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Abandonment of coppicing is one of the main reasons of diversity decline in European temperate forests. To reverse this trend, coppicing has been reintroduced in several forests, especially in areas of high conservation value. However, empirical information on the effects of coppicing on plant diversity and composition is still scarce. By comparing vegetation data from active coppices and beech-dominated high forests in the Banat region in Romania, we tested the hypothesis that coppices have a higher plant diversity and different plant species composition than high forests. Data were collected in 60 randomly placed phytosociological relevés and were analysed using linear models and multivariate methods. As expected, we found differences in understorey plant composition. Herb species with various environmental demands–sciophytes-(hemi)-heliophytes and grassland species–were more frequent in coppices whereas high forests had more vernal species and sciophytes. Coppices also had slightly greater plant diversity but did not differ in herb species richness. Our results demonstrate that coppicing has a small positive effect on plant diversity but a large effect on species composition. Coppice restoration may be especially beneficial for populations of thermophilous and non-forest species.  相似文献   

The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is known to greatly affect the structure and dynamics of vegetation. In Mwea National Reserve, elephants foraged mainly on Acacia ataxacantha and Grewia bicolor out of the five most preferred woody species. However, out of the five preferred woody species, only Grewia virosa and G. bicolor showed a positive association between their fresh use and past elephant use. All the five selected woody species showed high coppicing response after foraging, with the highest coppice growth rates recorded for Acacia brevispica and lowest for Grewia tembensis. The mean heights of woody species utilized by elephants were highest for A. brevispica and lowest for G. bicolor. The mean heights of coppices emerging after utilization by elephants were not significantly different for A. ataxacantha but were significantly shorter in the rest of the foraged species. Elephants avoided the coppices of many other woody species notably C. africana, A. tortilis, A. mellifera, Combretum aculeatum among others in the reserve. The objective of this study was to understand the capacity of woody species to recover after utilization by elephants and feeding response of elephants to new woody species re‐growth; a cycle that would define the dynamics of food resources and elephant population within the reserve.  相似文献   

Abstract. The cessation of coppicing and grazing in Quercus woodlands, with its subsequent changes in the structure, composition and functioning of vegetation communities, is becoming more frequent throughout the Mediterranean Basin. In southern France, we have studied successional changes in Quercus pubescens woodlands by visiting previously studied sites 18 yr later. Changes in vertical structure, species richness, floristic composition, life form and dispersal type were analysed and compared between woodlands that had previously been grazed or ungrazed. Both successions showed a decline in vegetation cover in the 0–25 cm height class and in the height class immediately under the canopy layer, due to oak litter accumulation and tree ageing. In post‐grazing succession, the abandonment of grazing and associated burning has allowed the vegetation cover to increase in the 0.25‐2 m height class. In both successions, grassland species decreased in frequency and forest species increased, a trend which was stronger in undisturbed succession. Species richness decreased with time in the undisturbed succession, but remained stable in the post‐grazing succession mainly because of the slow decline of plants linked to grazing. In undisturbed succession, therophytes and hemicryptophytes decreased. In contrast, therophytes and hemicryptophytes remained stable in post‐grazing succession. In both successions, endozoochorous species (notably Ruscus aculeatus) increased. Plants dispersed by non‐animal vectors decreased in undisturbed succession, but stability was observed in most of the dispersal types in post‐grazing succession. These results showed that a time‐lag existed between undisturbed succession and post‐grazing succession, the latter remaining at a younger stage of successional development due to more recent impact of grazing. However, both successions have converged suggesting that most of the traces of grazing on vegetation will disappear within a few years. The vegetation of these coppices, regardless of the previous grazing regime, will become increasingly similar to the vegetation of undisturbed woodlands. However, their floristic composition will probably never be identical to that of undisturbed woodlands, mainly because of the rarity of these undisturbed woodlands and of the short‐distance dispersal of many forest plant species.  相似文献   

