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薛婧妍  刘耕源 《生态学杂志》2018,29(12):4226-4238
城市生态系统内部各组分之间存在着错综复杂的关系,任一组分的变化会对其他组分产生不同程度的影响.快速的城市化进程带来了一系列影响城市可持续发展的问题.若想从根本上消除这些可持续发展隐患,需要采用“耦合”方法.本文明晰了“耦合”的3种应用情景及相应定义表述,同时对城市耦合理论发展脉络进行梳理,分别从物理耦合视角及政策效果耦合视角进行能-水-食物-土地-气候变化(EWFLC)五系统两两分析总结.从物理耦合视角解读发现,目前的耦合研究大多集中在城市尺度,并且主要针对两个系统之间的直接耦合关系,间接耦合关系研究相对缺乏,两系统的关联多会对社会和经济产生积极影响.从政策效果耦合视角来看,目前针对五系统的政策多面向直接解决目标系统问题,政策实施的中间目标大多可量化,且政策效果评估大多含有多个指标.在此基础上,本文提出了可同时结合物理耦合及政策效益耦合的城市EWFLC五系统分析框架,旨在帮助城市开展政策遴选,实现城市可持续发展.  相似文献   

Distributions of 29 vegetation types in China as a function of climatic humidity or aridity were analysed using Thornthwaite's system, by employing meteorological records from 671 stations in China. The annual potential evapotranspiration and the humidity/aridity indices were calculated for every station, and distribution maps of water deficiency, water surplus and moisture index (Im) were constructed. The Im map showed that arid areas (Im<0) occupied about 56% of the country. The effect of the difference in soil water storage capacity on Thornthwaite's indices was examined, and Im values were found to differ little, although some differences were observed in actual annual evapotranspiration, water deficiency and water surplus values. Correlations between Im values and distributions of 29 vegetation types, identified from a vegetation map with a scale of 1/4000000, were investigated. The distributions of desert, steppe, woodland, deciduous forest and evergreen forest corresponded to Im values of below −40, −40–−20, −20-0, 0–60 and over 60, respectively. In addition, climatic factors delimiting the northern distribution of evergreen broadleaf forest were investigated, and it was clarified that the northern limit was restricted by combined hydrothermal conditions, and not by the low temperature in winter.  相似文献   

邵璞  曾晓东 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1494-1505
采用改进后的通用陆面模式的动态植被模式(CLM-DGVM)研究当前气候条件下气候年际变率对全球潜在植被平均分布的影响。设计两组区域数值实验,一组使用基于NCEP再分析资料衍生的1960-1999年多年气象数据循环驱动,对照实验使用这40a的气候平均态或单年气象资料驱动(即没有气候年际变率),分别考察有无气候年际变化对热带、温带和寒带的潜在植被分布平衡态的影响。在此基础上以1950-1999年上述数据及对应的气候平均态为驱动做两组全球实验。结果表明气候年际变率导致全球植被总覆盖度下降,其中树和灌木减少而草增加;全球平均覆盖度的变化按常绿树、草、灌木、落叶树顺序递减,而相对变化(即格点覆盖度差异的绝对值的全球平均值与气候平均态下植物覆盖度的比值)按灌木、草、落叶树、常绿树顺序递减。在温度、降水、风速、比湿、光照、气压等6种气候因子中降水年际变率对于植被平均分布影响最显著。受降水影响,当年降水小于1200mm时植被总覆盖度的差异随其变率增加而下降,其它时候影响不明显。年降水小于1500mm时树减少,幅度随其年际变率变大而增加。常绿树无论降水多寡均减少,而落叶树在年降水大于1500mm时随其变率变大而增加。草在年降水小于1500mm、变率为中等时差异最大,降水较大时其年际变化对草的影响不大。温度年际变率对落叶树分布影响不大而使常绿树减少,尤其是在寒带,其幅度大致随变率增加而变大。草主要在温度高于-10℃增加而灌木在温度低于0℃增加。植被总体覆盖度在温度高于0℃时受影响普遍降低,降低的区域对应于温度年际变率较大的区域。以上结果说明用气候模式或生物地理模式预测未来植物分布时要同时考虑气候平均态和气候变率两方面的变化。  相似文献   

