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胃癌是世界上致死率较高的癌症之一。在我国,胃癌的发病率和死亡率居于所有恶性肿瘤的第4位和第3位。研究表明,胃癌患者的口腔微生物群落与健康人区别显著,口腔菌落结构的变化可能会引发胃癌。尤其是当前我国大众不注重口腔健康,在日常生活中不能定期检查口腔健康状况,容易导致口腔菌落结构失衡,引发一系列严重的疾病,最终引发胃癌。文章通过研究口腔菌落结构变化与胃癌之间的关系,建立对照组并进行对比分析,了解口腔菌落结构变化与胃癌之间的关系,为及时发现胃癌、治疗胃癌提供了可行性措施。  相似文献   

目的研究口臭口腔微生物区系组成,为口臭治疗提供依据。方法采用稀释平板测数法对需氧和厌氧细菌、真菌、放线菌分别进行计数。结果非口臭口腔好氧细菌数量(1180±380)和厌氧细菌数量(680±100)分别低于口臭口腔好氧细菌数量(7200±800)和厌氧细菌数量(12520±120),差异有统计学意义(P0.01),且口臭口腔以革兰阳性菌和杆菌占优势,非口臭口腔真菌数量低于口臭口腔真菌数量,两者差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。口腔中没有检出放线菌。结论口臭患者口腔微生物多样性高于非口臭组,可以通过调整口腔微生态改善口臭。  相似文献   

采用Grimelius银染法,对中国黄羽鹌鹑(Coturnix aponica)消化道嗜银细胞胚后发育的分布规律和形态结构进行了观察。结果显示,口腔、食管、嗉囊和泄殖腔中未发现嗜银细胞,其余部位均有不同数量的分布,其分布呈波浪形,大多数日龄段在腺胃和结直肠中存在2个分布高峰,回肠次之,十二指肠、空肠、盲肠较少,随着日龄增加,不同部位嗜银细胞数量均先增加,后减少,在100 d时达高峰。嗜银细胞主要分布在腺胃腺叶内细胞之间、肠黏膜上皮细胞之间及固有层内,形态多呈圆形、椭圆形、锥形及梭形等。结合嗜银细胞形态与功能间的联系,发现消化道内广泛分布着4种类型的嗜银细胞。我们认为中国黄羽鹌鹑消化道的嗜银细胞具有内分泌、外分泌及旁分泌3种功能,其分布特点可能与动物的食性及生活环境有关。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析我国“5+1”阶段口腔医师胜任力自评问卷,验证胜任力指标的科学性。方法 自行编制口腔医师胜任力自评问卷,对全国14所高校附属口腔医院的350名“5+1”阶段口腔医师开展问卷调查,分析问卷的信度和效度检验,根据问卷分数分成高低两组,并进行独立样本的t检验。结果 “5+1”阶段口腔医师胜任力自评问卷共由7个维度、50个条目组成, Cronbach’s α系数均在0.8以上;经探索性因子分析后得到7个因子,7个因子的累计方差贡献率达67.272%;高分组和低分组的差异有统计学意义结论 “5+1”阶段口腔医师胜任力自评问卷具有良好的信度和效度,适用于我国“5+1”阶段口腔医师胜任力的评价。  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜及电子扫描显微镜对遗鸥Larus relictus舌头微观结构进行研究。结果显示:遗鸥的舌头呈细长三角形,由舌尖、舌体、舌根3部分构成。舌尖分叉先端特化为角质的舌突起,舌尖表面有大量脱落的上皮细胞,细胞表面为指纹状;舌体表面光滑,上皮细胞为细长形,表面呈微嵴状;舌根表面有少量的唾液腺开口分布。从功能上分类,遗鸥舌头符合采集食物型舌头结构特征。舌乳突发育不完善,仅锥状乳突在舌体和舌根分界处及上颌表面呈列状分布,乳突末端指向口腔内部。舌黏膜内未见味蕾分布。遗鸥口腔结构的特点与部分鸥科Laridae鸟类区别明显,这可能与遗鸥栖息环境不断恶化、食物种类和数量匮乏有关。  相似文献   

朗格罕细胞(langerhanscel,LC)是一种骨髓来源的免疫活性细胞,具有呈递抗原,诱导免疫反应的功能。口腔粘膜的复层鳞状上皮中亦有LC分布,它们是口腔粘膜防御体系的组成部分。本研究运用ATP酶组织化学方法和电镜技术,对25例人的口腔粘膜标本中的LC的形态、结构及数量分布进行观察,结果提示,在口腔粘膜的上皮中,LC主要分布于上皮的基底部,并且趋于环绕结缔组织乳头排列,LC的数量也因部位不同而有显著差异  相似文献   

