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J R Perfect  T H Rude  L M Penning  S A Johnson 《Gene》1992,122(1):213-217
We have cloned the phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase (PRAI)-encoding gene (TRP1) of Cryptococcus neoformans by genetic complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sequence analysis of this gene revealed it to be 939 bp in length, and without known promoter or termination sequences. Unlike some of the filamentous fungi, where PRAI enzymatic activity is controlled by a trifunctional gene product, the C. neoformans PRAI appears to be unifunctional. PRAI of C. neoformans exhibits 39% amino acid (aa) sequence identity compared to the S. cerevisiae counterpart. The TRP1 gene of C. neoformans maps to different size chromosomes in strains with different serotypes. The cloning of this gene for vector constructions, and the demonstration that S. cerevisiae can be used as a surrogate for C. neoformans gene expression, should help with the molecular studies of this significant fungal pathogen in our increasing immunocompromised population.  相似文献   

Summary A genomic library of the asexual pathogenic yeast Candida albicans was constructed in the S. cerevisiae vector YEp13. The library contains a representation of the entire genome with a probability of 99%. The expression of the genes of C. albicans in S. cerevisiae was examined and two mutations his3-1 and trp1-289 of S. cerevisiae were complemented by the cloned genes of C. albicans. The hybridization data indicates that the plasmids complementing the mutations of S. cerevisiae contain sequences from C. albicans.  相似文献   

The Pneumocystis carinii gene encoding the enzyme dihydrofolate synthase (DHFS), which is involved in the essential biosynthesis of folates, was isolated from clones of the Pneumocystis genome project, and sequenced. The deduced P. carinii DHFS protein shares 38% and 35% identity with DHFS of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. P. carinii DHFS expressed from a plasmid functionally complemented a S. cerevisiae mutant with no DHFS. Comparison of available DHFSs with highly similar folylpolyglutamate synthases allowed the identification of potential signatures responsible for the specificities of these two classes of enzymes. The results open the way to experimentally analyse the structure and function of P. carinii mono-functional enzyme DHFS, to investigate a possible role of DHFS in the resistance to antifolates of P. jirovecii, the species infecting specifically humans, and to develop a new class of antifolates.  相似文献   

Isolation of the ARO1 cluster gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The AROl cluster gene was isolated by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae after transformation with a comprehensive yeast DNA library of BamHI restriction fragments inserted into the shuttle vector YEp13. Most of the transformants exhibited the expected episomal inheritance of the ARO+ phenotype; however, one stable transformant has been shown to be an integration of the AROl fragment and the vector YEp13 at the arol locus. The insert containing AROl is a 17.2-kilobase pair (kbp) BamHI fragment which complements both nonsense and missense alleles of arol. Subcloning by Sau3AI partial digestion further locates the AROl segment to a 6.2-kbp region. An autonomously replicating sequence (ars) was found on the 17.2-kbp fragment. Yeast arol mutants transformed with the AROl episome express 5 to 12 times the normal level of the five AROl enzyme activities and possess elevated amounts of the AROl protein. The yeast AROl fragment also complemented aroA, aroB, aroD, and aroE mutants of Escherichia coli. The expression of AROl in both S. cerevisiae and E. coli was independent of the orientation of the fragment with respect to the vector.  相似文献   

The leucine operon of Escherichia coli was cloned on a plasmid possessing both E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication origins. This plasmid, pEH25, transformed leuA, leuB, and leuD auxotrophs of E. coli to prototrophy; it also transformed leu2 auxotrophs of S. cerevisiae to prototrophy. beta-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase was encoded by the leuB gene of E. coli and the leu2 gene of yeast. Verification that the leuB gene present on pEH26 was responsible for complementing yeast leu2 was obtained by isolating in E. coli several leuB mutations that resided on the plasmid. These mutant leuB- plasmids were no longer capable of complementing leu2 in S. cerevisiae. We conclude that S. cerevisiae is capable of transcribing at least a portion of the polycistronic leu operon of E. coli and can translate a functional protein from at least the second gene of this operon. The yeast Leu+ transformants obtained with pEH25, when cultured in minimal medium lacking leucine, grew with a doubling time three to four times longer than when cultured in medium supplemented with leucine.  相似文献   

Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity were isolated by chemical mutagenesis with ethyl methanesulfonate. The mutants were selected by their inability to grow on ethanol as the sole carbon source. The ALDH mutants were distinguished from alcohol dehydrogenase mutants by an aldehyde indicator plate test and by immunoscreening. The ALDH gene was isolated from a yeast genomic DNA library on a 5.7-kb insert of a recombinant DNA plasmid by functional complementation of the aldh mutation in S. cerevisiae. An open reading frame which specifies 533 codons was found within the 2.0-kb BamHI-BstEII fragment in the 5.7-kb genomic insert which can encode a protein with a molecular weight of 58,630. The N-terminal portion of the protein contains many positively charged residues which may serve as a signal sequence that targets the protein to the mitochondria. The amino acid sequence of the proposed mature yeast enzyme shows 30% identity to each of the known ALDH sequences from eukaryotes or prokaryotes. The amino acid residues corresponding to mammalian cysteine 302 and glutamates 268 and 487, implicated to be involved at the active site, were conserved. S. cerevisiae ALDH was found to be localized in the mitochondria as a tetrameric enzyme. Thus, that organelle is responsible for acetaldehyde oxidation, as was found in mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Chitin synthase activity was studied in yeast and hyphal forms of Candida albicans. pH-activity profiles showed that yeast and hyphae contain a protease-dependent activity that has an optimum at pH 6.8. In addition, there is an activity that is not activated by proteolysis in vitro and which shows a peak at pH 8.0. This suggests there are two distinct chitin synthases in C. albicans. A gene for chitin synthase from C. albicans (CHS1) was cloned by heterologous expression in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chs1 mutant. Proof that the cloned chitin synthase is a C. albicans membrane-bound zymogen capable of chitin biosynthesis in vitro was based on several criteria. (i) the CHS1 gene complemented the S. cerevisiae chs1 mutation and encoded enzymatic activity which was stimulated by partial proteolysis; (ii) the enzyme catalyses incorporation of [14C]-GlcNAc from the substrate, UDP[U-14C]-GlcNAc, into alkali-insoluble chitin; (iii) Southern analysis showed hybridization of a C. albicans CHS1 probe only with C. albicans DNA and not with S. cerevisiae DNA; (iv) pH profiles of the cloned enzyme showed an optimum at pH 6.8. This overlaps with the pH-activity profiles for chitin synthase measured in yeast and hyphal forms of C. albicans. Thus, CHS1 encodes only part of the chitin synthase activity in C. albicans. A gene for a second chitin synthase in C. albicans with a pH optimum at 8.0 is proposed. DNA sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 2328 nucleotides which predicts a polypeptide of Mr 88,281 with 776 amino acids. The alignment of derived amino acid sequences revealed that the CHS1 gene from C. albicans (canCHS1) is homologous (37% amino acid identity) to the CHS1 gene from S. cerevisiae (sacCHS1).  相似文献   

