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Rivers with a natural flooding regime and gravel accumulations are an important natural habitat endangered by regulations and other types of human impact. Succession after disturbances by floods creates a mosaic of different vegetation types, some of them containing rare specialist species. We studied vegetation succession and changes in plant diversity on river gravel bars of four streams in the Western Carpathians and their foothills in the eastern Czech Republic. This area experienced extreme 50-year flood event in May 2010. Gravel bar vegetation was destroyed, some of the former bars were covered by sediments, and some new bars arose. We sampled gravel bar vegetation two months after the floods and repeated the sampling on each site during the next three years. Initial vegetation has developed through a sparse and species-rich stage into denser stands with more shade-tolerant species. In the fourth year, tall herbs, such as Urtica dioica, Phalaris arundinacea and the alien Impatiens glandulifera, dominated the communities, but shrub vegetation started to develop only in a few places. Species capable of vegetative dispersal prevailed over species dispersed by seeds only. Altitude and size of gravel/stone particles were identified as important factors affecting vegetation succession. The succession ran faster on gravelly substrates at lower altitudes than on stony substrates at higher altitudes. Although the studied streams are partly influenced by human interventions and host only few gravel bar specialists, they are of considerable conservation importance.  相似文献   

Ryukyu-ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis) is an amphidromous fish species that migrates between the sea and rivers over its one-year life span. Although growth performance during the early marine stage may affect growth in the later riverine stage of this species’ life cycle, no studies have specifically examined this relationship in P. a. ryukyuensis. In the present study, we reconstructed the growth trajectories of P. a. ryukyuensis individuals collected from the Yakugachi River, Amami-Oshima Island, Japan in 2016 (n?=?47) throughout their growth period in both the sea and river by using otolith analysis. Using this, we determined the age and body size of individuals at the time of their upstream migration, as well as their growth rates during the marine and riverine stages. Results showed that body size at upstream migration significantly affected body size at the riverine stage, indicating that juveniles with larger body size in the sea had better growth performance in the river. Individuals with higher growth rates during the marine stage tended to enter the river younger and at larger body sizes than those with lower marine growth rates. Our results demonstrated the close linkage between the growth performance in the sea and in rivers of P. a. ryukyuensis. This information will contribute to better understanding variations in growth patterns of this endangered species and potentially aid in its conservation.  相似文献   

In the context of global environmental changes, Mediterranean rivers are considered highly endangered. Temporal and spatial increases of the dry stretches during the summer lead to the loss of river tridimensional connectivity, which represents a major threat for freshwater biodiversity. In this study, we aimed at exploring the response of diatom communities to summer droughts by analyzing taxonomical composition, specific ecological requirements, ecological guilds and percentages of endangered species. The evolution of diatom communities was monitored under both intermediate and intermittent flows, with traditional and innovative sampling procedures, i.e. collecting diatoms from transects and microhabitats, respectively. Microhabitats differed in terms of water velocity, substrate, isolation and presence of macrophytes. Diatom flora was mainly composed of β-mesasoprobous taxa. We highlighted an increase of species considered as aerophilous and planktonic in sites characterized by intermittent flow. In general, ecological guilds did not respond to hydrological disturbance as expected. Statistical models identified the maintenance of a minimum of 0.20 m/s flow velocity as the main factor influencing the abundance of endangered species. Conversely, flow instability, lentification and habitat fragmentation represented the major threats for endangered species. In conclusion, diatoms can provide useful information to improve river management practices when faced with an increasing water scarcity scenario. Water stability and river habitat heterogeneity strongly favor the presence of endangered diatom species. In the absence of these conditions, isolated pools surrounded by dry riverbed are very important habitats to be preserved, representing the only refugia for benthic diatom communities during summer.  相似文献   

