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GLUT1 glucose transporter cDNA was modified to introduce a single amino acid substitution of leucine for tryptophan 412, a putative cytochalasin B photo-affinity labeling site. Although the mutated transporter was expressed into plasma membranes of Chinese hamster ovary cells, glucose transport activity of the mutated transporter was observed to be only 15-30% of that of the wild-type GLUT1 when glucose transport activity was assessed by 2-deoxyglucose uptake at 0.1-10 mM concentrations. Analysis of glucose uptake kinetics depict that a mutation induced a 3-fold decrease in turnover number and a 2.5-fold increase in Km compared with the wild-type GLUT1. Importantly, cytochalasin B labeling was not abolished but decreased by 40%, and cytochalasin B binding was also decreased. In addition, the results obtained with side-specific glucose analogs suggested that the outer glucose binding site of the mutant appeared intact but the inner binding site was modulated. These results indicate 1) tryptophan 412 is not a cytochalasin B labeling site(s), although this residue is located in or close to the inner glucose binding site of the GLUT1 glucose transporter, 2) substitution of leucine for tryptophan 412 decreases the intrinsic activity of GLUT1 glucose transporter, which is definable as the turnover number/Km, to approximately 15% of that of the wild-type.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis has been used to alter two active site residues of Escherichia coli citrate synthase, histidine-305 and arginine-314. Both residues are thought to be involved in the polarization of the carbonyl group of oxaloacetate and thus facilitate attack at the carbonyl carbon by acetyl-CoA. In one mutant, designated CS305H----A, His-305 was mutated to alanine and in the other, designated CS314R----L, Arg-314 was changed to leucine. Both mutants have greatly reduced turnover numbers, less than 0.1% of the wild-type value. The dissociation constant for formation of the binary enzyme-oxaloacetate complex, Ki, OAA, is at least 950 microM for CS305H----A, and about 500 microM for CS314R----L, 28 and 15 times the wild-type value, respectively. The Michaelis constants for the two substrates, KOAA and KAcCoA, which measure the affinity of the enzyme for the catalytically significant ternary complex, are less radically altered: values of KAcCoA are actually 3.5-fold and 4.6-fold lower for CS305H----A and CS314R----L, respectively. These kinetic effects are taken to mean that both His-305 and Arg-314 are important for the successful formation of an efficient transition state, very likely by polarizing the carbonyl group of oxaloacetate as has been suggested, and that the residual kinetic activity, in both mutants, occurs by a mechanism which benefits from only part of this polarization. Allosteric properties of the mutant enzymes, as measured by NADH inhibition and binding, and KCl activation, are normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The intracellular C-terminal domain is diverse in size and amino acid sequence among facilitative glucose transporter isoforms. The characteristics of glucose transport are also divergent, and GLUT2 has far higher Km and Vmax values compared with GLUT1. To investigate the role of the intracellular C-terminal domain in glucose transport, we expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells the mutated GLUT1 protein whose intracellular C-terminal domain was replaced with that of GLUT2 by means of engineering the chimeric cDNA. Cytochalasin B, for which GLUT2 protein has much lower affinity, bound to this chimeric protein in a fashion similar to GLUT1. In contrast, greater transport activity was observed in this chimeric glucose transporter compared with the wild-type GLUT1 at 10 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose concentration. The kinetic studies on 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake revealed a 3.8-fold increase in Km and a 4.3-fold increase in Vmax in this chimeric glucose transporter compared with the wild-type GLUT1. Thus, replacement of the intracellular C-terminal domain confers the GLUT2-like property on the glucose transporter. These results strongly suggest that the diversity of intracellular C-terminal domain contributes to the diversity of glucose transport characteristics among isoforms.  相似文献   

UV-sensitive mutant strain of Haemophilus influenzae Rd MBH3, is 20 times more sensitive to UV irradiation than the wild type strain. The mutation responsible for increased UV sensitivity of the strain was identified as G --> A transition predicting synthesis of truncated UvrAdeltaC44 protein (Balsara & Joshi). Recombinant UvrAdeltaC44 protein was purified for the first time under denaturing conditions. The molecular weight of the recombinant protein was estimated as approximately100 kDa. Recombinant UvrAdeltaC44 protein was found to be less efficient in its ATPase and DNA binding activity as compared to the wild type protein. Recombinant plasmid carrying uvrAdeltaC44 gene could partially complement the UvrA deficiency in E. coli UvrA mutant.  相似文献   

