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Resonance energy transfer studies using a pyrene-labeled phospholipid derivative 1-palmitoyl-2-[10-(pyren-1-yl)decanoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (donor) and the heme (acceptor) of cytochrome c (cyt c) have indicated that ATP causes changes in the conformation of the lipid-bound protein (Ryt?maa, M., Mustonen, P., and Kinnunen, P. K. J. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 22243-22248). Accordingly, after binding cyt c via its so called C-site to neat phosphatidylglycerol liposomes (mole fraction of PG = 1.0) has commenced, further quenching of donor fluorescence is caused by ATP, saturating at 2 mm nucleotide. ATP-induced conformational changes in liposome-associated cyt c could be directly demonstrated by CD in the Soret band region (380-460 nm). The latter data were further supported by time-resolved spectroscopy using the fluorescent cyt c analog with a Zn(2+)-substituted heme moiety. A high affinity ATP-binding site has been demonstrated in cyt c (Craig, D. B., and Wallace, C. J. A. (1993) Protein Sci. 2, 966-976) that is compromised by replacing the invariant Arg(91) to norleucine. Although no major effects on conformation and function of cyt c were concluded due to the modification, a significantly reduced effect by ATP on the lipid-bound [Nle(91)]cyt c was evident, implying that this modulation is mediated via the Arg(91)-containing binding site.  相似文献   

Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy we demonstrate that thymosin beta(4) (tbeta(4)) binding induces spatial rearrangements within the small domain (subdomains 1 and 2) of actin monomers in solution. Tbeta(4) binding increases the distance between probes attached to Gln-41 and Cys-374 of actin by 2 A and decreases the distance between the purine base of bound ATP (epsilonATP) and Lys-61 by 1.9 A, whereas the distance between Cys-374 and Lys-61 is minimally affected. Distance determinations are consistent with tbeta(4) binding being coupled to a rotation of subdomain 2. By differential scanning calorimetry, tbeta(4) binding increases the cooperativity of ATP-actin monomer denaturation, consistent with conformational rearrangements in the tbeta(4)-actin complex. Changes in fluorescence resonance energy transfer are accompanied by marked reduction in solvent accessibility of the probe at Gln-41, suggesting it forms part of the binding interface. Tbeta(4) and cofilin compete for actin binding. Tbeta(4) concentrations that dissociate cofilin from actin do not dissociate the cofilin-DNase I-actin ternary complex, consistent with the DNase binding loop contributing to high-affinity tbeta(4)-binding. Our results favor a model where thymosin binding changes the average orientation of actin subdomain 2. The tbeta(4)-induced conformational change presumably accounts for the reduced rate of amide hydrogen exchange from actin monomers and may contribute to nucleotide-dependent, high affinity binding.  相似文献   

Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a noninhibitory serpin found in plasma and in the extracellular space. The protein is involved in different biological processes including cell differentiation and survival. In addition, it is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis. The function is likely associated with binding to cell surface receptors in a heparin-dependent way (Alberdi, E. M., Weldon, J. E., and Becerra, S. P. (2003) BMC Biochem. 4, 1). We have investigated the structural basis for this observation and show that heparin induces a conformational change in the vicinity of Lys(178). This structural change was evident both when binding to intact heparin and specific heparin-derived oligosaccharides at physiological conditions or simply when exposing PEDF to low ionic strength. Binding to other glycosaminoglycans, heparin-derived oligosaccharides smaller than hexadecasaccharides (dp16), or type I collagen did not affect the structure of PEDF. The conformational change is likely to expose the epitope involved in binding to the receptor and thus regulates the interactions with cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

Earlier x-ray studies on dissolved linear DNA molecules were interpreted on the assumption that the molecules scattered as rigid rods. Improvement in equipment and advances in theory of the scattering from randomly oriented helices prompted us into a reinvestigation of this problem. Careful measurements were made on the scattering from both linear calf thymus DNA and from circular plasmid C0P608 superhelical DNA. Contrary to the earlier work, we find that the scattering patterns show a helical character, with maxima corresponding to those of a helix with pitch angle of 62°, close to that of the C-W helix. The patterns for both types of DNA, although similar, show a 5% displacement of the maximum in the superhelical form, just that expected when the C-W helix is superimposed on a superhelix axis. Introduction of intercalators (PtTS) causes a progressive extension of the helix, as shown by a shift to larger angles and a fading out of the maximum. In the concentration range of 40 mg/mL, interfernce peaks develop, the result of an apparent stacking of the chains, with an interchain distance of ~35 Å.  相似文献   

Conformational change in individual giant DNAs from pig liver is studied by use of fluorescence microscopy. With the addition of spermidine (a trivalent amine), each DNA chains undergo abrupt transition from an elongated coiled state into a folded compact state. It is found that the all-or-none characteristics in the folding transition for the mammalian DNA is similar to that in phage DNAs.  相似文献   

