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In Slovenia, opportunistic screening was introduced in regular gynaecological practice in 1960. The proportion of population screened was unknown, as well as there were no standards for quality assurance and control. Despite great number of smears read, there were no major changes in invasive cervical cancer incidence in the period 1979 till 1993, but in 1994 the incidence rate started to increase again to reach its peak in 1997 (23,1/100.000, 241 new cases). Based on the experiences from the countries with effectively organised screening programmes, a decision was made in 1996 by the Minister of Health to nominate a group of experts to prepare a proposal for organised cervical cancer screening programme after testing the methodology in pilot study. In the pilot the central computerised information system (Screening Registry) was gradually established to register all smears from the whole country, to identify women who do not attend for screening to send them invitation for screening and to monitor screening activity and its quality. The aim of pilot was also to develop guidelines for quality assurance and control of all procedures involved in cervical cancer screening and treatment of intraepithelial lesions. In three years since the beginning of the national programme, nearly 70% of women in the target age group were registered with at least one smear. All other results are presented in regular programme reports. There is still place for further development of the programme, but the incidence of cervical cancer already started to decline especially among younger women, who attend for screening more often than those aged over 50.  相似文献   

A. Repše‐Fokter, A. Pogačnik, V. Snoj, M. Primic‐Žakelj and M. S. Fležar
Review of negative and low‐grade cervical smears in women with invasive cervical cancer after the first 3 years of the national cervical screening programme in Slovenia Objective: The purpose of the study was to perform a national review of negative, low‐grade and inadequate smears reported during the latest screening period before cervical cancer diagnosis in 2006, after the first 3 years of the screening programme. Methods: Among 162 new cervical cancer cases there were 47 (29%) without previous cytology, 47 (29%) with one high‐grade smear prior to diagnosis and 68 (42.0%) with at least one previous negative, low‐grade, atypical or inadequate smear 1–40 months before diagnosis. Of the latter 68 cases, 37 patients with 59 smears (together with 118 control slides) were included in the review as 31 had smears reported at laboratories no longer operating. Findings were related to the last cytology report before diagnosis as well as to histological type and stage of the cancer. Results: In our study group, 19 (51%) of 37 patients had squamous cell carcinoma, 15 (41%) adenocarcinoma and 3 (8%) adenosquamous carcinoma, compared with 121 (75%), 26 (16%), 12 (7%), respectively, and 3 (2%) other types, for all carcinomas. Twenty‐one of 37 women also had high‐grade cytology prior to diagnosis of cancer. Women with previous cytology (with or without recent high‐grade smears) were more likely to have stage I cancers than those without cytology (P < 0.0001). The expert group upgraded 17/33 smears in the patients with squamous carcinomas, which was more than in those with adeno‐ and adenosquamous carcinomas (5/24, P < 0.05). Conclusion: As expected, a higher proportion of smears preceding adenocarcinomas were true negative. Under‐diagnosed smears were not related to cancer stage or last cytology report before diagnosis.  相似文献   

Cytological diagnosis of atypical cells of cervix uteri by the Papanicolaou method was introduced in the Czech Republic (CR) very early - in 1947. The first data on the incidence of cervical cancer in CR are available from 1960 when the rate was 32.3 cases/10(5) women. In 1966 the Czech National Health Law was passed that guaranteed women a yearly preventive examination by a gynaecologist including screening for cervical carcinoma that would be covered by the compulsory health insurance. Notwithstanding high frequency of screening visits and the fact that all women are eligible, the incidence of CC has not changed in the last 34 years. The reasons for this include the coverage of Czech women, which is estimated to be low (50% at the most), and that none of the cytology laboratories are accredited for screening, there are no national registries for any aspect of screening and there are no mechanisms for evaluation of the screening process. As a result, it is likely that the majority of cervical screening activity that is undertaken is ineffective and the implementation of an organised and quality controlled screening programme, in compliance with the recommendations of many European Institutions, is urgently required to ensure that Czech women are properly protected against this disease and that scarce healthcare resources are used in the most cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

