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During chronic use of seduxen various changes of correlation connections between different parameters of general behaviour are revealed in dogs. The character and degree of expressiveness of these changes depend on the drug dose and typological characteristics of animals. The most general and significant manifestation of favourable effect of the drug action on animals behaviour is an increase of the number of "strong" correlation connections (correlation coefficient is more than 0.7) of the parameters of various components of conditioned activity, reflecting the state of inner inhibition processes, and to the parameters of vegetative provision of conditioned reactions. The character of reconstructions of correlation connections between different conditioned, vegetative, neurotransmitter and general behaviour parameters allows to judge of the direction of pharmacological influence on separate functional systems and the behaviour as a whole.  相似文献   

On the model of shortly delayed defensive conditioned reflex in cats, it was shown in acute experiments that pharmacologically elicited change of NA system activity (clonidine, 0.2 and 1.5 mg/kg intravenously) and of DA system activity (apomorphine, 3 mg/kg intravenously) leads to a definite manifestation of electrographic correlates of memory trace, i.e. of conditioned evoked potential (EP) in examined brain structures, as well as of conditioned neurographic response (CNR) and conditioned skin-galvanic reaction (SGR). The increase of the NA system activity causes a rise of the number of conditioned EPs in the reticular formation, hippocampus and preoptic area along with an enhancement of CNR reproduction. The increase of the DA system activity contributes to the appearance of conditioned EPs in the hippocampus, amygdalar complex and central gray matter, together with an enhancement of the reproduction of conditioned SGR.  相似文献   

Conditioned food-procuring response to time (2 minutes interval) was elaborated in cats, multiunit activity of the motor cortex being recorded. On the basis of single spike trains discriminated from the multiunit activity the cross-correlation histograms were built and the spikes composing their peaks were analysed in real time. This secondary analysis of the histograms allowed to ascertain the dynamics of functional connections between the neurons during the phase of active waiting according to the distribution of coincident impulses. A concentration of coincident impulses of simultaneously recorded cells was observed in different moment of time. In some neuronal pairs the concentration of coincident impulses was revealed to the end of the conditioned interval. The data obtained are considered as a manifestation of the conditioned reaction at the level of neuronal interaction.  相似文献   

In addition to widely known stochastic mutation effects, radiation also induces qualitatively different threshold (nonstochastic) changes that influence the genome but are not conditioned by mutations. The main characteristics of these changes are: spasmodic occurrence in virtually 100% of cells; independence of radiation dose (with regard to the degree of manifestation); low inducing doses; absence of repair throughout the indefinitely large number of cell generations; nonspecificity to mutagen agents, etc. The occurrence of the above changes among objects of different organization is demonstrated and the necessity of taking them into account in estimating a radiation danger is indicated.  相似文献   

It has been revealed that intraperitoneal injection of T-activin (humoral factor of the thymus) to August rats leads to more rapid and stable conditioned reflex formation to a sound and to a decrease of avoidance time when electric current is given to a shuttle chamber. Furthermore, less amount of uneffective series in testing unconditioned avoidance is registered in the test animals. A positive T-activin effect on conditioned reflex formation and unconditioned reflex manifestation is probably connected with its ability to alter hippocampus functional parameters and (or) with anti-stressor properties of the preparation.  相似文献   

During elaboration of a classical defensive conditioned reflex the dogs exhibited a dependence of the changes in amplitude and configuration of evoked potentials (EP) to electrical stimulation of the medial geniculate body (MGB), a conditioned stimulus, on the nature of effector manifestation of the conditioned reflex: the late components were the most depressed at multiple phasic reactions and not infrequently increased and became complicated at single and short motor reactions as well as at their incidental absence. The primary oscillations, while mostly remaining unchanged, were depressed in the case of conditioned reactions attended with a general motor restlessness. A difference has been revealed during conditioning in the EP changes to electrical stimulation of MGB and to an adequate peripheral stimulation. It has been assumed that EP changes during conditioned activity are determined by the relationship between the levels of tonic and phasic cortical activation.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is proposed according to which there is a strong similarity between the individual typological features of animals (humans) and different stages of learning processes. The hypothesis is supported by the results of comparisons of psychophysiological and neurochemical indices of different stages of conditioning and various typologies of higher nervous activity. Such comparisons reveal a high similarity between the generalization phase and impulsivity, the phase a learned conditioned reflex and self-controlled behaviour, and overlearned CR and a state of "psychosis". Functional states close to pathology and possibilities of development and manifestation of several psychotic states depending on psychophysiological and neurochemical organization of learning processes are also considered.  相似文献   

