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Retinaldehyde: more than meets the eye   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ocular albinism type 1: more than meets the eye   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ocular albinism type 1 (OA1) is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by a severe reduction of visual acuity, and hypopigmentation of the retina that leads to nystagmus, strabismus, and photophobia/photodysphoria. Microscopic examination of both retinal pigment epithelium and skin melanocytes in OA1 reveals the presence of macrome-lanosomes, suggesting that the OA1 gene product plays a role in melanosome biogenesis. Studies of mutations identified from OA1 patients and an Oa1 knock-out mouse model further implicate OA1 protein function in the late stage of melanosome development. Because its effects are primarily limited to the eye, OA1 represents an ideal model system to study the relationship between pigmentation and visual development. Based upon sequence homology and biochemical studies, OA1 may represent a novel intracellular G-protein coupled receptor. Understanding the function of OA1 will contribute greatly to our understanding of melanosome biogenesis and the role of pigmentation in visual development.  相似文献   

Burr D 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(4):R159-R161
A recent study shows that objects changing in colour, luminance, size or shape appear to stop changing when they move. These and other compelling illusions provide tantalizing clues about the mechanisms and limitations of object analysis.  相似文献   

Lens cells originate from the head ectoderm and differentiate into an avascular organ constituted from two contiguous cell subpopulations of very different morphology. Lens cells, together with corneal cells, are responsible for the transmission and focusing of light onto the retina. Loss of transparency within the lens, via disruption of membrane transport or protein aggregation, results in cataract.  相似文献   

There's more to macroecology than meets the eye   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macroecology sits at the junction of, and can contribute to, the fields of ecology, biogeography, palaeontology and macroevolution, using a broad range of approaches to tackle a diverse set of questions. Here, we argue that there is more to macroecology than mapping, and that while they are potentially useful, maps are insufficient to assess macroecological pattern and process. The true nature of pattern can only be assessed, and competing hypotheses about process can only be disentangled, by adopting a statistical approach, and it is this that has been key to the development of macroecology as a respected and rigorous scientific discipline.  相似文献   

Ritland K 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(17):3494-3495
The genus Aquilegia consists of 60–70 perennial plant species widely distributed throughout the northern hemisphere. Its flowers have a delicate and ornamental appearance that makes them a favourite of gardeners. In this genus, adaptive radiations for both floral and vegetative traits have occurred. These adaptive radiations, and the key phylogenetic placement of Aquilegia between Arabidopsis and rice, make this genus a ‘model system’ for plant evolution ( Kramer 2009 ). In this issue, Castellanos et al. (2011) use a marker‐based method to infer heritability for floral and vegetative traits in two Aquilegia species. Layered on top of this are estimates of the strength of natural selection. This novel joint estimation of heritability and selection in the wild showed that vegetative traits, compared to floral traits, have the highest evolutionarily potential. Evolutionary potential is the most important quantity to measure in wild populations. It combines inheritance and strength of selection and predicts the potential for populations to adapt to changing environments. The combination of molecular techniques with species in natural environments makes this work a model for molecular ecological investigations.  相似文献   

Src-family kinases are critically involved in the control of cytoskeleton organization and in the generation of integrin-dependent signaling responses, inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of many signaling and cytoskeletal proteins. Activity of the Src family of tyrosine kinases is tightly controlled by inhibitory phosphorylation of a carboxy-terminal tyrosine residue, inducing an inactive conformation through binding with its SH2 domain. Dephosphorylation of C-ter tyrosine, as well as its deletion of substitution with phenylalanine in oncogenic Src kinases, leads to autophosphorylation at a tyrosine in the activation loop, thereby leading to enhanced Src activity. Beside this phophorylation/dephosphorylation circuitry, cysteine oxidation has been recently reported as a further mechanism of enzyme activation. Mounting evidence describes Src activation via its redox regulation as a key outcome in several circumstances, including growth factor and cytokines signaling, integrin-mediated cell adhesion and motility, membrane receptor cross-talk as well in cell transformation and tumor progression. Among the plethora of data involving Src kinase in physiological and pathophysiological processes, this review will give emphasis to the redox component of the regulation of this master kinase.  相似文献   

Uto K  Inoue D  Shimuta K  Nakajo N  Sagata N 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(16):3386-3396
Cdc25 phosphatases activate cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and thereby promote cell cycle progression. In vertebrates, Chk1 and Chk2 phosphorylate Cdc25A at multiple N-terminal sites and target it for rapid degradation in response to genotoxic stress. Here we show that Chk1, but not Chk2, phosphorylates Xenopus Cdc25A at a novel C-terminal site (Thr504) and inhibits it from C-terminally interacting with various Cdk-cyclin complexes, including Cdk1-cyclin A, Cdk1-cyclin B, and Cdk2-cyclin E. Strikingly, this inhibition, rather than degradation itself, of Cdc25A is essential for the Chk1-induced cell cycle arrest and the DNA replication checkpoint in early embryos. 14-3-3 proteins bind to Chk1-phosphorylated Thr504, but this binding is not required for the inhibitory effect of Thr504 phosphorylation. A C-terminal site presumably equivalent to Thr504 exists in all known Cdc25 family members from yeast to humans, and its phosphorylation by Chk1 (but not Chk2) can also inhibit all examined Cdc25 family members from C-terminally interacting with their Cdk-cyclin substrates. Thus, Chk1 but not Chk2 seems to inhibit virtually all Cdc25 phosphatases by a novel common mechanism.  相似文献   

