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Genetic demographic characteristics were calculated for Chuvash and Russian inhabitants of the Republic of Chuvashia. The generation lengths were 27.09 and 26.4 years and the sibship sizes were 2.54 and 1.82 for Chuvashes and Russians, respectively. Crow's indices and their components were as follows: Im = 0.05, If = 0.31, and Itot = 0.37 for Chuvashes and Im = 0.03, If = 0.43, and Itot = 0.46 for Russians. The genetic demographic characteristics obtained were compared with those for Highland and Meadow Maris.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivities of three mouse strains (BALB/cLacY, C3H/SnY, and 101/HY) have been compared using the following parameters: survival after irradiation at a dose of 6–7 Gy, chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow cells after irradiation at a dose of 1.5 Gy, and the change in testis weight and frequency of abnormal sperm heads (ASHs) after irradiation at doses from 0.5 to 4 Gy. Strain BALB/c is the most radiosensitive with respect to the survival and chromosome aberration frequency in the bone marrow but the most resistant with respect to the change in testis weight and the frequency of abnormal sperm heads. Strain 101/HY was the most resistant with respect to survival and chromosome aberration frequency in bone marrow after irradiation but the most radiosensitive with respect to testis damage.  相似文献   

A transport resistance model for shoot—root partitioningby Thornley and a more aggregated partitioning model by Reynoldsand Thornley are compared. Three functional forms of substrateutilization are applied, corresponding to different assumptionson the ability of carbon and nitrogen to compensate one anotherin promoting structural growth. On the basis of simulationsat balanced exponential growth, it is shown that the Reynoldsand Thornley model (in optimal form) is embedded in the Thornleymodel. Davidson's functional balance is studied as a functionof the degree of carbon-nitrogen compensation. The applicabilityof the models and the utilization functions is discussed. Model, shoot-root partitioning, substrate utilization, functional balance  相似文献   

Two shoot: root allocation models are described: the transport-resistanceapproach, and a teleonomic (goal-seeking) method based on maximizingspecific growth rate when the system is growing exponentially.These are applied to two growth modes: exponential growth, andthe steady state where all variables are constant with no netgrowth. The dynamic behaviour after shoot defoliation is investigated:the damping/overshoot effects observed are highly dependenton the presence or absence of product inhibition of the inputprocess (e.g. plant substrate N may inhibit the uptake of mineralN by the plant). The teleonomic model is far more damped thanthe resistance model and may therefore be misleading if usedto interpret transient experiments. Ontogenetic effects on allocationare simulated by varying the scaling (with plant size) of thetransport resistances; this may give increasing allocation tothe shoot or the root with the passage of time. The two modelsresemble each other very closely as far as equilibrium responsesare concerned - this applies to exponential growth and to thesteady state. Increasing the nitrogen input may lead to loweror higher whole-plant carbohydrate levels. The response to increasingnitrogen input depends on the other inputs; for instance itcan be much curtailed by low phosphorus inputs. The responseto phosphorus input can be similarly limited.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Partitioning, plant growth, simulation  相似文献   

Wheat grown in Mn-deficient soil has been widely observed to produce much reduced yields. Breeding for Mn-efficient wheat genotypes adapted to Mn-deficient soils would represent a long-term solution for wheat agronomy, To characterize the physiological basis of Mn efficiency in wheat genotypes would facilitate the breeding programs for producing Mn-efficient wheat. Using a solution culture and a soil culture system in the present study, a Mn-efficient UK wheat genotype Maris Butler and a Mn-inefficient UK wheat genotype Paragon have been compared with a Mn-efficient Australian wheat genotype C8MM in the responses to Mn deficiency In order to characterize the Mn efficiency in these wheat genotypes.Results showed that in solution culture, Marls Butler grown under Mn deficiency had 77% relative dry matter yield of control plants that were grown under Mn sufficiency, whereas C8MM and Paragon had 60% and 58% relative dry matter yield of their respective controls. Results from the soil culture demonstrated that relative dry matter yield remained high for Marie Butler and C8MM (53% and 56%, respectively), whereas the value for Paragon dropped to 33%. In terms of dry matter yield and photosynthetic efficiency, Mads Butler demonstrated Mn efficiency in both solution culture and soil culture, whereas C8MM showed Mn efficiency only In soil culture. Results also demonstrated that under Mn-depleted supply in soil, plants of C8MM had a significantly higher ability in Mn uptake, whereas plants of Marls Butler showed a higher internal Mn usa efficiency in comparison with plants of Paragon. Results from the present study indicate that the ability of C8MM to accumulate higher amounts of Mn is the basis of the improved Mn efficiency of this genotype in comparison with Paragon, and in Marls Butler there is a higher internal use of Mn expressed as an improved photosynthetic efficiency in conferring its Mn efficiency. It is suggested that more than one mechanism has arisen in wheat to confer tolerance to Mn deficiency.  相似文献   