目的:用较简单的行为实验建立检测动物耳鸣的方法。方法:按照巴甫洛夫条件反射原理,参照Jastreboff的方法,建立“中断背景声音-大鼠逃跑”的条件反射;不再给电击,观察不同组别大鼠条件反射消退过程的行为表现,用公认的水杨酸耳鸣造模法来验证本方法的可靠性。结果:水杨酸组动物停止背景声音时不出现或较少出现逃跑反应,因为大鼠耳内仍有声音存在(耳鸣声),即条件刺激时有耳鸣的动物出现的逃跑反应次数小于无耳鸣的对照动物。结论:本实验设计可检测动物是否有耳鸣。  相似文献   

Influence of electrical stimulation (100 cps., 1.0 ms) of medial parts of dorsal and ventral hippocampus (field CA1), and the lateral parts of dorsal and posterior hippocampus (field CA3) on general behaviour, elaboration of instrumental and manifestation of delayed reactions was studied in chronic experiments on cats. Stimulation of medial parts of dorsal and ventral hippocampus elicited a reaction of orienting reflex type to natural stimuli. Stimulation of lateral parts of dorsal and posterior hippocampus evoked arrest reactions. Medial and lateral parts of hippocampus produced different influences on elaboration of conditioned reflexes. In the first case elaboration was possible, but developed slower, while in the second case the ability to learn during stimulation was completely lost due to development of arrest reaction. Stimulation of different parts of the hippocampus disturbed delayed reactions, reducing the number of correct responses.  相似文献   

Conditioned evoked potentials to stimulation of a limb, a light flash or a short tone were studied on rats in acute experiments with nembutal anaesthesia and in chronic experiments. Electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus was used as reinforcement. Following the pairings of conditioned and hypothalamic stimulation, the appearance of conditioned EP was recorded, as manifest in the period of the previously applied unconditioned signal after its omission. Their emergence was facilitated after high-frequency stimulation of the hypothalamus or administration of galantamine, an anticholinesteraze drug. Coagulation of the hypothalamus did not prevent any manifestation of conditioned evoked potentials.  相似文献   

Elaboration and manifestation of motor alimentary conditioned reflexes were studied after a lesion of medial geniculate bodies (MGB) in adult cats. No substantial disturbance were recorded of the capacity for pitch analysis. In the case of more extensive MGB lesions, there were some difficulties in the elaboration of tone differentiations but not in their achievement. Additional temporo-parietal cortical ablation drastically reduced the animals' capacity for anlysing sound frequencies and more profoundly disturbed their capacity for inhibitory reactions.  相似文献   

Experience-induced plastic changes in the cerebral cortex are accompanied by alterations in excitatory and inhibitory transmission. Increased excitatory drive, necessary for plasticity, precedes the occurrence of plastic change, while decreased inhibitory signaling often facilitates plasticity. However, an increase of inhibitory interactions was noted in some instances of experience-dependent changes. We previously reported an increase in the number of inhibitory markers in the barrel cortex of mice after fear conditioning engaging vibrissae, observed concurrently with enlargement of the cortical representational area of the row of vibrissae receiving conditioned stimulus (CS). We also observed that an increase of GABA level accompanied the conditioning. Here, to find whether unaltered GABAergic signaling is necessary for learning-dependent rewiring in the murine barrel cortex, we locally decreased GABA production in the barrel cortex or reduced transmission through GABAA receptors (GABAARs) at the time of the conditioning. Injections of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA), an inhibitor of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), into the barrel cortex prevented learning-induced enlargement of the conditioned vibrissae representation. A similar effect was observed after injection of gabazine, an antagonist of GABAARs. At the behavioral level, consistent conditioned response (cessation of head movements in response to CS) was impaired. These results show that appropriate functioning of the GABAergic system is required for both manifestation of functional cortical representation plasticity and for the development of a conditioned response.  相似文献   

In modelling of neuroses, successive stages of development of this pathology were observed in dogs. The first stage is characterized by circular disturbances of conditioned activity, vegetative shifts of compensatory character and intensification of individual characteristics of behaviour. At the second stage, parallel with sharp disturbances of conditioned reflexes and with vegetative dystonia, a distortion of emotional reactions was observed in dogs. It is essential that resumption of neurotization episodes in experiments on dogs with the second stage of disease promoted a development of depressive-like states. Diazepam corrected the behavioural and vegetative shifts at the first stage of neurosis. Non-typical antidepressants eliminated the manifestation of symptoms complex of the disease, especially at prolonged treatment.  相似文献   

The rather equal development of the two cotyledons determines the bilateral symmetry in the pea seedling, just as their unilateral position results in the dorsiventrality of the epicotyl and root. The morphogenic manifestation of the symmetry relations conditioned, in the first place, by a different distribution of auxin out of the cotyledons may be enhanced by means of exogenous growth regulators, particularly IAA, GA3, and TIBA.  相似文献   