Ingestion of a protein-amino acid mixture (Pro; wheat protein hydrolysate, leucine, and phenylalanine) in combination with carbohydrate (CHO; 0.8 g x kg(-1) x h(-1)) has been shown to increase muscle glycogen synthesis after exercise compared with the same amount of CHO without Pro. The aim of this study was to investigate whether coingestion of Pro also increases muscle glycogen synthesis when 1.2 g CHO. kg(-1). h(-1) is ingested. Eight male cyclists performed two experimental trials separated by 1 wk. After glycogen-depleting exercise, subjects received either CHO (1.2 g x kg(-1) x h(-1)) or CHO+Pro (1.2 g CHO x kg(-1) x h(-1) + 0.4 g Pro x kg(-1) x h(-1)) during a 3-h recovery period. Muscle biopsies were obtained immediately, 1 h, and 3 h after exercise. Blood samples were collected immediately after the exercise bout and every 30 min thereafter. Plasma insulin was significantly higher in the CHO+Pro trial compared with the CHO trial (P < 0.05). No difference was found in plasma glucose or in rate of muscle glycogen synthesis between the CHO and the CHO+Pro trials. Although coingestion of a protein amino acid mixture in combination with a large CHO intake (1.2 g x kg(-1) x h(-1)) increases insulin levels, this does not result in increased muscle glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

The activities of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) were determined under conditions of feeding or fasting in the hepatomas and livers of rats bearing Morris hepatoma 5123-C. Prior to killing, the animals were entrained to a schedule of 12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness with food (60% protein) available only during the first two hours of the dark period. With food available, ODC and TAT activities displayed diurnal oscillations in hepatomas and host livers, and in the livers of control (non-tumor bearing) animals, characterized by rapid increases in enzyme activity coincident with the onset of feeding followed by a decline to pre-feeding levels. When food was withheld the increase in ODC activity in host and control livers, and TAT activity in hepatoma, host and control livers was not evident. However, withholding food did not abolish the diurnal oscillation of ODC activity in hepatoma 5123-C.  相似文献   

Growth in normal and tumour cells is regulated by evolutionarily conserved extracellular inputs from the endocrine insulin receptor (InR) signalling pathway and by local nutrients. Both signals modulate activity of the intracellular TOR kinase, with nutrients at least partly acting through changes in intracellular amino acid levels mediated by amino acid transporters. We show that in Drosophila, two molecules related to mammalian proton-assisted SLC36 amino acid transporters (PATs), CG3424 and CG1139, are potent mediators of growth. These transporters genetically interact with TOR and other InR signalling components, indicating that they control growth by directly or indirectly modulating the effects of TOR signalling. A mutation in the CG3424 gene, which we have named pathetic (path), reduces growth in the fly. In a heterologous Xenopus oocyte system, PATH also activates the TOR target S6 kinase in an amino acid-dependent way. However, functional analysis reveals that PATH has an extremely low capacity and an exceptionally high affinity compared with characterised human PATs and the CG1139 transporter. PATH and potentially other PAT-related transporters must therefore control growth via a mechanism that does not require bulk transport of amino acids into the cell. As PATH is likely to be saturated in vivo, we propose that one specialised function of high-affinity PAT-related molecules is to maintain growth as local nutrient levels fluctuate during development.  相似文献   

To determine the role of mediastinal shift after pneumonectomy (PNX) on compensatory responses, we performed right PNX in adult dogs and replaced the resected lung with a custom-shaped inflatable silicone prosthesis. Prosthesis was inflated (Inf) to prevent mediastinal shift, or deflated (Def), allowing mediastinal shift to occur. Thoracic, lung air, and tissue volumes were measured by computerized tomography scan. Lung diffusing capacities for carbon monoxide (DL(CO)) and its components, membrane diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (Dm(CO)) and capillary blood volume (Vc), were measured at rest and during exercise by a rebreathing technique. In the Inf group, lung air volume was significantly smaller than in Def group; however, the lung became elongated and expanded by 20% via caudal displacement of the left hemidiaphragm. Consequently, rib cage volume was similar, but total thoracic volume was higher in the Inf group. Extravascular septal tissue volume was not different between groups. At a given pulmonary blood flow, DL(CO) and Dm(CO) were significantly lower in the Inf group, but Vc was similar. In one dog, delayed mediastinal shift occurred 9 mo after PNX; both lung volume and DL(CO) progressively increased over the subsequent 3 mo. We conclude that preventing mediastinal shift after PNX impairs recruitment of diffusing capacity but does not abolish expansion of the remaining lung or the compensatory increase in extravascular septal tissue volume.  相似文献   

