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Summary Crab photoreceptors were examined after treatment by the osmium-DMSO-osmium method for high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. This technique of specimen preparation was also adapted for transmission electron microscopy, enabling sections up to 1 urn thick to be viewed in a conventional microscope at 75 kV. With appropriate pretreatment, some cytoskeletal elements can be visualised by both techniques. The methods were then used to investigate some of the daily changes known to occur in photoreceptor cell structure. Striking differences were found in the structure of Golgi bodies present in retinula cells during the synthesis and breakdown phases of the daily cycle of photoreceptor membrane turnover. Cyclic changes were also noticed in the mitochondria of retinula cells, and additional evidence was found for a previously proposed model of rhabdomeral microvillus formation.  相似文献   

Summary The walls of mature teliospores and the development of ornamentation, as seen by transmission electron microscopy, are described for 37 genera of smut fungi, based on observations of ca. 120 species and on literature. Structural diversity of mature teliospore walls is due to differences in spore wall layers forming the spore wall (endosporium, middle layer, exosporium, ornamentation) and to different elements forming the ornamentation (exosporium, ornaments, sheath, hyphal wall, adjacent fungal cells, material of the host). During teliosporogenesis the outer layers are usually deposited first. At the beginning of the formation of the ornamentation the plasma membrane may be smooth or undulated carrying the developing ornaments on its tips or in its depressions. The ornamentation of some genera appears similar when seen by scanning electron microscopy, but can be the product of different developmental patterns (e.g., warts of species ofFarysia, Tilletia, andUstilago), however, warty and reticulate ornamentation can both be produced by similar developmental processes (shown, e.g., for species ofCintractia andTilletia). Typical structures of the mature teliospore wall and developmental patterns based on homologous similarities are described for the following groups of genera or species:Macalpinomyces, Melanopsichium, Sporisorium, andUstilago infecting members of the family Poaceae;Kuntzeomyces, Testicularia, andTrichocintractia; Anthracoidea, Cintractia, Heterotolyposporium piluliforme, andTolyposporium junci; Glomosporium, Sorosporium, andThecaphora; Conidiosporomyces, Erratomyces, Ingoldiomyces, Neovossia, Oberwinkleria, andTilletia; Entyloma, and genera of the Doassansia group;Liroa, Microbotryum, Sphacelotheca, Ustilago infecting dicotyledons, andZundeliomyces; Aurantiosporium, Fulvisporium, andUstilentyloma. Special characteristics of the teliospore wall were observed for the generaDermatosorus, Doassinga, Entorrhha, Farysia, Mycosyrinx, Rhamphospora, and some species ofTolyposporium.Part 165 in the series Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes from the Botanical Institute, University of Tübingen  相似文献   

Summary Xenopus embryos held inverted from the one cell stage show a partial reversal of the pattern of cleavage: the blastocoel forms towards the new upper pole, and the non-pigmented cells forming the blastocoel roof are smaller than normal endoderm cells. Two properties of the cells from inverted embryos have been studied: their capacity to form cilia when cultured for 48 h, normally a property of ectoderm cells; and their scanning electron microscopical appearance when isolated and cultured for shorter periods, which differs for normal ectoderm and endoderm cells. Groups of the upper, non-pigmented cells from inverted embryos do not form cilia in a longerterm culture, whereas groups of the lower, pigmented cells do. In contrast, the scanning electron microscopical appearance of the upper, non-pigmented cells of inverted embryos is more like that of normal ectoderm cells; the appearance of lower, pigmented cells is more like that of normal endoderm. Thus the determination to form cilia is not reversed by inversion, whereas the control of cell morphology is.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches in Drosophila melanogaster over the last 20 years have played a fundamental role in elucidating the function, structure and molecular composition of the centrosome. However, quantitative data on the structure and function of the Drosophila centrosome are still lacking. This study uses, for the first time, whole mount electron microscopy in combination with negative staining on isolated centrosomes from the early Drosophila embryos to analyze its dimensions, structure and capacity to nucleate microtubules in vitro. We show that these organelles are on average 0.75 μm in diameter and have abundant pericentriolar material which often appears fibrillar and with bulbous protrusions. Corresponding to the abundant pericentriolar material, extensive microtubule nucleation occurs. Quantification of the number of microtubules nucleated showed that 50–300 active nucleation sites are present. We examined via electron microscopy immunogold labeling the distribution of γ-tubulin, CNN, Asp and the MPM-2 epitopes that are phosphorylated through Polo and the Cdk1 kinase. The distribution of these proteins is homogeneous, with the MPM-2 epitopes exhibiting the highest density. In contrast, centrosomal subdomains are identified using a centriole marker to relate centrosome size to the centriole number by electron microscopy. In conclusion, we present a clear-cut technique assaying and quantifying the microtubule nucleation capacity and antigen distribution complementing molecular studies on centrosome protein complexes, cell organelle assembly and protein composition.  相似文献   