Extensive green roofs composed of a thin layer of growing medium topped with vegetation can significantly reduce both the timing and magnitude of stormwater runoff relative to a typical impervious roof. However, regional climatic conditions such as seasonality in rainfall and potential evapotranspiration could strongly alter the stormwater performance of green roofs. In this study we evaluate the stormwater performance of green roofs in the predominately winter rainfall climate of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. We also test whether the amount of irrigation used to maintain green roof vegetation in a seasonally dry climate such as the Pacific Northwest influences stormwater performance. We monitored stormwater performance over one year for sets of experimental roofs constructed using three designs: a conventional impervious design, a medium-only design, and a typical extensive green roof design that included vegetation. During the winter rainy season vegetation had no significant influence on stormwater retention; medium-only and vegetated roofs reduced stormwater runoff nearly identically relative to the impervious roofs. In contrast, during summer vegetated roofs retained significantly more rainfall than medium-only roofs, although this effect depended strongly on the size of the rain event. In addition, total relative retention for both roof types was significantly higher during summer than during winter. Irrigation significantly reduced summer retention capacity of both medium-only and planted roofs, but only during the largest dry season rain event. These results suggest that cool wet season climates such as the Pacific Northwest are challenging ones for green roof stormwater performance. In order to optimize stormwater benefits of green roofs, designers should create explicitly regional designs that include plant selections better matched to the specific environmental and management constraints.  相似文献   

The average local ionization energy [`I] ( r ) \overline {\hbox{I}} \left( {\mathbf{r}} \right) is the energy necessary to remove an electron from the point r in the space of a system. Its lowest values reveal the locations of the least tightly-held electrons, and thus the favored sites for reaction with electrophiles or radicals. In this paper, we review the definition of [`I] ( r ) \overline {\hbox{I}} \left( {\mathbf{r}} \right) and some of its key properties. Apart from its relevance to reactive behavior, [`I] ( r ) \overline {\hbox{I}} \left( {\mathbf{r}} \right) has an important role in several fundamental areas, including atomic shell structure, electronegativity and local polarizability and hardness. All of these aspects of [`I] ( r ) \overline {\hbox{I}} \left( {\mathbf{r}} \right) are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined associations between annual reproduction and climate for 6 populations of individually marked northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in Washington and Oregon. We used an information-theoretical approach and mixed models to evaluate statistical models representing a priori hypotheses about the effects of weather and climate on reproduction. Reproduction was higher for adult than subadult owls and declined as the proportion of spotted owl territories with barred owl (Strix varia) detections increased. Similar to other spotted owl studies, we found that reproduction was negatively associated with cold, wet winters and nesting seasons at 3 of 6 study areas. In addition, we identified new relationships between reproduction, annual precipitation, storms, and regional climate cycles. For 3 of 6 areas, we found a quadratic relation between precipitation (rain and snow) and reproduction, with the number of young fledged per pair per year declining as precipitation in the previous year deviated from average levels. A meta-analysis conducted across all 6 areas indicated that reproduction at the regional level had a quadratic association with total winter snowfall in the preceding winter and was positively related to temperatures during the previous summer and fall. The amount of annual variation in reproduction accounted for by weather and climate varied widely across the 6 areas (4–79%), whereas variation in weather and climate across owl territories accounted for little of the spatial variation in reproduction (0–4%). Our results suggest that across the range of the species climate factors affecting prey abundance may have a greater effect on reproduction than direct effects of weather on nestlings. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Summary The sulphur contents of the muds, water and vegetation at the northern end of Lake Victoria have been determined. Contrary to previous assumptions it was found that the sulphur in the bottom deposits is principally in the form of organic compounds and not as sulphides. Evidence is presented which suggests that the muds are in an aerated condition. The water of the lake contains extremely small amounts of sulphur and receives a negligible quantity of this element from the rain. The soils of the islands in the lake are rocky and well-leached of sulphur except where patches of forest conserve it. Certain peculiarities were noted in the behaviour of the muds and these are to be discussed in a future paper.  相似文献   

We examined the respective roles of climate and vegetation structure on geographical variation in bird species richness. The Province of Buenos Aires (central-eastern Argentina) was divided into 146 squares of 50 km on a side. For each square we evaluated the number of bird species, the value of thirteen climatic variables, and the value of a vegetation strata index. The climatic matrix was analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and the first factors resulting from PCA were considered as multifactorial climatic gradients. Simple and Partial Correlation Analysis among bird species richness, vegetation strata, and the first two factors derived from PCA (65% of total variation) indicated that bird richness distribution was determined by the availability of vegetation strata, associated with different vegetation types that, at the same time, were influenced by the climatic conditions summarized in the first climatic factor (a gradient of precipitation, relative humidity, annual termical amplitude, and frost occurrence). This relationships reflect the complexity of factors that can act directly as well as indirectly on the geographical patterns in species richness. Also, we evaluated the importance of study scale comparing our results with previous studies at macrogeographic and local scales, found out that the vegetation structure was the principal determinant of bird species richness at this three geographical scales.  相似文献   