Natural floodplains belong to the most species-rich ecosystems worldwide. However, over the last decades there has been a strong decrease in the extent of natural floodplains. As a consequence, the biodiversity of these ecosystems has experienced a dramatic decline. In this study, we investigated the habitat and food preferences of the grasshopper species Chorthippus binotatus on gravel banks of a nearly natural river system in the Spanish Pyrenees. The studied plots on the alluvial gravel banks in the Spanish Pyrenees were characterised by strong differences in habitat structure. However, C. binotatus only occurred in sparsely-vegetated sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands. The abundance of the grasshopper species was also strongly related to habitat structure and cover of the main food source and dominant plant species of these open grasslands, the dwarf shrub Genista scorpius. Concerning habitat structure, the grasshopper species preferred habitats with sparse and low-growing vegetation with a high cover of bare ground and gravel/stones. C. binotatus occupies a very narrow ecological niche within the studied floodplain. It requires sparsely-vegetated gravel banks that ensure sufficient oviposition sites and a favourable ambient temperature for optimal development. G. scorpius dwarf shrubs have to be considered as multi-functional key elements in the habitats of C. binotatus. They offer high-quality food, shelter against predators and allow thermoregulation in a hot and dry Mediterranean environment. For the conservation of C. binotatus, we recommend maintaining and restoring both natural floodplain dynamics as well as traditional grazing systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve our understanding of seasonal variations and the effects of physicochemical conditions on the bacterioplankton communities in two small rivers, the Moo and Nakayachi Rivers in the Himi region of central Japan. These rivers are inhabited by unionid freshwater mussels, which are used for oviposition by the endangered Itasenpara bitterling (Acheilognathus longipinnis). Water samples were collected every month between March 2011 and February 2012. Changes in bacterioplankton community structures were analysed using an approach that did not require cultivating the bacteria and involved PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. The bacterioplankton community structures in the two rivers were similar in all seasons except winter. The bacterial sequences identified were dominated by typical freshwater Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, and β-Proteobacteria bacterioplankton. Many β-Proteobacteria species were detected in all seasons, but Bacteroidetes species were dominant in the winter. The bacterioplankton community structures were affected by biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll-a concentration, water depth, and water temperature. These results provide a foundation for a more detailed understanding of the conditions that provide a suitable unionid habitat.  相似文献   

Classification of riverbed geomorphic surfaces based on flooding frequency was conducted and the relationship between their distribution and river morphology was analyzed, to provide an understanding of the structure and species composition of riparian forests dominated by Chosenia arbutifolia. The channel floors of two contrasting river morphologies (bar-braided and incised meandering channels), were divided into five geomorphic surfaces (gravel bar, lower and upper floodplains, secondary channel, and terrace) based on the water level of a 2-yr and a 20-yr recurrence interval. The environmental variables of the same geomorphic surfaces showed similar trends regardless of braided and meandering channel morphology, but differed significantly among the five geomorphic surfaces, which influenced the dominance of tree species. The geomorphic surface map based on recurrence interval of flood and physiognomical vegetation map based on aerial photos appeared almost identical. Geomorphic surface distribution, determined by river channel dynamics and the sediment transport processes occurring at a larger scale and a longer time frame, played an important role in shaping the structure and composition of the riparian forests. C. arbutifolia dominated gravel bar, and the upper and lower floodplains, because these geomorphic surfaces were characterized by gravelly soils which have lower soil moisture availability than soils of other geomorphic surfaces. Thus, an extensive distribution of C. arbutifolia in the braided channel section can be attributed to the frequent lateral migrations of river channels, which resulted in a high ratio of gravel bars, and lower and upper floodplains. In order to preserve indigenous plant communities in riparian zone, dynamic nature and processes of braided rivers should be maintained.  相似文献   

