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Disentangling the factors underlying the diversification of geographically variable species with a wide geographical range is essential to understanding the initial stages and drivers of the speciation process. The Amazilia Hummingbird, Amazilis amazilia, is found along the Pacific coast from northern Ecuador down to the Nazca Valley of Peru, and is currently classified as six phenotypically differentiated subspecies. We aimed to resolve the evolutionary relationships of the six subspecies, to assess the geographical pattern and extent of evolutionary divergence, and to test for introgression using both a mtDNA marker and a genome‐by‐sequencing dataset from 86 individuals from across the species range. The consensus phylogenetic tree separated the six subspecies into three distinct clades, corresponding with the Ecuador lowlands (Aamazilia dumerilii), the Ecuador highlands (Aamazilia alticola and A. amazilia azuay), and the Peruvian coast (Aamazilia leucophoea, Aamazilia amazilia, and A. amazilia caeruleigularis). However, an unresolved mtDNA network suggests that the diversification of the subspecies was recent and rapid. We found evidence of gene flow among the subspecies Aamazilia dumerilii, Aamazilia alticola, and Aamazilia leucophoea, with strong genetic isolation of the subspecies Aamazilia azuay in the isolated Yunguilla Valley of Ecuador. Finally, environmental data from each subspecies’ capture locations were concordant with the three distinct clades. Overall, our results suggest that both expansions into new habitats and geographic isolation shaped the present‐day phylogeny and range of the Aamazilia subspecies, and that Aamazilia azuay may be genetically divergent enough to be considered a separate species.  相似文献   

The feeding and ranging patterns of a troop of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus, Colobinae) were studied in Kanha Tiger Reserve, central Indian Highlands for 1850 hr (1981–1982), in a mosaic of moist deciduous forest and anthropogenic meadow. The location, size, and species of each tree within the 74.5-ha troop annual range was known and the phenology of all tree species was sampled. According to scan sampling, the troop spent 25.7% of the daytime feeding, with range use concentrated on an island of dry deciduous forest. Whereas adjacent troops occupied only the periphery of the focal troop's range, all-male bands occupied its center, especially during takeover and infanticidal attacks. The troop consumed items from 60 of the 67 species of trees and woody climbers available; mature leaves (34.9% of feeding time), fruits (24.4%), leaf buds (10.6%), flowers and flower buds (9.5%), young leaves (3.6%), insects (3.0%), and gum (1%). The monthly utilization of fruit, open leaf buds, and flower buds is correlated significantly with their abundance, and the troop spent significantly more time feeding and less time moving when consuming mature leaves. Comparison of tree dispersion and langur ranging patterns suggests that the distribution of the most important food trees is a major influence on their range use.  相似文献   

P. A. Clancey 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):105-116
Tye, A. 1988. Foraging behaviour and selection of prey and perches by the Buffstreaked Chat Oenanthe bifasciata. Ostrich 59: 105–115.

Non-breeding Buffstreaked Chats Oenanthe bifasciata were studied in the Natal Drakensberg. Birds spent over 70% of their time foraging and 20% resting; both sexes sang, males c. 16% of the time. Individuals occupied overlapping home ranges; intra- and inter-specific aggressive interactions were recorded. Most foraging was by ground and aerial sallying from boulders, and all foraging methods were essentially sit-and-wait techniques. Buffstreaked Chats' most preferred perches were rocks 1,5-3 m high. Perches 1,5-3 m high were more likely to yield an aerial sally, while perches < 1,5 m were more likely to yield a ground sally or to be abandoned without a foraging attempt. Giving-up times were longer on perches 1,5-3 m high, but pre-capture waiting times were similar for perches of all heights. Giving-up times were longer than pre-capture times on perches 1,5-3 m high, but of similar duration to pre-capture times on lower perches. The major prey was grasshoppers, though ants, beetles, spiders and other insects were also eaten. When termites were swarming, birds switched to hunting them almost exclusively, thereby increasing their biomass intake rate. When termites were not available, at least 31% of the diet comprised prey 2 6 mm long. Aspects of the Buffstreaked Chat's biology are compared with other members of the genus Oenanthe.  相似文献   

