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Holliday junctions are intermediate structures that are formed and resolved during the process of genetic recombination. To investigate the interaction of junction-resolving nucleases with synthetic Holliday junctions that contain homologous arm sequences, we constructed substrates in which the junction point was free to branch migrate through 26 base-pairs of homology. In the absence of divalent cations, we found that both phage T4 endonuclease VII and phage T7 endonuclease I bound the synthetic junctions to form specific protein-DNA complexes. Such complexes were not observed in the presence of Mg2+, since the Holliday junctions were resolved by the introduction of symmetrical cuts in strands of like polarity. The major sites of cleavage were identified and found to occur within the boundaries of homology. T4 endonuclease VII showed a cleavage preference for the 3' side of thymine bases, whereas T7 endonuclease I preferentially cut the DNA between two pyrimidine residues. However, cleavage was not observed at all the available sites, indicating that in addition to their structural requirements, the endonucleases show strong site preferences.  相似文献   

The satellite bacteriophage P4 relies on a helper such as P2 to supply the gene products necessary for virion assembly and cell lysis (Six, 1975). P4 has the unique capacity to activate the late genes of P2 by a mechanism that differs from the one normally used by P2 itself. This process has been termed transactivation (Calendar et al., 1977). In addition, P4 is able to suppress the strong polarity associated with certain P2 amber mutations. The isolation of P4 mutants solely defective in polarity suppression (psu?) demonstrates that the ability of P4 to suppress polarity is non-essential for P4 growth. In particular, polarity suppression plays no essential role in either transactivation or head size determination. The product of the P4 psu gene has been identified as a 19,900 Mr P4 late protein.  相似文献   

In wild type bacteriophage T4 the long tail fibres serve both in the initial attachment of the phage to its host and in the triggering of tail contraction. A two-step model for the control of triggering suggests that particles lacking the product of gene 9, which are also structurally fibreless, might be infective. This is shown to be the case, even though such phage do not plate on restrictive strains of bacteria. However, starting from phage carrying an amber mutation in gene 9 it is easy to isolate additional mutations which, under restrictive conditions, permit fibreless plating (pfp mutations). Three such pfp mutations, having also a temperature-sensitive phenotype, have been isolated and shown to map in genes coding for structural components of the baseplate. The mode of action of these pfp mutations is not clear, though they certainly destabilize the baseplate, thereby making triggering easier. The pfp mutations are effective only when in combination with an amber mutation in gene 9 and not with amber mutations in tail fibre genes, establishing the essentially inhibitory nature of the control of triggering exercised by gene 9 product.  相似文献   

The T4 ultraviolet endonuclease was previously shown to produce strand incisions (nicks) in ultraviolet-irradiated DNA on the 5' side of thymine dimers. The present studies demonstrate that the purified endonuclease creates 3'-OH and 5'-P termini at the sites of nicking. Photoreactivation of ultraviolet-sensitive sites, thereby demonstrating directly endonucleause has a molecular weight of approximately 18,000 and attacks ultraviolet-irradiated single-stranded Escherichia coli and M-13 DNA.  相似文献   

We have proposed that the ability of T4 to produce non-glucosylated progeny after a single cycle of growth on a galU rglA rglB+ mutant of Escherichia coli is due to the initiation of the rglB+ function by a phage-coded, anti-restriction endonuclease protein. Based on this hypothesis, we screened T4 deletion mutants for failure to give a burst in this host. The absence of an arn gene in phage mutants lacking the 55.5- to 58.4-kilobase region is verified by their inability to protect secondary infecting non-glucosylated phage from rglB-controlled cleavage. A functional arn gene was cloned on plasmid pBR325, and the 0.8-kilobase insert DNA was shown to be homologous to the DNA missing in the arn deletion phage.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a plasmid-borne, recombination-deficient mutant derivative of the bacteriophage T4 DNA helicase gene 41. We have now transferred this 41rrh1 mutation into the phage genome in order to characterize its mutational effects further. The mutation impairs a recombination pathway that is distinct from the pathway involving uvsX, which is essential for strand transfer, and it also eliminates most homologous recombination between a plasmid and the T4 genome. Although 41rrh1 does not affect T4 DNA replication from some origins, it does inactivate plasmid replication that is dependent on ori(uvsY) and ori(34), as well as recombination-dependent DNA replication. Combination of 41rrh1 with some uvsX alleles is lethal. Based on these results, we propose that gene 41 contributes to DNA recombination through its role in DNA replication. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