Calvo MA  Agut M 《Mycopathologia》2002,153(3):137-139
Woronin bodies are cytoplasmic organelles of filamentous fungi that can be observed on one, or both sides of each septum. The goal of this paper is to illustrate the presence of them in hyphae of Arthrinium aureum by means of scanning electron microscopy and to show that they act as a safety plug to close septa pores in hypha. Results show that Woronin bodies as an immediate response to prevent a cytoplasm loss. Results support hypothesis proposed previously in literature. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Geosiphon pyriforme represents a photoautotrophic endosymbiosis of aGlomus-like fungus with the cyanobacteriumNostoc punctiforme. The fungus forms unicellular bladders of up to 2 mm in length and 0.5 mm in diameter growing on the soil surface and harboring the endosymbioticNostoc filaments. The cyanobacteria are located in a compartment (the symbiosome) bordered by a host membrane. The space between this symbiosome membrane (SM) and theNostoc cell wall is filled with an about 30–40 nm thick layer of amorphous material, which is present also in the regions of the symbiosome where noNostoc filaments are located. At these sites the amorphous material consists of a 20–30 nm thick layer separating the SM. The region between the SM and the cyanobacterium is defined as symbiosome space (SS). Fungal bladders, hyphae and free livingNostoc were analyzed by affinity techniques as well as the material occurring in the SS. FITC-coupled lectins with sugar specificity to -D-mannosyl/-D-glucosyl (Con A), N-acetyl--D-glucosamine oligomers (WGA), -L-fucosyl (UEA-I), -D-galactosyl (RCA-120), -D-galactosyl (BS-I-B4), N-acetyl--D-galactosamine (HPA), and sialic acid (EBL) residues were tested. WGA binding and calcofluor white staining demonstrated that the bladder wall as well as the SS contain fibrillar chitin. Of the other lectins only Con A clearly labeled the symbiosome. On the contrary, the lectin binding properties of the slime produced by free livingNostoc-colonies indicate the presence of mannose, fucose, GalNAc, sialic acid, and galactose, while chitin or GlucNAc-oligomers could not be detected. The symbiosome was also investigated electron microscopically. WGA-gold binding confirmed the presence of chitin, while a slight PATAg reaction indicated some polysaccharidic molecules within the SS. Our results show that the amorphous material within the SS contains molecules typical of the fungal cell wall and suggest that the SM is related to the fungal plasma membrane. The applied lectins all bind to the hyphal surface, indicating a high molecular complexity. Mannosyl, -galactosyl, and sialic acid residues are strongly exposed at the outer cell wall layer, whereas GlucNAc, GalNAc, and -galactosyl residues seem to be present in smaller amounts. The symbiotic interface established between the fungus andNostoc inGeosiphon shows many similarities to that occurring between fungi and root cells in arbuscular mycorrhizas.Abbreviations AM arbuscular mycorrhiza - BS-I-B4 Bandeiraea simplicifolia lectin I isolectin B4 - CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - Con A Concanavalin A - EBL elderberry bark lectin I - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HPA Helix pomatia agglutinin - PATAg periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-Ag proteinate - SM symbiosome membrane - SS symbiosome space - RCA-120 Ricinus communis agglutinin 120 - UEA-I Ulex europaeus agglutinin I - WGA wheat germ agglutinin Dedicated to Professor Dr. Peter Sitte at the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The mouse oviduct is covered by dense tracts of ciliated cells interspersed at random with occasional non-ciliated cells. Correlation between scanning electron microscopy and thin section images indicates that in the isolated fimbria most cilia are short (5 µm) and inactive, resting at the end of a uterad-directed effective stroke. These cilia terminate in a 9S−2 tip, the microtubules ending in an electron-dense plaque underneath the cell membrane. At the tip of the cilium a crown of fine extracellular hairs is attached to the ciliary membrane. In the ampulla and isthmus the ciliated cells decrease progressively in number and appear to lie in crypts.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis strain Marburg was grown exponentially with a doubling time of 65 min. To follow the time course of various cell cycle events, cells were collected by agar filtration and were then classified according to length. The DNA replication cycle was determined by a quantitative analysis of radioautograms of tritiated thymidine pulse labeled cells. The DNA replication period was found to be 45 min. This period is preceded and followed by periods without DNA synthesis of about 10 min.The morphology and segregation of nucleoplasmic bodies was studied in thin sections. B. subtilis contains two sets of genomes. DNA replication and DNA segregation seem to go hand in hand and DNA segregation is completed shortly after termination of DNA replication.Cell division and cell separation were investigated in whole mount preparations (agar filtration) and in thin sections. Cell division starts about 20 min after cell birth; cell separation starts at about 45 min and before completion of the septum.  相似文献   