The abandonment of traditional forest management and the conversion of lowland woodlands from coppices to high forests may lead to a reduction in plant diversity. We studied long-term changes in semi-natural lowland woodland vegetation in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) by resampling 29 vegetation plots (relevés) first sampled in the 1950s. The results indicated a shift to shady plant communities (i.e. loss of heliophilous species and expansion of shade-tolerant species), caused by an increase in the tree and shrub layer canopy due to the expansion of deciduous tree species. At the same time, species richness (alpha diversity) had declined significantly, though we noted no signs of homogenisation in the vegetation cover. Species typical of nutrient-rich habitats and alien and/or invasive species had expanded. We confirmed the shift in vegetation composition, which was probably caused by changes in lowland woodland forest management (decline in coppicing), eutrophication (deposition of atmospheric nitrogen, agricultural runoff) and disturbance effects of game, especially wild boar (Sus scrofa).  相似文献   

Coppice abandonment had negative consequences for the biodiversity of forest vegetation and several groups of invertebrates. Most coppicing restoration studies have focused only on a single trophic level despite the fact that ecosystems are characterized by interactions between trophic levels represented by various groups of organisms. To address the patterns of functional diversity in the perspective of coppicing restoration, we studied the short-term effects of conservation-motivated tree canopy thinning in an abandoned coppice with standards in Central Europe, a region where such attempts have been rare so far. The functional diversity of vascular plants and spiders, chosen as two model trophic groups within the forest ecosystem, was compared between thinned and control forest patches. To characterize functional patterns, we examined several functional traits. These traits were assigned to two contrasting categories: response traits reflecting a change of environment (for both vascular plants and spiders) and effect traits influencing the ecosystem properties (only for vascular plants). Functional diversity was analysed by CCA using two measures: community-weighted means (CWM) and Rao’s quadratic diversity (RaoQ). CCA models revealed that the canopy thinning had a positive effect on the diversity of the response traits of both trophic groups and negatively influenced the diversity of effect traits. In addition, we found distinct seasonal dynamics in functional diversity of the spider communities, which was probably linked to leaf phenology of deciduous trees. We conclude that canopy thinning affected functional diversity across trophic groups during the initial phase of coppicing restoration. With necessary precautions, careful canopy thinning can be effectively applied in the restoration of functional diversity in abandoned coppices.  相似文献   

We investigated six different bush encroachment control treatments on the responses of 29 woody species in southern Ethiopia. During the post-treatments (i.e. between June 2004 and 2005), we monitored tree stump total kill, partial kill and the responses of woody species to disturbances, in terms of coppicing and seedling regeneration. Protection from disturbance promoted seedling regeneration by 4.6%. The effects of tree cutting and fire greatly reduced woody species regeneration, while tree cutting and fire combined with grazing treatment was more effective in reducing coppicing. The fire and grazing methods were effective in reducing the regeneration of seedlings, although grazing alone had no effect. The effect of the tree cutting was comparable with tree cutting and fire, as well as tree cutting and fire combined with grazing on woody species regenerations. Overall, tree cutting and fire combined with grazing were more effective in suppressing the regeneration of encroaching species. We identified two major disturbance strategies. Some species invested in coppicing, while others invested in seedling recruitment. About 10% of the species were adapted relatively to either of the strategies. Only one of the 29 woody species was ranked among the top five in both of the two disturbance-adaptation strategies. The results have important implications for post-treatment management and public education.  相似文献   

We compared plant area index (PAI) and canopy openness for different successional stages in three tropical dry forest sites: Chamela, Mexico; Santa Rosa, Costa Rica; and Palo Verde, Costa Rica, in the wet and dry seasons. We also compared leaf area index (LAI) for the Costa Rican sites during the wet and dry seasons. In addition, we examined differences in canopy structure to ascertain the most influential factors on PAI/LAI. Subsequently, we explored relationships between spectral vegetation indices derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery and PAI/LAI to create maps of PAI/LAI for the wet season for the three sites. Specific forest structure characteristics with the greatest influence on PAI/LAI varied among the sites and were linked to climatic differences. The differences in PAI/LAI and canopy openness among the sites were explained by both the past land‐use history and forest management practices. For all sites, the best‐fit regression model between the spectral vegetation indices and PAI/LAI was a Lorentzian Cumulative Function. Overall, this study aimed to further research linkages between PAI/LAI and remotely sensed data while exploring unique challenges posed by this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Studies disentangling the anthropogenic influences of traditional forest uses are crucial to assess the current conservation value of cultural landscapes. By promoting asexual regeneration, centenary coppicing in the predominantly root resprouter Quercus pyrenaica is assumed to have reduced genetic diversity levels contributing to the decline of abandoned coppices and the common lack of acorn production. This work aims to test the widespread assumption that historical coppicing in Q. pyrenaica has caused depleted levels of genetic diversity. Seven microsatellite markers were used to assess clonal structure and population genetic diversity levels in six abandoned coppices of Q. pyrenaica, which were compared to three open woodlands in national parks in Spain. Asexual regeneration was higher in coppices, leading to more frequent and larger clonal assemblies. Clonal diversity parameters (genotypic richness and proportion of unique genotypes) were significantly lower in coppices, although density of genotypes per surface area and levels of population genetic diversity were comparable to those observed in open parklands. Heterogenic clonal structures were found both within and among stands, hindering the inference of concrete anthropogenic disturbances. Despite promoting asexual reproduction, coppicing maintains high levels of genotypic and genetic diversity and allows the incorporation of new genotypes by seed recruitment. The natural resprouting capacity of Q. pyrenaica preserved the species in face of long-lasting anthropogenic disturbances, fostering ecosystem resilience and harbouring high conservation values.  相似文献   

