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Five rice homeobox (OSH) genes were overexpressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter or the rice actin gene promoter in transgenic rice plants. Almost all of the transgenic plants showed abnormal phenotypes, which could be classified into three types according to their severity. Plants with the most severe phenotype formed only green organs, with many shoot apices on their adaxial sides. Plants with an intermediate phenotype formed bladeless leaves with normally developed leaf sheaths. Plants with a mild phenotype formed normal leaf sheaths and blades, but lacked ligules and showed diffusion of the blade-sheath boundary. The leaf structure of this phenotype was similar to that of dominant maize mutants, such as Kn1, Rs1, Lg3, and Lg4. Based on these phenotypes, we suggest that ectopic expression of the rice OSH genes interferes with the development of leaf blades and maintains leaves in less differentiated states. These results are discussed in relation to the leaf maturation schedule hypothesis (M. Freeling et al., 1992, BioEssays 14, 227-236).  相似文献   

Starch metabolism in the leaf sheaths and culm of rice   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The levels of starch and dextrin, free sugars, soluble protein, and enzymes involved in starch metabolism—α-amylase, β-amylase, phosphorylase, Q-enzyme, R-enzyme, and ADP-glucose starch synthetases—were assayed in the leaf sheaths and culm of the rice plant (Oryza sativa L., variety IR8) during growth.  相似文献   

A proteomic analysis of leaf sheaths from rice   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The proteins extracted from the leaf sheaths of rice seedlings were separated by 2-D PAGE, and analyzed by Edman sequencing and mass spectrometry, followed by database searching. Image analysis revealed 352 protein spots on 2-D PAGE after staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. The amino acid sequences of 44 of 84 proteins were determined; for 31 of these proteins, a clear function could be assigned, whereas for 12 proteins, no function could be assigned. Forty proteins did not yield amino acid sequence information, because they were N-terminally blocked, or the obtained sequences were too short and/or did not give unambiguous results. Fifty-nine proteins were analyzed by mass spectrometry; all of these proteins were identified by matching to the protein database. The amino acid sequences of 19 of 27 proteins analyzed by mass spectrometry were similar to the results of Edman sequencing. These results suggest that 2-D PAGE combined with Edman sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis can be effectively used to identify plant proteins.  相似文献   

Deposition pattern of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under salt stress (100 mM NaCl) was examined cytochemically in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Pokkali) through the reaction of H2O2 with cerium chloride (CeCl3) to produce electron dense precipitates of cerium perhydroxide. The distribution pattern of cerium perhydroxide precipitates in leaf sheath was considerably different from other parts of rice under salinity stress. Cerium perhydroxide precipitates were mainly accumulated on the tonoplast of leaf sheath under salinity, although they were localized on the cell wall and plasma membrane in all other tissues such as leaf blade and root.  相似文献   

Culturable bacterial communities on rice plants were investigated from 2001 to 2003. In total, 1,394 bacterial isolates were obtained from the uppermost leaf sheaths at 1 month before heading time and from leaf sheaths and panicles at heading time. The average culturable bacterial population on the leaf sheaths was larger at heading time than at 1 month previously. Furthermore, the population was significantly larger on panicles than on leaf sheaths, suggesting that the bacterial population is influenced by the organs of rice plants. Larger proportions of bacteria were obtained from the macerates of leaf sheaths after washing with phosphate buffer, and most culturable bacteria were verified to inhabit the inside or inner surface, rather than the outer surface, of the tissues. Verification of the bacterial composition based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that genera of Sphingomonas, Microbacterium, Methylobacterium, and Acidovorax tended to be dominant colonizers on leaf sheaths, whereas Pseudomonas and Pantoea were isolated mainly from the panicles, indicating that leaf sheaths and panicles harbor distinct communities. Furthermore, the richness of bacterial genera was less on both leaf sheaths and panicles at heading time compared with that observed 1 month before heading time. Phylogenetic analyses using bacterial isolates belonging to the four dominant genera inhabiting leaf sheaths at heading time revealed that particular bacterial groups in each genus colonized the leaf sheaths.  相似文献   