The (13)glucanase of Basidiomycete QM 806 was used to prepare Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis protoplasts. Plasma membranes isolated from S. cerevisiae contained a small amount of mannose and traces of glucose and ribose. Randomly distributed -mannan was detected by scanning electron microscopy at the surface of prefixed protoplasts using colloidal gold labelled with Concanavalin A as a marker. C. utilis protoplasts were also marked with anti-mannan antibodies. Again the distribution of mannan was random. This experiment indicated also that plasma membrane mannan has the same immunochemical determinants as cell wall mannan. It is hypothesized that mannan is mainly located in the outer layer of plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Calvo MA  Agut M  Esqué D 《Mycopathologia》2004,157(2):181-182
Protoplast formation from conidia of Arthrinium aureum was achieved with Lysing Enzyme L-2265 (Sigma Chemical) from Trichoderma harzianum. Scanning electron microscopy of conidia protoplasts showed the acquired spherical shape.  相似文献   

In Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementias the microtubule-associated protein tau forms intracellular paired helical filaments (PHFs). The filaments formed in vivo consist mainly of full-length molecules of the six different isoforms present in adult brain. The substructure of the PHF core is still elusive. Here we applied scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and limited proteolysis to probe the mass distribution of PHFs and their surface exposure. Tau filaments assembled from the three repeat domain have a mass per length (MPL) of approximately 60 kDa/nm and filaments from full-length tau (htau40DeltaK280 mutant) have approximately 160 kDa/nm, compared with approximately 130 kDa/nm for PHFs from Alzheimer's brain. Polyanionic cofactors such as heparin accelerate assembly but are not incorporated into PHFs. Limited proteolysis combined with N-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry of fragments reveals a protease-sensitive N-terminal half and semiresistant PHF core starting in the first repeat and reaching to the C-terminus of tau. Continued proteolysis leads to a fragment starting at the end of the first repeat and ending in the fourth repeat. PHFs from tau isoforms with four repeats revealed an additional cleavage site within the middle of the second repeat. Probing the PHFs with antibodies detecting epitopes either over longer stretches in the C-terminal half of tau or in the fourth repeat revealed that they grow in a polar manner. These data describe the physical parameters of the PHFs and enabled us to build a model of the molecular arrangement within the filamentous structures.  相似文献   

Chlorhexidine is widely used as a bacterial drug whose method of action has been well described in bacteria. Its fungicidal properties have been proved. We show here the effects of a sublethal dose of a preparation of digluconate of chlorhexidine on buddingCandida albicans. A fungistatic action is revealed by a decrease in the percentage of budding cells, and two main types of alterations can be observed with transmission electron microscopy (T.E.M.): a loss of cytoplasmic components and a coagulation of nucleoproteins. With scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.), the cell walls show morphological modifications.  相似文献   

The formation and consumption of lipid droplets was observed with an electron microscope in the zygote and the germinated cells of the green alga,Closterium ehrenbergii. The lipid droplets were formed in lysosomal vesicles during zygote maturation following conjugation. In the germinated cells, they were enclosed in ERs and gradually consumed in them. This consumption occurred in the cells at the early stages of expansion. The derivative substances may possibly be used for cell surface expansion.  相似文献   