4F2hc stabilizes GLUT1 protein and increases glucose transport activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) is widely distributed throughout various tissues and contributes to insulin-independent basal glucose uptake. Using a split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid system, we newly identified 4F2 heavy chain (4F2hc) as a membrane protein interacting with GLUT1. Though 4F2hc reportedly forms heterodimeric complexes between amino acid transporters, such as LAT1 and LAT2, and regulates amino acid uptake, we investigated the effects of 4F2hc on GLUT1 expression and the associated glucose uptake. First, FLAG-tagged 4F2hc and hemagglutinin-tagged GLUT1 were overexpressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells and their association was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation. The green fluorescent protein-tagged 4F2hc and DsRed-tagged GLUT1 showed significant, but incomplete, colocalization at the plasma membrane. In addition, an endogenous association between GLUT1 and 4F2hc was demonstrated using mouse brain tissue and HeLa cells. Interestingly, overexpression of 4F2hc increased the amount of GLUT1 protein in HeLa and HepG2 cells with increased glucose uptake. In contrast, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated 4F2hc gene suppression markedly reduced GLUT1 protein in both cell types, with reduced glucose uptake. While GLUT1 mRNA levels were not affected by overexpression or gene silencing of 4F2hc, GLUT1 degradation after the addition of cycloheximide was significantly suppressed by 4F2hc overexpression and increased by 4F2hc siRNA treatment. Taken together, these observations indicate that 4F2hc is likely to be involved in GLUT1 stabilization and to contribute to the regulation of not only amino acid but also glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Berberine acutely activates the glucose transport activity of GLUT1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cok A  Plaisier C  Salie MJ  Oram DS  Chenge J  Louters LL 《Biochimie》2011,93(7):1187-1192
Berberine, which has a long history of use in Chinese medicine, has recently been shown to have efficacy in the treatment of diabetes. While the hypoglycemic effect of berberine has been clearly documented in animal and cell line models, such as 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotube cells, the mechanism of action appears complex with data implicating activation of the insulin signaling pathway as well as activation of the exercise or AMP kinase-mediated pathway. There have been no reports of the acute affects of berberine on the transport activity of the insulin-insensitive glucose transporter, GLUT1. Therefore, we examined the acute effects of berberine on glucose uptake in L929 fibroblast cells, a cell line that express only GLUT1. Berberine- activated glucose uptake reaching maximum stimulation of five-fold at >40 μM. Significant activation (P < 0.05) was measured within 5 min reaching a maximum by 30 min. The berberine effect was not additive to the maximal stimulation by other known stimulants, azide, methylene blue or glucose deprivation, suggesting shared steps between berberine and these stimulants. Berberine significantly reduced the Km of glucose uptake from 6.7 ± 1.9 mM to 0.55 ± 0.08 mM, but had no effect on the Vmax of uptake. Compound C, an inhibitor of AMP kinase, did not affect berberine-stimulated glucose uptake, but inhibitors of downstream kinases partially blocked berberine stimulation. SB203580 (inhibitor of p38 MAP kinase) did not affect submaximal berberine activation, but did lower maximal berberine stimulation by 26%, while PD98059 (inhibitor of ERK kinase) completely blocked submaximal berberine activation and decreased the maximal stimulation by 55%. It appears from this study that a portion of the hypoglycemic effects of berberine can be attributed to its acute activation of the transport activity of GLUT1.  相似文献   

cDNA coding for the luciferase in the firefly Photinus pyralis was cloned using pcDV1 primer and Honjo linker containing SP6 RNA polymerase promoter. This enabled conditions to be established to produce mRNA, capped with m7 GpppG, in vitro and then translated to form light emitting protein. Full length recombinant luciferase produced by in vitro translation, was fully active, had the same isoelectric focusing point as the native enzyme and produced a similar, yellow emission. Removal of the coding sequence for the last 12 amino acids at the C terminus, containing the peroxisome signal peptide, by polymerase chain reaction resulted in greater than or equal to 99% loss in activity of the protein formed from mRNA in vitro. This has important implications for using this luciferase as an indicator or reporter gene in eukaryotic cells, and for identifying the active centre of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The role of N-glycosylation of GLUT1 for glucose transport activity.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To elucidate a functional role of N-glycosylation in glucose transporters, we introduced oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis in GLUT1 cDNA to remove the possible site for N-linked glycosylation. The wild-type and the mutated GLUT1 cDNAs which induced a mutation of Asn at residue 45 to Asp, Tyr, or Gln were transfected and stably expressed into Chinese hamster ovary cells. The expressed wild-type and the mutated GLUT1 was demonstrated to be a broad band of a 45-60-kDa form and a sharp band of a 38-kDa form on Western blot analysis, respectively, indicating no glycosylation in the mutated GLUT1. Although the cell surface labeling of the glucose transporters demonstrated the presence of the glycosylation-defective glucose transporters on the cells surface, photoaffinity labeling of glycosylation-defective GLUT1 with [3H] cytochalasin B and a photoreactive mannose derivative, [3H]2-N-4-(1-azi-2,2,2,trifluoroethyl)benzoyl-1,3-bis(D-mannos+ ++-4-yloxy)-2- propylamine in the membranes was observed to be 40-70 and 15-30% of that of the wild-type GLUT1, respectively. The kinetic study of 2-deoxyglucose uptake revealed that the glycosylation-defective GLUT1 had a 2-2.5-fold greater Km value for 2-deoxyglucose uptake compared with the wild-type GLUT1. These observations strongly suggest that 1) N-glycosylation of GLUT1 glucose transporter is only on Asn 45 and 2) N-glycosylation plays an important role in maintaining a structure of glucose transporter with high affinity for glucose, thus, with high transport activity.  相似文献   