Genetic, dendrochronological and physiological studies are reviewed to investigate causes of tree stagnation of abandoned Quercus pyrenaica coppices. Tree decline – displayed by slow stem growth, branch dieback and scarce acorn production – has led to advice on the conversion of abandoned oak coppices into high forests by thinning. However, this practice has often failed. The shortage of genetic diversity and disequilibrium between above- and below-ground organs in large, over-aged stools (clones) are adduced consequences of centenary coppicing driving stand stagnation in Q. pyrenaica. Our results evidence that historical coppicing has not enhanced genetic diversity losses; on the contrary, it has allowed for the recruitment of new genotypes and the existence of uneven-aged stands of heterogenic clonal structure. Tree excavations have revealed widely spread root systems. High carbon expenditures in root respiration in large and centennial clones may constrain their aboveground development, and thinning practices aiming at converting Q. pyrenaica coppices into high forests might not succeed or even enhance a physiological root-to-shoot imbalance.  相似文献   

Question: An ancient woodland site with a long history of coppicing and heavy grazing was protected from domesticated stock in 1955. Results of a vegetation-monitoring experiment were subsequently published in 1983. This study followed up the original research to investigate whether observed trends were as predicted. These included a shift in tree species composition in favour of shade-tolerant species, beech (Fagus sylvatica) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), at the expense of light-demanding birch (Betula spp.) and oak (Quercus petraea agg.), and progress towards a typical woodland ground flora. Location: Peak District National Park, United Kingdom. Methods: The mixed oak–birch woodland was re-surveyed in 2011. Two enclosures (1955 and 1980s) and an unenclosed control area were investigated. Overstorey structure and composition was assessed by measuring canopy openness and the girths of all trees and saplings. Herb layer species composition was also recorded in 28 vegetation plots. Results: We demonstrated a progressive decline in the number of mature oaks and birch in the old enclosure although they still regenerated successfully. Only a few individuals of beech and rowan appeared. Herb layer species composition differed between the subareas but since the 1980s, the temporal change in the old enclosure was negligible. The new enclosure followed a similar pattern in both canopy and herb layer as observed in the early years in the old enclosure. However, the control subarea had no regeneration of woody species and limited ground flora. Conclusions: After nearly 60 years, the replacement of light-demanding dominants by shade-tolerant trees was still limited, probably by low pH and stable light conditions. The findings are pertinent to the impacts of large herbivore grazing (domestic stock or wild) on woodland dynamics.  相似文献   

Woody colonization of grasslands is often associated with changes in abiotic or biotic conditions or a combination of both. Widely used as fodder and litter in the past traditional agro-pastoral system, ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) has now become a colonizing species of mountain grasslands in the French Pyrenees. Its present distribution is dependent on past human activities and it is locally controlled by propagule pressure and abiotic conditions. However, even when all favourable conditions are met, all the potentially colonizable grasslands are not invaded. We hypothesize that management practices should play a crucial role in the control of ash colonization. From empirical field surveys we have compared the botanical composition of a set of grasslands (present and former) differing in management practices and level of ash colonization. We have displayed a kind of successional gradient positively linked to both ash cover and height but not to the age of trees. We have tested the relationships between ash presence in grassland and management types i.e. cutting and/or grazing, management intensity and some grassland communities’ features i.e. total and local specific richness and species heterogeneity. Mixed use (cutting and grazing) is negatively linked to ash presence in grassland whereas grazing alone positively. Mixed use and high grazing intensity are directly preventing ash seedlings establishment, when low grazing intensity is allowing ash seedlings establishment indirectly through herbaceous vegetation neglected by livestock. Our results show the existence of a limit between grasslands with and without established ashes corresponding to a threshold in the intensity of use. Under this threshold, when ash is established, the colonization process seems to become irreversible. Ash possesses the ability of compensatory growth and therefore under a high grazing intensity develops a subterranean vegetative reproduction. However the question remains at which stage of seedling development and grazing intensity these strategies could occur.  相似文献   