We isolated 142 Hir- (host inhibition of replication) mutants of an Escherichia coli K-12 Mu cts Kil- lysogen that survived heat induction and the killing effect of Mu replicative transposition. All the 86 mutations induced by insertion of Tn5 or a kanamycin-resistant derivative of Tn10 and approximately one-third of the spontaneous mutations were found by P1 transduction to be linked to either zdh-201::Tn10 or Tn10-1230, indicating their location in or near himA or hip, respectively. For a representative group of these mutations, complementation by a plasmid carrying the himA+ gene or by a lambda hip+ transducing phage confirmed their identification as himA or hip mutations, respectively. Some of the remaining spontaneously occurring mutations were located in gyrA or gyrB, the genes encoding DNA gyrase. Mutations in gyrA were identified by P1 linkage to zei::Tn10 and a Nalr gyrA allele; those in gyrB were defined by linkage to tna::Tn10 and to a gyrB(Ts) allele. In strains carrying these gyrA or gyrB mutations, pBR322 plasmid DNA exhibited altered levels of supercoiling. The extent of growth of Mu cts differed in the various gyrase mutants tested. Phage production in one gyrA mutant was severely reduced, but it was only delayed and slightly reduced in other gyrA and gyrB mutants. In contrast, growth of a Kil- Mu was greatly reduced in all gyrase mutant hosts tested.  相似文献   

Mutants of bacteriophage T4 which exhibit increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation specifically at high temperature were isolated after mutagenesis with hydroxylamine. At 42 °C the mutants are twice as sensitive to ultraviolet light as T4D, whereas at 30 °C they exhibit survival curves almost identical to that of the wild-type strain. Complementation tests revealed that the mutants possess temperature-sensitive mutations in the v gene.Evidence is presented to show that T4 endonuclease V produced by the mutants is more thermolabile than the enzyme of the wild-type. (1) Extracts of cells infected with the mutants were capable of excising pyrimidine dimers from ultraviolet irradiated T4 DNA at 30 °C, but no selective release of dimers was induced at 42 °C. (2) Endonuclease V produced by the mutant was inactivated more rapidly than was the enzyme from T4D-infected cells when the purified enzymes were incubated in a buffer at 42 °C. From these results it is evident that the v gene is the structural gene for T4 endonuclease V, which plays an essential role in the excision-repair of ultraviolet light-damaged DNA.The time of action of the repair endonuclease was determined by using the mutant. Survival of a temperature-sensitive v mutant, exposed to ultraviolet light, increased when infected cells were incubated at 30 °C for at least ten minutes and then transferred to 42 °C. It appears that repair of DNA proceeds during an early stage of phage development.  相似文献   

The two buried carboxyls (Asp-102 and Asp-194) in both chymotrypsin and chymotrypsinogen are ionized at pH values greater than 4.2 and may be ionized even as low as pH 3.This was demonstrated by coupling most of the surface carboxyis of the proteins by a carbodi-imide with glycinamide or semicarbazide to diminish the groups ionizing at low pH and then titrating the proton uptake on denaturation by sodium dodecyl sulphate between pH 3.0 and 4.6. At pH values greater than 4.2 all unblocked carboxyls are ionized. The proton uptake during the conformational change on denaturation was determined by a stopped-flow procedure and found to be about 2H+/mol between pH 3.0 and 3.6. The rate constant for the uptake of protons is the same as that for the exposure of tryptophan and lies in the tens of millisecond region.The buried negative charge at the active site appears to be mainly on Asp-102 rather than on His-57, the pKa of which must be raised by the buried charge. This enhances its efficacy as a base catalyst in the “charge relay system”.The presence of an intact charge relay system in the inactive zymogen illustrates the importance of stereochemical fit between enzyme and substrate. Enzyme catalysis could hardly be mediated by a catalyst which is uniquely reactive in the absence of correct enzyme-substrate orientation as this would be inconsistent with its specificity.  相似文献   

