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DNA gyrase is the target of a number of antibacterial agents, including the coumarins and the cyclothialidines. To extend our understanding of the mechanism of action of these compounds, we have examined the previously published crystal structures of the complexes between the 24 kDa fragment of GyrB and coumarin and cyclothialidine drugs and made mutations by site-directed mutagenesis. We used proteolysis as a probe of drug binding to wild-type and mutant proteins. Limited proteolysis of gyrase revealed that binding of these antibiotics is associated with a characteristic proteolytic fingerprint, suggesting a drug-induced conformational change. The ability of the mutants to bind the drugs was studied by testing their ability to induce the coumarin-associated proteolytic signature and to bind to a novobiocin-affinity column. To analyze further the interaction of the drugs with gyrase, we studied the binding using surface plasmon resonance. Mutation of Asn46 to Asp has only a modest effect on the binding of coumarins, while an Asn46 to Leu mutation results in a 10-fold decrease in the affinity. Mutation of Asp73 to Asn completely abolishes binding to both coumarins and cyclothialidines. Mutations at these residues also abolish ATP hydrolysis, explaining the inability of such mutations to occur spontaneously.  相似文献   

Calpains are intracellular calcium-activated cysteine proteases whose unregulated proteolysis following the loss of calcium homeostasis can lead to acute degeneration during ischemic episodes and trauma, as well as Alzheimer's disease and cataract formation. The determination of the crystal structure of the proteolytic core of mu-calpain (muI-II) in a calcium-bound active conformation has made structure-guided design of active site inhibitors feasible. We present here high-resolution crystal structures of rat muI-II complexed with two reversible calpain-specific inhibitors employing cyclic hemiacetal (SNJ-1715) and alpha-ketoamide (SNJ-1945) chemistries that reveal new details about the interactions of inhibitors with this enzyme. The SNJ-1715 complex confirms that the free aldehyde is the reactive species of the cornea-permeable cyclic hemiacetal. The alpha-ketoamide warhead of SNJ-1945 binds with the hydroxyl group of the tetrahedral adduct pointing toward the catalytic histidine rather than the oxyanion hole. The muI-II-SNJ-1945 complex shows residue Glu261 displaced from the S1' site by the inhibitor, resulting in an extended "open" conformation of the domain II gating loop and an unobstructed S1' site. This conformation offers an additional template for structure-based drug design extending to the primed subsites. An important role for the highly conserved Glu261 is proposed.  相似文献   

Venoms from crotalid and viperid snakes contain several peptide inhibitors which regulate the proteolytic activities of their snake-venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) in a reversible manner under physiological conditions. In this report, we describe the high-resolution crystal structures of a SVMP, TM-3, from Taiwan habu (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus) cocrystallized with the endogenous inhibitors pyroGlu-Asn-Trp (pENW), pyroGlu-Gln-Trp (pEQW) or pyroGlu-Lys-Trp (pEKW). The binding of inhibitors causes some of the residues around the inhibitor-binding environment of TM-3 to slightly move away from the active-site center, and displaces two metal-coordinated water molecules by the C-terminal carboxylic group of the inhibitors. This binding adopts a retro-manner principally stabilized by four possible hydrogen bonds. The Trp indole ring of the inhibitors is stacked against the imidazole of His143 in the S-1 site of the proteinase. Results from the study of synthetic inhibitor analogues showed the primary specificity of Trp residue of the inhibitors at the P-1 site, corroborating the stacking effect observed in our structures. Furthermore, we have made a detailed comparison of our structures with the binding modes of other inhibitors including batimastat, a hydroxamate inhibitor, and a barbiturate derivative. It suggests a close correlation between the inhibitory activity of an inhibitor and its ability to fill the S-1 pocket of the proteinase. Our work may provide insights into the rational design of small molecules that bind to this class of zinc-metalloproteinases.  相似文献   

<正>Lipopolysaccharide(LPS),also termed endotoxin,is a main component of the external leaflet of the outer membrane(OM)in Gram-negative bacteria.It serves as a natural barrier against harsh environments and toxic compounds,including antibiotics,and partially confers drug-resistance in bacteria[1].LPS is also a powerful activator of inflammation and innate immune responses in mammalian cells.For  相似文献   