In Finland (population 5 million) the organised Pap screening programme for preventing cervical cancer has been in action already for 45 years. Women aged 30 to 64 are targeted (N 1.25 million) and the screening interval is five years. The programme invites women seven times in a lifetime; the attendance rate per one screening invitational round is 73%. The programme has affected markedly the cervical cancer rates in our country. During the decennia of its action there has been about 80% decrease in the age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates. The current age-standardised incidence rate is 4 and mortality rate 1 per 100,000 woman-years. In the current article we describe the organisational aspects of the programme; and pay attention to renovation of the programme taken place during the last decade when novel technological alternatives have been started to be used as the screening tests. By expanding the coverage and compliance of screening we still expect to increase the impact of the programme. Same time, efforts are needed to avoid overuse of services due to spontaneous screening, in order to decrease potential adverse effects and improve overall cost-effectiveness. A large-scale public health policy trial on Human papillomavirus (HPV) screening is on-going. Cross-sectional information available thus far suggests promising results. Follow-up of cancer rates after screening episodes are still required to evaluate optimal screening policies (e.g., screening intervals by age groups, and starting and stopping ages). We propose speeding up the use of modern technological alternatives in organised screening programmes.  相似文献   

In Croatia, there are about 355 incident cases and about 100 deaths from cervical cancer every year. The aim of this study is to present the trends of cervical cancer incidence and mortality and to propose preventive strategies for cervical cancer in Croatia. Age-standardised and age-specific cervical cancer incidence rates were calculated for the period 1985-2004. For cervical cancer mortality data, the WHO Mortality Database was used. After an early decrease of cervical cancer incidence and mortality following the introduction of opportunistic screening in Croatia, no further decrease has been observed since the 1990s. An increase in incidence over the last 20 years was observed in the age-groups 40-44 and 45-49 years. To reduce cervical cancer rates, an organised cervical cancer screening programme is essential. In addition, HPV vaccination should be introduced in the school vaccination programme to achieve further reductions in cervical cancer incidence in the future.  相似文献   

Opportunistic screening based on the Pap smear has been undertaken in Croatia since 1953. However, cervical cancer remains an important health problem in Croatia when compared to European countries with organised screening programmes. In Croatia, in addition to screening based on well established cytology, Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing is widely used as secondary test as a triage to borderline cytology and as a follow-up after treatment of severe cervical lesions. Many different approaches for HPV testing arose in Croatia over the last decade depending on the needs of each medical institution involved. Presently, there is an urgent need for better networking between the laboratories, the implementation of quality assessment and the adaptation of a uniform system of referring to and reporting of HPV testing. In conclusion, the best possible organisation for HPV testing would be essential for implementation of HPV testing as primary screening test in Croatia, an thus ultimately and hopefully, the more successful cervical cancer control.  相似文献   

