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1. There are certainly two, and probably three, stages in the development of B. megaterium from the spore to inception of cell division. The rapid increase in rate of respiration during the initial 10 minutes on glucose-peptone-yeast extract medium coincides with decrease in optical density and with increase in stainability. From about 10 to 100 minutes, the rate increases linearly, coinciding with swelling of the spores and ending at approximately the time of rupture of the spore case. From about 100 to 180 minutes, there is a second and steeper linear increase in respiration rate coinciding with cell elongation. These physiological and morphological phenomena are discussed as criteria for germination. 2. The rate of respiration of M. verrucaria spores also increases linearly up to about 300 minutes in sucrose-yeast extract medium. No breaks in the curves are observed during formation of the germ tubes. 3. Oxygen uptake follows the parabolic curve See PDF for Equation within the limits of experimental error for both types of spores. 4. It is postulated that metabolism during these stages of linear increase may be regulated by processes occurring at cellular or intracellular surfaces or by synthesis of a limiting enzyme at constant rate.  相似文献   

Trehalose is absorbed by two distinct systems-one constitutive, the other induced by turanose and to a lesser extent by nigerose but not by trehalose. The constitutive system is apparently mediated by a surface trehalase; the induced system has the characteristics of a permease. The specificity of the induced system is apparently limited to the alpha glucosyl-glucose or glucosyl-fructose linkage, because absorption of kojibiose, nigerose, maltose, isomaltose, turanose, sucrose, and melezitose, in addition to that of trehalose, was increased. Absorption of beta-linked or of galactose-containing disaccharides was not increased. The constitutive and induced trehalose-absorbing systems differ in their activity, specificity, lability to acid treatment, effects of substrate concentration, and pH optima. Both systems require oxygen, and no marked differential effects of inhibitors were observed. The activity of the induced system is proportional to log turanose concentration (from about 1 to 300 mug/ml), and is an approximate linear function of time of exposure (from about 1 to 50 min). Accumulation of trehalose occurred against a concentration gradient in both systems but particularly in the induced. No leakage was observed. The activity of the induced system declined slowly upon removal of the inducer. Accumulated trehalose is metabolized after activation by azide as are the endogenous trehalose reserves. The accumulated trehalose appears to enter the endogenous trehalose pool found in these spores, although some data suggest it may be more accessible. Respiratory data indicate that absorbed trehalose is available for metabolism while in transit from the external membrane to the internal pool.  相似文献   

Options for control of northern root-knot nematode (NRKN, Meloidogyne hapla) on vegetables are very limited currently. In this study, we characterized the parasitism of Myrothecium verrucaria strain X-16, a new nematophagous fungus, on NRKN at the stages of eggs, J2, and adult females and evaluated its biocontrol efficacy in the greenhouse. Strain X-16 produced conidia that geminated and invaded in 80 h after in contact with eggs, causing the shrinkage and depression of egg shell and blastocolysis of the embryo. The strain also attacked 2nd-stage juveniles by producing developing surface networks of hyphae on the nematode body wall. Strain X-16 attacked adult females by producing dense networks of hyphae on the nematode body wall in 120 h. Strain X-16 had lethal effects (22–71% mortality) against NRKN J2 at the concentration as low as 3.1 × 107 conidia/ml and with the incubation treatment time as short as 24 h. The lethal effects linearly increased with the increase of conidial concentration, with the estimated LC50 values as low as 1.0 × 108 conidia/ml. Soil treatments with strain X-16 at 1%, 2% or 4% (wt/wt) induced significant reductions in J2 nematode counts in 100 g of dry soil, Pf/Pi ratios and root-know index in cucumber in the greenhouse evaluations. These studies are the first to demonstrate that M. verrucaria is able to parasitize NRKN and strain X-16 can be a potential biocontrol agent for management of NRKN.  相似文献   

The fungus Myrothecium verrucaria (MV) has previously been shown to have potential as a bioherbicide for kudzu (Pueraria lobata) control. It has also been shown that MV wild-type (MV-wt) often forms sectors, when grown on various nutrient media. Experiments compared MV-wt and MV sector efficacy when grown on agar or on rice grains. In greenhouse evaluations of sectors, applied as foliar sprays in water or in other formulations (corn oil, surfactant, and corn oil plus surfactant) for efficacy against kudzu seedlings, some sectors possessed bioherbicidal activity equal that of MV-wt, but others exhibited lower activity. Without a dew period, aqueous formulations of MV-wt, a yellow sector, and a white sector provided zero control, but all three isolates were active without a dew period when formulated in corn oil, Silwet L-77 surfactant, and in surfactant plus corn oil. Generally, the yellow sector was less effective than the other two isolates in any formulations, and the MV-wt and white sector provided approximately 100% mortality of the test plants. Dew (10 h) increased weed control to 100, 33, and 65%, respectively, for MV-wt, the yellow sector and the white sector. All isolates provided nearly 100% control in the oil and surfactant formulations with a dew period compared to treatments receiving no dew. Soil incorporation studies were also performed to compare MV-wt efficacy of preparations grown on agar versus growth on rice grains. Higher efficacies (1.75-3.3-fold increase) were obtained from rice grain preparations compared to preparations grown on agar, when preparations were incorporated at several rates into soil prior to planting. Cell-free extracts of the MV-rice cultures were also phytotoxic to kudzu seedlings up to the eight- to 10-leaf growth stage. Thus, formulation, growth media, and the application method are important determinants in the efficacy of MV and MV sectors on kudzu seedlings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to characterize an alkaline protease from the filamentous fungus Myrothecium verrucaria and to explore its capability to degrade native poultry feathers. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity using a single chromatographic step. Recovery was high, 62%, with a specific activity of 12,851.8 U/mg protein. The enzyme is a small monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 22 ± 1.5 kDa. It presented pH optimum of 8.3 and was stable over a broad pH range (5.0–12.0). The temperature optimum was 37°C, with thermal stability at temperatures up to 45°C. The enzyme presented an efficiency of 80.3% in the degradation of poultry feather meal, releasing amino acids and soluble peptides. It was able to hydrolyze β-keratin without necessity of chemical or enzymatic reduction of the disulphide bonds. Considering that, everyday, poultry-processing plants produce feathers as a waste products, this protease can be useful in biotechnological processes aiming to improve the transformation of poultry feathers through solubilization of β-keratin into usable peptides. Furthermore, it can also be useful in processes aiming to reduce the environmental pollution caused by the accumulation of feathers.  相似文献   