We investigated the mode of action of ES-1273, a novel DNA gyrase inhibitor obtained by optimization of ES-0615, which was found by screening our chemical library using anucleate cell blue assay. ES-1273 exhibited the same antibacterial activity against S. aureus strains with amino acid change(s) conferring quinolone- and coumarin-resistance as that against a susceptible strain. In addition, ES-1273 inhibited DNA gyrase supercoiling activity, but not ATPase activity of the GyrB subunit of DNA gyrase. Moreover, ES-1273 did not induce cleavable complex. These findings demonstrate that the mechanism by which ES-1273 inhibits DNA gyrase is different from that of the quinolones or the coumarins. Preincubation of DNA gyrase and substrate DNA prevented inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling activity by ES-1273. ES-1273 antagonized quinolone-induced cleavage. In electrophoretic mobility shift assay, no band representing DNA gyrase-DNA complex was observed in the presence of ES-1273. Taken together, these results indicate that ES-1273 prevents DNA from binding to DNA gyrase. Furthermore, our results from surface plasmon resonance experiments strongly suggest that ES-1273 interacts with DNA. Therefore, the interaction between ES-1273 and DNA prevents DNA from binding to DNA gyrase, resulting in inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling. Interestingly, we also found that ES-1273 inhibits topoisomerase IV and human topoisomerase IIalpha, but not human topoisomerase I. These findings indicate that ES-1273 is a type II topoisomerase specific inhibitor.  相似文献   

A comparison of messenger RNA in X-ray crystal structures of 70S ribosomal complexes in the initiation, post-initiation and elongation states of translation shows distinct conformational differences in the exit (E) codon. Here, we present structural evidence indicating that, after the initiation event, the E codon nucleotides relax and form a classical A-helical conformation. This conformation is similar to that of the P and A codons, and is favourable for establishing Watson-Crick interactions with the anticodon of E-site transfer RNA.  相似文献   

Kawano S  Kakuta Y  Kimura M 《Biochemistry》2002,41(51):15195-15202
Ribonuclease NW (RNase NW), the wound-inducible RNase in Nicotiana glutinosa leaves, preferentially cleaves guanylic acid. We expressed the cDNA encoding RNase NW in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris using the expression vector pPIC9K, and the resulting recombinant RNase NW (ryRNaseNW) secreted into medium was purified to apparent homogeneity using column chromatography. The crystal structure of ryRNase NW bound to 5'-GMP was determined at 1.5 A resolution by molecular replacement with tomato RNase LE as a search model. The RNase NW structurally belongs to the (alpha + beta) class of proteins, having eight helices (five alpha-helices and three 3(10) helices) and six beta-strands, and its structure is highly similar to those of other plant RNases, including a uridylic acid preferential RNase MC1 from bitter gourd seeds. The guanine ring of 5'-GMP lies in a hydrophobic pocket of the molecular surface composed of Tyr17, Tyr71, Ala80, Leu79, and Phe89: the guanine base is sandwiched between aromatic side chains of Tyr17 and Phe89. In addition, the guanine base is firmly stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds of the side chains of Gln12 and Thr78, as well as of the main chain of Leu79. Therefore, Gln12, Tyr17, Thr78, Leu79, and Phe89 are responsible for recognition of the guanine base by RNase NW, findings which provide insight into the manner in which RNase NW preferentially cleaves guanylic acid.  相似文献   

The large extracellular glycoprotein reelin directs neuronal migration during brain development and plays a fundamental role in layer formation. It is composed of eight tandem repeats of an approximately 380-residue unit, termed the reelin repeat, which has a central epidermal growth factor (EGF) module flanked by two homologous subrepeats with no obvious sequence similarity to proteins of known structure. The 2.05 A crystal structure of the mouse reelin repeat 3 reveals that the subrepeat assumes a beta-jelly-roll fold with unexpected structural similarity to carbohydrate-binding domains. Despite the interruption by the EGF module, the two subdomains make direct contact, resulting in a compact overall structure. Electron micrographs of a four-domain fragment encompassing repeats 3-6, which is capable of inducing Disabled-1 phosphorylation in neurons, show a rod-like shape. Furthermore, a three-dimensional molecular envelope of the fragment obtained by single-particle tomography can be fitted with four concatenated repeat 3 atomic structures, providing the first glimpse of the structural unit for this important signaling molecule.  相似文献   