This presentation highlights strengths and weaknesses of cervical cytology screening in Croatia, with particular reference to the opportunistic screening, the use of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) test and the analysis of some organizational, educational and performance issues that are associated with it. Its aim is to propose measures to improve the efficacy of cervical cytology screening in order to reduce cervical cancer mortality. Currently, in excess of 450,000 Pap tests/ year are examined at 35 laboratories scattered throughout the country. All of these laboratories use standard operating procedures including internal and external quality control. They employ a total of 68 cytologists and 91 cytotechnologists. The sensitivity of cervical screening in Croatia is 90.0%, specificity 98.6%, positive predictive value 92.3%, negative predictive value 98.1% and overall diagnostic accuracy 97.2%. The high diagnostic accuracy of cervical cytology is attributed to the long-standing tradition of education and training of cytologists (postgraduate MSc course since 1967, independent residency since 1974) and cytotechnologists (since 1968). This tradition spanning more than half a century means that today in Croatia there is a developed network of cytology laboratories staffed by highly competent cytologists and trained cytotechnologists. The high accuracy of cancer detection through Pap tests provides strong evidence in support of cervical cytology screening remaining the basic method of prevention for cervical carcinoma. However, some modifications to the current situation are needed. These relate primarily to opportunistic screening. The current screening coverage rate is 68%, although there is capacity, which would allow for all women at risk, i.e. those aged 25-64, to be screened once in three years. The screening coverage relates mainly to those women visiting gynecological out patient clinics for unrelated conditions. A properly organized and controlled national screening programme should replace this. This should be accompanied by the introduction of alternative, highly sensitive methods of sample collection and preparation, such as are available through the introduction of new technologies, e.g. liquid based cytology.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1986,293(6548):659-664
A collaborative study of screening programmes in eight countries was performed to estimate the risks of cervical cancer associated with different screening policies. Most of the data came from centrally organised screening programmes. Relative protection was higher in women who had had two or more negative results of screening tests than in those who had had only one negative smear, particularly in the first five years after the last test. There was little difference in the protection afforded by screening every year compared with every three years, but screening only once every five or 10 years offered appreciably less protection. The age of the women did not affect the sensitivity of the test or the sojourn time of the disease (the length of the detectable preclinical phase during which abnormal cytology could be picked up if a smear were taken); invasive cancer in women under 25 was rare. Centrally organised screening programmes were more effective than uncoordinated screening. Screening programmes should be aimed principally at women aged 35-60 but should start some years before the age of 35, and the intervals between screening should be three years or less.  相似文献   

The first part of this article will provide an overview of cervical cancer screening in the UK during the years before, during and after the introduction of a highly successful centrally organised cervical screening programme in 1988: since then the incidence of invasive cervical cancer has fallen by more than 40%. Screening was introduced in a background of opportunistic screening with poor quality control during a period of time when risk of disease was increasing, which will be demonstrated by national registrations of carcinoma in situ as well as invasive cancer. The programme is still facing new challenges and has recently recorded falling screening coverage in younger women, the causes of which have yet to be established. Liquid-based cytology is in the process of being rolled out nationally but high-risk human papillomavirus testing has yet to be introduced into the National Health Service (NHS) programme. Lessons from our experience may be relevant to countries introducing and maintaining organised programmes elsewhere under similar circumstances. The second part of the article will consider laboratory quality control as practiced in the UK and as recommended in the second edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. These evidence-based guidelines provide recommendations for organising and monitoring quality control as well as for introducing new technology and standardising terminology, which are equally relevant for new and existing programmes. Invasive cancer audit may highlight areas where procedures could be improved in any programme but also can also demonstrate the effectiveness of screening.  相似文献   

J E Parker 《Acta cytologica》1989,33(4):448-450
The role of education and training for cytopathologists in assuring quality in cytology laboratories is discussed, with particular attention given to (1) the problems in the diagnosis of Papanicolaou smears and (2) the contributions of the American Society of Cytology to cytology education. While many people contribute to the success or failure of gynecologic screening programs, poorly trained pathologists can be an especially weak link in the chain given their position in the diagnostic process. Well-formulated residency programs and the use of other educational resources can produce higher-caliber cytopathologists. The problems in Papanicolaou smear screening need to be defined, discussed and resolved by well-trained cytopathologists in conjunction with the clinicians and cytotechnologists involved.  相似文献   