The most important decision faced by large-scale studies, such as those presently encountered in human genetics, is to distinguish between those tests that are true positives from those that are not. In the context of genetics, this entails the determination of genetic markers that actually underlie medically-relevant phenotypes from a vast number of makers typically interrogated in genome-wide studies. A critical part of these decisions relies on the appropriate statistical assessment of data obtained from tests across numerous markers. Several methods have been developed to aid with such analyses, with family-wise approaches, such as the Bonferroni and Dunn-Šidàk corrections, being popular. Conditions that motivate the use of family-wise corrections are explored. Although simple to implement, one major limitation of these approaches is that they assume that p-values are i.i.d. uniformly distributed under the null hypothesis. However, several factors may violate this assumption in genome-wide studies including effects from confounding by population stratification, the presence of related individuals, the correlational structure among genetic markers, and the use of limiting distributions for test statistics. Even after adjustment for such effects, the distribution of p-values can substantially depart from a uniform distribution under the null hypothesis. In this work, I present a decision theory for the use of family-wise corrections for multiplicity and a generalization of the Dunn-Šidàk correction that relaxes the assumption of uniformly-distributed null p-values. The independence assumption is also relaxed and handled through calculating the effective number of independent tests. I also explicitly show the relationship between order statistics and family-wise correction procedures. This generalization may be applicable to multiplicity problems outside of genomics.  相似文献   

Mutation of Bacteriophage with Respect to Type of Plaque   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hershey AD 《Genetics》1946,31(6):620-640

By using Monte Carlo studies, this paper compares the Welch test, the James test and the Brown-Forsythe test for comparing several means under heteroscedasticity. It appears that all the tests are quite robust with respect to departure from normality. The Brown-Forsythe test is at least as good as the James test and the Welch test; but the differences are so small that the choice is immaterial for practical purposes.  相似文献   

Coliform "Mutants," with Respect to the Utilization of Citrate   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Recently aside from the “classic” endovascular monofilament perforation technique to induce experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) a modification using a tungsten wire advanced through a guide tube has been described. We aim to assess both techniques for their success rate (induction of SAH without confounding pathologies) as primary endpoint. Further, the early tissue lesion pattern as evidence for early brain injury will be analyzed as secondary endpoint. Sprague Dawley rats (n=39) were randomly assigned to receive either Sham surgery (n=4), SAH using the “classic” technique (n=18) or using a modified technique (n=17). Course of intracranial pressure (ICP) and regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was analyzed; subsequent pathologies were documented either 6 or 24 h after SAH. Hippocampal tissue samples were analyzed via immunohistochemistry and western blotting. SAH-induction, regardless of confounding pathologies, was independent from type of technique (p=0.679). There was no significant difference concerning case fatality rate (classic: 40%; modified: 20%; p=0.213). Successful induction of SAH without collateral ICH or SDH was possible in 40% with the classic and in 86.7% with the modified technique (p=0.008). Peak ICP levels differed significantly between the two groups (classic: 94 +/- 23 mmHg; modified: 68 +/- 19 mmHg; p=0.003). Evidence of early cellular stress response and activation of apoptotic pathways 6 h after SAH was demonstrated. The extent of stress response is not dependent on type of technique. Both tested techniques successfully produce SAH including activation of an early stress response and apoptotic pathways in the hippocampal tissue. However, the induction of SAH with less confounding pathologies was more frequently achieved with the modified tungsten wire technique.  相似文献   

The Location of Muscle Calcium with Respect to the Myofibrils   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Autoradiographs have been prepared from frog toe muscles soaked in Ca45 and fixed with an osmium-oxalate solution. A majority of the grains over the A bands were over the myofibrils. The grain density over the I bands was greatest over the space between the myofibrils. The significance of this distribution is discussed in the light of previous information about the longitudinal distribution of Ca45 in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The 32-bp deletion (CCR5del32 mutation) in the CCR5 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5) gene, encoding CCR5 chemokine receptor, is one of the factors determining natural resistance to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection. In the present study, the samples of Russians (n = 107), Tuvinians (n = 50), and HIV-infected individuals were examined for the presence of CCR5del32 mutation in the CCR5 gene. The CCR5del32 allele frequency in Russians and Tuvinians constituted 7.84 and 2%, respectively. Among HIV-1 infected individuals, two groups, of macrophage-tropic HIV-1 strain- and T-cell-tropic HIV-1 strain-infected were distinguished. The CCR5del32 allele frequency in the first group (6.45%) was lower than in the second one (8.73%). Statistical treatment of the HIV-1 infected individuals typing data showed that the difference in the CCR5del32 allele frequencies between the groups of sexually (macrophage-tropic) and parenterally (T-cell-tropic) infected individuals observed was within the limit of random deviation.  相似文献   

Information on the sex, age, and ethnic compositions; reproductive parameters; intensity of natural selection (Crow's indices); and surname diversity of three rural populations (the Byadi, Dyupsya, and Cheriktey villages) of the Ust-Aldan ulus (district) of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) has been analyzed. The rural Yakut population of the Ust-Aldan ulus is demographically young (the mean age 25–31 years) and characterized by low outbreeding, unfavorable sex ratio in both prereproductive and reproductive ages, and high fertility (3.58–5.45 children surviving until the reproductive age per woman that has completed the reproductive period), although the actual reproductively active period is shorter than half its physiological duration. In the structure of index of total selection, the differential-fertility component is considerably greater than the differential-mortality component (I tot = 0.625, I m = 0.093, and I f = 0.487). In the villages studied, some surnames are accumulated (45–65% of the population have five most frequent surnames), which determines the low surname diversity ( = 11.62–25.19) and high random isonymy (I r= 0.0391–0.0823).  相似文献   

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