Flowers are included in the diets of many primates, but are not generally regarded as making an important contribution to primate energy budgets. However, observations of a number of lemur, platyrrhine, and cercopithecine populations suggest that some flower species may function as key primate fallback foods in periods of low abundance of preferred foods (generally ripe fruits), and that flowers may be preferred foods in some cases. I report heavy reliance on flowers during some study months for a siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) population in southern Sumatra. Siamangs at Way Canguk spent 12% of feeding time eating flowers from October 2000 to August 2002, and in 1 month flower‐feeding time exceeded 40% of total feeding time. The overall availabilities of fig and nonfig fruits, flowers, and new leaves in the study area were not significant predictors of the proportion of time that siamangs spent consuming any plant part. However, flower‐feeding time was highest in months when nonfig fruit‐feeding time was lowest, and a switch from heavy reliance on fruit to substantial flower consumption was associated with a shift in activity patterns toward reduced energy expenditure, which is consistent with the interpretation that flowers may function as a fallback food for Way Canguk siamangs. Hydnocarpus gracilis, a plant from which siamangs only consume flowers, was the third‐most‐commonly consumed plant at Way Canguk (after Ficus spp. and Dracontomelon dao), and flowers from this plant were available in most months. It is possible that relatively high local availability of these important siamang plant foods is one factor promoting high siamang density in the study area. Am. J. Primatol. 71:624–635, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Free-living hens roost on branches in trees at night, and laying hens in aviary systems or cages provided with perches also make extensive use of these for night-time roosting. It is therefore suggested that roosting on perches is important to the hens and that domestic hens should be provided with perches in order to promote welfare. However, no study has addressed the question of motivation for roosting. In the present experiment, we studied undisturbed roosting behaviour and the reaction of commercial laying hens when roosting on perches was thwarted. Fifty-two adult hens (Lohmann Selected Leghorn, LSL) were kept in two groups of 26 hens in litter pens with perches at heights of 23, 43 and 63 cm. Behaviour was observed for 60 min starting at lights-off, registering the number of hens on each perch level. The hens started to get onto the perch immediately and within 10 min after lights-off, more than 90% of the hens were on the perch. All hens roosted close together on the top perch. In a second experiment, 24 hens were kept in eight groups of three birds each in experimental pens equipped with perches. Birds were tested in four different situations: (1) the pen unchanged (Base), (2) the perch covered with plexiglass (PCov), (3) the perch removed (PRem) and (4) the unchanged pen (Post). The order of PCov and PRem alternated between groups in a balanced manner and all groups of birds experienced all four treatments. The hens were observed for 60 min from lights-off using focal sampling. For comparisons, the Post treatment served as the control. In the treatments where perching was not possible, the hens spent less time sitting (p=0.042), and also tended to spend more time standing (p=0.06), than in the control. Furthermore, the hens moved more (p=0.042) when the perch was inaccessible, and when the perch was visible but inaccessible they also showed more attempts to take off (p=0.042). These findings can be interpreted as increased frustration and/or exploration, probably to find an alternative roosting site. Together with the high use of perches for night-time roosting under undisturbed conditions, these results indicate that laying hens are motivated to perch and imply that hens kept under conditions where perching is not possible may experience reduced welfare.  相似文献   

 When foraging for nectar many insects exhibit flower constancy (a preference for flower species which they have previously visited) and frequently ignore rewarding flowers of other species. Darwin proposed the favoured explanation for this behaviour, hypothesizing that learning of handling skills for one flower species interferes with the ability to recall handling skills for previously learned species. A crucial element of this hypothesis is that savings in handling time resulting from constancy must exceed increases in travelling time necessitated by ignoring other suitable species. A convincing quantification of this trade-off has not been achieved and tests to date on bumblebees indicate that savings in handling time are too small to offset an increase in travelling time. To assess further the validity of Darwin’s hypothesis, handling and flight times of the butterfly, Thymelicus flavus, were measured under natural conditions, and the abundance and reward provided by the available flower species quantified to enable estimation of foraging efficiency. Butterflies exhibited a mean increase in handling time of 0.85 s per flower associated with switching between flower species, although the magnitude of this difference varied greatly among flower species. Switching was not associated with a decrease in travelling time, contrary to expectation. Switching was more frequent following a lower than average reward from the last flower visited. In butterflies, flights serve functions other than movement between nectar sources, such as mate location (unlike worker bees). Hence constancy may be a viable strategy to reduce time spent in handling flowers and increase time available for other activities. Although savings in handling time may be small, Darwin’s interference hypothesis remains a valid explanation for flower constancy in foraging butterflies. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 June 1997  相似文献   

