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The effects of hypercapnia and hypocapnia on the activities of the cardiac and pulmonary vagal single fibers were examined in the decerebrated, unanesthetized, paralyzed, and vagotomized cats. The animals breathed 100% O2. Fractional end tidal CO2 concentration was raised to 9% by adding CO2 into the O2 inlet. Average discharge rate of efferent cardiac vagal units (n=10) increased from 1.0+/-0.3 to 2.2+/-0.3 Hz. Hypocapnia apnea was produced by hyperventilation. Activities of cardiac vagal units tested (n = 4) showed dramatic decrease (0.1+/-0.0 Hz). Mean arterial blood pressure did not change significantly under these conditions. In contrast, only instantaneous firing rate during inspiration was significantly increased for efferent pulmonary vagal units (n = 11) during hypercapnia. The activities of the 3 pulmonary vagal units tested with hypocapnia decreased significantly. We concluded that cardiac and pulmonary vagal neurons were excited by chemoreceptor input.  相似文献   

From a neuronal cDNA library of the cockroach Periplaneta americana we isolated a 3585-bp cDNA sequence encoding Periplaneta transient receptor potential gamma (pTRPgamma), a protein of 1194 amino acids showing 65% identity to the orthologous Drosophila channel protein dTRPgamma. Heterologous expression of pTRPgamma in HEK293 cells produced a constitutively active, non-selective cation channel with a Ca2+:Na+ permeability ratio of 2. In contrast to dTRPgamma-mediated currents, pTRPgamma currents were partially inhibited by 8-bromo-cAMP, and this effect was not mediated by protein kinase A (PKA) activation. pTRPgammab, a truncated pTRPgamma splice variant missing most of the C terminus, was insensitive to 8-bromo-cAMP. Thus, the critical cAMP-binding site seems to be located in the C-terminal part of pTRPgamma, although there is no common cAMP-binding consensus sequence. While dTRPgamma is only expressed in the photoreceptors, pTRPgamma is expressed throughout the nervous system. In particular it is expressed in dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons. In these octopamine-releasing, neurosecretory cells a Ca2+ background current contributing to pacemaker activity was found to be up-regulated by the reduction of cAMP level. In addition, the Ca2+ background current was inhibited by LOE-908, 2-APB, and La3+, which similarly affected the pTRPgamma current. We thus propose that the pTRPgamma protein is involved in forming the channel passing the Ca2+ pakemaking background current in DUM neurons.  相似文献   

With cells obtained from long-term mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) we have have demonstrated hybrid histocompatibility determinants that are recognized as mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR)-stimulating determinants. Hybrid determinants can also be detected (1) in an in vitro assay for effector cells that measure inhibition of immunoglobulin secretion by LPS-blasts, and (2) in DTH-like responses of in vitro-primed cells injected into "B" mice and challenged in vivo with stimulator cells. The possible implications of these findings for the physiologic function of MLR determinants are discussed.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that cells with the characteristics of antigen-presenting cells (APC) are present in murine thymus from as early as 14 days gestation, around the time that T lymphopoiesis is initiated in the embryo. Thymic APC were identified as la+ adherent cells capable of presenting alloantigens to T cells in MLC. The possible role of these cells in thymocyte differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ADP on ATP-sensitive K+ channels in the insulin-secreting RINm5F cell line has been investigated with the help of single-channel current recording from saponin-permeabilized cells. ADP (100-500 microM) markedly activates K+ channels when added to the bath solution in contact with the membrane inside. ADP-beta-S cannot mimick this effect. During sustained ATP (500 microM)-evoked inhibition of K+ channel opening, 500 microM ADP markedly and reversibly activates the channels. Conversely ATP markedly reduces the opening probability of ADP-activated channels. It is suggested that the physiological control of K+ channel opening in the insulin-secreting cells is mediated by changes in ATP/ADP ratio rather than being solely determined by the ATP concentration.  相似文献   

The activity in vitro of four types of colicins (A, E1, E3, U) against one human standard fibroblast line and against 11 human tumor-cell lines carrying defined mutations of the p53 gene was quantified by MTT (tetrazolium bromide) assay. Flow cytometry showed that the pore-forming colicins A, E1 and U affected the cell cycle of 5 of these cell lines. Colicins E3 and U did not show any distinct inhibitory effects on the cell lines, while colicins E1 and especially A inhibited the growth of all of them (with one exception concerning colicin E1). Colicin E1 inhibited the growth of the tumor lines by 17-40% and standard fibroblasts MRC5 by 11%. Colicin A exhibited a differentiated 16-56% inhibition, the growth of standard fibroblasts being inhibited by 36%. In three of the lines, colicins A and E1 increased the number of cells in the G1 phase (by 12-58%) and in apoptosis (by 7-58%). These results correlated with the data from sensitivity assays. Hence, the inhibitory effect of colicins on eukaryotic cells in cell-selective, colicin-specific and can be considered to be cytotoxic.  相似文献   