Gravel bars are characteristic components of river landscapes and are increasingly recognized as key sites for many waterbirds, though detailed studies on the ecological function of gravel bars for waterbirds are rare. In this study, we surveyed the endangered Scaly-sided Merganser Mergus squamatus along a 40 km river section of Yuan River, in Central China, for three consecutive winters. We derived the landscape metrics of river gravel bars from geo-rectified fine resolution (0.6 m) aerial image data. We then built habitat suitability models (Generalized Linear Models—GLMs) to study the effects of landscape metrics and human disturbance on Scaly-sided Merganser presence probability. We found that 1) the Scaly-sided Merganser tended to congregate at river segments with more gravel patches; 2) the Scaly-sided Merganser preferred areas with larger and more contiguous gravel patches; and 3) the number of houses along the river bank (a proxy for anthropogenic disturbance) had significantly negative impacts on the occurrence of the Scaly-sided Merganser. Our results suggest that gravel bars are vital to the Scaly-sided Merganser as shelters from disturbance, as well as sites for feeding and roosting. Therefore, maintaining the exposure of gravel bars in regulated rivers during the low water period in winter might be the key for the conservation of the endangered species. These findings have important implications for understanding behavioral evolution and distribution of the species and for delineating between habitats of different quality for conservation and management.  相似文献   

This article focuses on assessing the habitats characteristics of endangered Calamagrostis pseudophragmites in selected localities in the Czech Republic with different river engineering measures, which can potentially influence the occurrence of this species. Furthermore, we give some general recommendations for management practices based on our results to promote the conservation of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites.Our research shows that there is a high correlation between Calamagrostis pseudophragmites and natural or near natural sunny biotopes on gravel bars or straight reaches near the water level that consist of non-silted gravel substrates with a higher concentration of pebbles or cobbles, which are typical of piedmont and mountain-valley areas. Many of these areas are rapidly disappearing due to intensive anthropogenic pressure. We also found that Calamagrostis pseudophragmites is temporarily capable of surviving among other competitively stronger plant communities.To assess the potential influence of river engineering we selected two different types of rivers where this species is present – one was heavily altered by both the construction of a water reservoir in its upper reach and channelization of the stream, the other was less severely regulated by the construction of several weirs. Our results show differences in the occurrence of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites between the two rivers, being found at three times as many localities in the less regulated river than in the more regulated one. This corresponds with a higher number of gravel bars in the less regulated river.Based on our results, our general recommendations for the management of this species include only the partial removal of gravel bars (to ensure flood control in populated areas), blocking vegetation succession by removing woody vegetation and aggressive invasive species, the restoration of natural river dynamics, and connecting existing biotopes where this species is found.  相似文献   

The river shrimp Athyaephyra desmaresti is a Mediterranean species which in recent years expanded its distribution, colonizing rivers of central Europe. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of passive external dispersal of the river shrimp Athyaephyra desmaresti by waterfowl. We performed experiments testing shrimp desiccation survival, probability of attachment to waterfowl, and probability of successful transport. We found that in the laboratory 10% of the river shrimps can survive out of water for up to 90.1 min, but this period was reduced to 18.5 min under simulated bird flight conditions. Two different outdoor experiments simulating bird flight conditions indicated a 50% probability of successful transport on flight distances over 15 km. Our results using dead ducks show evidence that small, large or ovigerous river shrimps can attach to and be transported by ducks and that this capacity is affected by water depth. This study demonstrated that waterbird-mediated passive dispersal of river shrimps can occur and may be important for genetic flows between populations and for the colonization of new sites.  相似文献   

Quaking rich fens dominated by boreal semi-aquatic brown-mosses such as Scorpidium scorpioides and Calliergon trifarium are extremely rare in the Carpathians. These fens harbour endangered species persisting at few localities in the region. However, their phytosociological classification has not been sufficiently solved yet, because they lack Sphagnum species as well as calcicole species characteristic for the Caricion davallianae alliance. A recent pan-European synthesis on fen vegetation suggests that these fens belong to the Stygio-Caricion limosae alliance (boreal rich fen vegetation). The isolated occurrence of this alliance southward of the boreal zone and outside the Alps is rather exceptional and might represent a relict from an early post-glacial period. In this study, we compared phytosociological data for the Stygio-Caricion limosae alliance between Northern Europe and the Carpathians plus adjacent regions (the Bohemian Massif, the Dinaric Alps) using NMDS and cluster analysis. We found that the species composition of brown-moss quaking rich fens in Central and Southeastern Europe corresponds well with that in Northern Europe, confirming their assignment to Stygio-Caricion limosae. We further reconstructed the potential past distribution of the alliance in Czech Republic and Slovakia using available floristic and macrofossil data. Macrofossil data suggest that this vegetation type had been much more common in Central Europe and that today it persists only in ancient fens, showing the long-term stability of environmental conditions. The main causes of its present-day rarity are Middle-Holocene woodland phases in fens and recent water table decreases caused by anthropogenic deterioration of the water regime in the landscape.  相似文献   