O. E. O. Hotonu, J. Hussey, M. S. T. Basta, V. Wadehra, P. Cross and M. L. Schmid
An audit of cervical cytology in HIV‐positive women Objective: To investigate whether a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus‐positive (HIV+) women were having annual cervical cytology as recommended by the English National Health Service cervical screening programme (NHSCSP) guidelines. Methods: An audit of cervical cytology in an HIV+ cohort of 187 women by obtaining their last cervical cytology result and recall from local cytology services. Results: Of the 187 women in the audit, two were ineligible, leaving 185 women, 167 (90.3%) of whom were aged 25–64 years and eligible for screening. Of the 185 women, 126 (68.1%) had a cytology history, 50 (27%) had never had cervical cytology and nine (4.9%) had inadequate details to ascertain whether or not they had a cytology history. Of the 126 with a cytology record, 34 (27%) had a current cytological abnormality, which was low grade in 25 (19.8%) and high grade in nine (7.1%). Among women aged 25–64 years attending the clinic, these percentages were significantly higher than expected for England as a whole (P < 0.001). Of 126 women with a cytology record, 29 (23%) were overdue for their recall date and of these the previous test was abnormal in 14 (48.3%). Cytology tests were taken within the community setting in 61 (48.4%), whereas 65 (51.6%) were seen either at an HIV sexual health clinic or were under colposcopy follow‐up. Of 91 women with negative cytology only 50 (54.9%) were recommended for repeat in 12 months. Conclusion: This audit demonstrates a high rate of cytological abnormalities among HIV+ women compared with the screening population at large. Implementation of NHSCSP guidelines has been difficult and requires improved care pathways between HIV clinics, primary care and laboratories.  相似文献   

Diagnostic cytology of the female genital tract was introduced almost simultaneously by Aurel Babes in Bucharest, and George Papanicolaou in New York, in 1928. However, neither of these seminal observations made any immediate major clinical impact, and it was not until Papanicolaou and Traut's later published works on uterine cancer detection in the 1940's, that any momentum was really gained.
George Papanicolaou was neither a pathologist nor a gynaecologist. He was an anatomist, and the original Pap smear was designed to assess the hormonal status of mice. However, womankind eventually somehow replaced the mice, and modern exfoliative cytology was born, and the face of cervical cancer management was changed forever.
My talk will be scroll through the history of cervical cancer prevention in Britain from 1960 until now, and will be based for the most part on my personal experiences and observations of 36 years before the mast in the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Birmingham University, and my brushes with some of the past and present Pioneers of the cytology screening programme in the UK, especially in those early years.  相似文献   

B. Hoelund 《Cytopathology》2003,14(5):269-274
As one of the first laboratories in Denmark (and Scandinavia), we have gradually implemented liquid-based cytology into the screening programme against cervical cancer in the County of Funen since 1 June 2001. This paper describes the course of the implementation period in the different steps in the screening programme, and the preliminary results obtained after the first year. We conclude that the new technique has improved the specimen and diagnostic quality. As a result of the reduction of the screening time, the workload in the laboratory is in balance although we have introduced a rapid review as a quality control. Besides, the reduction in the number of repeated cytological tests and follow-up visits at the gynaecologist means a saving for the screening programme as a whole. From our point of view the implementation of ThinPrep method is economically neutral.  相似文献   

