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The colicin Ib (ColIb) plasmid genes that inhibit the replication of the T5-like and T7 bacteriophage have been cloned on an approximately 7200-bp ClaI fragment and their sites relative to each other and to the colicin immunity (imm) gene have been mapped. The inhibition of wild-type T7 by the clone is shown to be caused by the same gene or genes (pic) that cause the inhibition of T7 kinase-negative mutants and is a different gene than the one that causes inhibition of T5 (ibf or abi). The pic gene does not hybridize to the pif genes of the F plasmid that also cause the replication of T7 to be inhibited. The abi gene and the pic gene map very closely together but are under the control of different promoters. The abi gene has a maximum size of 900 bp and lies approximately 3000 bp away from the immunity gene, distal to the colicin gene. A site which maps in or near the gene binds very tightly to Escherichia coli RNA polymerase. The pic gene or genes lie between the abi gene and the imm gene and are contiguous with abi. Promoters for pic have been mapped and hypotheses to explain the inhibition of T7 by a cloned gene but not the whole ColIb plasmid are presented.  相似文献   

Relationships among genes and gene products of bacteriophage BF23   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty-five gene products of bacteriophage BF23 were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their functions were studied in relation to type I and II genes classified by means of genetic complementation tests. All the type I mutants were defective in the synthesis of a tail protein, L3. In addition, 4 type I gene products, L5 (gp21), L7 (gp20), L8 (gp29), and L9 (gp25), were identified as constituents of tails (gp21 denotes that a protein is a product of gene 21). Three type IIb mutants in genes 10, 14, and 19 diminished substantially the production of late proteins, including tail and head proteins, and the two other type IIb mutants in genes 1 and 2 were defective in the synthesis of both early and late proteins. Of 14 type IIa mutants, at least 6 were defective in phage DNA synthesis and 2 were defective in the synthesis of head proteins. The defect in the head donor activities of type IIa mutants in extract complementation tests was due to the failure of the formation of mature heads containing DNA. The above results support directly the results of the genetic characterization of BF23 genes.  相似文献   

A mutant derivative of Escherichia coli K-12 has been isolated which is permissive for bacteriophage T5 infection even when harboring a wild-type ColIb plasmid. The fully permissive phenotype was the result of two mutations that are located near the rpsL-rpsE region on the E. coli chromosome and are recessive to the wild-type alleles. These mutations had little or no effect on induction of colicin synthesis and did not affect the expression of antibiotic resistance by the resistance plasmids R64drd11 or R1drd19. Cells harboring the mutant alleles grew more slowly than isogenic wild-type derivatives in either minimal or complete media.  相似文献   

Cleavage maps of bacteriophage BF23 DNA have been constructed for the restriction endonucleases SalI (3 fragments), BamHI (5 fragments), EcoRI, (8 fragments), BalI (13 fragments), and HpaI (49 fragments, 32 of which have been ordered). The maps were determined by (i) analysis of deletion mutants, (ii) digestion with two endonucleases, (iii) digestion of isolated fragments with a second enzyme, (iv) analysis of partial digests, and (v) digestion after treatment with lambda exonuclease.  相似文献   

Two bacteriophage BF23 late genes, genes 24 and 25, were isolated on a 7.4-kb PstI fragment from the phage DNA, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Gene 24 encodes a minor tail protein with the expected M(r) of 34,309, and gene 25 located 4 bp upstream of gene 24 encodes a major tail protein with the expected M(r) of 50,329. When total cellular RNA isolated from either phage-infected cells or cells bearing the cloned genes was analyzed by the primer extension method using the primers specific to either gene 25 or gene 24, we identified a possible late gene promoter, designated P25, in the 5'-flanking region of gene 25. This promoter was similar in structure to Escherichia coli promoters for sigma 70. Studies of the translational gene 25- and gene 24-lacZ fusions in the cloned gene system revealed that the promoter P25 was responsible for the expression of both genes 25 and 24 even in the absence of the regulatory genes which were absolutely required for late gene expression in the normal phage-infected cells. These results indicate that the two genes constitute an operon under the control of P25 and that the regulatory gene products of BF23 do not participate directly in specifying the late gene promoter.  相似文献   

The structures of the colicin Ib plasmid (ColIb), the delta transfer factor and a plasmid determining kanamycin resistance and colicin Ib production called KColIb, were compared. Radiolabelled mini-ColIb plasmids and isolated DNA fragments of ColIb were used as probes for nitrocellulose blots of digests of the other two large plasmids. The structure of delta was consistent with it having one large deletion of about 10 MDa in the SB fragment and two insertions of approximately 6 MDa and 12 MDa in the SB and SA fragments of the ColIb plasmid. It was hypothesized that KColIb had six small insertions in SA, SB, SE and near the junction of the SB and SD fragments. However, ColIb, KColIb and delta were homologous for at least 70% of their lengths. The highly conserved regions in the three plasmids were the regions that corresponded to fragments SA, SC and SD of ColIb. In addition, delta and KColIb differed from ColIb at similar sites. The possible evolution of these plasmids is discussed.  相似文献   