Irrespective of their stereochemistry (D- or L-form), polycations such as poly-lysine, poly-arginine and poly-histidine elicited endothelium dependent relaxation of pre-contracted rat aortic rings in a dose-dependent manner (ED50 less than or equal to 10-7 M). In contrast, the basic amino acids arginine, glutamine, histidine and lysine caused only endothelium-potentiated relaxation at high concentrations (ED 50 greater than 10-3 M). Both heparin (1U/ml) and dextran sulphate (10 microgram/ml) abolished relaxation by the polycations but had no effect on the responses to the basic amino acids or acetylcholine. These results indicate that the vasodilatory property of the polycations is due to an electrostatic interaction with anionic domains on the endothelial surface, whereas the basic amino acids elicit a non-specific relaxation. Therefore, L-arginine per se cannot be the immediate precursor of nitric oxide, the proposed endothelium-derived relaxing factor.  相似文献   

H Nagano  T Okuno  K Mise    I Furusawa 《Journal of virology》1997,71(3):2270-2276
The movement protein (MP) gene of brome mosaic virus (BMV) was precisely replaced with that of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Infectivity tests of the chimeric BMV on Chenopodium quinoa, a permissive host for cell-to-cell movement of both BMV and CMV, showed that the chimeric BMV failed to move from cell to cell even though it replicated in protoplasts. A spontaneous mutant of the chimeric BMV that displayed cell-to-cell movement was subsequently obtained from a local lesion during one of the experiments. A cloned cDNA representing the genomic RNA encoding the MP of the chimeric BMV mutant was analyzed and found to contain a mutation in the CMV MP gene resulting in deletion of the C-terminal 33 amino acids of the MP. Directed mutagenesis of the CMV MP gene showed that the C-terminal deletion was responsible for the movement capability of the mutant. When the mutation was introduced into CMV, the CMV mutant moved from cell to cell in C. quinoa, though the movement was less efficient than that of the wild-type CMV. These results indicate that the CMV MP, except the C-terminal 33 amino acids, potentiates cell-to-cell movement of both BMV and CMV in C. quinoa. In addition, since C. quinoa is a common host for both BMV and CMV, these results suggest that the CMV MP has specificity for the viral genomes during cell-to-cell movement of the virus and that the C-terminal 33 amino acids of the CMV MP are involved in that specificity.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that cinnamon extracts contain components that enhance insulin action. However, little is know about the effects of cinnamon on non-insulin stimulated glucose uptake. Therefore, the effects of cinnamaldehyde on the glucose transport activity of GLUT1 in L929 fibroblast cells were examined under both basal conditions and conditions where glucose uptake is activated by glucose deprivation. The data reveal that cinnamaldehyde has a dual action on the glucose transport activity of GLUT1. Under basal conditions it stimulates glucose uptake and reaches a 3.5 fold maximum stimulation at 2.0 mM. However, cinnamaldehyde also inhibits the activation of glucose uptake by glucose deprivation in a dose dependent manner. Experiments with cinnamaldehyde analogs reveal that these activities are dependent on the α,β-unsaturated aldehyde structural motif in cinnamaldehyde. The inhibitory, but not the stimulatory activity of cinnamaldehyde was maintained after a wash-recovery period. Pretreatment of cinnamaldehyde with thiol-containing compounds, such as β-mercaptoethanol or cysteine, blocked the inhibitory activity of cinnamaldehyde. These results suggest that cinnamaldehyde inhibits the activation of GLUT1 by forming a covalent link to target cysteine residue/s. This dual activity of cinnamaldehyde on the transport activity of GLUT1 suggests that cinnamaldehyde is not a major contributor to the anti-diabetic properties of cinnamon.  相似文献   

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