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The Wa strain of human rotavirus, grown in MA-104 cells, was suspended either in tryptose phosphate broth or feces from a case of rotaviral diarrhea. It was then aerosolized into a rotating drum using a Collison nebulizer. The drum air was sampled using an all-glass impinger containing tryptose phosphate broth as collecting fluid. At 20 +/- 1 degree C, the virus aerosolized from tryptose phosphate broth was found to survive best at 50 +/- 5% relative humidity, where its half-life was 44.2 +/- 6.3 h. At 30 +/- 5% and 80 +/- 5% relative humidity, the half-life of the virus was 24.5 +/- 3.5 and 3.8 +/- 1.0 h, respectively. At 6 +/- 1 degree C, the airborne survival of the virus at the mid and low relative humidity levels was further enhanced, but at the high relative humidity it remained very similar to that seen at 20 +/- 1 degree C. When aerosols of fecally suspended human rotavirus were held at 20 +/- 1 degree C with 50 +/- 5% relative humidity, nearly 80% of the airborne virus particles remained infectious even at the aerosol age of 24 h. These findings may help in our understanding of the epidemiology of rotaviral infections.  相似文献   

Effect of relative humidity on the airborne survival of rhinovirus-14   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rhinovirus-14, suspended in tryptose phosphate broth supplemented with uranine (physical tracer) and an antifoam, was aerosolized by use of a Collison nebulizer. The aerosols were held in a rotating drum with the relative humidity at either the low (30 +/- 5%), medium (50 +/- 5%), or high (80 +/- 5%) level at 20 +/- 1 degrees C. An all-glass impinger was used to recover the virus from the air in the drum, with the first air sample being collected after a 15-min period of aerosol stabilization. Subsequent air samples were withdrawn at 2, 4, 8, and 14 h after stabilization of the aerosol. At the low and medium relative humidity levels, the infectivity of the airborne virus was rapidly lost and less than 0.25% could be detected in the first air sample. At the high RH level, however, the airborne virus had a half-life of 13.7 +/- 1.91 h and nearly 30% of the input infectious virus could be detected in the drum air even after 24 h of aerosolization. These findings suggest that under certain environmental conditions, notably high relative humidity, air may act as a vehicle for the spread of rhinovirus infections.  相似文献   

Major weather parameters have long been known to alter airborne pollen and spore concentrations. The following study was conducted to study the effect of three of these parameters on airborne ragweed pollen concentrations.During the ragweed (RW) season for the years 1997 and 1998, 10 minute pollen collections were taken at least every 4 hours using an Allergenco MK-3 spore trap. Slides were fixed, and counted microscopically at 400X. During this same period, weather parameters were monitored by an Automated Weather Systems recording station located within a few meters of the collector.The ragweed season for this region begins in mid August and ends by mid October. Temperature patterns for the period demonstrated usual daily fluctuations with highs 13 to 35 °C and lows 8 to 24 °C. Relative humidity readings for the period varied between 25 and 100%. Highest RW values were seen after seasonal cooling in September. Daily rainfall for the period varied between 0 and 100 mm. Airborne RW always declined sharply after strong rainfall events (> 10 mm/day). Peak airborne RW concentrations were often associated with the passing of frontal boundaries and the change in wind direction and velocity that accompanies that passing.Factors influencing airborne RW concentrations are multiple and complex, but atmospheric forces have great influence. The passing of major weather fronts and the associated temperature drops, wind disturbances and rainfall are the major factors.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a widely distributed pest species of soft-skinned fruits. Recent studies suggest the use of sterile insect technique (SIT) as a control method for this species; however, many factors can impact effectiveness of a SIT programme, including the environmental conditions. Environmental condition is critical at the time of the release and in the days afterwards, since it may impact sterile insects’ survival and ability to mate. Thus, we verified the influence of temperature and relative humidity on mating and survival of fertile and sterile D. suzukii, when insects were food provided or deprived. Highest mating rates occurred when sterile or fertile flies provided with food were exposed to 25ºC or 81%–100% relative humidity, while temperatures of 10 and 35ºC and humidity below 60% impaired mating. Overall, mating rate among food-deprived flies was low in all temperatures and humidity levels tested, but fertile insects were more prone to mate when compared to sterile flies. Survival was negatively influenced by high temperatures, low relative humidity and food deprivation. The information present in this study is useful to be considered for release of sterile D. suzukii.  相似文献   

