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For preservation of 31 basidiomycete strains on perlite in cryovials we used five different perlite protocols to compare their applicability in laboratories with different equipment, namely a viability of the controlled freezing device or the electric deep-freezer and liquid nitrogen supply. The viability of the strains, macromorphological characteristics and the production of laccase were tested after 48 h, six months and one year of storage in the respective device. Our results indicated that the different response to the freezing/thawing process is an intrinsic feature of the respective strain. Nevertheless, the highest viability and preservation of laccase production in our tested strains was found when we used pre-freezing to −80 °C at a freezing rate of 1 °C/min in a programmable IceCube 1800 freezer or in freezing container Mr. Frosty before storage in liquid nitrogen or at ultra-low temperature freezer at −80 °C, respectively. The two abovementioned protocols enable all tested strains to survive three successive freezing/thawing cycles without substantial reduction of growth rate. The majority of the strains also do not lose laccase production. Our results showed that direct immersion of the strains into liquid nitrogen or placing them into −80 °C without pre-freezing is not suitable for basidiomycete cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The viability, growth and morphology of 48 strains of Ascomycota (including 17 yeasts) and 20 strains of Zygomycota were determined after a 2-d and then after 1-year storage in liquid nitrogen using a new cryopreservation method with perlite as a particulate solid carrier. In case of Ascomycota, 45 strains (94 %) out of 48 survived both 2-d and 1-year storage in liquid nitrogen, respectively. In case of Zygomycota, all 20 strains survived both storage. In addition, 3 strains of Basidiomycota counted among yeasts were tested and all survived the 1 year storage. In all surviving cultures no negative effects of cryopreservation by this method have been observed after 1-year of storage in liquid nitrogen. The results indicate that the perlite protocol can be successfully used for cryopreservation of taxonomically different groups of fungi and also for fungi which failed to survive other routinely used preservation procedures.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of mouse strains by ultrarapid freezing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N Nakagata 《Jikken dobutsu》1990,39(2):299-301
Two-cell mouse embryos from four different inbred strains (BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6 and DBA/2) and one closed colony (Slc:ICR) were frozen by direct placement into liquid nitrogen after a 10-15 sec exposure to a highly concentrated solution (DAP 213: 2 M dimethyl sulphoxide, 1 M acetamide, 3 M propylene glycol in PB 1), and later thawed in a 37 degrees C waterbath. The percentages of morphologically normal embryos were 80.7-92.6% on thawing. Morphologically normal embryos were then transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients, and 7.4-60.0% of the embryos developed into normal young (BALB/c; 34.3%, C3H/He; 30.6%, C57BL/6; 60.0%, DBA/2; 7.4%, and Slc:ICR; 24.3%).  相似文献   

Three kinds of freezing methods were tested with embryos of DNI strain. The survival rate after thawing was 47.5%, 66.7% and 77.8% in the 2-step method, modified slow freezing method and modified 2-step method, respectively. Then, the modified 2-step method was applied to the embryos from 7 strains and a pair of interstrain crosses. PMSG treatment at the beginning of diestrus following HCG treatment after 48 hrs resulted in much yield of 8-16-cell embryos in all strains. The average number for each strain was as follows: DNI; 18.9, DDN; 13.0, BS; 20.4, C57BL/6; 12.9, DBA/2; 17.5, CRN; 19.8, PAN; 13.7 and DNI x C57BL/6-Ay; 21.7. Development of frozen-thawed embryos in culture varied among strains. Proportion of embryos that developed to the morula or blastocyst stage was as follows: DNI; 64.6%, DDN; 71.9%, BS; 53.6%, C57BL/6; 57.3%, DBA/2; 65.0%, CRN; 52.5%, PAN; 17.4% and DNI x C57BL/6-Ay; 44.1%. These results indicate that the ability of embryos to survive freezing and thawing is influenced by their genetic background. Live young were produced from DNI, DDN, BS and DNI x C57BL/6-Ay embryos after transfer to recipients. Comparative assessment of the developmental ability of frozen-thawed embryos after transfer among strains should be performed in further study.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic human pathogenic fungus with a defined sexual cycle. Clinical and environmental isolates of C. neoformans are haploid, and the diploid stage of the lifecycle is thought to be transient and unstable. In contrast, we find that diploid strains are readily obtained following genetic crosses of congenic MATalpha and MATa strains. At 37 degrees C, the diploid strains grow as yeast cells with a single nucleus that is larger than a haploid nucleus, contains a 2n content of DNA by FACS analysis, and is heterozygous for the MATalpha and MATa loci. At 24 degrees C, these diploid self-fertile strains filament and sporulate, producing recombinant haploid progeny in which meiotic segregation has occurred. In contrast to dikaryotic filament cells that are typically linked by fused clamp connections during mating, self-fertile diploid strains produce monokaryotic filament cells with unfused clamp connections. We also show that these diploid strains can be transformed and sporulated and that an integrated selectable marker segregates in a mendelian fashion. The diploid state could play novel roles in the lifecycle and virulence of the organism and can be exploited for the analysis of essential genes. Finally, the observation that dimorphism is thermally regulated suggests similarities between the lifecycle of C. neoformans and other thermally dimorphic human pathogenic fungi, including Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and Sporothrix schenkii.  相似文献   