The populations of two endangered species—the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera and the thick shelled river mussel Unio crassus in Latvia were studied. The specimens were counted, measured, population density and age structure were calculated. The possible host fish presence was found.  相似文献   

The present study sought to identify general patterns of genetic variability and structure of fish stocks (migratory and non-migratory species) along one of the largest Brazilian rivers, the São Francisco. Given that genetic variability of populations of all organisms is governed by both present and past influences, herein we investigate both these aspects by evaluating the current genetic differences between populations of five species (Leporinus piau, Megaleporinus reinhardti, Pimelodus maculatus, Prochilodus argenteus, and Pygocentrus piraya) along the entire extension of the river, as well as their demographic history. Analyses were done through sequences of two mitochondrial fragments and microsatellite data. In general, the data showed no support for recent fragmentation of stocks by the dams present in this river, and that all species show signs of past population expansion. We discuss the possible reasons for the common patterns found between these species, including the influence of the river’s topography and history.  相似文献   

Human activity and land use changes in the past decades have led to landscape homogenization and small-scale fragmentation of grassland habitats in most regions of central Europe. As a result, populations of many grassland species are small and strongly fragmented, facing extinction due to genetic depauperation and local maladaptation in remnant habitats. In this study, remaining populations of the strongly endangered grassland species Dianthus seguieri ssp. glaber (“Ragged Pink”) in Bavaria were investigated in order to evaluate the environmental factors influencing its genetic variation and performance. We first evaluated habitat, vegetation and population structure. Species performance was then studied by assessing the number of generative shoots, flowers and fertile capsules; and evaluating seed weight and seed viability. Finally, genetic variation was analyzed using molecular markers (AFLPs). Our analyses revealed that population size and land use abandonment have the strongest impact on genetic variation and species’ performance. Large and extended populations were most variable. 72 % of overall genetic variability of Dianthus seguieri ssp. glaber was found to be within populations, whereas 28 % remained between populations. Increased vegetation height and coverage, and a high proportion of gramineous species resulting from the lack of land use, reduced genetic variation, effective fruit and seed set. Our study shows that both population size and land use abandonment need to be considered to ensure the long term protection of endangered plant species. Maintaining an open habitat structure and adequate soil nutrient conditions through targeted annual mowing regime, over-storey vegetation trimming and green waste removal and the establishment of vegetation buffer strips will allow this species’ persistence and continuous recruitment.  相似文献   

The Morava river forms a border 71 km in length between Slovakia and Austria. Along this stretch of river is the largest complex of flooded grasslands in Central Europe, most of which lays on the Slovak side. Most of the grasslands belong to the subcontinental vegetation alliance Cnidion, with smaller areas of Alopecurion and Molinion. The grasslands are biotopes of many endangered plant and animal species. The influence of water regime dynamics on species composition have been studied since 1992 along permanent transects. The results of studies on the relation between water regime dynamics, vegetation and soils on the whole section of the Morava River floodplain are presented.  相似文献   