Most species of birds show bi‐parental or female‐only care. However, a minority of species is polyandrous and expresses male‐only care. So far, such reversals in sex roles have been demonstrated only in precocial bird species, but there was suggestive evidence that such a mating system may occur in one altricial bird species, the black coucal, Centropus grillii. In a field study in Tanzania we investigated whether black coucals are sex‐role reversed and polyandrous. We found that males were mated to one female, rarely vocalized and provided all parental care from incubation of eggs to feeding of young. In contrast, female black coucals were about 69% heavier and 39% larger than males and polyandrous. They spent a large proportion of time calling from conspicuous perches, defended breeding territories, did not help in provisioning young and had a higher potential reproductive rate than males. We conclude that the black coucal currently represents the only altricial bird species with sole male parental care and a classical polyandrous mating system. High nest predation pressure and small territory sizes due to high food abundance may have been important factors in the evolution of sex‐role reversal and polyandry in this species.  相似文献   

A first study of the pollination biology of a Mediterranean Aristolochia species in its natural habitat is presented. In all, 183 flowers of Aristolochia pallida Willd. were investigated, which in total contained 73 arthropods, dominated by two groups of Diptera, black fungus gnats (Sciaridae representing 37%) and scuttle flies (Phoridae representing 19%), respectively. However, only Phoridae are regarded as potential pollinators, since pollen has been found exclusively on the body of these insects. All Phoridae belong to the genus Megaselia and are recognised as three morpho-species. The measurements of flower and insect dimensions suggest that size is an important constraint for successful pollination: (a) the insects must have a definitive size for being able to enter the flower and (b) must be able to get in touch with the pollen. Only very few insect groups found in A. pallida fulfil these size requirements. However, size alone is not a sufficient filter as too many fly species of the same size might be trapped but not function as pollinators. Instead, specific attraction is required as otherwise pollen is lost. Since all trapped Phoridae are males, a chemical attraction (pheromones) is proposed as an additional constraint. Since the flowers are protogynous, the record of Megaselia loaded with pollen found in a flower during its female stage proves that this insect must have had visited at least one different flower during its male stage before. Further on, this observation provides strong evidence that the flowers are cross-pollinated. All these factors indicate a highly specialised pollination of A. pallida by Megaselia species.  相似文献   

Many bees collect pollen by grasping the anthers of a flower and vibrating their flight muscles at high frequencies—a behavior termed sonication, or buzz-pollination. Here we compare buzz-pollination on Solanum lycopersicum (cherry tomatoes) by two bees that fill similar niches on different continents—in Australia, Amegilla murrayensis (blue-banded bee), and in North America, Bombus impatiens (bumblebee). We collected audio recordings of buzz-pollination and quantified the frequency and length of buzzes, as well as the total time spent per flower. We found that A. murrayensis buzzes at significantly higher frequencies (~350 Hz) than B. impatiens (~240 Hz) and flaps its wings at higher frequencies during flight. There was no difference in the length of a single buzz, but A. murrayensis spent less time on each flower, as B. impatiens buzzed the flower several times before departing, whereas A. murrayensis typically buzzed the flower only once. High-speed videos of A. murrayensis during buzz-pollination revealed that its physical interaction with the flower differs markedly from the mechanism described for Bombus and other bees previously examined. Rather than grasping the anther cone with its mandibles and shaking, A. murrayensis taps the anther cone with its head at the high buzzing frequencies generated by its flight muscles. This unique behavior, combined with its higher buzzing frequency and reduced flower visit duration, suggests that A. murrayensis may be able to extract pollen more quickly than B. impatiens, and points to the need for further studies directly comparing the pollination effectiveness of these species.  相似文献   