The Usangu wetlands were severely degraded over the last twenty years by cattle and the shortage of water due to rice irrigation upstream. The eastern Usangu wetlands that were previously perennial dried out in 2000 and 2002 in the dry season. Following the removal of cattle in 2006 from the eastern Usangu wetlands, perennial wetlands has re-established itself and in 2011 the vegetation had recovered and covered about 95?% of the wetted surface mainly as floating vegetation. These wetlands are the source of water of the Great Ruaha River and the volume of water entering the river has nearly doubled after cattle removal. We suggest that this may be due to the shading effect of the floating vegetation reducing the loss of water through net evaporation to about 0.5?cm?day?1 as opposed to about 1?cm?day?1 for open water evaporation in this tropical climate. This suggests the important role of the biology in controlling the water budget. By contrast cattle and rice farms have not been removed from the western Usangu wetlands, located upstream, where the wetlands are now reduced to small areas fringing the rivers. We suggest that the western Usangu wetlands should also be restored in order to further increase flows in the Great Ruaha River. At the same time water governance in the catchments and irrigation areas upstream of Usangu wetlands is also urgently required because present water yields are insufficient to meet the hydroelectric needs of Tanzania, the water users all along the river, as well as the important coastal wetlands associated with the Rufiji Delta during a drought year.  相似文献   

Abstract. The responses of high latitude ecosystems to global change involve complex interactions among environmental variables, vegetation distribution, carbon dynamics, and water and energy exchange. These responses may have important consequences for the earth system. In this study, we evaluated how vegetation distribution, carbon stocks and turnover, and water and energy exchange are related to environmental variation spanned by the network of the IGBP high latitude transects. While the most notable feature of the high latitude transects is that they generally span temperature gradients from southern to northern latitudes, there are substantial differences in temperature among the transects. Also, along each transect temperature co‐varies with precipitation and photosynthetically active radiation, which are also variable among the transects. Both climate and disturbance interact to influence latitudinal patterns of vegetation and soil carbon storage among the transects, and vegetation distribution appears to interact with climate to determine exchanges of heat and moisture in high latitudes. Despite limitations imposed by the data we assembled, the analyses in this study have taken an important step toward clarifying the complexity of interactions among environmental variables, vegetation distribution, carbon stocks and turnover, and water and energy exchange in high latitude regions. This study reveals the need to conduct coordinated global change studies in high latitudes to further elucidate how interactions among climate, disturbance, and vegetation distribution influence carbon dynamics and water and energy exchange in high latitudes.  相似文献   

四环素在土壤和水环境中的分布及其生态毒性与降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
詹杰  魏树和 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2819-2825
四环素是新兴污染物PPCPs中的一种,因其在畜禽及水产养殖中的大量使用在环境中造成一定的残留,成为一个较突出的环境风险问题。概述了环境中四环素的来源,对微生物、动物及植物的生态毒性,在土壤及水体中的残留及降解等环境行为。认为,环境中四环素的含量既使在很高的情况下,其对动物和植物的直接毒害作用也是有限的,四环素在环境中长期残留产生的抗性基因问题,可能是一个重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide strength and conditioning practitioners with an understanding of the role of elastic energy in activities with high force and power requirements. Specifically, the article covers 1) the nature of elasticity and its application to human participants, 2) the role of elastic energy in activities requiring a stretch-shorten cycle such as the vertical jump, 3) the role of muscular stiffness in athletic performance, 4) the control of muscular stiffness through feedforward and feedback mechanisms, and 5) factors affecting muscular stiffness. Finally, practical applications are provided. In this section, it is suggested that the storage and reuse of elastic energy is optimized at relatively higher levels of stiffness. Because stiffness decreases as fatigue ensues as well as with stretching before an event, the article emphasizes the need for proper preparation phases in a periodized cycle and the avoidance of long static stretches before high-force activities. The importance of teaching athletes to transition from eccentric to concentric movements with minimal time delays is also proposed due to the finding that time delays appear to decrease the reuse of elastic energy. In addition to teaching within the criterion tasks, evidence is provided that minimizing transitions in plyometric training, a technique demonstrated to increase musculotendinous stiffness, can optimize power output in explosive movements. Finally, evidence is provided that training and teaching programs designed to optimize muscular stiffness may protect athletes against sports-related injuries.  相似文献   