Raised bogs dominated by the vegetation association Ledo-Sphagnetum magellanici Sukopp 1959 em. Neuhäusl 1969 are a valuable and ecologically important plant community that occurs in Central Europe. They develop in impervious depressions with precipitation as the only water source, and are particularly sensitive to drainage, climate change, eutrophication and overgrowing by trees and shrubs. The high pressure of threat justifies taking protective measures. This research focused on the effects of the removal of birch from two bogs, which were dominated by two birch species (Betula pubescens, B. pendula) and also included stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris); the bogs are located in northeastern Poland and showed signs of drying. The trees were removed in early spring 2008. To capture the response to tree cutting, vegetation monitoring was performed for 7 years. The results were compared to pre-cutting environmental conditions (precipitation, temperature, air transpiration). At the first site, which was drained at the beginning of the twentieth century, the ground water level initially decreased; then, from 2010 onwards, the level stabilised and exhibited a negative correlation with the average annual air temperature. While the second site exhibited no significant differences in the ground water table, a correlation with the average annual rainfall was found. At both sites, there was an increase in the coverage of species appropriate for raised bogs, Oxycocco-Sphagnatea Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. 1943, whereas only the second site had significant coverage of these species. These actions improved the habitat conditions and initiated the process of raised bog restoration at that site because Oxycocco-Sphagnatea species cover and frequency increased.  相似文献   

Aquatic vegetation of Hydrochari-Lemnetea and Potametea classes in the Danube-Tisza-Danube hydrosystem (Hs DTD) was studied in 2009–2012, by applying the standard Braun-Blanquet method. The canal network vegetation comprises 14 associations, with Trapetum natantis and Ceratophylletum demersi being the most widely distributed. Hs DTD is also a habitat for several important endangered species, which serve as edificators of the following phytocenoses: Nymphaeetum albae, Nymphaeetum albo-luteae, Nymphoidetum peltatae, Trapetum natantis, Lemno-Spirodeletum, Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae, Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris, Potametum nodosi, Myriophyllo-Potametum and Najadetum marinae. In the studied vegetation, we also found an invasive phytocenosis Elodeetum canadensis that did not have an expanding tendency, and Ceratophyllo demersi-Vallisnerietum spiralis that had this tendency, which made monitoring its stands necessary. Physico-chemical analyses of water, conducted at localities in which the studied phytocenoses thrive, revealed that the development and distribution of most phytocenoses is closely linked with specific habitat conditions. Among the studied parameters, the most significant for the phytocenoses differentiation were: pH, alkalinity, COD-MnO4, BOD5, NO 3 ? , NO 2 ? , PO 4 3? and the concentration of total phosphorus.  相似文献   

We evaluated the combined effects of fire after drought on the seed bank composition and its role in the postfire recovery of NW Patagonia grasslands. During three years, we monitored the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation. Species were arranged in functional groups and Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to separate sites according to species and functional groups. Similarity between aboveground vegetation and seed bank was calculated with SØrensen Index. In the first year, the seed density was similar in the control and burned sites and was lower than following years in all the sites. The species that survived the high temperatures were all annuals with the exception of the perennial species Fabiana imbricata and Rumex acetosella. In the second postfire year, the diversity and seed density increased due to the contribution of fugitive species (rare in the community) and exotic annual species. Seed bank of perennial species was the most affected by fire and just recovered in the third year. Drought did not affect the similarity between the seed bank and vegetation. Fire had low impact on the total seed bank, probably due to the heat buffering nature of the soil, whereas drought reduced significantly seed bank size and richness. Seed bank contributes to grassland richness maintenance.  相似文献   

Very high-severity fires are a component of many fire-prone ecosystems, yet are often viewed as detrimental to vegetation. However, species in such systems are likely to have adapted to persist under a fire regime that includes high-severity fires. We examined how fire severity affects post-fire recruitment and residual seed banks of Acacia species and whether severity may affect plant responses to fire intervals. Nine sites of either high or low burn severity were identified after a large-scale mixed-severity fire in Warrumbungle National Park, south-eastern Australia. Transects were used to sample above-ground woody plant density. Seed bank size was surveyed by soil extraction from two depths and manual searching for seeds. Residual soil seed bank and recruitment were compared across the two burn severities. Acacia seedling density was higher in areas burnt at high severity, indicating that increased severity triggers increased germination from the seed bank. Size of residual seed bank was smaller after high-severity fire, but varied between species, with few Acacia cheelii seeds remaining despite high above-ground abundance. In contrast, A. penninervis retained a small residual seed bank. There was little evidence of negative effects on populations of Acacia species after high-severity burns. However, we found that high fire severity may impact on the ability of a species to persist in response to a subsequent short fire interval. Fire management for maintaining biodiversity needs to consider other key aspects of the fire regime, including severity and season, rather than focusing solely on fire frequency.  相似文献   