Primates tend to prefer specific plant foods, and primate home ranges may contain only a subset of food species present in an area. Thus, primate feeding strategies should be sensitive to the phenology of specific species encountered within the home range in addition to responding to larger scale phenomena such as seasonal changes in rainfall or temperature. We studied three groups of Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in the Gunung Halimun‐Salak National Park, Indonesia from April 2008 to March 2009 and used general linear mixed models (GLMM) and a model selection procedure to investigate the effects of variation in fruit and flower availability on gibbon behavior. Preferred foods were defined as foods that are overselected relative to their abundance, while important food species were those that comprised >5% of feeding time. All important species were also preferred. Season and measurements of flower and fruit availability affected fruit‐feeding time, daily path lengths (DPL), and dietary breadth. Models that included the availability of preferred foods as independent variables generally showed better explanatory power than models that used overall fruit or flower availability. For one group, fruit and preferred fruit abundance had the strongest effects on diets and DPL in the models selected, while another group was more responsive to changes in flower availability. Temporal variation in plant part consumption was not correlated in neighboring groups. Our results suggest that fine‐scale local factors are important determinants of gibbon foraging strategies. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1154‐1167, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The newly described Arunachal macaque Macaca munzala occurs largely in sub‐tropical to temperate environments at elevations of c. 1,800–3,000 m in Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. We studied its over‐wintering strategy by comparing the diet, ranging, and behavior of a troop of 24 individuals during winter and spring (December 2005 to May 2006) through instantaneous scan sampling (3,002 records, 448 scans, 112 hr of observation). We also monitored the phenology of food plants. The macaques spent more time (41–66%) feeding in the winter than in spring (33–51%), whereas time spent moving and resting was greater in spring. The diet composed largely of plants, with animal matter being eaten rarely. The number of plant species in the diet increased from 18 to 25 whereas food types rose from 18 to 36 from winter to spring, respectively. Although only two species formed 75% of the winter diet, seven species comprised this proportion in spring. Availability of fruits and young leaves increased in spring; the troop moved more and utilized a larger part of its range during this time. Seasonal changes in behavior could be explained by the scarcity of food and the costs of thermoregulation in winter. Our study suggests that the Arunachal macaque inhabits a highly seasonal environment and has an over‐wintering strategy that includes subsisting on a high‐fiber diet by increasing the time spent feeding, and minimizing energy expenditure by reducing the time spent moving. Am. J. Primatol. 71:939–947, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Four groups of 15-19 adult ISA Brown hens were studied in pens to assess the relationship between social status and use of perches and nestboxes. This was to test the hypothesis that subordinate hens use these resources more by day, for avoiding dominants, but that dominants use perches more at night, for roosting. The experiment consisted of a 5-week pre-treatment period, when no perches were present, and a 4-week treatment period, when each group was tested with different perch treatments (No, Low, Medium, High). All groups were observed systematically in each week, when all interactions of three types (aggressive peck, non-aggressive peck, approach/avoidance) in a group were recorded by noting the instigator and recipient (from numbered wing tags) onto a matrix. Proportions of time that each bird spent using perches and nestboxes, by day and at night, were also recorded. The results indicate that social status of individual laying hens is relatively stable across time and can be based reliably on counts of either aggressive pecks or approach/avoidances, but not non-aggressive pecks. Aggressive pecks were the most frequent type of interaction observed, and were reduced by the presence of perches. Use of nestboxes, but not perches, was greater at night than by day. There were weak tendencies for perches, and to a lesser extent nestboxes, to be used more by lower ranking birds by day, but not at night. There was some evidence of increased use of these resources by higher ranking birds at night. It is concluded that provision of perches reduces bird density on the floor (where nearly all interactions occurred), allows subordinates a means of avoiding dominants by day, reduces frequency of agonistic interactions, and should thus benefit laying hen welfare.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and behaviour of perchery housed laying hens were compared at a constant stocking density (18.5 birds/m(2)) in eight pens with colonies of five different sizes (323 birds (N=1), 374 birds (N=2), 431 birds (N=2), 572 birds (N=1) and 912 birds (N=2)). The birds were placed in the perchery when they were 12 weeks old. Observations began when they were 26 weeks old and continued at 8 week intervals until 61 weeks of age. Colony size did not appear to affect the spatial distribution of birds, but more standing behaviour and less feeding behaviour were observed in the smallest and largest colony sizes. Older birds spent more time on the floor areas and less time on perches. Young birds (26-28 weeks) spent more time feeding, foraging, drinking and preening, and less time standing idle than older birds. In the afternoons, there were fewer birds on the perches and more on the floor levels, corresponding with less time spent resting and more time spent performing active behaviours. Birds did not distribute themselves evenly throughout their pens: within specific areas of pens densities varied between 9 and 41 birds/m(2). This variation, which reflects the flux of birds from one part of the pen to another, was greatest for the larger colony sizes, and may have adverse implications for welfare in terms of crowding and hysteria.  相似文献   

Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) in a captive breeding colony living in metal caging, with wooden shelves and perches, were assessed by video recording for the time spent on the floor of the cage when that floor was a wire grid above a sawdust-filled tray and when it had been changed to a sawdust-filled tray several days previously. Quantitative analysis of these videos indicated that marmosets made more visits to the floor when it comprised a wire grid than when it comprised a sawdust-filled tray. They also tended to spend more time on the floor when the floor was a wire grid. These results suggest that this arboreal species does not necessarily share the need or preference for contact with a particle-covered solid floor which might be considered appropriate for a terrestrial species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many birds roost communally during at least part of their annual cycle, suggesting that for them the advantages of living in a group outweigh the disadvantages. However, perch sites within a roost may vary in quality because of differences in degree of exposure to the elements, predators, and fecal droppings. Individuals should select perches in the roost that minimize costs while enabling them to experience the benefits of communal roosting. We studied communally roosting Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in northeastern Iowa (USA) from late August to mid‐October, when hatching‐year (HY) birds had joined the roost and were distinguishable from after‐hatching‐year (AHY) birds. On 82 d during our 4‐yr study (2004–2007), we noted the age class and perch position of vultures on two communication towers used as a preroost site. Perches used by vultures were classified as top‐level (with no perches above them) or lower‐level (with other perches above them). Top‐level perches were preferred by Turkey Vultures. Of 1713 birds recorded, 71% were on top‐level perches, even though only 39% of available perches were top‐level. Vultures did not use lower perches if top perches on that tower were unoccupied. The percentage of birds using lower perches increased as the number of vultures present increased, suggesting that top‐level perches were occupied first. AHY birds used top‐level perches more often than expected and HY birds used top‐level perches less often than expected, implying that age‐related dominance affected perch selection. On 61 of 82 d (74%), top‐level perches of both towers were occupied and, on 8 d (10%), only top perches on one tower were occupied. However, on 13 d (16%), both top‐level and lower‐level perches were occupied on one tower while no vultures perched on the other tower, suggesting that social attraction to other vultures can override a general preference for top‐level perches. Thus, our results provide evidence that social attraction, age‐related dominance, and preference for higher perches are proximate factors influencing perch selection in communally roosting Turkey Vultures. Ultimate factors that may be responsible for Turkey Vultures preferring higher roosting perches are reduced risk of predation, less exposure to fecal droppings that might reduce their plumage quality, and better visual information for locating food sources.  相似文献   

Learning in the nectar foraging behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract .1. Learning may enable insects to obtain nectar from flowers more efficiently. Learning in nectar foraging has been shown primarily in studies of bees and butterflies. Here, learning is demonstrated in the nectar foraging behaviour of a noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera .
2. The present studies show that: (1) previous experience with a flowering host species increases the probability of that species being selected for nectar foraging, and (2) previous experience of a particular flower type (food source at bottom or top of the corolla tube) increases the likelihood of the food source being found when that flower type is being searched.
3. The implications of these findings for understanding the pattern of oviposition observed in wild populations of this important pest species are discussed.  相似文献   

花寿命指花保持开放且具有功能的时间长度, 是开花植物繁殖成功的一个重要功能性状。可塑性延长花寿命是植物在不利的传粉环境中保障繁殖的一种策略, 但延长花寿命也会增加繁殖成本。花寿命的可塑性变异不仅受传粉环境的影响, 而且还受资源分配权衡的影响。花寿命的理论模型指出, 植物的花寿命与花吸引特征之间存在资源分配权衡。为了研究在花粉限制环境中, 植物花寿命与花吸引特征之间的资源权衡及其对雌性适合度的相对重要性。该研究以青藏高原高寒草甸不同海拔(2 900和3 600 m)的11种开花植物为研究对象, 分析了不同植物群落中, 物种水平上: (1)花寿命与花吸引特征(花大小以及开花数目)之间的相关关系; (2)花寿命与花吸引特征对植物雌性适合度的相对贡献。结果表明, 无论是低海拔还是高海拔植物群落, 植物的花寿命与开花数目之间均存在权衡关系, 且长的花寿命增加了植物的雌性适合度。但在高海拔环境中, 植物的雌性适合度只与花寿命有关。这说明相对于低海拔植物, 花寿命对高海拔植物的雌性繁殖成功更为重要。  相似文献   