A comparative study between an unburned evergreen sclerophyllousvegetation located in south-central Mexico under a wet-summer climate,with mediterranean regions was conducted in order to re-analyzevegetation and plant characters claimed to converge under mediterraneanclimates. The comparison considered floristic composition,plant-community structure, and plant characters as adaptations tomediterranean climates and analyzed them by means of a correspondenceanalysis, considering a tropical spiny shrubland as the external group.We made a species register of the number of species that resproutedafter a fire occurred in 1995 and a distribution map of the evergreensclerophyllous vegetation in Mexico (mexical) under nonmediterraneanclimates.The Tehuacán mexical does not differ from the evergreensclerophyllous areas of Chile, California, Australia, and theMediterranean Basin, according to a correspondence analysis, whichordinated the Tehuacán mexical closer to the mediterranean areasthan to the external group.All the vegetation and floristic characteristics of the mexical, aswell as its distribution along the rain-shadowed mountain parts ofMexico, support its origin in the Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis of Axelrod.Therefore, these results allow to expand the convergence paradigm of thechaparral under an integrative view, in which a general trend to ariditymight explain floristic and adaptive patterns detected in theseenvironments.  相似文献   

气候变化对东北主要地带性植被类型分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘丹  于成龙 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6511-6522
准确地划分地带性主要植被类型分布的适宜区域,可为区域植被恢复与重建、生物多样性保护等工作提供有益的理论参考。在检验1961—2013年东北地区气候变化突变点的基础上,基于东北地区主要植被类型热量指标,研究气候变化对该区域主要植被类型适宜分布区域的影响,并利用2000年和2013年土地类型覆盖数据(MCD12Q1),对推算的适宜分布区域进行验证,结果表明:大兴安岭气温突变点为1982年,其它地区为1988年,东北地区各生态地理区年降水量没有明显的突变点。气温突变点后适宜在东北地区生长的主要植被种类没有变化,但各植被类型的分布区域均有所改变,其中高山冻原、亚高山矮曲林、寒温带针叶林和温带针阔叶混交林适宜分布区域面积减小,暖温带落叶阔叶林和温带草原面积增大。气温突变点前后各植被类型适宜分布区的地理中心均发生了不同程度的移动,其中移动距离最大的是南部地区的亚高山矮曲林,向东北方向移动了135.44km。与主要植被类型实际分布相对比,证明气候变化对研究区植被类型分布可能已经产生了影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. Questions: What is the relationship between alpine vegetation patterns and climate? And how do alpine vegetation patterns respond to climate changes? Location: Tibetan Plateau, southwestern China. The total area is 2500000 km2 with an average altitude over 4000 m. Methods: The geographic distribution of vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau was simulated based on climatology using a small set of plant functional types (PFTs) embedded in the biogeochemistry‐biography model BIOME4. The paleoclimate for the early Holocene was used to explore the possibility of simulating past vegetation patterns. Changes in vegetation patterns were simulated assuming continuous exponential increase in atmospheric CO concentration, based on a transient ocean‐atmosphere simulation including sulfate aerosol effects during the 21st century. Results: Forest, shrub steppe, alpine steppe and alpine meadow extended while no desert vegetation developed under the warmer and humid climate of the early Holocene. In the future climate scenario, the simulated tree line is farther north in most sectors than at present. There are also major northward shifts of alpine meadows and a reduction in shrub‐dominated montane steppe. The boundary between montane desert and alpine desert will be farther to the south than today. The area of alpine desert would decrease, that of montane desert would increase. Conclusions: The outline of changes in vegetation distribution was captured with the simulation. Increased CO2 concentration would potentially lead to big changes in alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The natural geographical occurrence, carbon assimilation, and structural and biochemical diversity of species with C4 photosynthesis in the vegetation of Mongolia was studied. The Mongolian flora was screened for C4 plants by using 13C/12C isotope fractionation, determining the early products of 14CO2 fixation, microscopy of leaf mesophyll cell anatomy, and from reported literature data. Eighty C4 species were found among eight families: Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Molluginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae and Zygophyllaceae. Most of the C4 species were in three families: Chenopodiceae (41 species), Poaceae (25 species) and Polygonaceae, genus Calligonum (6 species). Some new C4 species in Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae and Polygonaceae were detected. C4 Chenopodiaceae species make up 45% of the total chenopods and are very important ecologically in saline areas and in cold arid deserts. C4 grasses make up about 10% of the total Poaceae species and these species naturally concentrate in steppe zones. Naturalized grasses with Kranz anatomy,of genera such as Setaria, Echinochloa, Eragrostis, Panicum and Chloris, were found in almost all the botanical-geographical regions of Mongolia, where they commonly occur in annually disturbed areas and desert oases. We analyzed the relationships between the occurrence of C4 plants in 16 natural botanical-geographical regions of Mongolia and their major climatic influences. The proportion of C4 species increases with decreasing geographical latitude and along the north-to-south temperature gradient; however grasses and chenopods differ in their responses to climate. The abundance of Chenopodiaceae species was closely correlated with aridity, but the distribution of the C4 grasses was more dependent on temperature. Also, we found a unique distribution of different C4 Chenopodiaceae structural and biochemical subtypes along the aridity gradient. NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) tree-like species with a salsoloid type of Kranz anatomy, such as Haloxylon ammodendron and Iljinia regelii, plus shrubby Salsola and Anabasis species, were the plants most resistant to ecological stress and conditions in highly arid Gobian deserts with less than 100 mm of annual precipitation. Most of the annual C4 chenopod species were halophytes, succulent, and occurred in saline and arid environments in steppe and desert regions. The relative abundance of C3 succulent chenopod species also increased along the aridity gradient. Native C4 grasses were mainly annual and perennial species from the Cynodonteae tribe with NAD-ME and PEP-carboxykinase (PEP-CK) photosynthetic types. They occurred across much of Mongolia, but were most common in steppe zones where they are often dominant in grazing ecosystems. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 1 November 1999  相似文献   

