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粗糙脉孢菌是一种重要的模式生物,在遗传调节机制、昼夜节律运行以及真菌光应答反应研究中起重要的作用.本综述主要介绍粗糙脉孢菌光受体WC-1和VVD的结构与功能,以及它们参与调节昼夜节律和光适应机制方面的研究进展.在该真菌中,所有已知的光应答反应都受蓝光调节,由光受体WC-1和VVD介导.WC-1是该真菌的转录因子,介导最初的光反应过程,产生VVD等多种光反应蛋白,而VVD通过负反馈机制抑制WC-1的转录作用.此外,vvd基因已经用于构建在哺乳动物中表达的光调节基因元件.  相似文献   

Pre‐m RNA(precursor m RNA)的剪接是真核基因表达中的重要一环,由剪接体复合物(spliceosome)催化完成。小核RNA(small nuclear RNAs,sn RNAs)是剪接体的重要结构和功能组分。本工作首次鉴定了粗糙脉孢菌的U1、U2、U4、U5和U6等sn RNA基因,这些基因除U5为单一拷贝外,其余为多拷贝基因且表达量存在差异。对各基因的近端序列元件(proximal sequence elements,PSEs)的分析显示在大部分基因都存在一段回文的保守序列GTGCAC,荧光素酶报告基因实验证实该序列具有调控部分sn RNA基因转录的功能。我们还通过温度梯度实验检测了stk‐16第三内含子的剪接情况变化,结果提示可变剪接对调节生物可能对不同温度环境的适应具有重要作用。  相似文献   

粗糙脉孢菌基因组分泌蛋白的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章报道利用信号肽预测软件SignalP v3.0和PSORT,跨膜螺旋结构预测软件TMHMMv2.0和THUMBUP,GPI-锚定位点预测软件big-PI Predictor和亚细胞器中蛋白定位分布预测软件TargetP v1.01对粗糙脉孢菌全基因组数据库中已公布的10 082个氨基酸序列进行预测分析。结果表明在粗糙脉孢菌中有437个蛋白为分泌蛋白,编码这些蛋白最小的可读框(open reading frame,ORF)为252 bp,最大为6 604 bp,平均1 433 bp,分泌蛋白信号肽长度介于15~59个氨基酸之间。在437个分泌蛋白中,205个具有功能描述,主要包括各种酶类、细胞能量生成、运转以及自身修复、防卫等多种功能。这些蛋白所参与的生化过程可能发生在膜外的周质空间或是菌体外的场所,为该物种营养的摄取,以及对环境做出响应服务。   相似文献   

研究了不同通氧条件和培养基初始pH等对粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)AS 3.1602木糖发酵的影响。结果表明,粗糙脉孢菌具有较强的发酵木糖产生乙醇及木糖醇的能力。通气量对木糖发酵有较大的影响。乙醇发酵适合在半好氧条件下进行,此时乙醇的转化率达到63.2%。木糖醇发酵适合在微好氧的条件下进行,转化率达到31.8%。木糖醇是在培养基中乙醇达到一定浓度后才开始积累。培养基的初始pH对木糖发酵产物有较大的影响,乙醇产生最适pH5.0,木糖醇产生最适pH4.0。在培养基pH为碱性条件时,木糖发酵受到很大的抑制。初始木糖浓度对产物乙醇及木糖醇的产率有很大的影响。葡萄糖的存在会抑制木糖的利用,对乙醇和木糖醇的产生也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】为进一步了解前纤维蛋白(profilin,PFN)在丝状真菌中的功能,本文以粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)为研究对象,进行了前纤维蛋白对其菌落生长和肌动蛋白(actin)聚合特性影响的探究。【方法】通过采用定点突变、同源重组、分生孢子过膜和PCR等技术,获得粗糙脉孢菌前纤维蛋白F78 (F78A和F78D)和V113 (V113E、V113R和V113W)的点突变体。利用平板生长法、竞争性生长管和显微镜观察检测表型变化,并结合多聚脯氨酸亲和层析纯化、荧光分光光度技术和高速共沉淀等技术分析点突变的前纤维蛋白对肌动蛋白聚合特性的影响。【结果】获得的粗糙脉孢菌前纤维蛋白点突变株F78A、F78D、V113E、V113R和V113W,与对照菌株ku70RIP相比,突变株生长均明显减慢(P<0.05),其中PFN (F78D)和PFN (V113W)的突变体在生长的12–48 h,菌落直径分别仅为对照的20.0%–75.7%和12.7%–39.2%。竞争性生长管分析表明,PFN (F78D)和PFN(V113W)突变株菌丝生长速度受到显著抑制,分生孢子形成的节律并...  相似文献   

粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)木糖发酵的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了不同通氧条件和培养基初始pH等对粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)AS3.1602木糖发酵的影响。结果表明,粗糙脉孢菌具有较强的发酵木糖产生乙醇及木糖醇的能力。通气量对木糖发酵有较大的影响。乙醇发酵适合在半好氧条件下进行,此时乙醇的转化率达到63.2%。木糖醇发酵适合在微好氧的条件下进行,转化率达到31.8%。木糖醇是在培养基中乙醇达到一定浓度后才开始积累。培养基的初始pH对木糖发酵产物有较大的影响,乙醇产生最适pH5.0,木糖醇产生最适pH4.0。在培养基pH为碱性条件时,木糖发酵受到很大的抑制。初始木糖浓度对产物乙醇及木糖醇的产率有很大的影响。葡萄糖的存在会抑制木糖的利用,对乙醇和木糖醇的产生也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

丝状真菌粗糙脉孢菌是一种作为遗传学研究的经典模式生物.通过对粗糙脉孢菌5S r RNA基因的组成和在染色体上分布的研究,揭示了丝状真菌中存在的一种基因组防御机制——重复序列诱导的DNA点突变(RIP).通过对发生突变的5S r RNA假基因的研究还发现,粗糙脉孢菌中存在一种重要的表观遗传修饰——DNA甲基化,随后的深入研究使粗糙脉孢菌成为解析DNA甲基化机制的最重要模式生物之一.粗糙脉孢菌基因转化操作引起的营养生长阶段同源基因的沉默(quelling)是由RNAi途径调控的,同时该途径也是调控减数分裂过程中非配对DNA诱发的基因沉默(meiotic silencing)的关键.由于粗糙脉孢菌基因组简单,且存在与高等真核生物相同的DNA甲基化和多种组蛋白的修饰,使其成为今后深入研究组蛋白修饰与染色质重塑等表观遗传现象参与基因表达调控和基因组稳定性维持的重要模式生物之一.  相似文献   

粗糙脉孢菌(Mzcrospora crassan)具有直接转化植物纤维性物质生产乙醇的能力。研究了不同氧限制条件对粗糙脉孢菌发酵葡萄糖生产乙醇的影响,构建了该过程的数学模型,并利用数学模型进行了模拟和预测研究。结果表明,数学模型能够很好地预测氧限制条件下乙醇的发酵过程,即使微量氧对乙醇发酵也有较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

【背景】粗糙脉孢菌LY03是从武平传统"红菌豆腐"中分离得到的主要发酵菌株。【目的】研究粗糙脉孢菌LY03菌株的基因组信息,揭示武平传统"红菌豆腐"发酵特性。【方法】采用形态学观察、ITS鉴定、重测序及框架图测序对所分离的LY03菌株进行鉴定和基因组信息解析。【结果】武平传统"红菌豆腐"中分离得到的主要发酵菌株LY03确定为粗糙脉孢菌,将其在中国普通微生物菌种保藏管理中心进行专利保藏,保藏号为CGMCC3.19233。LY03菌株比对到参考基因组上的总Read数目为95.85%,测序对应深度的位点占全基因组76.13%;各变异类型在内含子区域均无变异,主要变异存在于基因组的外显子区域,具体变异数量为:单核苷酸多态性位点(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)位点变异总数203128个、插入缺失(insertion/deletion,In Del)突变总和26859个、拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV)增加和减少的拷贝总数1 039个、结构变异(structure variation,SV)注释的变异总数777个;LY03菌株...  相似文献   