Grazing by livestock can influence ecosystems in various ways, including altering plant communities, influencing woody plant encroachment, and determining livestock productivity. Evaluating long term effects of grazing on plant composition is valuable not only to understand herbivory on rangelands but to be able to address the primary factors that can threaten long term livestock productivity. We examined plant species composition and woody plant encroachment 45 years after the initiation of differing grazing treatments within a semiarid savanna of the southern Great Plains, USA. Grazing treatments varied in herbivore type (domestic cattle, sheep, and goats vs. goats only) and grazing intensity (heavy, moderate, and no-herbivory). All individual trees of Juniperus ashei Buchholz, the encroaching woody plant of the area, were removed prior to treatment initiation. Moderate and heavy grazing by a combination of species resulted in similar plant communities, while a history of heavy browsing by goats only and no-herbivory resulted in more distinct communities. Cover of J. ashei did not differ between mixed grazing and no-herbivory treatments, indicating that grazing was not responsible for woody plant encroachment. J. ashei cover within the browsed treatment was a third less compared to other treatments; compositional differences within this treatment are possibly due to reduced cover of woody vegetation. Declines in livestock productivity of the area are likely related to compositional changes resulting from increased woody plants. Livestock production within this semi-arid rangeland is likely unsustainable without management of woody plant encroachment, as communities tend to a closed canopy woodland.  相似文献   

The apparent influence of elephants on the structure of savannahs in Africa may be enhanced by management activities, fire and other herbivores. We separated the effect elephants have on grasses, woody seedlings (<0.5 m) and saplings (0.5–2 m) from the effect of tree canopies (canopy effect), and herbivory (park effect). We defined the canopy effect as the differences between plant abundances and diversity indices under tree canopies and 20 m away from these. Our testing of the park effect relied on the differences in the sub-canopy plant indices inside and outside a protected area that supported a range of herbivores. We based our assessment of the elephant effect on sub-canopy vegetation indices associated with elephant induced reductions in tree canopies. The park and canopy effects were more pronounced than the elephant effect. The park effect suppressed the development of woody seedlings into saplings. Conditions associated with tree canopies benefited woody plants, but not the grasses, as their indices were lower under trees. Elephants reducing canopies facilitated grass species tolerant of direct solar radiation. We concluded that management should consider other agents operating in the system when deciding on reducing the impact that elephants may have on vegetation.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of coppicing on forest ecosystems is important for progress towards sustainable forest management. A newly established coppicing experiment in a secondary temperate deciduous forest in the SE Czech Republic provides a rather unique insight into succession driven by canopy thinning in a forest still lacking species typical for forests established a long time ago. Herbaceous layer vegetation was monitored for four subsequent years in 2012–2015. We focused on the influence of canopy thinning intensity in two different forest types defined by dominant tree species (oak and lime). Our results showed that the opening of the canopy had immediate effects on herbaceous vegetation. Coverage, species richness and compositional patterns followed the coppicing intensity gradient. The dominant tree species had contrasting effects. Under oak, the reaction to coppicing was weak. Under lime, strong reaction both related to coppicing intensity and temporal development was observed. Herbs with short life cycle had the greatest contribution, but perennial grasses also began to increase their coverage after coppicing. Several invasive species, mostly short-lived herbs, emerged but are supposed to retreat as the succession will proceed. We conclude that coppice introduction into a secondary forest led to contrasting patterns related to dominant tree species. The marked difference was probably due to the slow succession towards a future forest community saturated by species. This process may now be further diversified by coppicing management.  相似文献   