Summary A two-step replica technique has been developed for sequential study of the epidermal cell pattern of a living plant by scanning electron microscopy. This method is nondestructive, allows periodic high resolution observation of the same developing tissue, and can precede use of any destructive technique, such as transmission electron microscopy. The replicas can be trimmed allowing observation of occluded surfaces, such as the areas between leaves, which are inaccessible in continuousin vivo studies. Here we study the developing leaf primordium ofGraptopetalum and discuss potential uses of the technique.  相似文献   

The chloroplast disintegration during zygote maturation inSpirogyra verruculosa was investigated by electron microscopy. In the seven-day-old zygote about half of the chloroplasts commenced to disintegrate and to turn yellow, losing starch grains, and, then, were torn into fragments of various sizes, which had mostly vesiculated thylakoids and plastoglobules increasing in both size and number. At about two weeks after conjugation, in the cytoplasm, electron-dense structures, linear in section, appeared and vacuoles of various sizes developed. Each of the dense linear structures lying around a fragment seemed to form a cavity of crescent shape in section, and these cavities fused mutually into a large one, leading to the separation of the fragment from the bulk of cytoplasm. The vacuoles seemed to be, involved in the sequestration of the fragments by their fusion with the cavities and by the invagination, of tonoplast. The fragments entrapped by the vacuoles were rapidly broken down into the aggregation of residual membrane pieces, plastoglobules, and undigested starch grains. The maintained chloroplasts changed little in structure compared with the chloroplast of the vegetative cell, and were transmitted to the germling. It is suggested that the eliminated chloroplasts are derived exclusively from the male gamete.  相似文献   

Phase contrast microscopic study indicated the multilayered structure of the sporangial wall of R. seeberi while the scanning electronmicroscopic study revealed a trilaminated wall compared to a thick double walled light microscopic structure. The scanning electronmicroscopy revealed the spores of varying sizes which were found either discretely or in groups interconnected and seen attached to the inner aspect of the sporangial wall. Autofluorescence of sporangia and spores was observed under microscope. Acridine orange staining revealed the presence of DNA materials in the spore and sporangia.  相似文献   

Summary. Successive visualisation of identical plant cells by light and electron microscopy is reported. For this purpose segments of pea and barley leaves were prepared by high-pressure freezing, freeze-substitution, and low-temperature embedding. The use of Safranin O during low-temperature dehydration allowed, on one hand, staining of all cellular components as investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy and, on the other hand, excellent ultrastructural and antigenic preservation. A newly constructed specimen holder enabled precise relocation of the target cells for electron microscopic investigations. Transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry revealed that during the whole procedure the ultrastructure of the cells as well as the antigenicity of cell constituents were preserved.Correspondence and reprints: Central Microscopy, Center of Biology, University of Kiel, Am Botanischen Garten 5, 24098 Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

At high concentrations, type I pN-collagen, pC-collagen and procollagen (the first 2 generated from procollagen by enzymic cleavage of C-propeptides and N-propeptides, respectively) can all be made to assemble in vitro into thin D-periodic sheets or tapes. Scanning transmission electron microscopy mass measurements show that the pN-collagen sheets and procollagen tapes have a mass per unit area corresponding to that of approximately 6.8 monolayers of close-packed molecules. pN-collagen sheets are extensive and remarkably uniform in mass thickness (fractional S.D. 0.035); procollagen tapes are neither as extensive nor as uniform in thickness. The mean thickness of pC-collagen tapes is less and the variability is greater. In pN-collagen sheets, the overlap: gap mass contrast in a D-period is increased from 5:4 (the ratio in a native collagen fibril) to 6:4, showing that the N-propeptides do not project into the gap but are folded back over the overlap zone. Assuming all N-propeptides to be constrained to the two surfaces of a sheet, their surface density can be found from the mass thickness of the sheet. In a lateral direction (i.e. normal to the axial direction where the spacing is D-periodic), the N-propeptide domains are calculated to be spaced, centre to centre, by 2.23 (+/- 0.1) nm on both surfaces. This value (approx. 1.5 x the triple-helix diameter) implies close-packing laterally with adjacent domains in contact. Sheet formation and the "surface-seeking" behaviour of propeptides can be understood in terms of the dual character of the molecules, evident from solubility data, with propeptides possessing interaction properties very different from those displayed by the rest of the molecule. The form and stability of sheets (and of first-formed fibrils assembling in vivo) could, it is suggested, depend on the partially fluid-like nature of lateral contacts between collagen molecules.  相似文献   

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