the development of Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer under conditions of continuous water availability and simulated drought. When water was continuously available, larval survival was not different from 100% on diets of frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, corn pollen, sorghum pollen, or pulverized bee pollen, whereas survival of larvae was significantly reduced on the latter three diets in the simulated drought treatment. Pollen of cultivated sunflower, Helianthus annus L., proved fatal to both larvae and adults; its surface structure caused clumping and accumulation on the insect cuticle that led to death from exhaustion/desiccation in petri dishes. The Ephestia egg diet yielded shorter developmental times and heavier adult weights than any pollen diet in both treatments. The drought treatment increased developmental time on all diets with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Drought reduced the adult weight of females on the sorghum pollen diet, and that of both sexes on the bee pollen diet, again with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Initial water content was highest in corn pollen (36.8%), followed by Ephestia eggs (29.2%), sorghum pollen (25.3%), sunflower pollen (8.7%), and bee pollen (4.6%), but did not appear correlated with C. maculata larval survival on pollen sources under drought conditions. Reproductive adult females that received corn or sorghum pollen as a supplement to Ephestia eggs did not differ in fecundity or fertility from those fed only Ephestia eggs.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro tests of pollen germination were carried out at different periods during an annual cycle in order to study environmental influence on the quality of Rosa hybrida L. pollen during its maturation process. This quality was evaluated by taking into account the rate of germination as well as the average length of emitted pollen tubes. In addition, during an annual hybridization period, a few pollinations were carried out in vivo with pollen of the same origin in order to study the evolution of the fertilization results, as attested by number of achenes per resulting hips. During the period covered by the experiments, the evolution of the pollen quality detected in vitro can be related to that of seed setting success. Of the two criteria used in vitro to evaluate pollen quality, the factor most liable to influence in vivo fertilization success seems to be the average length of emitted pollen tubes.  相似文献   

A summary is given of the pollen tube pathway, the interactions during the progamic phase and the incompatibility system ofGasteria. Pollen coating substances stimulate pollen tube ovular penetration and fruit set in cases of cross-pollination. Pollen coating substances also stimulate the water supply of the pistil which completes the pollen tube pathway. These two types of signals are related to recognition reactions, as well as to the activation of the pistil. Because the pollen coating substance is of sporophytic origin, the incompatibility system type is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Lin  W. J. Uwate  V. Stallman 《Planta》1977,135(2):183-190
The pollen tube of Prunus avium (cherry) consists of a growth zone of vesicles at the tip and an assemblage of organelles typical of an actively metabolizing cell. Electron opaque globules are closely associated with the plasma membrane and fibrillar cell wall layer at the tip. Acid phosphatase (EC activity is localized in the membranes of 120 nm vesicles and ER system, the lumen of 50 nm vesicles, the plasma membrane and the tube nucleus.  相似文献   

Kuang A  Musgrave ME  Matthews SW 《Planta》1996,198(4):588-594
Reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Columbia plants was investigated under spaceflight conditions on shuttle mission STS-51. Plants launched just prior to initiation of the reproductive phase developed flowers and siliques during the 10-d flight. Approximately 500 flowers were produced in total by the 12 plants in both the ground control and spaceflight material, and there was no significant difference in the number of flowers in each size class. The flower buds and siliques of the spaceflight plants were not morphologically different from the ground controls. Pollen viability tests immediately post-flight using fluorescein diacetate indicated that about 35% of the pollen was viable in the spaceflight material. Light-microscopy observations on this material showed that the female gametophytes also had developed normally to maturity. However, siliques from the spaceflight plants contained empty, shrunken ovules, and no evidence of pollen transfer to stigmatic papillae was found by light microscopy immediately post-flight or by scanning electron microscopy on fixed material. Short stamen length and indehiscent anthers were observed in the spaceflight material, and a film-like substance inside the anther that connected to the tapetum appeared to restrict the release of pollen from the anthers. These observations indicate that given appropriate growing conditions, early reproductive development in A. thaliana can occur normally under spaceflight conditions. On STS-51, reproductive development aborted due to obstacles in pollination or fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary To contribute to the knowledge of the role of reciprocal translocations in rye, a component of fertility was estimated by comparing germination and pollen tube growth in homozygous and heterozygous plants for reciprocal translocations. The results obtained indicate that there are no differences in germination and pollen tube growth rate when homozygous and heterozygous plants as a whole are compared. However, there are significant differences in pollen tube growth between plants carrying different translocations. This suggests that the chromosome constitution of a plant is relevant to these fitness-estimating parameters together with its particular genetic background.  相似文献   

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