K Okada  Y Shimura 《Gene》1980,8(4):345-368
Bacteriophage BF23st(0) DNA was denatured with alkali and fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Seven single-stranded fragments (designated Fragments I--VII) were identified as the major constituents of the phage DNA. The presence of several minor fragments which represent minor populations of the phage genome was also observed. The largest fragment (Fragment I) represents the intact strand of phage DNA, whereas the other fragments form the complementary strand. Thus, BF23st(0) DNA carries single-strand interruptions in only one strand. The arrangement of the major fragments in the nicked strand was determined by use of gamma-exonuclease and agarose gel electrophoresis. From the mode of action of this nuclease, and from the kinetics of release or disappearance of the fragments, the polarity of the fragments in BF23st(0) DNA was specified. In addition, the presence of two types of major phage populations differing in their composition of the fragments was demonstrated. One type has an additional nick (yielding Fragment IV and Fragment V) in a specific fragment (Fragment II) of other type.  相似文献   

The DNA of bacteriophage BF23 possesses two structural features, localized single-chain interruptions and a large terminal repetition, previously described for T5, a closely related virus. As is the case for T5, single-chain interruptions occur with variable frequencies at a small number of fixed sites within one strand of the double-stranded BF23 genome. The sites where interruptions occur with the highest frequencies were napped by an electrophoretic analysis of the single-stranded fragments produced by denaturation of BF23 DNA. The positions of these fragments were determined by degrading BF23 DNA to various extents with lambda exonuclease and observing the relative order with which they were (i) degraded or (ii) released intact from the undenatured duplex. The exact locations of the interruptions were determined from analysis of analogous duplex fragments produced by degrading exonuclease III-treated BF23 DNA with a single-strand-specific endonuclease. BF23 has five principal sites (located at 7.9, 18.7, 32.4, 65.8, and 99.6% from the left end of the DNA) where interruptions occur in most molecules. The principal interruptions in T5 DNA occur at similar positions. The locations of eight secondary interruptions in BF23 DNA were also determined. In general, BF23 DNA has fewer secondary interruptions than t5 dna, although there is at least one location where an interruption occurs with a greater frequency in BF23. The presence of a terminal repetition in BF23 DNA was demonstrated by annealing ligase-repaired molecules that had been partially digested with lambda exonuclease. If the complementary sequences at both ends of the DNA were exposed by exonuclease treatment, the duplex segment that resulted from annealing could be released by digestion with a single-strand-specific endonuclease. This segment was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and found to represent 8.4% of BF23 DNA.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage present in wine can attack bacterial starter cultures and inhibit the malolactic fermentation. The possibility of starter culture failure due to phage attack was studied in a commercial dry red wine of pH 3·23, inoculated with a multiple strain starter culture. During two stages of malolactic fermentation, bacterial growth and malate degradation in the wine were inhibited. A phage capable of lysing isolates of Leuconostoc oenos was isolated from the wine. The isolated phage had an icosahedral head of 42–45 nm diameter and a flexible, regularly cross-striated tail 197–207 nm long with a small baseplate. The results confirm that phage can attack bacterial starter cultures in wine at low pH.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the effect of an active, plasmid-carried recA gene on the stability and/or the expression of plasmid genes in different genetic backgrounds, we have constructed a bifunctional plasmid (able to replicate in Escherichia coli and in Bacillus subtilis). Chimeric plasmids were obtained by inserting pC194 (Ehrlich 1977) into pDR1453 (Sancar and Rupp 1979). pDR1453 is a 12.9 Kbp plasmid constructed by inserting an E. coli chromosome fragment carrying the recA gene into pBR322. The expected bifunctional recombinant (pMR22/1) (15.7 Kbp) was easily obtained but surprisingly the Cm resistance was expressed only at a very low level in E. coli (as compared, for example, to pHV14, pHV15). We attribute this effect to the presence of multiple recA genes in the cell. On the contrary, Cmr E. coli transformants bear a recombinant plasmid (pMR22/n) containing tandemly repeated copies of pC194 in equilibrium with excised free pC194. Such amplification has never been observed in a Rec- background and is therefore mediated by the recA genes. Growth of these clones in the absence of Cm causes the loss of the extra copies, yielding a plasmid with a single copy of pC194, indistingishable from pMR22/1. Interestingly, we have observed that deletions occur at high frequency in pC194, which drastically increase Cmr in E. coli containing plasmids with a single copy of pC194. Two types of such deletions were detected: (a) large 1050 bp deletions covering about onethird of pC194 and (b) small 120–150 bp deletions (near the MspI site) in the region containing the replicative functions of pC194 (Horinouchi and Weisblum 1982). Both types of deletion render the recombinant plasmid unable to replicate in B. subtilis. pM22/1 replicates, although with a low copy-number, and is stable in B. subtilis wild type; the recA gene of E. coli does not complement any of the rec - mutations of B. subtilis. A strong instability, mainly of the E. coli and pBR322 sequences, was observed in many dna and rec mutants of B. subtilis yielding smaller plasmid with a much higher copy-number.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of the ColIb plasmid in Escherichia coli cells inhibits the growth of bacteriophages BF23 and T5 (Ibf phenotype; inhibition of BF23 and T5 growth). To understand this abortive infection, we devised a method of isolating mutants that were defective in some ColIb phenotypes including Ibf. This method consisted of transduction of the tet (Tcr; tetracycline resistance) or cml (Cmr; chloramphenicol resistance) gene of plasmid R222 with phage P22 into ColIb, construction of TcrCmrIbf+ Imm+ (immunity to colicin Ib) Cib- (no production of colicin Ib) recombinants by crossing between the transductants, and isolation of deletion mutants from the recombinants by phage P1 transduction. By this procedure, pKM25-2 (TcrCmsIbf-Imm-Cib-) and pKM25-1 (TcrCmsIbf+Imm+Cib-) were isolated. Construction of the cleavage map of the ColIb plasmid by restriction endonucleases and comparative analyses of the DNA fragments produced from the mutant plasmids revealed that the genes determining Ibf and Imm mapped on a 4.60 Mdal HindIII fragment (H-3) and the gene determining Cib on a 1.71 Mdal EcoRI fragment (E-12).These results together with other observations (Wilkins et al. 1981; Hama personal communication) also show the approximate positions of the genes for Rep (replication), Inc (incompatibility), and Sog (suppression of dnaG) as well as Ibf, Imm, and Cib phenotypes on the cleavage map of the ColIb plasmid.Preliminary data were reported in the 1979 Annual Meeting of the Japan Molecular Biology Society (Uemura and Mizobuchi, Abst Ann Mol Biol Meet 1979, p 36)  相似文献   