Spores of the fungus Myrothecium verrucaria are cryptic to maltose and isomaltose. Induction of a transport system can be effected by several sugars whose order of effectiveness is: turanose > maltulose > sucrose > d-arabinose, d-fructose, nigerose, maltotriulose, kestose > melezitose, raffinose, nystose, and stachyose. The transport system is not specific to maltose and isomaltose, and it is apparently identical to an induced trehalose permease described previously. Induction of the permease is markedly influenced by spore age-older spores being more responsive. Pure maltose is not absorbed by spores. Absorption of commercial reagent-grade maltose is due to permease induction by maltulose as an impurity. Maltulose contamination of maltose was demonstrated by charcoal column chromatography and comparison of its physical, chemical, and permease-inductive properties with those of authentic maltulose. Maltose accumulates temporarily in spores after absorption and then decreases, although no conversion to glucose can be detected. Although spores contain small quantities of maltase, metabolism of maltose may be via some nonhydrolytic pathway.  相似文献   

Lillehoj EB  Smith FG 《Plant physiology》1966,41(10):1553-1560
Ascorbic acid oxidase activity in Myrothecium verrucaria extracts resulted in O(2) uptake exceeding 0.5 mole per mole of ascorbic acid and in CO(2) evolution. Measurement of oxidized ascorbic acid at completion of the reaction demonstrated that an average of 10% of the oxidized product disappeared. A comparison of the gas exchange data with the amount of ascorbic acid not accounted for indicated that the reaction could not be explained by independent oxidase and oxygenase systems. Chromatographic examination of the reaction mixtures identified l-threonic acid. Experiments with ascorbic acid-1-(14)C showed that C-1 was partially decarboxylated during the oxidation. Test of the fungal extracts for enzymes that might explain the deviation from expected stoichiometry showed that phenolase, glutathione reductase, cytochrome oxidase, peroxidase and oxalic decarboxylase were not involved. Addition of azide in concentrations sufficient to block catalase increased excess O(2) consumption about 65%. No enzymes were found that could directly attack oxidized ascorbic acid. H(2)O(2) accumulated during oxidation in azide-blocked systems.The O(2) excess could be explained by assuming the enzyme had peroxidative capacity on a reductant other than ascorbic acid. An intermediate of ascorbic acid oxidation appeared to function as the substrate yielding CO(2) and l-threonic acid on degradation. The increase in excess O(2) utilized in azide-blocked systems and the H(2)O(2) accumulation also were explained by the proposed scheme.Another interpretation would involve production of free radicals during ascorbic acid oxidation. Evidence for this was the ability of extracts to oxidize DPNH in the presence of ascorbic acid. Oxygen radicals formed in such reactions were considered possible agents of degradation of ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The fractionation of Myrothecium verrucaria cellulase by gel filtration   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1. Culture filtrates from Myrothecium verrucaria have been fractionated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 to give three major cellulolytic components with molecular weights of about 55000, 30000 and 5300. 2. The middle component has the bulk (90%) of the total carboxymethylcellulase activity and is little affected by exposure to cotton. The other two, which are mainly responsible for the activity of the filtrate towards cotton, are removed or deactivated by exposure to it. These observations accord with the previously reported behaviour of the whole culture filtrate. There is no evidence for interconversion of, or synergism between, these components. 3. Temperature control during gel filtration is necessary for reproducible results at high resolution. The effect of a change in temperature has been explained in terms of changes in the degree of swelling of the gel particles.  相似文献   

Utilization of cellulose from waste paper by Myrothecium verrucaria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Extensive screening studies on cellulolytic bacteria and fungi led to the selection of Myrothecium verrucaria as the organism producing the maximum rate of protein biosynthesis from ball-milled newspaper. Studies in aerated stirred-jar fermentors were carried out to determine the conditions for maximum protein synthesis rate and maximum final protein concentration. The optimum aeration rate was 250 to 374 mM of oxygen at 300 to 400 rpm stirring rate. The pH optimum was broad, from 3.9 to 6.5. Urea at 0.03% and yeast autolysate at 0.1% stimulated growth rate and protein production. The maximum rate of protein biosynthesis and the maximum protein yield were 0.3 g/liter/day and 1.42 g/liter, respectively, from medium G3 with 4% ball-milled newspaper. The final product, obtained by evaporation of the total culture, was 33.7 g from one liter of medium which originally contained 40 g of ball-milled newspaper and 11.3 g of other dissolved materials. The protein content of this final product was 3.3 g, calculated from total organic N × 6.25 or 1.42 g calculated from the biuret method. Both the synthesis rate and the final cell yield are below those obtainable by growing Fungi Imperfecti, yeasts or bacteria on soluble materials such as glucose.  相似文献   

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