The competitive equilibrium of fatty acid biosynthesis and oxidation in vivo determines porcine sub-cutaneous fat thickness(SFT) and intramuscular fat(IMF) content.Obese and lean-type pig breeds show obvious differences in adipose deposition;however, the molecular mechanism underlying this phenotypic variation remains unclear.We used pathway-focused oligo microarray studies to examine the expression changes of 140 genes associated with meat quality and carcass traits in backfat at five growth stages(1―5 months) of Landrace(a leaner, Western breed) and Taihu pigs(a fatty, indigenous, Chinese breed).Variance analysis(ANOVA) revealed that differences in the expression of 25 genes in Landrace pigs were significant(FDR adjusted permutation, P<0.05) among 5 growth stages.Gene class test(GCT) indicated that a gene-group was very significant between 2 pig breeds across 5 growth stages(PErmineJ<0.01), which consisted of 23 genes encoding enzymes and regulatory proteins associ-ated with lipid and steroid metabolism.These findings suggest that the distinct differences in fat deposition ability between Landrace and Taihu pigs may closely correlate with the expression changes of these genes.Clustering analysis revealed a very high level of significance(FDR adjusted, P<0.01) for 2 gene expression patterns in Landrace pigs and a high level of significance(FDR adjusted, P<0.05) for 2 gene expression patterns in Taihu pigs.Also, expression patterns of genes were more diversified in Taihu pigs than those in Landrace pigs, which suggests that the regulatory mechanism of micro-effect polygenes in adipocytes may be more complex in Taihu pigs than in Landrace pigs.Based on a dy-namic Bayesian network(DBN) model, gene regulatory networks(GRNs) were reconstructed from time-series data for each pig breed.These two GRNs initially revealed the distinct differences in physiological and biochemical aspects of adipose metabolism between the two pig breeds;from these results, some potential key genes could be identified.Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR(QRT-PCR) was used to verify the microarray data for five modulated genes, and a good correlation between the two measures of expression was observed for both 2 pig breeds at different growth stages(R=0.874±0.071).These results highlight some possible candidate genes for porcine fat characteristics and provide some data on which to base further study of the molecular basis of adipose metabolism.  相似文献   

The competitive equilibrium of fatty acid biosynthesis and oxidation in vivo determines porcine subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) and intramuscular fat (IMF) content. Obese and lean-type pig breeds show obvious differences in adipose deposition; however, the molecular mechanism underlying this phenotypic variation remains unclear. We used pathway-focused oligo microarray studies to examine the expression changes of 140 genes associated with meat quality and carcass traits in backfat at five growth stages (1–5 months) of Landrace (a leaner, Western breed) and Taihu pigs (a fatty, indigenous, Chinese breed). Variance analysis (ANOVA) revealed that differences in the expression of 25 genes in Landrace pigs were significant (FDR adjusted permutation, P<0.05) among 5 growth stages. Gene class test (GCT) indicated that a gene-group was very significant between 2 pig breeds across 5 growth stages (P ErmineJ<0.01), which consisted of 23 genes encoding enzymes and regulatory proteins associated with lipid and steroid metabolism. These findings suggest that the distinct differences in fat deposition ability between Landrace and Taihu pigs may closely correlate with the expression changes of these genes. Clustering analysis revealed a very high level of significance (FDR adjusted, P<0.01) for 2 gene expression patterns in Landrace pigs and a high level of significance (FDR adjusted, P<0.05) for 2 gene expression patterns in Taihu pigs. Also, expression patterns of genes were more diversified in Taihu pigs than those in Landrace pigs, which suggests that the regulatory mechanism of micro-effect polygenes in adipocytes may be more complex in Taihu pigs than in Landrace pigs. Based on a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) model, gene regulatory networks (GRNs) were reconstructed from time-series data for each pig breed. These two GRNs initially revealed the distinct differences in physiological and biochemical aspects of adipose metabolism between the two pig breeds; from these results, some potential key genes could be identified. Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR (QRT-PCR) was used to verify the microarray data for five modulated genes, and a good correlation between the two measures of expression was observed for both 2 pig breeds at different growth stages (R=0.874±0.071). These results highlight some possible candidate genes for porcine fat characteristics and provide some data on which to base further study of the molecular basis of adipose metabolism.  相似文献   

The most chilling-sensitive stage of rice has been found to be at the onset of microspore release. The microsporocytes produce a wall of callose between the primary cell wall and the plasma membrane, and it has been shown that precise regulation of callose synthesis and degradation in anther is essential for fertile pollen formation. In this study, genes for 10 callose synthases in the rice genome were fully annotated and phylogenetically analyzed. Expression analysis of these genes showed that OsGSL5, an ortholog of microsporogenesis-related AtGSL2, was specifically expressed in anthers, and was notably downregulated by cooling treatment. Gene expression profiles of Rho-type small GTP-binding proteins in rice anther were also analyzed. The mechanisms of callose synthesis in rice pollen formation and its relationships with cool tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

