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Petra Hirschberger 《Oecologia》1998,116(1-2):136-142
Competitive interactions in northern temperate dung beetles are poorly understood. This investigation therefore comprises a series of field and experimental work on a dung beetle species common in northern Europe, Aphodius ater, with special focus on intraspecific competitive interactions. The between-pat distribution of adult A. ater in relation to the age of sheep dung pats was studied in the field. The distribution of both sexes was contagious in the fresh pats but became more regular with increasing pat age. The successional occurrence of males and females did not differ, but immature females tended to occur in fresh pats while mature females were mainly found in older pats. With increasing age of pats, the egg load of females also increased. Egg-laying behaviour of the beetles was studied in laboratory experiments. The mean number of eggs laid per female per dung pat decreased with increasing beetle density. Thus, density-dependent processes seem to regulate resource utilisation with regard to breeding behaviour, resulting in equal exploitation of the available pats. Survival and weight of recently hatched beetles decreased with increasing initial density of eggs. Hence, in A. ater, competition between larvae for food within pats does occur. Received: 4 February 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

1. Competition for food at high densities during larval development leads to reduced adult weight in the northern temperate dung beetle Aphodius ater. 2. Analysis of female beetles caught in the field showed that numbers of eggs and total egg load per female were correlated positively with beetle size. 3. Female beetles reared at different population densities during larval development in the laboratory were analysed with regard to their lifetime fecundity and reproductive lifespan. 4. High population densities during development had a negative influence on the number of eggs per female and on reproductive lifespan. Lifetime fecundity was correlated positively with female weight. 5. It was concluded that competition during larval development in the first generation of offspring will result in a lower number of offspring in the second generation in Aphodius ater, and thereby reduce parental fitness.  相似文献   

1. In temperate climates, dung is often colonised by several species of endocoprid (dwelling) dung beetles which use pats for feeding, shelter, and reproduction. 2. Endocoprid beetles aggregate even when offered patches (dung pats) of consistent age, size, and origin, suggesting that beetles themselves might influence the attractiveness of patches to members of their own species. Both pheromones, and physical changes to the structure of dung pats caused by colonising beetles have been suggested as mechanisms facilitating intraspecific aggregation, but neither of these hypotheses have been empirically tested. 3. Using a common European dung beetle (Aphodius fossor L.), we conducted a simple choice experiment designed to test whether (i) earlier colonisation by conspecifics could alter dung attractiveness and (ii) whether attraction was influenced by sex‐specific signals. 4. We found that female beetles are repelled by dung colonised by conspecific females and are attracted to dung colonised by conspecific males. Male beetles show no evidence of attraction or repellence for dung colonised by either sex. Neither in females nor males was uncolonised dung found to be significantly more or less attractive than predicted by non‐preference. 5. Our results suggest that for A. fossor male‐produced signals may support mate finding in patchy environments, and that female‐produced signals may serve to discourage subsequent colonisation by additional females.  相似文献   