A screening programme to detect preinvasive carcinoma of the cervix was started in British Columbia in 1949. Since 1970 the number of women who have been screened at least once has been maintained at about 85% of the population at risk. More than 500 000 cervical smears are being examined each year in the central laboratory. There has been an appreciable increase in the number of cases and rates of carcinoma in situ seen since 1970, particularly in women between 20 and 30 years of age. Since the programme started over 26 000 cases of squamous carcinoma in situ have been detected and treated. The incidence of clinically invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix has fallen by 78% during the period under review, and mortality from squamous carcinoma of the cervix has fallen by 72%. A colposcopy programme, introduced throughout British Columbia over the past 12 years, has been important in reducing the problems of managing preinvasive lesions, particularly in younger women.It is concluded that the reduction in morbidity and mortality from invasive squamous cancer of the cervix in British Columbia over the past 30 years is directly attributable to the province wide screening programme and that a large potential increase in invasive cervical cancer rates among younger women is being prevented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cervical screening programmes in England and Wales were advised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in 2003 to adopt liquid-based cytology (LBC) in place of conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) cytology to facilitate laboratory efficiency. Pilot evaluations in England and Scotland monitored daily or weekly workloads of smear readers and concluded that LBC could increase hourly throughput rates. This study, instead, used timing surveys to determine screening rates. METHODS: Two National Health Service cytology laboratories in Manchester and Stockport were partially converted to the LBC ThinPrep process for a cervical screening trial. Three 1-week timing surveys were conducted over 7 months. The surveys covered all LBC-trained staff. The first survey in Manchester also covered staff undertaking conventional Pap screening. The smear readers used timers to record time taken for examining and reporting each slide. RESULTS: In Manchester, in the first survey, nearly 1 minute per slide was saved by the LBC method during primary microscopy. In both laboratories, the mean microscopy time for primary screening of LBC slides was reduced by almost 1 minute between the first and second surveys. There was no difference between the second and third surveys. Microscopy by cytopathologists was also 1 minute per slide quicker with LBC than conventional Pap. The LBC inadequate rates for both laboratories were <2.0%. Organizational factors impacted on the hourly LBC primary screening rates in the laboratories, the rate for Stockport being higher than the rates in the pilot evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: The timing surveys confirm that the LBC ThinPrep technology can improve laboratory efficiency. However, decision-makers should also consider the overall costs and benefits of introducing the technology in screening programmes, including the capital investment and workforce implications.  相似文献   

Although cervical cancer screening in the UK has led to reductions in the incidence of invasive disease, this programme remains flawed. We set out to examine the potential of infrared (IR) microspectroscopy to allow the profiling of cellular biochemical constituents associated with disease progression. Attenuated total reflection-Fourier Transform IR (ATR) microspectroscopy was employed to interrogate spectral differences between samples of exfoliative cervical cytology collected into liquid based cytology (LBC). These were histologically characterised as normal (n = 5), low-grade (n = 5), high-grade (n = 5) or severe dyskaryosis (? carcinoma) (n = 5). Examination of resultant spectra was coupled with principal component analysis (PCA) and subsequent linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The interrogation of LBC samples using ATR microspectroscopy with PCA-LDA facilitated the discrimination of different categories of exfoliative cytology and allowed the identification of potential biomarkers of abnormality; these occurred prominently in the IR spectral region 1200 cm(-1) - 950 cm(-1) consisting of carbohydrates, phosphate, and glycogen. Shifts in the centroids of amide I (approximately 1650 cm(-1)) and II (approximately 1530 cm(-1)) absorbance bands, indicating conformational changes to the secondary structure of intracellular proteins and associated with increasing disease progression, were also noted. This work demonstrates the potential of ATR microspectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis to be an objective alternative to routine cytology.  相似文献   

IntroductionSuccessfully implementing cervical screening programmes requires them to be adapted to the local context and have broad stakeholder support. This can be achieved by actively engaging local stakeholders in planning as well as implementing the programmes. The Moldovan government started implementing an organised cervical screening programme in 2010 with the first step being stakeholder identification and engagement.Materials and methodsThis process started by contacting easily identified stakeholders with each asked to recommend others and the process continued until no new ones were identified. Stakeholders were then involved in a series of individual and group meetings over a 2-year period to build confidence and encourage progressively greater engagement.ResultsIn total, 87 individuals from 46 organisations were identified. Over the 2-year process, the individual and group meetings facilitated a change in stakeholder attitudes from disinterest, to acceptance and finally to active cooperation in designing the screening programme and preparing an implementation plan that were both well adapted to the Moldovan context.DiscussionDeveloping the broad support needed to implement cervical screening programmes required ongoing interaction with stakeholders over an extended period. This interaction allowed stakeholder concerns to be identified and addressed, progress to be demonstrated, and stakeholders to be educated about organised screening programmes so they had the knowledge to progressively take greater responsibility and ownership.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the use of fine needle aspiration and exfoliative cytology in the identification of amoebic cysts/trophozoites, and to characterize amoebiasis. The subjects consisted of 15 patients, 11 diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as amoebic abscesses (14 liver and one pulmonary) and four women whose cervical smears contained Entamoeba histolytica cysts or trophozoites. Of 128 ultrasonographically guided FNAC of hepatic lesions over a four year period, 17 were abscesses of which 10 were diagnosed as amoebic. A single case of pulmonary amoebiasis was detected in an 18-year-old male. The case was initially diagnosed as tubercular due to deceptive symptomatology. Three cases of amoebic cysts and one trophozoite were reported on routine cervical smear screening. All four cases were unsuspected for amoebic infection. The disease may easily go undetected unless meticulous screening is exercised, and the search for cysts or trophozoites is made with clear concepts of the morphological characteristics of E. histolytica in mind.  相似文献   

