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This study demonstrates the validity of using 3-D video motion analysis to measure hand motion. Several researchers have devised ingenious methods to study normal and abnormal hand movements. Although very helpful, these earlier studies are static representations of a dynamic phenomenon. Despite the many studies of hand motion using scientifically impeccable techniques, little is known about digital motion, and there are still few researchers investigating dynamic three-dimensional motion of the hand. Results from a three-camera video motion analysis system were compared to those from the "gold standard", 2-D lateral view fluoroscopy. We used these two methods to record hand motion simultaneously during unrestricted flexion and extension of the index finger of the dominant hand in 6 neurologically normal, healthy volunteers. After collection and post-processing, the waveforms of the PIP, DIP and MCP joint angles were compared using the adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (R2(a), or CMD). The mean CMD values for the MCP, PIP and DIP joint angle waveforms were 0.96, 0.98 and 0.94, respectively, suggesting a close similarity between motion of comparable joints analyzed by the 2-D and 3-D methods. This shows that the method of 3-D motion analysis is capable of accurately quantifying digital joint motion. It is anticipated that 3-D motion analysis, in addition to being used as a research tool, will also have clinical applications such as surgical planning in neuromuscular disorders and the documentation of abnormal motion in many other pathological hand conditions.  相似文献   

This study evaluated between-session reliability of opto-electronic motion capture to measure trunk posture and three-dimensional ranges of motion (ROM). Nineteen healthy participants aged 24–74 years underwent spine curvature, pelvic tilt and trunk ROM measurements on two separate occasions. Rigid four-marker clusters were attached to the skin overlying seven spinous processes, plus single markers on pelvis landmarks. Rigid body rotations of spine marker clusters were calculated to determine neutral posture and ROM in flexion, extension, total lateral bending (left-right) and total axial rotation (left-right). Segmental spine ROM values were in line with previous reports using opto-electronic motion capture. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and standard error of measurement (SEM) were calculated as measures of between-session reliability and measurement error, respectively. Retroreflective markers showed fair to excellent between-session reliability to measure thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, and pelvic tilt (ICC = 0.82, 0.63, and 0.54, respectively). Thoracic and lumbar segments showed highest reliabilities in total axial rotation (ICC = 0.78) and flexion-extension (ICC = 0.77–0.79) ROM, respectively. Pelvic segment showed highest ICC values in flexion (ICC = 0.78) and total axial rotation (ICC = 0.81) trials. Furthermore, it was estimated that four or fewer repeated trials would provide good reliability for key ROM outcomes, including lumbar flexion, thoracic and lumbar lateral bending, and thoracic axial rotation. This demonstration of reliability is a necessary precursor to quantifying spine kinematics in clinical studies, including assessing changes due to clinical treatment or disease progression.  相似文献   

In this study we aim at investigating the applicability of underwater 3D motion capture based on submerged video cameras in terms of 3D accuracy analysis and trajectory reconstruction. Static points with classical direct linear transform (DLT) solution, a moving wand with bundle adjustment and a moving 2D plate with Zhang's method were considered for camera calibration. As an example of the final application, we reconstructed the hand motion trajectories in different swimming styles and qualitatively compared this with Maglischo's model. Four highly trained male swimmers performed butterfly, breaststroke and freestyle tasks. The middle fingertip trajectories of both hands in the underwater phase were considered. The accuracy (mean absolute error) of the two calibration approaches (wand: 0.96 mm – 2D plate: 0.73 mm) was comparable to out of water results and highly superior to the classical DLT results (9.74 mm). Among all the swimmers, the hands' trajectories of the expert swimmer in the style were almost symmetric and in good agreement with Maglischo's model. The kinematic results highlight symmetry or asymmetry between the two hand sides, intra- and inter-subject variability in terms of the motion patterns and agreement or disagreement with the model. The two outcomes, calibration results and trajectory reconstruction, both move towards the quantitative 3D underwater motion analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 3-D reconstruction method which allows accurate measurements of volume, surface area and other morphometric measurements of three-dimensional biological objects, without removing them from the sea. It represents a novel approach based on multiple views (eight resulted to be sufficient) from underwater video images and a new image processing procedure (MOD3D), whose application has met the basic requirements (i.e. to work on images recorded in turbid waters, with nonuniform lighting, to investigate large areas and in reasonable time, etc.) imposed when operating in the marine environment with simple, easy-to-use and nonprofessional equipment. It is a noninvasive, nondestructive and in the field fast method, thus suitable for sampling also at relevant depth, whose applicability has specifically been set up for a range of growth forms from massive to submassive and irregularly shaped. The accuracy of the method was assessed using models with three levels of 3-D complexity: simple, moderate and complex morphology. A high accuracy of volume measurements made through MOD3D image analysis software was achieved when compared with the laboratory water displacement method, which represents the most accurate method for volume measurement, with an overall mean percent error of about 1.7% (S.D. 2.2%). For all three levels of morphologic complexity, no significant differences (p>0.05) were found. Volume measurements obtained in field based on geometric approximation resulted rough, with significant differences from the MOD3D values (p<0.05). The geometric approximation was lower than MOD3D for simple and moderate morphology, and variable for complex morphology. For all three models, MOD3D values for surface area computation were consistently lower (mean error 13%) than the foil-wrapping values (p<0.05), due to overlap error when foil wrapping. Two applications were made with the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis and the coral Cladocora caespitosa to quantify carbonate standing stock and biomass of these two carbonate framework builders, whose importance has been recently recognised among the temperate sublittoral benthic species. Time required for the 3-D reconstruction method (about 3 h) makes it suitable for routine application particularly for relatively large area investigations, with irregularly shaped objects on rough substrate and several biological objects within the area.  相似文献   