Aerial drift of the juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), pyriproxyfen (Nemesis 100 ec®), used to control red scale on citrus on farms close to the Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa, was suspected of causing a decline in a population of the rare dung beetle species Circellium bacchus (F.) in the Park. The effect of pyriproxyfen on fertility and egg viability, as well as larval, pupal and callow adult development of C. bacchus was studied in a laboratory assay. Adult beetles, soil surface and the initial dung supply were exposed to pyriproxyfen applied as a spray at 10 times less than the concentration used commercially to simulate spray drift. Exposure of adult beetles to pyriproxyfen did not affect egg production or the viability of eggs, nor did the compound have adverse effects on immature development, indicating that pyriproxyfen is unlikely to be the cause of the observed population depression of C. bacchus.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Regional scarabaeid dung beetle assemblages in southern Africa may contain over 100 species, ranging in live weight from 10 mg to 10 g. These show a wide variety of dung-use and reproductive strategies.
2. To facilitate analysis of these diverse assemblages, a system of classification analogous to guilds is proposed. Scarabaeid dung beetle species are allocated to one of seven functional groups (FGs) according to the way they use and disrupt dung. Each group therefore contains a set of species which are functional analogues of each other. This classification provides a conceptual framework within which to analyse the structure of dung beetle assemblages and the interactions between dung beetles and other dung-breeding species such as coprophagous flies.
3. There is a clear hierarchy of functional groups in their ability to compete for dung. Competitively dominant groups such as the large ball rollers (FG I) and fast-burying tunnellers (FG III) are mostly large, aggressive beetles which rapidly remove dung from the pad. The smaller ball rollers (FG II) are also effective competitors for dung. Subordinate groups are those which bury dung slowly over many days (FG IV and V) and those which breed inside the pad (FG VII, endocoprids). Kleptocoprids (FG VI) breed in dung buried by other beetles and so are not part of the hierarchy.
4. The use of this classification is illustrated by reference to three contrasting assemblages of dung beetles in a summer rainfall region of southern Africa. The potential of these beetles for biological control of dung-breeding flies is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Adult A.rufipes invade fresh dung pats (mainly in August) and stay for a few days in each pat to feed and oviposit; maximum abundances: 0–100 beetles per cattle dung pat. Larval growth is completed within 40–55 days.
2. The dispersion of beetles is contagious or seemingly random. In sunny weather, with rapid crust formation on the dung, pats deposited in the afternoon are invaded by more beetles than those deposited in the morning.
3. In the field, the total number of eggs per pat is significantly less variable than the number of adult beetles; this might indicate a density-dependent, regulatory, rate of oviposition. The subsequent larval mortality is probably density-independent.
4. Experiments confirmed that the number of eggs laid per female-day in the pats was density-dependent.
5. The non-opportunistic reproductive strategy of A.rufipes may have evolved as an adaptation to life in dung pats: at excessive population densities pats might disappear before completion of larval growth.
6. Finally, A.rufipes in dung pats is compared with blowflies breeding in carrion.  相似文献   

The effect of population density on reproduction as well as the oviposition modes of two sympatric dung beetle species, Aphodius haroldianus (a low fecundity/high parental effort species) and A. elegans (a high fecundity/low parental effort species) was studied at a pasture in central Japan from 1982 to 1986.
  1. The adult population density of A. haroldianus was high (>40 per dung pat). The density of A. elegans was low (<5 per dung pat). Oviposition of A. haroldianus was suppressed above the density of about 10 adults of conspecifics but not affected by the density of other species. The intra- and interspecific density effects on oviposition were not detected in A. elegans.
  2. The number of A. haroldianus adults per pat decreased with dung age, while that of A. elegans increased until sixth day after deposition and then decreased. The number of eggs laid per pat was not different between 1-day-and 3-day-old pats for A. haroldianus. However, more eggs of A. elegans were found in 3-day-old pats than in 1-day-old ones.
  3. In the both species, the amplitude of population fluctuations was not remarkable; the maximum/minimum ratio for five years being 2.3 for A. haroldianus and 2.9 for A. elegans. Different density dependent processes were suggested to function for the small fluctuation of population density between the two species, i.e. intraspecific density effect on oviposition for A. haroldianus and contest type competition for food among larvae of A. elegans.