Rotavirus SA11, suspended in tryptose phosphate broth with 2.5 mg of rhodamine B per ml, was aerosolized (Collison nebulizer) into a rotating drum, and the aerosols were held at 20 +/- 1 degree C with the desired relative humidity (RH). An all-glass impinger with tryptose phosphate broth was used to collect 1-min (5.6-liter) samples of air from the drum. The virus was found to survive best at medium (50 +/- 5%) RH, where its half-life was nearly 40 h. The half-life of the virus at the low (25 +/- 5%) RH level was about 9 h. Even at 72 h of aerosol age, 45 and 21% of the infectious virus remained detectable in the air at the medium and low RH levels, respectively. The high (80 +/- 5%) RH level was found to be the least favorable to the survival of the virus, since 50% of the infectious virus became undetectable within 2 h of aerosolization. In a separate experiment at the midrange RH, 3% of the infectious virus was detectable in the drum air after 223 h (9 days) of aerosol age. Rotaviruses could, therefore, survive in air for prolonged periods, thus making air a possible vehicle for their dissemination.  相似文献   

Rotavirus SA11, suspended in tryptose phosphate broth with 2.5 mg of rhodamine B per ml, was aerosolized (Collison nebulizer) into a rotating drum, and the aerosols were held at 20 +/- 1 degree C with the desired relative humidity (RH). An all-glass impinger with tryptose phosphate broth was used to collect 1-min (5.6-liter) samples of air from the drum. The virus was found to survive best at medium (50 +/- 5%) RH, where its half-life was nearly 40 h. The half-life of the virus at the low (25 +/- 5%) RH level was about 9 h. Even at 72 h of aerosol age, 45 and 21% of the infectious virus remained detectable in the air at the medium and low RH levels, respectively. The high (80 +/- 5%) RH level was found to be the least favorable to the survival of the virus, since 50% of the infectious virus became undetectable within 2 h of aerosolization. In a separate experiment at the midrange RH, 3% of the infectious virus was detectable in the drum air after 223 h (9 days) of aerosol age. Rotaviruses could, therefore, survive in air for prolonged periods, thus making air a possible vehicle for their dissemination.  相似文献   

Stainless steel disks (diameter, 1 cm) were contaminated with fecally suspended hepatitis A virus (HAV; strain HM-175) and held at low (25% +/- 5%), medium (55% +/- 5%), high (80% +/- 5%), or ultrahigh (95% +/- 5%) relative humidity (RH) at an air temperature of 5,20, or 35 degrees C. HAV survival was inversely proportional to the level of RH and temperature, and the half-lives of the virus ranged from greater than 7 days at the low RH and 5 degrees C to about 2 h at the ultrahigh RH and 35 degrees C. In parallel tests with fecally suspended Sabin poliovirus (PV) type 1 at the low and ultrahigh RH, all PV activity was lost within 4 h at the low RH whereas at the ultrahigh RH it remained detectable up to 12 h. HAV could therefore survive much better than PV on nonporous environmental surfaces. Moreover, the ability of HAV to survive better at low levels of RH is in direct contrast to the behavior of other enteroviruses. These findings should help in understanding the genesis of HAV outbreaks more clearly and in designing better measures for their control and prevention.  相似文献   