Dynamic movement trajectories of low mass systems have been shown to be predominantly influenced by passive viscoelastic joint forces and torques compared to momentum and inertia. The hand is comprised of 27 small mass segments. Because of the influence of the extrinsic finger muscles, the passive torques about each finger joint become a complex function dependent on the posture of multiple joints of the distal upper limb. However, biomechanical models implemented for the dynamic simulation of hand movements generally don’t extend proximally to include the wrist and distal upper limb. Thus, they cannot accurately represent these complex passive torques. The purpose of this short communication is to both describe a method to incorporate the length-dependent passive properties of the extrinsic index finger muscles into a biomechanical model of the upper limb and to demonstrate their influence on combined movement of the wrist and fingers. Leveraging a unique set of experimental data, that describes the net passive torque contributed by the extrinsic finger muscles about the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger as a function of both metacarpophalangeal and wrist postures, we simulated the length-dependent passive properties of the extrinsic finger muscles. Dynamic forward simulations demonstrate that a model including these properties passively exhibits coordinated movement between the wrist and finger joints, mimicking tenodesis, a behavior that is absent when the length-dependent properties are removed. This work emphasizes the importance of incorporating the length-dependent properties of the extrinsic finger muscles into biomechanical models to study healthy and impaired hand movements.  相似文献   