Gating induces a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is comprised of three homologous subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma). The channel forms the pathway for Na(+) absorption in the kidney, and mutations cause disorders of Na(+) homeostasis. However, little is known about the mechanisms that control the gating of ENaC. We investigated the gating mechanism by introducing bulky side chains at a position adjacent to the extracellular end of the second membrane spanning segment (549, 520, and 529 in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC, respectively). Equivalent "DEG" mutations in related DEG/ENaC channels in Caenorhabditis elegans cause swelling neurodegeneration, presumably by increasing channel activity. We found that the Na(+) current was increased by mutagenesis or chemical modification of this residue and adjacent residues in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC. This resulted from a change in the gating of ENaC; modification of a cysteine at position 520 in betaENaC increased the open state probability from 0. 12 to 0.96. Accessibility to this side chain from the extracellular side was state-dependent; modification occurred only when the channel was in the open conformation. Single-channel conductance decreased when the side chain contained a positive, but not a negative charge. However, alterations in the side chain did not alter the selectivity of ENaC. This is consistent with a location for the DEG residue in the outer vestibule. The results suggest that channel gating involves a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC. Disruption of this mechanism could be important clinically since one of the mutations that increased Na(+) current (gamma(N530K)) was identified in a patient with renal disease.  相似文献   

Covalent binding of L-methionine as an external aldimine to the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-cofactor in the K41A mutant of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase from Salmonella typhimurium induces a large conformational change in the protein. Methionine mimics the action of the substrate O-acetyl-L-serine during catalysis. The alpha-carboxylate moiety of L-methionine in external aldimine linkage with the active site pyridoxal 5'-phosphate forms a hydrogen bonding network to the "asparagine-loop" P67-T68-N69-G70 which adopts a different conformation than in the native protein. The side-chain nitrogen of Asn69 moves more than 7 A to make a hydrogen bond to the alpha-carboxylate group of the inhibitor. As the external aldimine is formed, the PLP tilts by 13 degrees along its longitudinal axis such that C4' moves toward the entrance to the active site and the side-chain of the methionine is directed toward the active site entrance. The local rearrangement acts as a trigger to induce a large global conformational change in the protein. A subdomain comprised of beta-strand 4, alpha-helix 3, beta-strand 5 and alpha-helix 4 moves towards the active site by a rotation of 7 degrees. This subdomain movement results in a reduction of the severe twist of its central beta-sheet and reduces the active site entrance to a small hole, giving access only to small molecules like sulfide, the second substrate, or acetate, the first product.  相似文献   

The binding of heparin to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) induces a small but highly reproducible conformational change observable in the amide I region of the protein's infrared spectrum. The observed spectral changes suggest that the conformational change is highly localized most likely in the beta-turn regions of the bFGF molecule. Heparan sulfate, a component of the endothelial extracellular matrix, was also observed to bind to bFGF and induce a similar conformational change to that observed for heparin. Further, sucrose octasulfate, a compound which mimics the effects of heparin biologically, was also observed to induce this same conformational change. This spectroscopically observable change has allowed us to probe the functional determinants necessary for heparin to bind the bFGF and to induce the observed conformational change. We have determined the effects of binding of various monomeric and polymeric, sulfated and nonsulfated glycosaminoglycans and carbohydrate compounds. The results indicate that the binding of heparin involves highly specific interactions. Further, heparin was observed to greatly increase the thermal stability of bFGF, raising the Tm by 25 degrees C. Sucrose octasulfate was also able to enhance the thermal stability of bFGF, but not to the same extent as heparin.  相似文献   

The base pair lifetimes and apparent dissociation constants of a 21 base DNA hairpin and an analog possessing a disulfide cross-link bridging the 3'- and 5'-terminal bases were determined by measuring imino proton exchange rates as a function of exchange catalyst concentration and temperature. A comparison of the lifetimes and apparent dissociation constants for corresponding base pairs of the two hairpins indicates that the cross-link neither increases the number of base pairs involved in fraying nor alters the lifetime, dissociation constant, or the opened structure from which exchange occurs for the base pairs that are not frayed. The cross-link does, however, stabilize the frayed penultimate base pair of the stem duplex. Significantly, it appears that the disulfide cross-link is more effective at preventing fraying of the penultimate base pair than is the 5 base hairpin loop. Because this disulfide cross-link can be incorporated site specifically, and does not adversely affect static or dynamic properties of DNA, it should prove very useful in studies of nucleic acid structure and function.  相似文献   