R. G. Blanks 《Cytopathology》2012,23(6):360-370
R.G. Blanks
ABC3 Part II: a review of the new criteria for evaluating cervical cytology in England The new Achievable Standards, Benchmarks for Reporting, and Criteria for Evaluating Cervical Cytopathology, 3rd edn (ABC3) includes radical changes in the criteria for evaluating cervical cytology. First, they include a new mission statement the objective of cervical screening is to reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality by screening with a high sensitivity for the detection of CIN2 or worse, whilst maintaining a high specificity’. Second, the original four performance measurement criteria where laboratories were examined further if they were below the 10th or above the 90th percentile has been changed to three and laboratories are only mandatorily examined if they fall below the 5th or above the 95th percentile. The old criteria related to the percentage of samples that were inadequate, the percentage of all adequate samples reported as moderate dyskaryosis or worse (equivalent to high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or cancer), the percentage of adequate samples reported as mild dyskaryosis or borderline (equivalent to low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or atypical squamous/glandular cells) and the positive predictive value. The new criteria are percentage of inadequate samples, positive predictive value and a new measure termed referral value. These changes mean that far fewer laboratories will require mandatory examination. Third, a raft of optional performance measures have been introduced to help laboratories examine their annual statistical return to the Department of Health in comparison with other laboratories. These measures have been designed to produce a more uniform national programme, and to help laboratories decide whether they are maximizing the benefit of screening while minimizing the harm, which is the goal of all screening programmes. This review examines in detail the new criteria and explains in more detail some of the thinking behind them.  相似文献   

T.J. Palmer, S.M. Nicoll, M.E. McKean, A.J. Park, D. Bishop, L. Baker and J.E.A. Imrie
Prospective parallel randomized trial of the MultiCyte? ThinPrep® imaging system: the Scottish experience Background: Computer‐assisted screening of cervical liquid‐based cytology (LBC) preparations using the ThinPrep® Imaging System (TIS) has shown improved qualitative and quantitative gains. The use of Multicyte? has not been described in a well‐established national screening programme with a low incidence of high‐grade dyskaryosis. Objectives: To assess the impact of computer‐assisted screening within the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme (SCSP). Methods: Two groups of three laboratories, each sharing a ThinPrep® Imager, screened 79 366 slides randomized to test and 90 551 to control arms by laboratory accession. Screeners were not blinded. Standard laboratory reporting profiles of the SCSP, sensitivity, specificity and false‐negative rates of all grades of LBC abnormalities with respect to final cytology reports, predictive value for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) on histology; and screening rates were compared for both arms. Results: Inadequate and negative reporting rates were significantly lower and low‐grade reporting rates significantly higher in the imager arm. Imager‐assisted screening showed significantly better specificity than manual screening with respect to the final cytology result. There was no evidence of a significant difference in the detection of CIN2 + or CIN3 + . Positive, abnormal and total predictive values (high‐grade, low‐grade and all abnormal cytology found to be CIN2 + , respectively) were similar in both arms. Productivity was significantly higher in the imager arm. Conclusion: Computer‐assisted screening in a well established screening programme showed significantly improved productivity without loss of quality. These findings should inform future policy for cervical screening programmes.  相似文献   

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