Conditioned food-procuring reflex to time (2 minutes interval) was elaborated in cats. By the method of cross-correlative analysis the combined neurones activity in microareas and between microareas of the motor cortex was compared at various forms of conditioned reflex manifestation. Three types of reactions were considered: A--decrease of respiratory movements amplitude towards the end of the studied interval between reinforcement; B--increase of the amplitude; C--food-procuring paw movement a few seconds before the reinforcement. All three forms of the conditioned reflex to time differed from each other by the level of increase of functional connections number by the moment of the reinforcing stimulus action, and also to a greater extent by the frequency of occurrence of intervals in which the sum of neuronal connections in all simultaneously recorded microareas was greater in the "active" phase than in the "inactive" one. These parameters did not always correlate with the change of impulses frequency of separate neurones which occurred considerably more seldom. All the observed changes were manifest significantly more often when the animals performed the instrumental food-procuring movement than during changes of only the respiratory movements amplitude.  相似文献   

Sex-related peculiarities of dynamics of brain sex steroids in the process of learning and extinction of the conditioned reflex of passive avoidance have been studied in model experiment. Prior to learning of the conditioned reflex, female rats were found to be distinguished by manifestation of anxiety and fear as compared with male rats. At formation of the conditioned reflex, no significant sex-related differences were detected between males and females, whereas extinction of the conditioned reaction of passive avoidance in males occurred by 2–3 days faster than in females. At learning of conditioned reaction of passive avoidance, in sexually mature male rats there was revealed an increase of the testosterone content in various brain structures, especially in hippocampus and frontal cortex, while its level in blood plasma remained unchanged. Also shown was an elevation of estradiol concentration in female amygdale, whereas at extinction of the conditioned reaction of passive avoidance, a rise of estradiol values was noted in hippocampus and cingular cortex. At the same time, the testosterone level in blood plasma did not change, whereas after extinction of the conditioned reflex the estradiol concentration decreased statistically significantly. Different dynamics of changes of the sex steroid levels in brain and blood plasma can indicate a possibility of their formation in the nervous tissue. The performed correlation analysis confirms the concept of selective involvement of testosterone and estradiol of individual brain structures in realization of processes of learning and memory in sexually mature male and female rats.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on nine cats a study was made of different forms of their behavior in conditions of cold elimination of the cerebral cortex with the exception of the temporal areas. The first sessions of cooling produced a diminution of alimentary excitability, enhanced motor activity, loss of the reaction of mouse chasing and of a defensive reaction against the dog, and a disappearance of previously elaborated conditioned runnings to the feeding trough, etc. In the course of subsequent experiments with the neocortex cooling, the disturbed forms of behavior were restored. In the second and third sessions alimentary excitation was considerably restored; by the sixth and seventh sessions motor activity became normal, while the 20th to 25th sessions exhibited a protective reaction against the dog. Conditioned runnings restored in the seventinth session were manifest in the 20th to 25th sessions in 80% of cases. It is assumed that the temporal areas of the neocortex while playing a considerable part in integrating the activity of the whole brain, including the formation and manifestation of conditioned reflexes, under normal conditions, to a large extent lose their integrative role when the rest of the neocortex is elimated.  相似文献   

The interhemispheric asymmetry and lateralization of motor functions, as applied to backward conditioning, was studied in two dogs that afterwards turned to be a right-hander and a left-hander. In the process of food-procuring instrumental conditioning it was revealed that one of the dogs predominantly used the right paw (with the dominance of the left hemisphere) and the second animal used the left paw (the right brain hemisphere dominated). The earliest signs of lateralization of the motor functions were observed in the backward conditioned connections (which had been formed earlier than the direct connections or direct conditioned reflexes). Consequently, the presence and sign of asymmetry can be predicted on the basis of manifestation of the backward connections observed at the early stages of acquisition of food-procuring behavior. The backward connections are strictly specific and have the same lateralization as the direct ones.  相似文献   

The growth of the yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis on hydrocarbons (C12?C20) is followed by the formation of spherical invaginations. They are inwardly directed and border the ‘canals’ of the cell wall forming with them a single complex. The invaginations differ from the rest (smooth) part of the plasmalemma in the density of intramembrane particles. There is also a significant difference in the distribution of intramembrane particles in the plasmalemma of S. occidentalis grown on hydrocarbons and glucose. Invaginations and ‘canals’ are considered as a manifestation of the structural heterogeneity of the yeast cell envelope induced by a hydrocarbon substrate and, evidently, conditioned by adaptive processes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨声音强度对大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率可塑性的影响。方法:采用常规电生理学细胞外记录技术,测定不同声刺激强度下,听皮层神经元的特征频率和调谐曲线,比较条件刺激前后的变化。结果:在条件刺激声频率和神经元的特征频率相差±1.0kHz范围内,条件刺激诱导的神经元特征频率可塑性与条件刺激强度有关,较高的刺激强度比较低刺激强度诱导的特征频率可塑性概率高;特征频率可塑性的概率与神经元的频率调谐曲线类型相关,但这种相关几乎不受条件刺激声强度影响。结论:条件声刺激强度可明显影响大鼠听皮层神经元特征频率的可塑性。  相似文献   

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