A novel method for assessing the accuracy of inertial/magnetic sensors is presented. The method, referred to as the “residual matrix” method, is advantageous because it decouples the sensor's error with respect to Earth's gravity vector (attitude residual error: pitch and roll) from the sensor's error with respect to magnetic north (heading residual error), while remaining insensitive to singularity problems when the second Euler rotation is close to ±90°. As a demonstration, the accuracy of an inertial/magnetic sensor mounted to a participant's forearm was evaluated during a reaching task in a laboratory. Sensor orientation was measured internally (by the inertial/magnetic sensor) and externally using an optoelectronic measurement system with a marker cluster rigidly attached to the sensor's enclosure. Roll, pitch and heading residuals were calculated using the proposed novel method, as well as using a common orientation assessment method where the residuals are defined as the difference between the Euler angles measured by the inertial sensor and those measured by the optoelectronic system. Using the proposed residual matrix method, the roll and pitch residuals remained less than 1° and, as expected, no statistically significant difference between these two measures of attitude accuracy was found; the heading residuals were significantly larger than the attitude residuals but remained below 2°. Using the direct Euler angle comparison method, the residuals were in general larger due to singularity issues, and the expected significant difference between inertial/magnetic sensor attitude and heading accuracy was not present.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the explosive power of the leg in extension which has been found safe and acceptable for all age groups and levels of physical capability. The extension movement takes 0.25-0.40 s in a push through 0.165 m against a flat pedal. At the end of the push the leg is fully extended. The movement is made seated so that the forces are contained between the buttocks and the foot. The seat position is adjusted for leg length and the push is transmitted by a lever and chain to spin a flywheel. The gearing is such that resistance to the movement remains velocity of the flywheel is measured by an optoswitch and used to calculated the average leg extensor power (LEP) in the push. The reliability of the power measurement was evaluated in 46 subjects ranging in age from 20 to 86 years; they included medical students and geriatric day patients. They were tested on two occasions separated by a week. The maximal values on the first occasion (best of at least five trials) ranged from 30 to 300 W (mean +/- 1 SD = 154 +/- 88 W). There was no significant difference on re-test and the coefficient of variation was 9.4%. In a subgroup of 9 non-naive subjects who were measured by an experienced observer it was 6.3%. As expected, power was lower in women than in men and declined sharply with age. The sex difference was less when the values were expressed as power per body mass; a sharp age-related decline remained.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of the coupled intervertebral motions is helpful for understanding the etiology and diagnosis of relevant diseases, and for assessing the subsequent treatment. No study has reported the in vivo, dynamic and three-dimensional (3D) intervertebral motion of the cervical spine during active axial rotation (AR) and lateral bending (LB) in the sitting position. The current study fills the gap by measuring the coupled intervertebral motions of the subaxial cervical spine in ten asymptomatic young adults in an upright sitting position during active head LB and AR using a volumetric model-based 2D-to-3D registration method via biplane fluoroscopy. Subject-specific models of the individual vertebrae were derived from each subject’s CT data and were registered to the fluoroscopic images for determining the 3D poses of the subaxial vertebrae that were used to obtain the intervertebral kinematics. The averaged ranges of motion to one side (ROM) during AR at C3/C4, C4/C5, C5/C6, and C6/C7 were 4.2°, 4.6°, 3.0° and 1.3°, respectively. The corresponding values were 6.4°, 5.2°, 6.1° and 6.1° during LB. Intervertebral LB (ILB) played an important role in both AR and LB tasks of the cervical spine, experiencing greater ROM than intervertebral AR (IAR) (ratio of coupled motion (IAR/ILB): 0.23–0.75 in LB, 0.34–0.95 in AR). Compared to the AR task, the ranges of ILB during the LB task were significantly greater at C5/6 (p=0.008) and C6/7 (p=0.001) but the range of IAR was significantly smaller at C4/5 (p=0.02), leading to significantly smaller ratios of coupled motions at C4/5 (p=0.0013), C5/6 (p<0.001) and C6/7 (p=0.0037). The observed coupling characteristics of the intervertebral kinematics were different from those in previous studies under discrete static conditions in a supine position without weight-bearing, suggesting that the testing conditions likely affect the kinematics of the subaxial cervical spine. While C1 and C2 were not included owing to technical limitations, the current results nonetheless provide baseline data of the intervertebral motion of the subaxial cervical spine in asymptomatic young subjects under physiological conditions, which may be helpful for further investigations into spine biomechanics.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation has become an important and accepted tool for long-term germplasm conservation of animals and plants. To protect genetic resources, repositories have been developed with national and international cooperation. For a repository to be effective, the genetic material submitted must be of good quality and comparable to other submissions. However, due to a variety of reasons, including constraints in knowledge and available resources, cryopreservation methods for aquatic species vary widely across user groups which reduces reproducibility and weakens quality control. Herein we describe a standardizable freezing device produced using 3-dimensional (3-D) printing and introduce the concept of network sharing to achieve aggregate high-throughput cryopreservation for aquatic species. The objectives were to: 1) adapt widely available polystyrene foam products that would be inexpensive, portable, and provide adequate work space; 2) develop a design suitable for 3-D printing that could provide multiple configurations, be inexpensive, and easy to use, and 3) evaluate various configurations to attain freezing rates suitable for various common cryopreservation containers. Through this approach, identical components can be accessed globally, and we demonstrated that 3-D printers can be used to fabricate parts for standardizable freezing devices yielding relevant and reproducible cooling rates across users. With standardized devices for freezing, methods and samples can harmonize into an aggregated high-throughput pathway not currently available for aquatic species repository development.  相似文献   

A novel metric for the validation of musculoskeletal models is proposed, the reachable 3-D workspace (RWS). This new metric was used to compare a generic model scaled in a standard manner to a more subject-specific model. An experimental protocol for assessing the RWS was performed by ten participants for four distinct hand-payload cases. In addition, isometric individual strength measurements were collected for 12 different directions. The strength of subject-specific musculoskeletal models was then computed using the following assumptions: (1) standard routines including the length-mass-fat (LMF) scaling law; (2) the isometric strengths of the muscle elements were optimized to the individual strength measurements using joint strength factors (JSF). The RWS of each participant was subsequently estimated from each of the scaling approaches, LMF and JSF, for the four load cases. The experimental RWS showed that the volume and shape decreased with increasing hand-payload for every participant. The lateral and frontal far-from-torso aspects of the RWS were reduced the most. These trends were reproduced by both strength scaling approaches, but the LMF-scaled models were not able to track the overall RWS volume decrease with increasing payload, since they proved to be weaker than the participants. On the other hand, the optimised JSF subject-specific models performed better on the prediction of the RWS for all payload cases across participants. The RWS can potentially be further used as a subject-specific musculoskeletal model validation, enabling quantification of the volume and shape differences between experimentally and model-predicted RWSs.  相似文献   