Grazing removes a plant’s aboveground vegetative and reproductive tissues and can modify the soil seed bank, potentially impacting the restoration of preferred species. Knowledge about aboveground vegetation and species composition of soil seed bank and the processes that contribute to vegetation recovery on and surrounding watering points subjected to grazing is lacking. Successful restoration strategies hinge on addressing these knowledge gaps. We assessed the effects of livestock grazing on aboveground vegetation and soil seed bank characteristics along a river bank and surrounding areas subject to different grazing intensities and draw implications for restoration. Plots (50?×?50 m) were established along five transects representing differing levels of grazing intensity. Soil samples were taken from three layers within each plot to determine soil properties and species composition of soil seed bank using the seedling emergence method. Heavy grazing resulted in the disappearance of perennial grasses, a reduction in species diversity and a decrease in soil nutrients with increased soil depth. Overall, the similarity between the extant aboveground vegetation and flora within the soil seed bank was low. The soil seed bank was dominated by herbaceous species and two woody species, suggesting that many woody species are not accumulating in the soil. With increasing soil depth, the seed density and richness declined. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCAs) showed that emerged seedlings from the soil seed bank were significantly influenced by soil carbon, organic matter, total nitrogen, total potassium and soil cation exchange capacity. This finding suggests that current grazing practices have a negative impact on the vegetation surrounding watering points; hence there is a need for improved grazing management strategies and vegetation restoration in these areas. The soil seed bank alone cannot restore degraded river banks; active transfer of propagules from adjacent undisturbed forest areas is essential.  相似文献   

Abstract In eastern Australia the practice of grazing cattle in eucalypt forests and woodlands, as a supplementary activity to farmland grazing, is widespread. It is typically accompanied by burning at frequent intervals by graziers to promote more nutritious and digestible growth of the ground cover for their livestock. Collectively, these forest grazing practices affect understorey structure, which in turn affects other biotic and abiotic components of these ecosystems. In order to test how significant the effects of forest grazing practices are relative to the effects of other management practices and environmental variables and the degree to which grazing practices determine understorey vegetation structure, we surveyed 58 sites on the northern tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. All sites were located in eucalypt forest and were stratified by grazing status (presence or absence): time since logging, time since wildfire, geology, aspect, slope and topographic position. At each site an index of vegetation complexity and the most abundant plant species were recorded. The data were analysed by a backwards stepwise multiple regression. Grazing practices had the greatest influence on understorey vegetation complexity of any of the measured attributes. The grazed sites were characterized by a significantly lower vegetation complexity score, different dominant understorey species, reduced or absent shrub layers, and an open, simplified and more grassy understorey structure compared with ungrazed sites. Time since logging and time since wildfire also significantly affected understorey structure. Our results indicate that cattle grazing practices (i.e. grazing and the associated frequent fire regimes) can have major effects on forest structure and composition at a regional level.  相似文献   

Abstract Georeferenced digital aerial photographs were used to assess changes in overstorey vegetation cover since 1948 in the Victoria River District, Northern Territory, Australia, across a range of lowland tropical savanna habitats and with explicit consideration of known and variable site‐specific grazing and fire management histories. Vegetation surveys at corresponding locations on the ground identified five distinct woody vegetation communities defined primarily by water drainage and secondarily by soil characteristics. Air‐photo analyses revealed that, contrary to popular perceptions and in contrast to results from other habitats, there has been no generalized net increase in overstorey woody vegetation cover across the full range of lowland savanna habitats. Rather, different habitats exhibited distinctly different vegetation change mechanisms: low‐lying seasonally inundated ‘wet’ habitats have experienced woody vegetation increase since 1948, whereas well‐drained ‘dry’ habitats have experienced overstorey vegetation stability or loss. In almost every instance woody vegetation increase could be attributed to the invasion or proliferation of a single species, Melaleuca minutifolia F.Muell. The extent of M. minutifolia increase was unrelated to historical grazing/fire regime. Demographic analyses for this species revealed that recruitment was often episodic and that synchronized recruitment events occurred uniformly across the full range of historical management treatments, most likely as a consequence of favourable climatic conditions in years with an extended wet season. Heavy grazing facilitated juvenile survival and/or recruitment, most likely by reducing grassy fuel loads and eliminating landscape fire. We conclude that while there has been no generalized net increase in overstorey woody vegetation cover in lowland environments, savanna dynamics are complex, and multiple change mechanisms have occurred simultaneously in different habitats, some of which have been significantly transformed since 1948. Where net woody vegetation increase has occurred it is primarily a natural consequence of episodic M. minutifolia establishment in climatically favourable years, but the extent and magnitude of this effect is likely mediated by fire/grazing regime.  相似文献   