Non-waxy and waxy types of wheat were used to study the expression profiles of genes involved in starch synthesis. During grain development, expression profiles and levels of AGPL and AGPS genes were similar to each other. SSI expression remained constant during the late grain development, while expression of SSII and SSIII was higher over the early to middle and middle grain development, and the GBSSI was actively expressed during the entire grain development. SBEIIa was higher expressed during early to middle stage, SBEIIb was active in middle and SBEI during middle to late grain development. During the entire grain development, expression levels of GBSSI and SSIII genes were higher in non-waxy type of wheat, while those of SBEI and SBEIIb were lower in the non-waxy type of wheat. Expression of all genes involved in starch synthesis was stage-specific and tissue-specific. In addition, the expression profiles of genes encoding starch synthase were in agreement with the activity changes of starch synthase during grain development.  相似文献   

对低温(5—7℃)胁迫下烤烟"K326"幼苗叶片光合指标、膜氧化水平及其抗氧化指标进行测定,并利用数字化基因表达谱技术进行基因差异表达分析。低温胁迫后烤烟幼苗叶绿素含量、光合能力显著下降,脯氨酸含量、丙二醛含量上升,超氧化物歧化酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、抗坏血酸含量和谷胱甘肽含量均显著上升。低温胁迫后有2357个基因发生了显著差异表达,其中1673个基因表达上调、684个基因表达下调,其分子功能、细胞位置和主要代谢过程均涉及光系统、膜氧化系统和抗氧化系统。对涉及到的代谢过程进行分析,结果表明:光合天线蛋白调控基因表达量均显著下降、光合作用的主要调控基因表达量多数表现为显著下调、而与氧化能力相关的谷胱甘肽代谢差异表达基因大多数显著上调。基因差异表达谱分析结果和低温胁迫后叶片光合能力、抗氧化能力生理生态指标测定结果基本一致,为进一步研究低温胁迫对作物的生态影响和研究基因克隆与功能提供基础。  相似文献   

Two bursts of H2O2 production have been detected by in situ 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining after cutting of Lolium perenne L. leaf blades. The first burst, which occurred immediately after wounding was inhibited by Na-diethydithiocarbamate (DIECA), a Cu/Zn–superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibitor. The second burst, which was initiated several hours later, coincided with the induction of oxalate oxidase (G-OXO) activity detected in vitro or visualized in situ by the α-chloronaphtol assay. Four genes encoding G-OXO have been identified from cDNA obtained from wounded L. perenne L . leaf blades. Comparison of protein sequences revealed more than 91% homology in the coding region between G-OXOs of the true cereals and G-OXOs of ryegrass, which is a Gramineae belonging to the tribe of Festucaceae. The wound-dependent increase of G-OXO activity in floated cut leaf blades was the result of differential induction of the four g-oxo genes. The involvement of G-OXOs in wound-induced H2O2 production coincided with the presence in leaf tissues of oxalate throughout the period of increase of G-OXO synthesis. Moreover, expression of g-oxo genes was enhanced by an exogenous supply of H2O2 or methyljasmonate (MeJa). Expression of the four g-oxo genes was also induced after in planta stinging of leaf blades. The pattern of their expression in planta was identical to that occuring in senescing leaf sheaths. These results emphasize the importance of G-OXOs in H2O2 production in oxalate-producing plant species such as ryegrass. G-OXOs might be crucial during critical events in the life of plants such as cutting and senescence by initiating H2O2-mediated defences against pathogens and foraging animals.  相似文献   

The present study established the way in which plastidial α-glucan phosphorylase (Pho1) synthesizes maltodextrin (MD) which can be the primer for starch biosynthesis in rice endosperm. The synthesis of MD by Pho1 was markedly accelerated by branching enzyme (BE) isozymes, although the greatest effect was exhibited by the presence of branching isozyme I (BEI) rather than by isozyme IIa (BEIIa) or isozyme IIb (BEIIb). The enhancement of the activity of Pho1 by BE was not merely due to the supply of a non-reducing ends. At the same time, Pho1 greatly enhanced the BE activity, possibly by generating a branched carbohydrate substrate which is used by BE with a higher affinity. The addition of isoamylase to the reaction mixture did not prevent the concerted action of Pho1 and BEI. Furthermore, in the product, the branched structure was, at least to some extent, maintained. Based on these results we propose that the interaction between Pho1 and BE is not merely due to chain-elongating and chain-branching reactions, but occurs in a physically and catalytically synergistic manner by each activating the mutual capacity of the other, presumably forming a physical association of Pho1, BEI and branched MDs. This close interaction might play a crucial role in the synthesis of branched MDs and the branched MDs can act as a primer for the biosynthesis of amylopectin molecules.  相似文献   

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