Kawakami K  Iwai M  Ikeuchi M  Kamiya N  Shen JR 《FEBS letters》2007,581(25):4983-4987
PsbY is one of the low molecular mass subunits of oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII). Its location, however, has not been identified in the current crystal structure of PSII. We constructed a PsbY-deletion mutant of Thermosynechococcus elongatus, crystallized, and analyzed the crystal structure of the mutant PSII dimer. The results obtained showed that PsbY is located in the periphery of PSII close to the alpha- and beta-subunits of cytochrome b559, which corresponded to an unassigned helix in the 3.7A structure of T. vulcanus or helix X2 in the 3.0A structure of T. elongatus. Our results also indicated that the C-terminal loop of PsbY is protruded toward the stromal side, instead of the lumenal side predicted previously.  相似文献   

Anand R  Hoskins AA  Stubbe J  Ealick SE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(32):10328-10342
Formylglycinamide ribonucleotide amidotransferase (FGAR-AT) catalyzes the ATP-dependent conversion of formylglycinamide ribonucleotide (FGAR) and glutamine to formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide (FGAM), ADP, P(i), and glutamate in the fourth step of the purine biosynthetic pathway. In eukaryotes and Gram-negative bacteria, FGAR-AT is encoded by the purL gene as a multidomain protein with a molecular mass of about 140 kDa. In Gram-positive bacteria and archaebacteria FGAR-AT is a complex of three proteins: PurS, PurL, and PurQ. We have determined the structure of FGAR-AT (PurL) from Salmonella typhimurium at 1.9 A resolution using X-ray crystallography. PurL is the last remaining enzyme in the purine biosynthetic pathway to have its structure determined. The structure reveals four domains: an N-terminal domain structurally homologous to a PurS dimer, a linker region, an FGAM synthetase domain homologous to an aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase (PurM) dimer, and a triad glutaminase domain. The domains are intricately linked by interdomain interactions and peptide connectors. The fold common to PurM and the central region of PurL represents a superfamily for which HypE, SelD, and ThiL are predicted to be members. A structural ADP molecule was found bound to a site related to the putative active site by pseudo-2-fold symmetry and two sulfate ions were found at the putative active site. These observations and the structural similarities between PurM and StPurL were used to model the substrates FGAR and ATP in the StPurL active site. A glutamylthioester intermediate was found in the glutaminase domain at Cys1135. The N-terminal (PurS-like) domain is hypothesized to form the putative channel through which ammonia passes from the glutaminase domain to the FGAM synthetase domain.  相似文献   

Enolase is a validated drug target in Trypanosoma brucei. To better characterize its properties and guide drug design efforts, we have determined six new crystal structures of the enzyme, in various ligation states and conformations, and have carried out complementary molecular dynamics simulations. The results show a striking structural diversity of loops near the catalytic site, for which variation can be interpreted as distinct modes of conformational variability that are explored during the molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that sulfate may, unexpectedly, induce full closure of catalytic site loops whereas, conversely, binding of inhibitor phosphonoacetohydroxamate may leave open a tunnel from the catalytic site to protein surface offering possibilities for drug development. We also present the first complex of enolase with a novel inhibitor 2-fluoro-2-phosphonoacetohydroxamate. The molecular dynamics results further encourage efforts to design irreversible species-specific inhibitors: they reveal that a parasite enzyme-specific lysine may approach the catalytic site more closely than crystal structures suggest and also cast light on the issue of accessibility of parasite enzyme-specific cysteines to chemically modifying reagents. One of the new sulfate structures contains a novel metal-binding site IV within the catalytic site cleft.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of gluconate kinase from Escherichia coli has been determined to 2.0 A resolution by X-ray crystallography. The three-dimensional structure was solved by multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion, using a crystal of selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. Gluconate kinase is an alpha/beta structure consisting of a twisted parallel beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices with overall topology similar to nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) kinases, such as adenylate kinase. In order to identify residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis, structures of binary complexes with ATP, the ATP analogue adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-methylene) triphosphate and the product, gluconate-6-phosphate have been determined. Significant conformational changes are induced upon binding of ATP to the enzyme. The largest changes involve a hinge-bending motion of the NMP(bind) part and a motion of the LID with adjacent helices, which opens the cavity to the second substrate, gluconate. Opening of the active site cleft upon ATP binding is the opposite of what has been observed in the NMP kinase family so far, which usually close their active site to prevent fortuitous hydrolysis of ATP. The conformational change positions the side-chain of Arg120 to stack with the purine ring of ATP and the side-chain of Arg124 is shifted to interact with the alpha-phosphate in ATP, at the same time protecting ATP from solvent water. The beta and gamma-phosphate groups of ATP bind in the predicted P-loop. A conserved lysine side-chain interacts with the gamma-phosphate group, and might promote phosphoryl transfer. Gluconate-6-phosphate binds with its phosphate group in a similar position as the gamma-phosphate of ATP, consistent with inline phosphoryl transfer. The gluconate binding-pocket in GntK is located in a different position than the nucleoside binding-site usually found in NMP kinases.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, FtsZ, a homologue of eukaryotic tubulins, and ZipA, a membrane-anchored protein that binds to FtsZ, are two essential components of the septal ring structure that mediates cell division. Recent data indicate that ZipA is involved in the assembly of the ring by linking FtsZ to the cytoplasmic membrane and that the ZipA-FtsZ interaction is mediated by their C-terminal domains. We present the X-ray crystal structures of the C-terminal FtsZ-binding domain of ZipA and a complex between this domain and a C-terminal fragment of FtsZ. The ZipA domain is a six-stranded beta-sheet packed against three alpha-helices and contains the split beta-alpha-beta motif found in many RNA-binding proteins. The uncovered side of the sheet incorporates a shallow hydrophobic cavity exposed to solvent. In the complex, the 17-residue FtsZ fragment occupies this entire cavity of ZipA and binds as an extended beta-strand followed by alpha-helix. An alanine-scanning mutagenesis analysis of the FtsZ fragment was also performed, which shows that only a small cluster of the buried FtsZ side chains is critical in binding to ZipA.  相似文献   