中国小鲵主要器官解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国小鲵在萧山分布地区较狭窄,数量稀少,本文通过连续4年对中国小鲵的骨胳、呼吸、消化、泄殖等系统结构,进行了认真的解剖和观察,了解它的结构特点,其泄殖系统较为特别。  相似文献   

水椰属棕榈科真红树植物,也是孑遗植物,被列为国家二级重点保护植物。中国水椰仅天然分布于海南岛。为探讨其濒危现状和保护策略,本研究采用样方法对水椰群落进行调查,并分析其地理分布、群落特征、种群结构及其空间分布。结果表明:(1)中国水椰共有6个自然种群,总面积为3.96 hm2,种群数量为9319棵,自然分布于海口东寨港的野菠萝岛和道学村、文昌的玉阳公园和头苑村、琼海长坡镇文场村、万宁日月湾,并且仅在日月湾有小面积成片分布,其他种群均为零星分布。(2)水椰样地内共有28种红树植物,形成以水椰+海莲+桐花树、水椰+海莲等为优势种的红树林群落。(3)海口、琼海、万宁水椰的种群结构均为衰退型,而文昌水椰种群为增长型,并且各种群分布格局都为聚集分布。(4)宏观尺度的极端气候变化、过度砍伐与开发利用、小尺度上的个体自身繁殖受限是水椰种群濒危的三大原因。建议通过增加科研技术投入解决种源问题、加大生境修复与就地保护力度、优化迁地保护与野外回归策略等措施扩大其种群数量。  相似文献   

转型医院涉及到医师队伍的人事变动,如何重组变动的医师团队是关系到医院是否成功转型的关键。文章以原哈尔滨铁路中心医院向哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院的转型为例,通过比较企业医院向高等医学院校转制型后医师队伍的结构的变化,医院转型前后医师队伍建设的思考与启示,为行业内转型医院优秀医师团队培养与构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

利用ArcGIS软件,以中国鼠李科植物属、种分布数量数据为基础,制作属、种空间分布多样性图,计算空间分布多样性格局指数,分析中国鼠李科植物属、种的空间分布多样性特点.通过量化研究,得出鼠李科植物空间分布多样性的数量特点和规律.结果表明:(1)云南景洪市为中国鼠李科植物属、种分布中心,云南东南部、广西西南及西北部和贵州西...  相似文献   

目的:了解并评价社区卫生服务机构基本药物合理使用情况,为基层基本药物合理用药提供参考意见。方法:对社区卫生服务机构进行抽样调查,通过对处方进行抽样和对医生进行抽样问卷调查,根据医疗机构合理用药评价指标对处方基本药物使用情况进行评价,并分析可能导致不合理用药的相关因素。结果:单张处方平均使用药品数为:城区(4.9±1.2)个,农村(213±0.7)个;每100张处方抗生素使用比例:城区78.9%,农村57.3%,其中两联使用比例分别为20.1%和32.4%;人均药费:城区为(36.9±5.2)元,农村为(21.3±4.7)元;参加合理用药培训的医生所开处方药品合理使用的比率是98.0%,而未参加过培训的医生合理用药的比率是77.1%,经卡方检验,差异有统计学意义,P〈0.05。结论:社区卫生服务机构存在一定的基本药物使用不合理现象,对医生加强基本药物合理使用的培训可以提高基本药物合理使用率。  相似文献   

为了探讨医务人员职业暴露危险因素及防护对策,对长江大学附属一医院2008年1月1日—2009年12月31日上报的职业暴露依据科室分布、感染途径及暴露原因进行了分析。结果显示,该医院共发生医务人员职业暴露94例,其中,护士62例,医生25例,其它人员7例,护士高于医生;35岁以下年轻护士及医生占88例,35岁以上者6例;大学本科以下学历60例,中级职称以下人员75例。因此需对医务人员加强培训,提高自我保护意识,规范操作,加强管理,注重预防。  相似文献   

There are more senior house officers than doctors in any other training grade in Britain but nobody knows what they do in hospitals or has a clear idea what skills they should be learning. Nobody is responsible for them and they suffer from having a poor career structure and inadequate training. Now that there are government initiatives to reduce the hours that junior doctors work and to limit the time it takes to train to become a specialist, the problems that senior house officers face can no longer be ignored. A conference for senior house officers held last week talked about the problems that they face and tried to find some solutions.  相似文献   