The viability of 250 basidiomycete strains was determined after a 2-d and then after a 2-year storage under liquid nitrogen using two different freezing protocols. Using an original agar plug protocol (OP), 162 strains (65%) of the 250 strains survived a 2-d storage and 158 strains (63%) survived a 2-year storage in liquid nitrogen. Using a straw protocol (CP), 246 strains (98%) of the 250 strains survived a 2-d storage and 243 strains (97%) a 2-year storage in liquid nitrogen. In addition, other 106 strains were newly estimated using the CP protocol; 104 (98%) of them survived successfully a 2-d storage and 101 (95%) of them survived a 2-year storage in liquid nitrogen. The results indicate that the protocol used for cryopreservation can significantly influence strain survival. Markedly better results were obtained using the CP protocol.  相似文献   

Two chromosome-integrating vectors, pLC1 and pLC2, were used. The former is the pUC19-based vector carrying the Lentinus edodes ras gene promoter and priA gene terminator, and the latter is the pBR322-based vector carrying the promoter and terminator of the priA gene. The manganese (II) peroxidase (MnP) cDNA (mnpc) derived from Pleurotus ostreatus was fused between the promoter and terminator of pLC1 and pLC2, yielding the recombinant plasmids pLC1-mnp and pLC2-mnp. These plasmids were introduced into protoplasts of the Coprinus cinereus trp1 strain with the C. cinereus TRP1-containing plasmid pCc1001 by co-transformation. Two Trp+ transformants for each plasmid, showing clearly higher lignin-decolorization activities, were obtained through introduction of pLC1-mnp and pLC2-mnp. Southern-blot analysis revealed that the four transformants all possess the mnpc sequence on their chromosomes. One Trp+ MnP+ transformant (named TF2-7), which was derived from the introduction of pLC2-mnp and carried the highest number of copies (approx. 10) of mnpc, showed remarkably high lignin-decolorization and -degradation activities; at the time of cultivation when only 35%–40% of the lignin was decolored and degraded by the control Trp+ transformant obtained by the introduction of pCc1001 alone, almost all of the lignin was decolored and degraded by TF2-7. Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

N Nakagata 《Jikken dobutsu》1990,39(2):303-305
Unfertilized mouse oocytes from inbred strains (BALB/c, C3H/He and C57BL/6) were frozen ultrarapidly by direct plunging into liquid nitrogen, immediately after exposure to a highly-concentrated solution (DAP 213: 2 M dimethyl sulphoxide, 1 M acetamide, and 3 M propylene glycol in PB 1), and were later thawed in a 37 degrees C waterbath. After thawing, 76.8-90.9% of recovered oocytes were morphologically normal. Following fertilization in vitro of cryopreserved oocytes, the proportion of 2-cell embryos 24 h after insemination ranged from 70.7% to 83.4%. Nearly all 2-cell embryos obtained from cryopreserved oocytes were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients and 31.0-43.0% of 2-cell embryos developed into normal young.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of ethylene glycol (EG) for cryopreservation of sheep embryos. A 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement examining one-step vs. two-step cryoprotectant addition and removal was used. The one-step cryoprotectant addition involved placement of embryos directly into 1.5 mol EG, whereas the two-step addition utilized an intermediate 10 min exposure to 0.75 mol EG. Similarly, the one-step cryoprotectant removal involved direct placement of thawed embryos into 1.0 mol sucrose, and the two-step procedure included a 10 min exposure to 0.25 mol sucrose before placement in 1.0 mol sucrose. A total of 185 frozen-thawed embryos was placed into in vitro culture for 96 h to determine viability. No differences were observed between cryoprotectant addition or removal techniques, and overall survival was 69%. To validate the results obtained in vitro, a limited number of embryo transfers was performed. Four ewes receiving a total of 11 frozen-thawed embryos produced eight lambs (73% survival) which compared favorably with 74% survival obtained by transferring 19 non-cryopreserved embryos to eight recipients. It is concluded that one-step addition of 1.5 mol ethylene glycol followed by one-step removal in a 1.0 mol sucrose gradient is an appropriate technique for cryopreservation of sheep embryos.  相似文献   