粗糙脉孢菌纤维素酶液体发酵优良形态突变体筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丝状真菌被广泛地用于包括纤维素酶在内的工业酶生产过程。在液体深层发酵中,丝状真菌菌丝形态直接影响发酵液的流变特性,进而与目标酶蛋白产量存在着重要的关联。目前,针对丝状真菌工业酶液体发酵菌丝形态的研究依然是从传统的发酵工程学角度出发,对与发酵水平紧密相关的形态、粘度等性状相关基因的认识远远不够。为了挖掘深层发酵中对丝状真菌发酵产酶性能具有重要影响的形态发育相关基因,以粗糙脉孢菌Neurospora crassa单基因突变体库中的95株形态突变株为研究对象,在结晶纤维素为碳源的条件下进行筛选,探寻与野生型菌株蛋白产量有显著差异的突变株。同时,对这些突变株的内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶酶活、β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活、发酵液粘度和菌丝干重进行了测定,并观察了发酵液中突变株的菌丝形态。实验结果表明,与野生型菌株相比,突变株SZY32、SZY35、SZY39和SZY43发酵液中蛋白浓度显著降低,突变株SZY11、SZY63、SZY69和SZY87发酵液中蛋白浓度显著性提高。值得注意的是,突变株SZY11和SZY43发酵液菌丝体主要形态为菌球状,其发酵液粘度分别降低75%和50%,突变株SZY87在发酵液中呈长丝状,发酵液粘度显著升高至少2倍。这些与产酶水平相关的形态、粘度基因的获得将有助于丝状真菌纤维素酶等工业酶高产工程菌株的理性构建。  相似文献   

The frequency with which transforming DNA undergoes homologous recombination at a chromosomal site can be quite low in some fungal systems. In such cases, strategies for gene disruption or gene replacement must either select against ectopic integration events or provide easy screening to identify homologous site, double-crossover insertion events. A protocol is presented for efficient isolation of Neurospora crassa strains carrying a definitive null allele in a target gene. The protocol relies on the presence of a selectable marker flanking a disrupted plasmid-borne copy of the gene, and in the case presented led to a seven-fold enrichment for putative homologous site replacement events. In addition, a polymerase chain reaction assay is utilized for rapid identification of homologous recombinants among the remaining candidates. This protocol was used to identify 3 isolates, out of 129 primary transformants, which have a disruption in the Neurospora ccg-1 gene. The method should be applicable to a variety of fungal systems in which two selectable markers can be expressed, including those in which homologous recombination rates are too low to allow easy identification of homologous site insertions by the more traditional molecular method of Southern analysis. In addition to disrupting target genes for the purpose of generating null mutations, this method is useful for the targeting of reporter gene fusions to a native chromosomal site for the purpose of studying gene regulation.  相似文献   

The region immediately 3 of histidine-3 has been cloned and sequenced from two laboratory strains of the ascomycete fungus Neurospora crassa; St Lawrence 74A and Lindegren, which have different derivations from wild collections. Amongst the differences distinguishing these sequences are insertions ranging in size from 20 to 101 by present only in St Lawrence. The largest of these is flanked by a 3 by direct repeat, has terminal inverted repeats (TIR) and shares features with several known transposable elements. At 98 bp, it may be the smallest transposable element yet found in eukaryotes. There are multiple copies of the TIR in the Neurospora genome, similar but not identical to the one sequenced. PCR amplification of Neurospora genomic DNA, using 26 by of the TIR as a single primer, gave products of discrete sizes ranging from 100 by to about 1.3 kb, suggesting that the element isolated (Guest) may be a deletion derivative of a family of larger transposable elements. Guest appears to be the first transposable element reported in fungi that is not a retrotransposon.  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid construct carrying the hygromycin phosphotransferase (hph) gene fused to the expression elements of the trpC gene of Aspergillus nidulans was used to obtain hygromycin B (Hyg)-resistant transformants of Neurospora crassa. The plasmid does not have any homology with the N. crassa genome. Here we demonstrate that most of the transformants arise from integration of the transforming DNA into only one of the nuclei present in the protoplasts. Furthermore, in most of the transformants the integrated transforming DNA is physically stable after growth of the transformants for about 25 nuclear divisions without Hyg selection, in spite of being present in multiple copies. In transformants carrying only a single insertion, phenotypic expression of the hph gene remains unaltered in conidial isolates obtained withoug Hyg selection. On the other hand, about 40% of transformants harbouring plasmid DNA integrated at more than one location yield conidial isolates showing reversible inactivation of the hph genes. Interestingly, the presence of methylated cytosine residues in the integrated DNA is strongly correlated with the number of plasmid copies. The hph genes are heavily methylated in transformants harbouring multiple copies but not in those harbouring only one copy of the plasmid. Phenotypic expression of the inactive hph genes can be restored by growing the transformants either under Hyg selection pressure or in the presence of 5-azacytidine. In the first case the hph genes are again inactivated when Hyg selection pressure is removed, while the activation of the hph gene by 5-azacytidine gives stable Hygr strains.Dedicated to Dr. T.A. Trautner on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase of Neurospora crassa is a dimeric protein composed of two identical subunits, each possessing three separate domains, with flavin, heme, and molybdenum-containing cofactors. A number of mutants of nit-3, the structural gene that encodes Neurospora nitrate reductase, have been characterized at the molecular level. Amber nonsense mutants of nit-3 were found to possess a truncated protein detected by a specific antibody, whereas Ssu-1-suppressed nonsense mutants showed restoration of the wild-type, full-length nitrate reductase monomer. The mutants show constitutive expression of the truncated nitrate reductase protein; however normal control, which requires nitrate induction, was restored in the suppressed mutant strains. Three conventional nit-3 mutants were isolated by the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced; two of these mutants were due to the deletion of a single base in the coding region for the flavin domain, the third mutant was a nonsense mutation within the amino-terminal molybdenum-containing domain. Homologous recombination was shown to occur when a deleted nit-3 gene was introduced by transformation into a host strain with a single point mutation in the resident nit-3 gene. New, severely damaged, null nit-3 mutants were created by repeat-induced point mutation and demonstrated to be useful as host strains for transformation experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic segregation of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in Neurospora crassa was analyzed by exploiting restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the nontranscribed spacer (NTS) sequences of nine laboratory wild-type strains and wild-collected strains. In an analysis of random spore progeny from seven crosses, and of ordered tetrads from two of those crosses the rDNA was shown to be inherited in a simple, stable Mendelian fashion, exhibiting an approximately 1:1 ratio of the two parental rDNA types. No meiotic recombinants were detected among the progeny, indicating that non-sister-chromatid crossing over is highly suppressed in the rDNA region. The basis for this suppression of meiotic recombination is not known.  相似文献   