Between-group α- and β-diversity differences were derived from species-area relationships fitted to field data. The accuracy of spatial richness variation predictions based on area size was also checked. The log-log model (log S = c + z log A) was found to be the best-fit linear model, with slopes (z) ranging from 0.089 to 0.142. Between-group comparisons of z (slope) and q (intercept) parameters, using the S = q + cAz curvilinear regression model, corroborated early results, indicating a lower β-diversity (slope) for Scarabaeinae than for Geotrupinae and Aphodiinae. The latter group, probably more sensitive to environmental heterogeneity, should contribute more to species richness in large areas. α-Diversity is greater for Aphodiinae, more relevant to local diversity (1 km2), than for Scarabaeinae and considerably greater for these two groups than for Geotrupinae. As earlier results show that the richness of a single dung pat is rather more a function of the Scarabaeinae species pool, richness on dung pat scales is probably due more to the between-dropping mobile Scarabaeinae, while Aphodiinae contribute mainly to local and regional pool richness. Nearly 88 % of the total richness variance is explained by area size. This percentage decreases to 37 % when the spatial structure of area size and species number are extracted. The corresponding figures for Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae and Geotrupinae are 44, 22 and 31 %, respectively.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effect of resource availability (i.e. sheep dung) on dung beetle communities in an arid region of Central Spain, both at regional and at local scales. A total of 18 sites within 600 km2 were sampled for the regional analysis and 16 sites within the 30 km2 of an Iberian municipality were sampled for the local analysis. Spatial and environmental characteristics of sampling sites were also compiled at both scales, including measures of grazing activity (livestock density at regional scale, and two counts of rabbit and sheep dung at local scale). At a regional scale, any environmental or spatial variable can help to explain the variation in abundance. However, species richness was related to summer precipitation and composition was related to elevation. At local scale, abundance is not significantly related to any of the environmental variables, but species richness was related to the local amount of sheep dung (27% of variance). The amount of dung in a 2‐km buffer around the site accounts for 27–32% of variance in abundance and 60–65% of variance in species richness. The presence of the flock with the highest sheep density explains 53% of abundance variability and 73% of species richness variance. A cluster analysis of localities identified two main groups, one characterized by a lower abundance and species richness that can be considered a nested subsample of the species‐rich group. The mean and maximum amount of sheep dung in the sites separated by less than 2 km are the only significant explanatory variables able to discriminate both groups. These results suggest that grazing intensity (and the associated increase in the amount of trophic resources) is a key factor in determining local variation in the diversity and composition of dung beetle assemblages. However, dung beetle assemblages are not spatially independent at the analysed resolution, and the amount of dung in the surroundings seems to be more important for locally collected species than the dung effectively found in the site. Although differences in the availability and quantity of trophic resources among nearby sites could be affecting the population dynamics and dispersion of dung beetles within a locality, sites with larger populations, and greater species numbers would not be able to exercise enough influence as to bring about a complete local faunistic homogenization.  相似文献   

1. Melanism – the occurrence of dark morphs – in insects has been attributed to differences in, among other things, thermoregulation and immune defence. Dark individuals are hypothesised to perform better in colder areas, and to exhibit stronger melanin‐based immune defence. 2. In the present study, the geographical distribution of two colour morphs in Aphodius depressus (Kugelann), its climatic correlates, and temporal stability was described. Underlying mechanisms were then targeted through experiments: the inheritance of colour through controlled crosses, heating rates by thermal imaging, physiological tolerance by critical thermal limits, and immune efficiency by melanisation of implants. 3. In A. depressus, colour appears inherited by simple Mendelian principles, with red dominating over black. The frequency of two colour morphs forms a large‐scale cline. In the South West of Finland, all individuals are black, whereas, in the North East, most are red. This pattern has remained constant over 13 years (1996–2008). 4. The geographical pattern was not attributable to thermoregulation: black morphs were more abundant in warmer rather than colder parts of the country. In experiments, we found no differences in the heating rate of the two morphs, or in their upper temperature maxima. Neither did the morphs differ in their response to artificial objects inserted in their haemolymph. 5. Overall, colour variation in A. depressus occurs as a stable, genetically determined dimorphism, governed by Mendelian inheritance. Yet, no support for prevailing theory of factors sustaining melanism was found. The reasons for colour polymorphism in insects may thus be complex, and should be sought on a case‐by‐case basis.  相似文献   

1. Insects are sensitive to climate change. Consequently, insect‐mediated ecosystem functions and services may be altered by changing climates. 2. Dung beetles provide multiple services by burying manure. Using climate‐controlled chambers, the effects of warming on dung burial and reproduction by the dung beetle Sisyphus rubrus Paschalidis, 1974 were investigated. Sisyphus rubrus break up dung by forming and rolling away balls of manure for burial and egg deposition. 3. To simulate warming in the chambers, 0, 2 or 4 °C offsets were added to field‐recorded, diurnally fluctuating temperatures. We measured dung ball production and burial, egg laying, survival and residence times of beetles. 4. Temperature did not affect the size or number of dung balls produced; however warming reduced dung ball burial by S. rubrus. Because buried balls were more likely to contain eggs, warming could reduce egg laying via a reduction in ball burial. Warming reduced the humidity inside the chambers, and a positive relationship was found between the number of dung balls produced and humidity in two temperature treatments. Temperature did not affect survival, or whether or not a beetle left a chamber. Beetles that did leave the chambers took longer to do so in the warmest treatment. 5. This study demonstrates that climate warming could reduce reproduction and dung burial by S. rubrus, and is an important first step to understanding warming effects on burial services. Future studies should assess warming effects in field situations, both on individual dung beetle species and on aggregate dung burial services.  相似文献   