During the formation of fruit bodies, the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune produces glucoamylase activity. DEAE-cellulose chromatography resolves the enzymic activity into a major peak found early in development and a minor peak which appears when the fruit bodies are mature. A mutant homokaryon has been isolated which constitutively produces glucoamylase activity without any fruiting. When purified, the mutant enzyme and the major fruit body enzyme appear to be identical by several physical and kinetic parameters including molecular weight, temperature sensitivity, and Km.Supported in part by NIH Research Grant AI 09779-03 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   

Antibiotic properties of the extracts from the fermentation broth and mycelium of 15 strains of the edible and medicinal basidiomycete L. edodes were studied and it was shown that the extracts were active against grampositive and gramnegative bacteria, yeasts and mycelial fungi, including dermatophytes and phytopathogens. The strains differed by the set of the organisms susceptible to the action of the extracts. Strains of L. edodes combining marked antibiotic properties and high yields of water soluble polysaccharides were screened. The active compounds were detected by preparative TLC. Two of them were identified with UV- and mass spectrometry as lentinamycin B and erytadenine (lentinacin). Lentinamycin B was found to be the main component responsible for the antibiotic activity of the L. edodes strains.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of human granulocytes.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Granulocyte preservation was undertaken using hydroxyethylstarch for both sedimentation of red cells and cryopreservation of buffy coat white cells from CPD whole blood. Buffy coats were mixed with HES to a final concentration of 4% (w/v) and hematocrit of 30%, and sedimented in inverted plastic syringes. The leukocyte enriched (100–500×) supernatant was frozen at 2.0 °C/min to ?80 °C (and stored frozen up to 3 months). Alternatively, sedimented leukocytes were frozen after a slow addition of 10% DMSO to 5%. Tubes were thawed at 37 °C, and DMSO was removed by dilution with Hank's solution containing CPD and centrifugation. The pellets of granulocytes were resuspended in Normosol.Buffy coat from 10 units yielded 60 ± 9.7% of the available whole blood leukocytes, of which 43 ± 14% were recovered after sedimentation in HES. Freezing in DMSO yielded all, 101% of the prefrozen leukocytes. Postthawed viability of granulocytes was estimated morphologically and by their ability to inhibit the rate of growth of E. coli. Complete inhibition was observed at a ratio of one E. coli to one granulocyte. Postthawed granulocytes were characterized by high myeloperoxidase activity and exclusion of trypan blue. Approximately 25% of the total available granulocytes in CPD whole blood were recovered.  相似文献   

Abstract: Optimal conditions for cryopreserving of populations of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) were determined. Nematode survival was achieved using glycerol pre-treatments in the range of 14-17% (w/w). Increasing duration of the incubation in glycerol (up to 5 days) before immersion in liquid nitrogen significantly influenced nematode survival The highest mean survival for P. thornei was 76% after incubation in glycerol for 5 days. Nematodes were able to reproduce and infect carrot disc cultures after cryopreservation. This technique has valuable applications for long-term germplasm storage and maintenance of genetic lines.  相似文献   

DNA-mediated transformation of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus.   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a simple and efficient transformation system for the agaric fungus, Coprinus cinereus. Protoplasts were prepared from asexual spores that harbor one or two mutations in the structural gene for tryptophan synthetase. The protoplasts can be stably transformed using the cloned Coprinus gene at a frequency of 1 in 10(4) viable protoplasts. A variety of molecular events accompanies the formation of stable transformants, including insertion of the transforming DNA at the homologous locus. The transforming DNA is stable through cell division, mating, fruiting body formation, and meiosis.  相似文献   

Sixty-six isolates of basidiomycete fungi were screened for the ability to synthesize cellulase. The effect of temperature on cellulase activity was studied for eight basidiomycete strains as perspective producers of ethanol. The temperature optima of enzyme activity ranged between 26 and 32°C. Direct conversion of Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose and rye straw were studied for seven basidiomycetes strains: Fomitopsis pinicola MT-5.09, F. pinicola MT-5.21, Piptoporus betulinus MT-30.04, Fomes fomentarius MT-4.05, F. fomentarius MT-4.23, Trametes hirsuta MT-24.24, Flammulina velutipes MT-3.03 Maximum ethanol production from Na-carboxymethyl cellulose (1.3 g/dm3) was achieved by strain F. velutipes MT-3.03. Strain F. fomentarius MT-4.05 more effectively converted rye straw to ethanol with yield of 1.1 g/dm3.  相似文献   

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