Chen SJ  Wu YH  Huang HY  Wang CC 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33363
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are a large family of housekeeping enzymes that are pivotal in protein translation and other vital cellular processes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two distinct nuclear glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS) genes, GRS1 and GRS2. GRS1 encodes both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial activities, while GRS2 is essentially silent and dispensable under normal conditions. We herein present evidence that expression of GRS2 was drastically induced upon heat shock, ethanol or hydrogen peroxide addition, and high pH, while expression of GRS1 was somewhat repressed under those conditions. In addition, GlyRS2 (the enzyme encoded by GRS2) had a higher protein stability and a lower K(M) value for yeast tRNA(Gly) under heat shock conditions than under normal conditions. Moreover, GRS2 rescued the growth defect of a GRS1 knockout strain when highly expressed by a strong promoter at 37 °C, but not at the optimal temperature of 30 °C. These results suggest that GRS2 is actually an inducible gene that may function to rescue the activity of GRS1 under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Ethanolamine kinase (ATP:ethanolamine O-phosphotransferase, EC 2.7.1. 82) catalyzes the committed step of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway. The gene encoding ethanolamine kinase (EKI1) was identified from the Saccharomyces Genome Data Base (locus YDR147W) based on its homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI1-encoded choline kinase, which also exhibits ethanolamine kinase activity. The EKI1 gene was isolated and used to construct eki1Delta and eki1Delta cki1Delta mutants. A multicopy plasmid containing the EKI1 gene directed the overexpression of ethanolamine kinase activity in wild-type, eki1Delta mutant, cki1Delta mutant, and eki1Delta cki1Delta double mutant cells. The heterologous expression of the S. cerevisiae EKI1 gene in Sf-9 insect cells resulted in a 165,500-fold overexpression of ethanolamine kinase activity relative to control insect cells. The EKI1 gene product also exhibited choline kinase activity. Biochemical analyses of the enzyme expressed in insect cells, in eki1Delta mutants, and in cki1Delta mutants indicated that ethanolamine was the preferred substrate. The eki1Delta mutant did not exhibit a growth phenotype. Biochemical analyses of eki1Delta, cki1Delta, and eki1Delta cki1Delta mutants showed that the EKI1 and CKI1 gene products encoded all of the ethanolamine kinase and choline kinase activities in S. cerevisiae. In vivo labeling experiments showed that the EKI1 and CKI1 gene products had overlapping functions with respect to phospholipid synthesis. Whereas the EKI1 gene product was primarily responsible for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis via the CDP-ethanolamine pathway, the CKI1 gene product was primarily responsible for phosphatidylcholine synthesis via the CDP-choline pathway. Unlike cki1Delta mutants, eki1Delta mutants did not suppress the essential function of Sec14p.  相似文献   

The DNA segments containing the ADR1 gene and a mutant allele, ADR1-5c, have been isolated by complementation of function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ADR1 gene is required for synthesis of the glucose-repressible alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHII) when S. cerevisiae cells are grown on a nonfermentable carbon source, whereas the ADR1-5c allele allows ADHII synthesis even during glucose repression. A plasmid pool consisting of yeast DNA fragments isolated from a strain carrying the ADR1-5c allele was used to transform a strain containing the adr1-1 allele, which prevents ADHII depression. Transformants were isolated which expressed ADHII during glucose repression. A plasmid isolated from one of these transformants was shown to carry the ADR1-5c allele by its ability to integrate at the chromosomal adr1-1 locus. The wild-type ADR1 gene was isolated by colony hybridization, using the cloned ADR1-5c gene as a probe. The ADR1-5c and ADR1 DNA segments were indistinguishable by restriction site mapping. A partial ADR1 phenotype could be conferred by a 1.9-kilobase region, but DNA outside of this region appeared to be necessary for normal activation of ADHII by the ADR1 gene.  相似文献   

Summary Thymidylate starvation in a yeast mutant auxotrophic for dTMP caused cell death and the induction of mutations in the mitochondrial genome. After 24 h of starvation almost all surviving cells were respiratory deficient petites. In addition, shorter episodes of dTMP starvation induced chloramphenicol and erythromycin resistant mutants, indicating the occurrence of mitochondrial point mutations. Suboptimal concentrations of exogenous thymidylate were also found to induce petites and a decline in cell viability and the magnitude of these effects was acutely dependent upon the dTMP concentration. Cesium chloride gradient analysis of DNA from cells undergoing thymineless incubation revealed a progressive loss of mitochondrial DNA, and a decrease in the molecular weight of nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under aerobic as well as semi-anaerobic conditions were found to catalyze the synthesis of fatty acid ester of sterol from cholesterol, fatty acid, ATP and CoA, or from cholesterol and fatty acyl-CoA. This result indicates that the enzyme involved in the formation of the ester is acyl-CoA:sterol O-acyltransferase (EC The enzyme had a broad substrate specificity for sterols and acyl-CoAs. The enzyme levels in the cells grown under aerobic and semi-anaerobic conditions were almost equal. The enzyme was located in the microsomal fraction of the aerobically grown cells.  相似文献   

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