  • 1 Single males, single females or pairs of dung beetles, Onthophagus vacca, were released on artificial small (100 g) or large (1000 g) dung pats in the laboratory. Emigrating beetles were trapped at 12 h intervals, and the number and size of the brood chambers were recorded after each replicate.
  • 2 Emigration of males was delayed if females were present in the same dung pats, whereas emigration times of females were independent of the presence or absence of males.
  • 3 A residency of 60 h proved to be a threshold value. Females emigrating before this time did not breed, whereas those emigrating later had built at least two brood chambers.
  • 4 Females paired with males built more brood chambers than single females.
  • 5 The reproductive success of pairs was not influenced by the size of the dung pats.

Much of the literature on the relationship between species richness or functional group richness and measures of ecosystem function focuses on a restricted set of ecosystem function measures and taxonomic groups. Few such studies have been carried out under realistic levels of diversity in the field, particularly in high diversity ecosystems such as tropical forests. We used exclusion experiments to study the effects of dung beetle functional group richness and composition on two interlinked and functionally important ecological processes, dung removal and secondary seed dispersal, in evergreen tropical forest in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Overall, both dung and seed removal increased with dung beetle functional group richness. However, levels of ecosystem functioning were idiosyncratic depending on the identity of the functional groups present, indicating an important role for functional group composition. There was no evidence for interference or competition among functional groups. We found strong evidence for overyielding and transgressive overyielding, suggesting complementarity or facilitation among functional groups. Not all mixtures showed transgressive overyielding, so that complementarity was restricted to particular functional group combinations. Beetles in a single functional group (large nocturnal tunnellers) had a disproportionate influence on measures of ecosystem function: in their absence dung removal is reduced by approximately 75%. However, a full complement of functional groups is required to maximize ecosystem functioning. This study highlights the importance of both functional group identity and species composition in determining the ecosystem consequences of extinctions or altered patterns in the relative abundance of species.  相似文献   

1. The dung beetle Aphodius ater and the yellow dungfly Scatophaga stercoraria are temporally co-occurring species in sheep dung, which they use for reproduction and nutrition ( A. ater ) or for reproduction only ( S. stercoraria ) during the spring in northern Germany. Scatophaga stercoraria uses fresh sheep dung pellets a few hours old for oviposition, whereas A. ater lays eggs into 2–10-day-old pellets. In the present study, the egg laying behaviour of A. ater in sheep dung in relation to the presence of larvae of S. stercoraria was investigated experimentally.
2. Choice experiments, based on examining the egg laying behaviour of beetles in 2- and 4-day-old pellets with and without high and low densities of fly larvae, showed the following. In 2-day-old pellets, the beetles did not distinguish between pellets without fly larvae or with fly larvae at low larval density but avoided laying eggs into pellets with a high larval density. In 4-day-old pellets, the beetles always preferred to lay their eggs into pellets without fly larvae, regardless of larval density.
3. The influence of different densities of larvae of S. stercoraria on dung depletion was examined by measuring the dry weight, organic matter content and organic nitrogen content of the remaining dung after larval development. The presence of the larvae led to a reduction in all three parameters.
4. The beetles' behaviour of laying eggs into older pellets, and their awareness of the presence of high densities of fly larvae, enables them to avoid egg laying into pellets that will have been depleted by fly larvae before the beetle larvae have finished their development.  相似文献   