Because the hand is a complex poly-articular limb, numerous methods have been proposed to investigate its kinematics therefore complicating the comparison between studies and the methodological choices. With the objective of overcoming such issues, the present study compared the effect of three local frame definitions on local axis orientations and joint angles of the fingers and the wrist. Three local frames were implemented for each segment. The “Reference” frames were aligned with global axes during a static neutral posture. The “Landmark” frames were computed using palpated bony landmarks. The “Functional” frames included a flexion–extension axis estimated during functional movements. These definitions were compared with regard to the deviations between obtained local segment axes and the evolution of joint (Cardan) angles during two test motions. Each definition resulted in specific local frame orientations with deviations of 15° in average for a given local axis. Interestingly, these deviations produced only slight differences (below 7°) regarding flexion–extension Cardan angles indicating that there is no preferred method when only interested in finger flexion–extension movements. In this case, the Reference method was the easiest to implement, but did not provide physiological results for the thumb. Using the Functional frames reduced the kinematic cross-talk on the secondary and tertiary Cardan angles by up to 20° indicating that the Functional definition is useful when investigating complex three-dimensional movements. Globally, the Landmark definition provides valuable results and, contrary to the other definitions, is applicable for finger deformities or compromised joint rotations.  相似文献   

Prediction of soft tissue aesthetics is important for achieving an optimal outcome in orthodontic treatment planning. Previously, applicable procedures were mainly restricted to 2-D profile prediction. In this study, a generic 3-D finite element (FE) model of the craniofacial soft and hard tissue was constructed, and individualisation of the generic model based on cone beam CT data and mathematical transformation was investigated. The result indicated that patient-specific 3-D facial FE model including different layers of soft tissue could be obtained through mathematical model transformation. Average deviation between the transformed model and the real reconstructed one was 0.47 ± 0.77 mm and 0.75 ± 0.84 mm in soft and hard tissue, respectively. With boundary condition defined according to treatment plan, such FE model could be used to predict the result of orthodontic treatment on facial soft tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The combination of using15N for determining the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop in field experiments and the labelling of only one treatment at a time in each treatment combination is shown to be conceptually and experimentally valid for determining the effect of cultural practices on the amount of nitrogen fixed by a legume crop.  相似文献   

利用同源模建的方法模拟得到了肝细胞生长因子4个Kringle域的三维结构。结果表明,HGFKringle与纤溶酶原Kringle的氨基酸序列具有较高的同源性,其功能区附近的序列比较保守。HGF的Kringlel和3与其它具有Lys结合功能的Kringle相比,功能区的残基发生了变化,可能丧失了结合Lys的功能,而2和4仍具有一定的该功能。根据Kringle 1的模建结构,推测该Kringle功能区的结构为一个通道,该通道的底部和一侧有部分疏水残基,同时两侧还分布着少量酸性或碱性残基,该通道可能具有结合特定肽链的功能,从而与Kringle 2一起实现HGF与受体结合的作用。  相似文献   

Lumbar lordosis (LL) and the range of motion (RoM) are important physiological measurements when initiating any diagnosis and treatment plan for patients with low back pain. Numerous studies reported differences in LL and the RoM due to age and sex. However, these findings remain contradictory. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to synthesize mean values and the differences in LL and the RoM because of age and sex. The quality assessment tool for quantitative studies was applied to assess the methodological quality of the studies included.We identified 2372 papers through electronic (2309) and physical (63) searches. We assessed 218 full-text studies reporting measurements of LL or the RoM. In total, 65 studies were included, and a normative database for LL and the RoM is provided as supplementary material. Among these, 11 were included in the meta-analysis. LL and the RoM displayed non-monotonic variations with significant age and sex differences. Young females showed a significantly greater LL and the range of extension (RoE), whereas young males exhibited a greater range of flexion (RoF). Sex differences in the range of lateral bending (RoLB) were small but were significant for the axial rotation (RoAR). For the RoF, RoE and RoLB, differences because of age were significant among most of the age groups in both sexes, whereas for the RoAR, differences were significant only between the 20s vs the 30s-40s (males) and 40s vs 50s (females).Significant differences because of age/sex were identified. However, the age-dependent reduction in LL and the RoM was non-monotonic and differed in both sexes. These findings will help to better distinguish between functional deficits caused by spinal disorders and natural factors/conditions related to age and sex.  相似文献   