The structure of a histidine kinase (ThkA) complexed with a response regulator (TrrA) in the two-component regulatory system from hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima was determined by a combination of X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 4.2 A and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The boundary of the three component domains (PAS-sensor, dimerization and catalytic domains) of ThkA and the bound TrrA molecule were unambiguously assigned in the electron density map at 4.2 A resolution. ThkA forms a dimer with crystallographic 2-fold symmetry and two monomeric TrrAs bind to the ThkA dimer. SAXS experiments also confirmed this association state in solution and specific binding between ThkA and TrrA (Kd=8.2x10(-11) M(-2)). The association interface between ThkA and TrrA contains the phosphotransfer His residue in the ThkA, indicative of an efficient receipt of the phosphoryl group. One Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain does not interact with the other PAS domain, but with the catalytic domain of the same polypeptide chain and with one TrrA molecule. Observed inter-domain and inter-molecular interactions reveal a definite pathway of signal transduction in the kinase/regulator complex. In addition, we propose a responsible role of TrrA for the feedback regulation of sensing and/or kinase activities of ThkA.  相似文献   

E. coli DNA gyrase uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to introduce essential negative supercoils into the genome, thereby working against the mechanical stresses that accumulate in supercoiled DNA. Using a magnetic-tweezers assay, we demonstrate that small changes in force and torque can switch gyrase among three distinct modes of activity. Under low mechanical stress, gyrase introduces negative supercoils by a mechanism that depends on DNA wrapping. Elevated tension or positive torque suppresses DNA wrapping, revealing a second mode of activity that resembles the activity of topoisomerase IV. This 'distal T-segment capture' mode results in active relaxation of left-handed braids and positive supercoils. A third mode is responsible for the ATP-independent relaxation of negative supercoils. We present a branched kinetic model that quantitatively accounts for all of our single-molecule results and agrees with existing biochemical data.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction patterns obtained experimentally for fibers, together with their chemical structures, can be analyzed theoretically in terms of an integral equation. The partially unknown electron density function can be solved by iteration. This mathematical technique has been applied with success to study the secondary structures of DNA fibers.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase, an enzyme unique to prokaryotes, has been implicated in almost all processes that involve DNA. Although efficient inhibitors of this protein have been known for more than 20 years, none of them have enjoyed prolonged pharmaceutical success. It is only recently that the mechanisms of inhibition for some of these classes of drugs have been established unequivocally by X-ray crystallography. It is hoped that this detailed structural information will assist the design of novel, effective inhibitors of DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

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