我国护理人力资源配置现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
?????? 目的 分析目前我国护理人力资源总体配置的现状,探讨在护理人力资源配置中目前存在的主要问题。方法 采用文献技术性分析方法。结果 我国护理人力资源配置量有所改善,但仍存在城乡差异大,队伍年轻化,结构欠合理;与国外主要国家比较医护比倒置,每千人口护士密度低。结论 应建立健全科学的护理人力资源配置标准,弹性排班,动态调整,合理使用护理人力资源。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe how women interpret their experiences of diagnosis and treatment of a cervical abnormality and how healthcare services for such women can be improved. DESIGN: Qualitative study using detailed individual interviews. SETTING: Australian gynaecology clinics. SUBJECTS: 29 Women who had a cervical cytological abnormality and who attended a gynaecologist. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Women''s views on their diagnosis and their information needs. RESULTS: Most women wanted to participate in decisions about their care but found it difficult to get the information they required from doctors because they were confused by what their doctors told them and felt unable to ask questions in the consultation. Medical terms such as wart virus and precancer were difficult to understand. Not being able to see their cervix also made it hard for women to understand what their abnormality meant and what treatment entailed. Most women tried to make sense of their abnormality in the context of their everyday lives. For some women their gynaecological care was not consistent with the way they understood their abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: The inherent power structure of medical practice combined with time pressures often make it difficult for doctors to give the detailed information and reassurance patients need when a diagnosis is distressing or when investigation and treatment are strange and upsetting.  相似文献   

This article will examine the Catholic concept of global justice within a health care framework as it relates to women's needs for delivery doctors in the developing world and women's demands for assisted reproduction in the developed world. I will first discuss justice as a theory, situating it within Catholic social teachings. The Catholic perspective on global justice in health care demands that everyone have access to basic needs before elective treatments are offered to the wealthy. After exploring specific discrepancies in global health care justice, I will point to the need for delivery doctors in the developing world to provide basic assistance to women who hazard many pregnancies as a priority before offering assisted reproduction to women in the developed world. The wide disparities between maternal health in the developing world and elective fertility treatments in the developed world are clearly unjust within Catholic social teachings. I conclude this article by offering policy suggestions for moving closer to health care justice via doctor distribution.  相似文献   

深圳市是我国沿海对外开放的经济特区,位于广东省的南部,与香港相连,面临热带南海,为热带、亚热带的过渡区。本市植被类型多样,地带性的代表植被类型为热带常绿季雨林和南亚热带季雨性常绿阔叶林;其组成种类、外貌和结构以及群落的组合和分布规律均表现出热带和亚热带的过渡性,显示出与环境相适应的关系。根据本市植被类型的组合、分布及其与环境的关系,从植物生态学的角度提出植被的生态评价,为经济特区农、林、果、牧等的合理开发利用和改造提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文以日本扁柏人工林为研究对象,通过对间伐林分和不间伐林分的生产结构、光能分布、光合速率、枝叶生长等季节变化的观测,进而计算了光能利用效率的季节变化。通过比较研究,证明了生产结构影响光能利用效率,而密度影响群落生产结构。合理的生产结构可以使光能在群落内合理分配、各层叶的光合潜力充分发挥、提高群落的光能利用效率。为了标定林分生产结构的合理性,本文提出了相对光合时间数和相对光能利用率的概念及数学公式。绘制了生产结构与功能图。对合理的生产结构与合理密度的关系进行了论述。  相似文献   

A survey of hospital junior doctors made in 1967–8 showed that there were many features of their work with which they were not content. These included career prospects, hours of work, and salaries. It is suggested that reorganization of the career structure and the provision of better-organized ancillary help would do much to improve the lives of hospital junior doctors.  相似文献   

Many academic philosophers and ethicists are appointed to teach ethics to medical students. We explore exactly what this task entails. In South Africa the Health Professions Council's curriculum for training medical practitioners requires not only that students be taught to apply ethical theory to issues and be made aware of the legal and regulatory requirements of their profession, it also expects moral formation and the inculcation of professional virtue in students. We explore whether such expectations are reasonable. We defend the claim that physicians ought to be persons of virtuous character, on the grounds of the social contract between society and the profession. We further argue that since the expectations of virtue of health care professionals are reasonable, it is also sound reasoning to expect ethics teachers to try to inculcate such virtues in their students, so far as this is possible. Furthermore, this requires of such teachers that they be suitable role models of ethical practice and virtue, themselves. We claim that this applies to ethics teachers who are themselves not members of the medical profession, too, even though they are not bound by the same social contract as doctors. We conclude that those who accept employment as teachers of ethics to medical students, where as part of their contractual obligation they are expected to inculcate moral values in their students, ought to be prepared to accept their responsibility to be professionally ethical, themselves.  相似文献   

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