Light models for vegetation canopies based on the turbid medium analogy are usually limited by the basic assumption of random foliage dispersion in the canopy space. The objective of this paper was to assess the effect of three possible sources of non-randomness in tree canopies on light interception properties. For this purpose, four three-dimensional (3-D) digitized trees and four theoretical canopies – one random and three built from fractal rules – were used to compute canopy structure parameters and light interception, namely the sky-vault averaged STAR (Silhouette to Total Area Ratio). STAR values were computed from (1) images of the 3-D plants, and (2) from a 3-D turbid medium model using space discretization at different scales. For all trees, departure from randomness was mainly due to the spatial variations in leaf area density within the canopy volume. Indeed STAR estimations, based on turbid medium assumption, using the finest space discretization were very close to STAR values computed from the plant images. At this finest scale, foliage dispersion was slightly clumped, except one theoretical fractal canopy, which showed a marked regular dispersion. Taking into account a non-infinitely small leaf size, whose effect is theoretically to shorten self-shading, had a minor effect on STAR computations. STAR values computed from the 3-D turbid medium were very sensitive to plant lacunarity, a parameter introduced in the context of fractal studies to characterize the distribution of gaps in porous media at different scales. This study shows that 3-D turbid medium models based on space discretization are able to give correct estimation of light interception by 3-D isolated trees, provided that the 3-D grid is properly defined, that is, discretization maximizes plant lacunarity.  相似文献   

Voxelation and gene expression tomography or GET are novel methods for the high-throughput acquisition of gene expression patterns in the mammalian brain. Voxelation employs analysis of spatially registered voxels (cubes), while GET employs analysis of sets of parallel slices rotated about multiple independent axes of rotation. Both methods employ reconstruction of the data to result in multiple volumetric maps of gene expression analogous to those obtained from biomedical imaging techniques. Here, we describe the methodologies underlying voxelation and GET and briefly outline the insights that can be obtained from these approaches.  相似文献   

Mucositis is a debilitating adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is important to develop a simple and reliable in vitro model, which can routinely be used to screen new drugs for prevention and treatment of mucositis. Furthermore, identifying cell and molecular stresses especially in the initiation phase of mucositis in this model will help towards this end. We evaluated a three-dimensional (3-D) human oral cell culture that consisted of oral keratinocytes and fibroblasts as a model of oral mucositis. The 3-D cell culture model was irradiated with 12 or 2 Gy. Six hours after the irradiation we evaluated microscopic sections of the cell culture for evidence of morphologic changes including apoptosis. We used microarrays to compare the expression of several genes from the irradiated tissue with identical genes from tissue that was not irradiated. We found that irradiation with 12 Gy induced significant histopathologic effects including cellular apoptosis. Irradiation significantly affected the expression of several genes of the NF-kB pathway and several inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1B, 1L-8, NF-kB1, and FOS compared to tissue that was not irradiated. We identified significant upregulation of several genes that belong to damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) such as HMB1, S100A13, SA10014, and SA10016 in the 3-D tissues that received 12 Gy but not in tissues that received 2 Gy. In conclusion, this model quantifies radiation damage and this is an important first step towards the development 3-D tissue as a screening tool.  相似文献   

Matoba Y  Sugiyama M 《Proteins》2003,51(3):453-469
We have found a secreted phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2), EC from Streptomyces violaceoruber A-2688, which is the first PLA(2) identified in prokaryote, and determined its tertiary structure by NMR and X-ray analyses. In this study, we collected the X-ray diffraction data of the bacterial PLA(2) at room temperature (297 K) using conventional MoK(alpha) radiation and refined the structure at a 1.05 A resolution. The atomic resolution analysis led us to introduce disordered conformations and hydrogen atoms into a full anisotropic model. The molecular motion, which is expressed as the sum of rigid-body motion and internal motion of protein, is roughly estimated as the thermal motion when the X-ray diffraction data are collected at room temperature. In this study, we applied a TLS (rigid-body motion in terms of translation, libration, and screw motions) model to analyze the rigid-body motion of the bacterial PLA(2) and calculated the internal motion by subtracting the estimate of the rigid-body motion from the observed anisotropic temperature factor. We also subjected the TLS model to estimate the internal motion of the bovine pancreatic PLA(2) using the anisotropic temperature factor deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Both results indicate that the localization of regions exhibiting larger internal motion in the bacterial PLA(2) is almost the same as that in the bovine pancreatic PLA(2), suggesting that although the tertiary structure of the bacterial PLA(2) is strikingly different from that of the bovine pancreatic PLA(2), the internal motion, which is associated with the calcium(II) ion-binding, phospholipid-binding, and allosteric interfacial activation, is commonly observed in both PLA(2)s.  相似文献   

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