Cathepsin S has been isolated for the first time from human tissue. It has a molecular mass of 24 kDa and an isoelectric point in the range of 8.2 to 8.6. The enzyme is inhibited by equistatin, which belongs to the thyropins, a new family of protein inhibitors, with an inhibition constant of Ki = 0.40 +/- 0.07 nM. Cruzipain, a cathepsin L-like enzyme sharing a 130 amino acid long C-terminal extension, is also strongly inhibited by equistatin (Ki = 0.028 +/- 0.006 nM). Together with previously reported data, these results further indicate that a functional heterogeneity exists among thyropin inhibitors, as demonstrated by their interaction with cathepsin S and cruzipain.  相似文献   

Phages of the P335 group have recently emerged as important taxa among lactococcal phages that disrupt dairy fermentations. DNA sequencing has revealed extensive homologies between the lytic and temperate phages of this group. The P335 lytic phage phi31 encodes a genetic switch region of cI and cro homologs but lacks the phage attachment site and integrase necessary to establish lysogeny. When the putative cI repressor gene of phage phi31 was subcloned into the medium-copy-number vector pAK80, no superinfection immunity was conferred to the host, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCK203, indicating that the wild-type CI repressor was dysfunctional. Attempts to clone the full-length cI gene in Lactococcus in the high-copy-number shuttle vector pTRKH2 were unsuccessful. The single clone that was recovered harbored an ochre mutation in the cI gene after the first 128 amino acids of the predicted 180-amino-acid protein. In the presence of the truncated CI construct, pTRKH2::CI-per1, phage phi31 was inhibited to an efficiency of plaquing (EOP) of 10(-6) in NCK203. A pTRKH2 subclone which lacked the DNA downstream of the ochre mutation, pTRKH2::CI-per2, confirmed the phenotype and further reduced the phi31 EOP to <10(-7). Phage phi31 mutants, partially resistant to CI-per, were isolated and showed changes in two of three putative operator sites for CI and Cro binding. Both the wild-type and truncated CI proteins bound the two wild-type operators in gel mobility shift experiments, but the mutated operators were not bound by the truncated CI. Twelve of 16 lytic P335 group phages failed to form plaques on L. lactis harboring pTRKH2::CI-per2, while 4 phages formed plaques at normal efficiencies. Comparisons of amino acid and DNA level homologies with other lactococcal temperate phage repressors suggest that evolutionary events may have led to inactivation of the phi31 CI repressor. This study demonstrated that a number of different P335 phages, lytic for L. lactis NCK203, have a common operator region which can be targeted by a truncated derivative of a dysfunctional CI repressor.  相似文献   

Motor neurons (MNs) are highly energetic cells and recent studies suggest that altered energy metabolism precede MN loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an age-onset neurodegenerative disease. However, clear mechanistic insights linking altered metabolism and MN death are still missing. In this study, induced pluripotent stem cells from healthy controls, familial ALS, and sporadic ALS patients were differentiated toward spinal MNs, cortical neurons, and cardiomyocytes. Metabolic flux analyses reveal an MN-specific deficiency in mitochondrial respiration in ALS. Intriguingly, all forms of familial and sporadic ALS MNs tested in our study exhibited similar defective metabolic profiles, which were attributed to hyper-acetylation of mitochondrial proteins. In the mitochondria, Sirtuin-3 (SIRT3) functions as a mitochondrial deacetylase to maintain mitochondrial function and integrity. We found that activating SIRT3 using nicotinamide or a small molecule activator reversed the defective metabolic profiles in all our ALS MNs, as well as correct a constellation of ALS-associated phenotypes.Subject terms: Neuroscience, Pathogenesis  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is an important regulatory mechanism to create protein diversity. In order to elucidate possible regulatory elements common to neuron specific exons, we created and statistically analysed a database of exons that are alternatively spliced in neurons. The splice site comparison of alternatively and constitutively spliced exons reveals that some, but not all alternatively spliced exons have splice sites deviating from the consensus sequence, implying diverse patterns of regulation. The deviation from the consensus is most evident at the -3 position of the 3' splice site and the +4 and -3 position of the 5' splice site. The nucleotide composition of alternatively and constitutively spliced exons is different, with alternatively spliced exons being more AU rich. We performed overlapping k-tuple analysis to identify common motifs. We found that alternatively and constitutively spliced exons differ in the frequency of several trinucleotides that cannot be explained by the amino acid composition and may be important for splicing regulation.  相似文献   