Chk1, a nuclear DNA damage/replication G2 checkpoint kinase, phosphorylates Cdc25 and causes its nuclear exclusion in yeast and mammalian cells, thereby arresting the cell at the G2 phase until DNA repair/replication is completed. Chk1 is also involved, at least in part, in the natural G2 arrest of immature Xenopus oocytes, but it is unknown how Chk1 inhibits Cdc25 function and undergoes regulation during oocyte maturation. By using enucleated oocytes, we show here that Chk1 inhibits Cdc25 function in the cytoplasm of G2-arrested oocytes and that Cdc25 is activated exclusively in the cytoplasm of maturing oocytes. Moreover, we show that Chk1 activity is not appreciably altered during maturation, being maintained at basal levels, and that C-terminal truncation mutants of Chk1 have very high kinase activities, strong abilities to inhibit maturation, and altered subcellular localization in oocytes. These results, together with other results, suggest that the Chk1/Cdc25 pathway is involved cytoplasmically in G2 arrest of Xenopus oocytes, but moderately and independent of the G2 checkpoint, and that the C-terminal region of Chk1 negatively regulates its kinase activity and also determines its subcellular localization. Based on these results, we discuss the possibility that Chk1 (with the basal activity) may function as an ordinary regulator of Cdc25 in oocytes (and in other cell types) and that Chk1 might be hyperactivated in response to the G2 checkpoint via its dramatic conformational change.  相似文献   

Seeing more than meets the eye: processing of illusory contours in animals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This review article illustrates that mammals, birds and insects are able to perceive illusory contours. Illusory contours lack a physical counterpart, but monkeys, cats, owls and bees perceive them as if they were real borders. In all of these species, a neural correlate for such perceptual completion phenomena has been described. The robustness of neuronal responses and the abundance of cells argue that such neurons might indeed represent a neural correlate for illusory contour perception. The internal state of an animal subject (i.e., alert and behaving) seems to be an important factor when correlating neural activity with perceptual phenomena. The fact that the neural network necessary for illusory contour perception has been found in relatively early visual brain areas in all tested animals suggests that bottom-up processing is largely sufficient to explain such perceptual abilities. However, recent findings in monkeys indicate that feedback loops within the visual system may provide additional modulation. The detection of illusory contours by independently evolved visual systems argues that processing of edges in the absence of contrast gradients reflects fundamental visual constraints and not just an artifact of visual processing.  相似文献   

The ATR and Chk1 kinases are essential to maintain genomicintegrity. ATR, with Claspin and the Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 complex,activates Chk1 after DNA damage. Chk1-mediated phosphorylation ofthe Cdc25A phosphatase is required for the mammalian S-phasecheckpoint. Here, we show that during physiological S phase theregulation of the Chk1-Cdc25A pathway depends on ATR, Claspin,Rad9, and Hus1. Human cells with chemically or genetically ablatedATR showed inhibition of Chk1-dependent phosphorylation of Cdc25A,and they accumulated Cdc25A without external DNA damage.Furthermore, siRNA-mediated depletion of Claspin, Rad9 and Hus1also stabilized Cdc25A. ATR ablation also inhibited the activatoryphosphorylation of Chk1 on serine 345. Thus, the ATR-Chk1-Cdc25Apathway represents an integral part of physiological S-phaseprogression, and interference with this mechanism underminesviability of somatic mammalian cells. DNA damage further activatesand switches this pathway from its constitutively operating“surveillance mode” compatible with DNA replication into an“emergency” checkpoint response.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are environmental sensors, historically thought of as red/far-red photoreceptors in plants. Their photoperception occurs through a covalently linked tetrapyrrole chromophore, which undergoes a light-dependent conformational change propagated through the protein to a variable output domain. The phytochrome composition is modular, typically consisting of a PAS-GAF-PHY architecture for the N-terminal photosensory core. A collection of three-dimensional structures has uncovered key features, including an unusual figure-of-eight knot, an extension reaching from the PHY domain to the chromophore-binding GAF domain, and a centrally located, long α-helix hypothesized to be crucial for intramolecular signaling. Continuing identification of phytochromes in microbial systems has expanded the assigned sensory abilities of this family out of the red and into the yellow, green, blue, and violet portions of the spectrum. Furthermore, phytochromes acting not as photoreceptors but as redox sensors have been recognized. In addition, architectures other than PAS-GAF-PHY are known, thus revealing phytochromes to be a varied group of sensory receptors evolved to utilize their modular design to perceive a signal and respond accordingly. This review focuses on the structures of bacterial phytochromes and implications for signal transmission. We also discuss the small but growing set of bacterial phytochromes for which a physiological function has been ascertained.  相似文献   

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