Aim To understand drivers of vegetation type distribution and sensitivity to climate change. Location Interior Alaska. Methods A logistic regression model was developed that predicts the potential equilibrium distribution of four major vegetation types: tundra, deciduous forest, black spruce forest and white spruce forest based on elevation, aspect, slope, drainage type, fire interval, average growing season temperature and total growing season precipitation. The model was run in three consecutive steps. The hierarchical logistic regression model was used to evaluate how scenarios of changes in temperature, precipitation and fire interval may influence the distribution of the four major vegetation types found in this region. Results At the first step, tundra was distinguished from forest, which was mostly driven by elevation, precipitation and south to north aspect. At the second step, forest was separated into deciduous and spruce forest, a distinction that was primarily driven by fire interval and elevation. At the third step, the identification of black vs. white spruce was driven mainly by fire interval and elevation. The model was verified for Interior Alaska, the region used to develop the model, where it predicted vegetation distribution among the steps with an accuracy of 60–83%. When the model was independently validated for north‐west Canada, it predicted vegetation distribution among the steps with an accuracy of 53–85%. Black spruce remains the dominant vegetation type under all scenarios, potentially expanding most under warming coupled with increasing fire interval. White spruce is clearly limited by moisture once average growing season temperatures exceeded a critical limit (+2 °C). Deciduous forests expand their range the most when any two of the following scenarios are combined: decreasing fire interval, warming and increasing precipitation. Tundra can be replaced by forest under warming but expands under precipitation increase. Main conclusion The model analyses agree with current knowledge of the responses of vegetation types to climate change and provide further insight into drivers of vegetation change.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化的响应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜晓铮  赵祥  王昊宇  何斌 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8296-8305
气候变化显著影响陆地生态系统生产力以及水分利用格局,而水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency,WUE)是衡量生态系统碳水耦合关系的重要指标之一。研究陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化的响应,有助于深入理解生态系统的变化规律,模拟和预测生态系统碳水过程的发展状况,从而为应对全球气候变化提供新的依据。为了更好地掌握生态系统水分利用效率研究现状以及其对温度、CO2等关键气候因子的响应情况,本文总结了陆地生态系统水分利用效率对气候变化响应的最新研究进展。首先介绍了相关的定义并归纳了两种不同计算方式的差异和特点;接着重点总结了陆地生态系统水分利用效率对大气温度、CO2、水分、干旱以及太阳辐射等影响因素的响应;最后文章总结了目前3个相关的研究态势,主要包括:(1)长时间序列水分利用效率与气候要素的关系研究;(2)土地利用/覆被变化对水分利用效率的影响及其对气候的反馈研究;(3)多尺度水分利用效率综合研究。本研究可为深入研究生态系统过程对气候变化的响应提供参考。  相似文献   

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