Carnitine is bound by intact red blood cells, by red blood cell ghosts, and by glutaraldehyde-fixed human erythrocytes in a non-saturable, temperature-dependent manner. Binding of carnitine by these preparations is blocked by sulfhydryl reagents. Incubation or preincubation of red blood cell preparations with carnitine inhibits the aggregation of erythrocytes otherwise elicited by fibrinogen. Identical effects are obtained with red blood cell ghosts. In contrast, choline, even at high concentrations, is inactive in preventing the aggregation of erythrocytes. We discuss possible mechanisms by which carnitine favors the dispersion of red blood cells, and we present data indicating that sulfhydryl groups on erythrocyte membranes are required to permit these carnitine actions to be manifested.  相似文献   

Responses of caudate neurons to electrical stimulation of the afferent input from thepulvinar thalamic nucleus and to visual stimuli of various orientations were studied extracellularly in awake chronic cats. Activation responses dominated among reactions of these neurons. The response latencies have ranged from 4 to 85 msec for units with primary activation and from 20 to 150 msec for inhibited ones. The values are indicative of both rapidly and slowly conducting afferent pathways. A possibility of monosynaptic transmission in thepulvinarcaudate projections is also revealed.Pulvinar stimulation is found to be efficient for a significant (more than 50 percent) number of caudate neurons responding to visual stimuli, including orientation-selective cells. The mode of influences from other structures of the visual system (optic tract, area 17, the Clare-Bishop area) on caudate neurons responding topulvinar stimulation is described. The data are discussed with respect to the possible role of cortical and subcortical projections of the visual system in the creation of sensory specific responses of the caudate nucleus.A. A. Bogomolets Physiology Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 520–529, September–October, 1991.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) evokes bradycardia that is mediated by cholinergic neurons in experiments with isolated guinea pig hearts. This project investigates the negative chronotropic action of SP in vivo. Guinea pigs were anesthetized with urethane, vagotomized and artificially respired. Using this model, IV injection of SP (32 nmol/kg/50 microl saline) caused a brief decrease in heart rate (-30+/-3 beats/min from a baseline of 256+/-4 beats/min, n = 27) and a long-lasting decrease in blood pressure (-28+/-2 mmHg from baseline of 51+/-5 mmHg, n = 27). The negative chronotropic response to SP was attenuated by muscarinic receptor blockade with atropine (-29 +/- 9 beats/min before vs -8 +/- 2 beats/min after treatment, P = 0.0204, n = 5) and augmented by inhibition of cholinesterases with physostigmine (-23 +/- 6 beats/min before versus -74 +/- 20 beats/min after treatment, P = 0.0250, n = 5). Ganglion blockade with chlorisondamine did not diminish the negative chronotropic response to SP. In another series of experiments, animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital or urethane and studied with or without vagotomy. Neither anesthetic nor vagotomy had a significant effect on the negative chronotropic response to SP (F3,24 = 1.97, P = 0.2198). Comparison of responses to 640 nmol/kg nitroprusside and 32 nmol/kg SP demonstrated that the bradycardic effect of SP occurs independent of vasodilation. These results suggest that SP can evoke bradycardia in vivo through stimulation of postganglionic cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   