In situ edaphic factors affecting seed germination and seedling emergence of three framework species of Acacia were investigated with the intent of developing fundamental and scalable restoration capacity for Arabian dryland restoration. Direct seeding represents the most efficient means to restore vegetation at the landscape scale and this study provides insight into edaphic and ecological limitations, as well as effective protocols governing the use of native seeds for restoration in hyper-arid environments. The study was conducted in extant Acacia woodland habitat on conserved land (Thumamah Nature Park) in close proximity to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Broad-scale direct seeding using un- and pretreated Acacia gerrardii, A. tortilis, and A. ehrenbergiana seed, and two seed burial depths were implemented across three sites with distinct soil surface characteristics. Eight weeks post-sowing, random samples for each species × seed treatment × burial depth combination were excavated, sieved, and categorized as follows: failed to germinate, germinated but died prior to emerging, or successfully emerged. We show that germination and emergence of Acacia gerrardii, A. tortilis, and A. ehrenbergiana were driven by a three-way interaction among species, site, and seed burial depth. Treating seed with the signaling compound Moddus did not have a definitive effect, positive or negative, on any of the species investigated. Acacia gerrardii was the only species that exhibited widespread emergence, though emergence was not consistent across sites or burial depths. Germination was highest in disturbed soil (up to 69% for A. gerrardii), but very few (<2%) successfully emerged; a greater proportion of germinants in sandy soil emerged (up to 44% for A. gerrardii) even though the overall germination was less. Though species-dependent, a 2-cm sowing depth was most effective in sand; while in disturbed soil, sowing depths of 1 and 2 cm were comparable; and no germination was observed in gravelly clay soil. Sandy soil exhibited rapid water infiltration (107.6 mm min?1), and post-sowing surface crusting was a non-factor (0.44 kg cm?2). Disturbed soil exhibited moderate water infiltration (1.46 mm min?1) and post-sowing surface crusting was double that of sand (0.88 kg cm?2) and restrictive on seedling emergence. Gravelly clay exhibited extremely poor water infiltration (0.12 mm min?1), and surface crusting was severe (4.49 kg cm?2) and an order of magnitude greater than sand. The medium-coarse sand fraction, a key driver of the observed soil surface processes, was greatest in sand (55%) and significantly less and uniform in the disturbed (22%) and gravelly clay (22%) soils. Our findings demonstrate that soil surface characteristics and associated processes can dictate ecological processes at depths as shallow as 1–2 cm, and that soil crusts that slow water infiltration and impede seedling emergence rapidly reconstitute after disturbance; both are important considerations for restoring dryland vegetation.  相似文献   

The bionomics of Leptochilus membranaceus (Morawitz) was studied in Crimea. The species is confined to herbaceous xerophytic habitats with sparse vegetation and has two generations per year. Adult feeding was recorded on flowers of 8 plant species of 6 families. A single nest was found in an old acridid egg pod in clayey soil. The inner cavity of the empty egg pod was 12 mm long and 3 mm wide. The nest contained one cell with a prepupa in the cocoon. The cell was sealed with a final plug 2 mm thick, made of gravel and mud. The cocoon consisted of three equal thin layers, the outer layer being firmly attached to the cell walls. Females of L. membranaceus do not visit water sources. The origin of the agent bonding the building material (soil) used by L. membranaceus and other congeneric species is discussed. In addition, nests of Ancistrocerus scoticus (Curtis) are also discussed; these nests occur in old acridid egg pods which were earlier misinterpreted as bottle-shaped cells built by the wasps themselves.  相似文献   

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