Dung beetles feed mainly on scarce and ephemeral mammalian faeces making them vulnerable to declines of mammal populations. Therefore, studying how diverse groups like the Scarabaeinae subfamily utilize alternative food sources, such as decomposing invertebrates, enhances our understanding of their distribution and resilience in defaunated areas. One poorly studied aspect of the feeding habits of dung beetles is the potential differences between the sexes and their predatory behaviour. We evaluated how the sex (male and female) of individuals of Chalconotus convexus affected individual resource attraction to different bait types. Since C. convexus is known to feed on faeces, carrion and dead millipedes, we also test whether it can predate live individuals of millipedes. We used a combination of two field samplings and one laboratory experiment, using pitfall traps baited with faeces, carrion, millipedes and millipede's defensive compounds. While the preference for millipede was not associated with sex, we found a significant relationship between faeces and carrion, where females of C. convexus are significantly less attracted to faeces when compared to males and also males are significantly less attracted to carrion when compared to females. Furthermore, we also show that while actively consuming dead millipedes, C. convexus is unable to predate on live individuals. Our study illustrates that the versatility of food sources may help to explain the high abundance and wide distribution of C. convexus in Africa.  相似文献   

Most aquatic vegetation restorations involve the transplantation of submerged macrophytes. Sediment type and the clonal size are of great significance as they determine the fate of submerged macrophytes. In order to ensure successful restoration, a simulation experiment was conducted using aquarium mesocosms to investigate the response of stolon propagation capacity, the morphological features and productivity of Vallisneria natans for four types of sediment (lake mud [L], lake mud + sand [L + S, 50:50, v/v mixture], sand [S], clay [C]), and three types of clonal sizes. Results showed that sediment types significantly affected V. natans biomass accumulation, stolon propagation ability, ramet morphological characteristics, and productivity, where the asexual reproduction ability and productivity ranked as L > L + S > S > C in four sediment types. Total biomass, maximum net production, number of ramets, root diameter, number of stolons, and stolon propagation rate were all highest in L. In L and L + S, the plant chlorophyll content was higher than in S and C. The root diameter and the ratio of aboveground/underground biomass in S were the smallest among the four sediments. Moreover, when more V. natans seedlings were linked, more ramets and biomass were produced. The stolon propagation rate was ranked as the stolon with single seedling greater than the stolon with two‐linked seedlings greater than the stolon with three‐linked seedlings in L and L + S. The concentration of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and NO3?‐N in water was remarkably reduced in four aquariums. Findings provide a scientific basis for restoring submerged macrophytes in different sediment settings.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are very useful insects, as they improve the chemo-physical properties of soil, clean pastures from dung pads, and help control symbovine flies associated with bovine cattle. Their importance makes it fundamental to sample and survey them adequately. The objectives of the present study were to determine the influence of decaying insects trapped in pitfalls on the attractiveness of Moura pig Sus scrofa L. (Suidae) and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu (L.) (Tayassuidae) dung used as baits to lure dung beetles, and to establish how long these baits remain attractive to dung beetles when used in these traps. Some dung beetle species seemed to be able to discriminate against foul smell from decaying insects within the first 24 h, hence decreasing trap efficiency. This was more evident in peccary dung-baited traps, which proved to be the least attractive bait. Attractiveness lasted only 24 h for peccary dung, after which it became unattractive, whereas the pig dung bait was highly attractive for 48 h, after which its attractiveness diminished but was not completely lost.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The maximum size of ingested particles was determined in 11 species of ball-rolling, adult dung beetle (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) by mixing small latex or glass balls of known diameter into their food. The tribes Scarabaeini, Gymnopleurini, and Sisyphini (four, four, and three species respectively) were represented, with mean body sizes ranging from 0.33 to 4.0 g fresh weight.
2. Only particles with maximum diameters of 4–85 µm were ingested. Hence rollers, like other known beetles feeding on fresh dung, filter out larger, indigestible plant fragments and confine ingestion to small particles of higher nutritional value.
3. The maximum diameter of ingested particles increased significantly with body weight, whereas taxon (tribe) had no additional effect. Because big rollers accept larger particles than do tunnellers (which make dung stores for feeding and breeding in the soil immediately below the pat) of similar weight, the slope of the diameter-against-weight regression for rollers was significantly higher than that found earlier for tunnellers.
4. An explanation could be that a typical food ball made by a roller is considerably smaller than the amount of dung available to a feeding tunneller of the same size. If the roller were as choosy about particle size as the tunneller, it might not get enough food. This applies to large rollers in particular because their food balls contain a higher proportion of coarse fibres than those made by small species.  相似文献   

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