InSaccharomyces cerevisiae, most of the cellular chitin is produced by chitin synthase III, which requires the product encoded by theCSD2/CAL1/DIT101/KT12 gene. We have identified, isolated and structurally characterized aCSD2/CAL1/DIT101/KT12 homologue in the filamentous ascomyceteNeurospora crassa and have used a reverse genetics approach to determine its role in vivo. The yeast gene was used as a heterologous probe for the isolation of aN. crassa gene (designatedchs-4) encoding a polypeptide belonging to a class of chitin synthases which we have designated class IV. The predicted polypeptide encoded by this gene is highly similar to those ofS. cerevisiae andCandida albicans. N. crassa strains in whichchs-4 had been inactivated by the Repeat-Induced Point mutation (RIP) process grew and developed in a normal manner under standard growth conditions. However, when grown in the presence of sorbose (a carbon source which induces morphological changes accompanied by elevated chitin content), chitin levels in thechs-4 RIP strain were significantly lower than those observed in the wild type. We suggest that CHS4 may serve as an auxiliary enzyme inN. crassa and that, in contrast to yeasts, it is possible that filamentous fungi may have more than one class IV chitin synthase.A. Beth Din and C. A. Specht contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Summary Repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) has been used to generate new mutations in the previously uncharacterised gene for malate synthase in Neurospora crassa. Molecular clones carrying the am (NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase) gene and the malate synthase gene from either N. crassa or Aspergillus nidulans have been introduced into Neurospora as ectopic duplicate copies by transformation, selecting for the am function in a deletion host. A number of meiotic progeny derived from these transformants were unable to use acetate as sole carbon source, yielded no detectable malate synthase activity and demonstrated extensive cytosine methylation of their duplicated sequences. The new locus has been designated acu-9 and has been assigned to linkage group VII.  相似文献   

It has become clear in the past few years that eukaryotic organisms possess different genetic systems to counter viruses, transposons and other repeated elements such as transgenes that could otherwise accumulate in the genome. In addition to serving as a model organism for genetic, biochemical and molecular studies, Neurospora crassa has proved to be a paradigm for the study of gene-silencing mechanisms. Indeed, its genome can be protected from expansion of selfish nucleic acids by a variety of mechanisms that inactivate duplicated sequences. Studies of these mechanisms have made a fundamental contribution to the understanding of the gene-silencing field.  相似文献   

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