In the tropics, some agricultural lands are abandoned for economic or technical reasons, leading to the recovery of woody vegetation. Our research aimed to identify the main drivers of spontaneous recovery of vegetation in a basin located in the Colombian Andes. This was done by combining spatially explicit environmental and socioeconomic variables at landscape (e.g. distances to human settlements, to roads, and to forests and mean annual precipitation) and local scales (e.g. depth of the organic layer, soil bulk density, and canopy openness). These variables were measured in 28 temporal plots of 500 m2 each, established in land cover transitions that showed the recovery of woody vegetation. The recovered woody vegetation between 1986 and 2012 exhibited a gregarious spatial pattern at the landscape scale. Ordination analysis showed distinct floristic composition among transitions and remnant forests, and species associated to each one through an indicator species analysis. Multivariate analyses revealed the relationship between the transitions and variables at both scales. Woody vegetation recovery occurred near remnant forests and far from human settlements at the landscape scale. The soil conditions (content and depth of the organic horizon and bulk density) were the main drivers at the local scale. Our findings also highlight the necessity to define different restoration approaches such as incorporation of sites where socioeconomic and environmental conditions favor the spontaneous recovery of vegetation into the existing network of protected areas in the region, and to implement active restoration projects in perturbed sites to accelerate the recovery process of Andean forests.  相似文献   

Aim Lowland woodlands in Europe went through dramatic changes in management in the past century. This article investigates the influence of two key factors, abandonment of coppicing and increased pressure of ungulates, in thermophilous oakwoods. We focused on three interconnected topics: (1) Has the assumed successional trend lead to impoverishment of the vegetation assemblages? (2) Has it resulted in vegetation homogenization? (3) Are the thermophilous oakwoods loosing their original character? Location Czech Republic, Central Europe. Methods The vegetation in 46 semi‐permanent plots was recorded three times: firstly, shortly after the abandonment of coppicing (1953) and then, after four to six decades of secondary succession and strong game impact (1992 and 2006). Overall trends and changes in species spectra were analysed. Results There is a marked successional shift towards species‐poorer communities growing in cooler, moister and nutrient‐richer conditions. The change was significantly different in parts affected and unaffected by high numbers of ungulates yet only for herbs, not the woody species. However, observed change in species composition was not accompanied by significant homogenization process that is the general process reported from elsewhere. A sharp decline in plant species typical for thermophilous woodland communities and in endangered species indicates that the original character of the woodland has been gradually lost. Main conclusions Thermophilous oakwoods have been largely replaced by mesic forests. Lowland oakwoods in continental parts of Europe historically depended on active management, which kept the understorey conditions light and warm. Successional processes in the 20th century caused a critical loss of species diversity at various spatial levels. However, artificially high numbers of ungulates, which otherwise have a negative impact, probably held up succession, so that the changes may still be reversible.  相似文献   

Grasshopper abundance and diversity vary with management practices such as fire and grazing. Understanding how grasshopper life history traits such as fecundity respond to management practices is key to predicting grasshopper population dynamics in heterogeneous environments. Landscape-level experimental fire and bison grazing treatments at the Konza Prairie Biological Station (Manhattan, KS) provide an opportunity to examine how management affects grasshopper fecundity. Here we report on grasshopper fecundity for nine common species at Konza Prairie. From 2007 to 2009, adult female grasshoppers were collected every 3 wk from eight watersheds that varied in fire and grazing treatments. Fecundity was measured by examining female reproductive tracts, which contain a record of past and current reproductive activity. Body size was a poor predictor of fecundity for all species. Despite large differences in vegetation structure and composition with management regime (grazing and fire interval), we observed little effect of management on grasshopper fecundity. Habitat characteristics (grasshopper density, vegetation biomass, and vegetation quality; measured in 2008 and 2009) were better predictors of past fecundity than current fecundity, with species-specific responses. Fecundity increased throughout the summer, indicating that grasshoppers were able to acquire sufficient nutritional resources for egg production in the early fall when vegetation quality is generally low. Because fecundity did not vary across management treatments, population stage structure may be more important for determining population level reproduction than management regime at Konza Prairie.  相似文献   

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