Endonuclease IV encoded by denB of bacteriophage T4 is implicated in restriction of deoxycytidine (dC)-containing DNA in the host Escherichia coli. The enzyme was synthesized with the use of a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system, given a lethal effect of its expression in E.coli cells, and was purified to homogeneity. The purified enzyme showed high activity with single-stranded (ss) DNA and denatured dC-substituted T4 genomic double-stranded (ds) DNA but exhibited no activity with dsDNA, ssRNA or denatured T4 genomic dsDNA containing glucosylated deoxyhydroxymethylcytidine. Characterization of Endo IV activity revealed that the enzyme catalyzed specific endonucleolytic cleavage of the 5′ phosphodiester bond of dC in ssDNA with an efficiency markedly dependent on the surrounding nucleotide sequence. The enzyme preferentially targeted 5′-dTdCdA-3′ but tolerated various combinations of individual nucleotides flanking this trinucleotide sequence. These results suggest that Endo IV preferentially recognizes short nucleotide sequences containing 5′-dTdCdA-3′, which likely accounts for the limited digestion of ssDNA by the enzyme and may be responsible in part for the indispensability of a deficiency in denB for stable synthesis of dC-substituted T4 genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Endonuclease VII, the product of phage T4 gene 49, has been shown previously to resolve Holliday structures in vitro. Two different processes, genetic recombination and multiplicity reactivation are presumed to have Holliday structure intermediates. Other workers have shown that genetic recombination is reduced in a gene 49 mutant infection. However, in the present study, multiplicity reactivation of UV-irradiated ts or amber mutant phage defective in gene 49 was nearly identical to that of UV-irradiated wild-type phage T4. Thus endonuclease VII is not thought to be essential for multiplicity reactivation of phage T4.  相似文献   

Mutants of bacteriophage T7 that escape F restriction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mutants of bacteriophage T7 that escape F restriction have been isolated. Two mutations in gene 10, which codes for the capsid protein, and one mutation in gene 1.2 are required for these phages to grow on F-containing strains. The products of these two genes are the two targets of the exclusion system; the presence of either wild-type product results in an abortive infection. Phages that grow normally in male hosts still lead to membrane dysfunction and nucleotide efflux from the infected cell. This type of membrane damage and the abortive infection are therefore separable phenomena.  相似文献   

We have developed a defective phage system for the isolation and analysis of phage T4 replication origins based on the T4-mediated transduction of plasmid pBR322. During the initial infection of a plasmid-containing cell, recombinant plasmids with T4 DNA inserts are converted into fully modified linear DNA concatamers that are packaged into T4 phage particles, to create defective phage (transducing particles). In order to select T4 replication origins from genomic libraries of T4 sequences cloned into the plasmid pBR322, we searched for recombinant plasmids that transduce with an unusually high efficiency, reasoning that this should select for T4 sequences that function as origins on plasmid DNA after phage infection. We also selected for defective phage that can propagate efficiently with the aid of a coinfecting helper phage during subsequent rounds of phage infection. which should select for T4 sequences that can function as origins on the linear DNA present in the defective phage. Several T4 inserts were isolated repeatedly in one or both of these selective procedures, and these were mapped to particular locations on the T4 genome. When plasmids were selected in this way from genomic libraries constructed using different restriction nucleases, they contained overlapping segments of the T4 genome, indicating that the same T4 sequences were selected. The inserts in two of the selected plasmids permit a very high frequency of transduction from circular plasmids: these have been shown to contain a special type of T4 replication origin.  相似文献   

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