Purified native Hemophilus influenzae DNA is relatively insusceptible to nitrous acid (NA) mutagenesis in vitro, but is readily mutated following denaturation. NA mutagenicity for duplex DNA is significantly increased in the presence of various alcohols, glycols, phenols or primary amines. Phenol-extracted DNA contains dissociable contaminants of low molecular weight that enhance NA mutagenesis. Enhancement of NA mutagenesis by phenol and by spermine is due to the formation of unstable molecular species. We propose that reactive organic nitroso compounds are formed which then serve as delivery vehicles to promote mutagenicity of native DNA, perhaps via transnitrosation reactions. Similar reactions probably occur in vivo to promote NA-induced base substitution (but not frameshift) mutations in Salmonella typhimurium and in Escherichia coli. The possible significance of these observations to carcinogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The acrosome, a complex organelle, plays a key regulatory role in the sperm–egg interaction. We have previously shown that ascorbic acid affects both motility and spectrin protein patterns in sperm. In this study, we further characterized the changes in spectrin in sperm challenged with ascorbic acid, using SDS-PAGE, western blots, and immunofluorescence. Ascorbic acid shifts spectrin to a higher-molecular-weight species based on western blot studies. This shift in the spectrin band correlates with a striking series of changes in spectrin immunofluorescence patterns. Upon ascorbic acid challenge, spectrin localization changes, eventually resulting in the formation of vesicles. These vesicles can reach sizes up to five times the original volume of the sperm cell and sometimes show multiple spikes. These findings indicate that a novel process is taking place in the acrosome upon ascorbic acid challenge and suggest that the cytoskeleton may be a useful target for studying and hopefully controlling the sperm–egg interaction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a method for calculating predicted locations and extents of stress-induced DNA duplex destabilization (SIDD) as functions of base sequence and stress level in long DNA molecules. The base pair denaturation energies are assigned individually, so the influences of near neighbors, methylated bases, adducts, or lesions can be included. Sample calculations indicate that copolymeric energetics give results that are close to those derived when full near-neighbor energetics are used; small but potentially informative differences occur only in the calculated SIDD properties of moderately destabilized regions. The method presented here for analyzing long sequences calculates the destabilization properties within windows of fixed length N, with successive windows displaced by an offset distance d(o). The final values of the relevant destabilization parameters for each base pair are calculated as weighted averages of the values computed for each window in which that base pair appears. This approach implicitly assumes that the strength of the direct coupling between remote base pairs that is induced by the imposed stress attenuates with their separation distance. This strategy enables calculations of the destabilization properties of DNA sequences of any length, up to and including complete chromosomes. We illustrate its utility by calculating the destabilization properties of the entire E. coli genomic DNA sequence. A preliminary analysis of the results shows that promoters are associated with SIDD regions in a highly statistically significant manner, suggesting that SIDD attributes may prove useful in the computational prediction of promoter locations in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

A large-scale conformational change in genomic DNA is an essential feature of gene activation in living cells. Considerable effort has been applied to explain the mechanism in terms of key-lock interaction between sequence-specific regulatory proteins and DNA, in addition to the modification of DNA and histones such as methylation and acetylation. However, it is still unclear whether these mechanisms can explain the ON/OFF switching of a large number of genes that accompanies differentiation, carcinogenesis, etc. In this study, using single-molecule observation of DNA molecules by fluorescence microscopy with the addition of poly-L-lysine with different numbers of monomer units (n = 3, 5, 9, and 92), we found that an ON/OFF discrete transition in the higher-order structure of long duplex DNA is induced by short poly-L-lysine, whereas a continuous gradual change is induced by long poly-L-lysine. On the other hand, polycations with a lower positive charge have less potential to induce DNA compaction. Such a drastic difference in the conformational transition of a giant DNA between short and large oligomers is discussed in relation to the mechanisms of gene regulation in a living cell.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3) from Paracoccus denitrificans contains a tightly bound manganese(II) ion, which responds to reduction of the enzyme by a change in its EPR signal (Seelig et al. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 636, 162-167). In this paper, the nature of this phenomenon is studied and the bound manganese is used as a reporter group to monitor a redox-linked conformational change in the protein. A reductive titration of the cyanide-inhibited enzyme shows that the change in the manganese EPR signal is associated with reduction of CuA. The change appears to reflect a rearrangement in the rhombic octahedral coordination environment of the central Mn2+ atom and is indicative of a redox-linked conformational transition in the enzyme. The manganese is likely to reside at the interface of subunits I and II, near the periplasmic side of the membrane. One of its ligands may be provided by the transmembrane segment X of subunit I, which has been suggested to contribute ligands to cytochrome a and CuB as well. Another manganese ligand is a water oxygen, as indicated by broadening of the manganese EPR signal in the presence of H2(17)O.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism of double-stranded DNA is temperature dependent prior to its melting. As the temperature is increased the spectrum becomes more nonconservative. This is certainly due to a conformational change within the framework of the double helix. To ascertain the nature of the conformational change, a series of synthetic and natural DNA's from a variety of sources was investigated. The same qualitative changes were seen for all the DNA samples, independent of base composition. However, there were definite quantitative differences, with poly [d(A-T)] manifesting the largest effect. Oligomers of the form [d(A-T)]n with n = 10 to 21 behaved in a manner similar to the polymer. There is no observed chain-length dependence. The breadth of the pre-melt transition indicates a low ΔH (less than 5 kcal./mole); the lack of dependence on chain length indicates that the co-operative unit is smaller than eight base pairs.  相似文献   

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