A 1989-bp PstI DNA fragment from the ColIb plasmid, which contains the abi gene that is necessary for the abortive response to infections by bacteriophage BF23 or T5, was sequenced. A candidate open reading frame for the abi gene has been suggested on the basis of a Shine-Dalgarno sequence appropriately placed ahead of its ATG initiation codon, a promoter upstream from the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, and a location compatible with deletion mapping. The polypeptide that would be coded by this open reading frame is 89 amino acids long and strongly hydrophobic. A promoter that could serve this open reading frame was detected by exonuclease III "footprinting" using RNA polymerase from uninfected Escherichia coli as the DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

Summary DNA fragments carrying the recA genes of Rhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae were isolated by complementing a UV-sensitive recA Escherichia coli strain. Sequence analysis revealed that the coding region of the R. meliloti recA gene consists of 1044 by coding for 348 amino acids whereas the coding region of the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA gene has 1053 bp specifying 351 amino acids. The R. meliloti and R. leguminosarum bv. viciae recA genes show 84.8% homology at the DNA sequence level and of 90.1% at the amino acid sequence level. recA mutant strains of both Rhizobium species were constructed by inserting a gentamicin resistance cassette into the respective recA gene. The resulting recA mutants exhibited an increased sensitivity to UV irradiation, were impaired in their ability to perform homologous recombination and showed a slightly reduced growth rate when compared with the respective wild-type strains. The Rhizobium recA strains did not have altered symbiotic nitrogen fixation capacity. Therefore, they represent ideal candidates for release experiments with impaired strains.The accession numbers: X59956 R. LEGUMINOSARUM REC A ALAS-DNA; X59957 R. MELITOTI REC A ALAS-DNA  相似文献   

K Okada 《Gene》1980,8(4):369-390
Using 13 deletion mutants of bacteriophage BF23, physical as well as genetic structures of that portion of the genome which is dispensable for phage growth were investigated. The dispensable region covers at least 15% of the genome of wild type BF23, extending from about 0.2 to 0.35 map unit. Restriction endonuclease (EcoRI and HindIII) cleavage sites and the sites of single-strand interruptions in this dispensable region were localized. It was found that the dispensable region contains an interruption site, which is missing in the mutant BF23st(0) used by Okada and Shimura (1980). Wild-type phage DNA is heterogeneous in the presence or absence of specific single-strand interruptions in this or in a neighboring region of the genome.  相似文献   

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