Group size and perching behaviour in young domestic fowl   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To test the hypothesis that young domestic fowl perform less perch-related antipredator behaviour with increasing group size, White Leghorn pullets were reared in four replicate groups of 15, 30, 60 and 120 at a constant density of 5 birds/m(2). Each pen contained perches 20, 40 and 60cm above the ground. Perch space per bird per perch level was the same for all groups. It was predicted that, with increasing group size, domestic fowl would (1) spend less time on perches (i.e. more time down on the floor); (2) be less vigilant while perching; (3) spend relatively more time preening down on the floor. As predicted, the proportion of 3- to 18-week-old birds roosting on perches during scans throughout the photoperiod decreased with increasing group size, from 41+/-1.7% in groups of 15 birds to 33+/-1.6% in groups of 120 birds. This effect was due to reduced use of the lower perches; use of the highest perches was high at all group sizes. The proportion of birds vigilant on the highest perches of those present on that perch level decreased with increasing group size. The proportion of birds engaged in the vulnerable activity of preening down on the floor increased with group size. The frequency of transitions between floor and perches was not affected by group size but birds received more disturbances from other birds when on the top perch level in the larger groups. Thus, the decline in vigilance on the top perch level with increasing group size was not due to reduced disturbance from other birds. In conclusion, despite domestication and protection from non-human predators, changes in the use of perches by young domestic fowl with increasing group size were consistent with the antipredator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Extended flower longevity has been widely defended to occur as a consequence of low pollination activity. To test this hypothesis in Neotropical rainforests, we selected three species of Epidendrum that flower during rainy conditions and commonly exhibit low levels of insect visits. Experimental studies carried out in 15 populations distributed along a wide spatial gradient detected the presence of pollinator limitation in all populations. Pollinia removal without pollen deposition increased longevity, and thus extended longevity could apparently be considered as an ecological advantage for these orchids. Nevertheless, flower longevity was severely shortened by abiotic factors like precipitation and humidity. Comparison with other tropical orchids showed that flower longevity was higher even in species that flower during periods of more pollinator activity than the ones studied here, which is contrary to the hypothesis that pollinators are the only driving force for long‐lived flowers in Epidendrum. Thus, although long floral longevities are apparently favorable for the reproductive success of these species, the high maintenance costs experienced during rainy conditions are also an important factor constraining the selection of long‐lived flowers in Epidendrum.  相似文献   

于2012年1—3月和2012年12—2013年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区越冬白鹤(Grusleucogeranus)的昼间时间分配模式和日活动节律,分析了年龄、集群大小、生境类型和天气对白鹤越冬行为的影响。结果表明,白鹤越冬期的主要行为有觅食、警戒、理羽、游走、休息和争斗。其中,觅食是鄱阳湖越冬白鹤主要行为,占其昼间活动时间的82.94%;警戒占11.94%,理羽占3.52%,游走占1.88%,休息占0.15%,争斗占0.02%。白鹤在越冬期间的觅食、游走、休息和争斗行为存在明显的昼间节律性,其中游走、觅食和争斗行为在每天的上午和下午各存在1个高峰,休息行为在中午出现一个高峰;警戒和理羽行为则没有显著的昼间节律变化。年龄、集群大小、天气和生境对白鹤的越冬行为具有显著的影响:幼鹤取食的时间显著多于成鹤,而警戒时间则显著的小于成鹤;与家庭群中的个体相比,集体群中的个体取食和争斗时间显著增加,警戒时间显著减少;在天气晴朗时,白鹤的警戒时间显著大于阴天的警戒时间,取食时间则显著少于阴天时白鹤的取食时间;白鹤在大风天气显著增加理羽行为;在有雾的天气会显著增加取食时间,减少警戒时间。在草洲和浅水两种生境中,白鹤的游走和理羽行为存在显著差异,而觅食和警戒行为没有显著的差异,这可能源于草洲和浅水生境相互毗邻,并且具有相同程度的人为干扰。GLM分析结果表明,年龄和集群大小、年龄和生境、集群大小和天气、集群大小和生境、天气和生境对白鹤昼间时间分配模式的影响存在显著交互效应。  相似文献   

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