Astrocyte Gq GPCR and IP3 receptor-dependent Ca2+ elevations occur spontaneously in situ and in vivo. These events vary considerably in size, often remaining confined to small territories of astrocyte processes called “microdomains” and sometimes propagating over longer distances that can include the soma. It has remained unclear whether these events are driven by constitutive (basal) GPCR signaling activity, neuronal action potential-dependent or quantal vesicular release, or some combination of these mechanisms. Here, we applied manipulations to increase or inhibit neuronal vesicular neurotransmitter release together with low-level stimulation of Schaffer collaterals in acute mouse hippocampal slices in an effort to determine the mechanisms underlying spontaneous astrocyte Ca2+ events. We found no significant change in spontaneous microdomain astrocyte Ca2+ elevations when neuronal action potentials were significantly enhanced or blocked. The astrocyte Ca2+ activity was also not affected by inhibitors of group I mGluRs. However, blockade of miniature neurotransmitter release using Bafilomycin A1 significantly reduced the frequency of microdomain astrocyte Ca2+ elevations. We then tested whether astrocyte Ca2+ microdomains can be evoked by low intensity SC stimulation. Importantly, microdomains could not be reproduced even using single, low intensity pulses to the SCs at a minimum distance from the astrocyte. Evoked astrocyte Ca2+ responses most often included the cell soma, were reduced by group I mGluR antagonists, and were larger in size compared to spontaneous Ca2+ microdomains. Overall, our findings suggest that spontaneous microdomain astrocyte Ca2+ elevations are not driven by neuronal action potentials but require quantal release of neurotransmitter which cannot be replicated by stimulation of Schaffer collaterals.  相似文献   

Although mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) stimulation and the exercise pressor reflex have been shown to increase whole nerve renal sympathetic activity, it is not known whether these mechanisms converge onto the same population of renal sympathetic postganglionic efferents. In decerebrate cats, we examined the responses of single renal sympathetic postganglionic efferents to stimulation of the MLR and the exercise pressor reflex (i.e., static contraction of the triceps surae muscles). We found that, in most instances (24 of 28 fibers), either MLR stimulation or the muscle reflex, but not both, increased the discharge of renal postganglionic sympathetic efferents. In addition, we found that renal sympathetic efferents that responded to static contraction while the muscles were freely perfused responded more vigorously to static contraction during circulatory arrest. Moreover, stretch of the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon stimulated the same renal sympathetic efferents as did static contraction. These findings suggest that MLR stimulation and the exercise pressor reflex do not converge onto the same renal sympathetic postganglionic efferents.  相似文献   

Leptin regulates food intake as well as metabolic, endocrine, and immune functions. It exerts proliferative and antiapoptotic activities in a variety of cell types, including T cells. Leptin also stimulates macrophages and neutrophils, and its production is increased during inflammation. In this study, we demonstrate that human neutrophils express leptin surface receptors under in vitro and in vivo conditions, and that leptin delays apoptosis of mature neutrophils in vitro. The antiapoptotic effects of leptin were concentration dependent and blocked by an anti-leptin receptor mAb. The efficacy of leptin to block neutrophil apoptosis was similar to G-CSF. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we obtained evidence that leptin initiates a signaling cascade involving PI3K- and MAPK-dependent pathways in neutrophils. Moreover, leptin delayed the cleavage of Bid and Bax, the mitochondrial release of cytochrome c and second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase, as well as the activation of both caspase-8 and caspase-3 in these cells. Taken together, leptin is a survival cytokine for human neutrophils, a finding with potential pathologic relevance in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

AppppA and the DnaK protein have both been hypothesized to function in regulating the heat shock response of Escherichia coli. The proposals are that AppppA serves as a signal (alarmone) to turn on the heat shock response, whereas the DnaK protein is necessary to turn off the heat shock response. A simple model would be that the DnaK protein turns off the response by degrading AppppA. We disproved this model by demonstrating that the DnaK protein possesses a 5'-nucleotidase activity capable of degrading many cellular nucleotides but not AppppA. Although AppppA was not a substrate, it did inhibit the 5'-nucleotidase activity of the DnaK protein. This inhibition may be specific and have biological function since the mutant DnaK756 protein, which is defective in turning off the heat shock response, is partially desensitized to AppppA inhibition. These findings led us to consider other possible mechanisms for AppppA and the DnaK protein in heat shock regulation.  相似文献   

Inhibition by its product, glucose, is a kinetic property of hexokinase type III. In this paper, we report the overexpression in Escherichia coli of human hexokinase type III. The recombinant enzyme was genetically fused with a hexahistidine peptide at the C-terminal end. This modification confers to the product the ability to bind the Ni2+ ion immobilised into agarose by nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) groups. The purification was performed by one-step column chromatography using ammonium sulphate as stabilising agent. Recombinant hexokinase type III appears as a single band of approximately 100 kDa on a SDS-PAGE gel and shows specific activity of 16 U/mg. Its kinetic parameters are comparable to those of the native enzyme, including the fact that it can be inhibited by glucose. The comparison of these results with the properties of the overexpressed carboxyl-domain led us to suppose that the inhibition site for glucose required the presence of the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

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