Stainless steel disks (diameter, 1 cm) were contaminated with fecally suspended hepatitis A virus (HAV; strain HM-175) and held at low (25% +/- 5%), medium (55% +/- 5%), high (80% +/- 5%), or ultrahigh (95% +/- 5%) relative humidity (RH) at an air temperature of 5,20, or 35 degrees C. HAV survival was inversely proportional to the level of RH and temperature, and the half-lives of the virus ranged from greater than 7 days at the low RH and 5 degrees C to about 2 h at the ultrahigh RH and 35 degrees C. In parallel tests with fecally suspended Sabin poliovirus (PV) type 1 at the low and ultrahigh RH, all PV activity was lost within 4 h at the low RH whereas at the ultrahigh RH it remained detectable up to 12 h. HAV could therefore survive much better than PV on nonporous environmental surfaces. Moreover, the ability of HAV to survive better at low levels of RH is in direct contrast to the behavior of other enteroviruses. These findings should help in understanding the genesis of HAV outbreaks more clearly and in designing better measures for their control and prevention.  相似文献   

Using the guinea pig as a model host, we show that aerosol spread of influenza virus is dependent upon both ambient relative humidity and temperature. Twenty experiments performed at relative humidities from 20% to 80% and 5 degrees C, 20 degrees C, or 30 degrees C indicated that both cold and dry conditions favor transmission. The relationship between transmission via aerosols and relative humidity at 20 degrees C is similar to that previously reported for the stability of influenza viruses (except at high relative humidity, 80%), implying that the effects of humidity act largely at the level of the virus particle. For infected guinea pigs housed at 5 degrees C, the duration of peak shedding was approximately 40 h longer than that of animals housed at 20 degrees C; this increased shedding likely accounts for the enhanced transmission seen at 5 degrees C. To investigate the mechanism permitting prolonged viral growth, expression levels in the upper respiratory tract of several innate immune mediators were determined. Innate responses proved to be comparable between animals housed at 5 degrees C and 20 degrees C, suggesting that cold temperature (5 degrees C) does not impair the innate immune response in this system. Although the seasonal epidemiology of influenza is well characterized, the underlying reasons for predominant wintertime spread are not clear. We provide direct, experimental evidence to support the role of weather conditions in the dynamics of influenza and thereby address a long-standing question fundamental to the understanding of influenza epidemiology and evolution.  相似文献   

The developmental rate of immature stages and the reproduction of adults of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), T. neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce and Acarus farris (Oudemans) were examined at 70, 80 and 90% r.h. and a constant temperature of 25°C. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris immature stages failed to reach the protonymph stage as 100% of the larvae died, whereas T. neiswanderi was able to complete development. The developmental time of all immature stages for the three species was significantly increased as relative humidity was reduced. The mobile stages were particularly susceptible, as the time needed to complete their development at lower relative humidities suffered greater increases than the egg stage. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris were not able to lay eggs and only 24% of T. neiswanderi pairs were fertile. The reproductive parameters of the three species at the relative humidities at which they were able to lay eggs showed significant differences, except for the percentage of fertile mating at 80 and 90% r.h. As relative humidity increased, preoviposition period was reduced and fecundity and daily fecundity was increased, whereas the oviposition period showed different patterns for the three species. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) of T. neiswanderi at 70% r.h. was negative indicating that, at these conditions, mite populations of this species will diminish until they disappear. As relative humidity increased from 80 to 90% r.h. this parameter was almost twofold for both Tyrophagus species. The r m obtained for A. farris at 90% r.h. was similar to that of T. neiswanderi at the same humidity while at 80% r.h. it was very small so that the population doubling time was more than 84 days. The influence of relative humidity on biology of these mites and its practical application as control measure are discussed.  相似文献   

The stability of a paper-immobilized antibody was investigated over a range of temperatures (40-140 °C) and relative humidities (RH, 30-90%) using both unmodified filter paper and the same paper impregnated with polyamide-epichlorohydrin (PAE) as supports. Antibody stability decreased with increasing temperature, as expected, but also decreased with increasing RH. At 40 °C, the half-life was more than 10 days, with little dependence on RH. However, at 80 °C, the half-life varied from ~3 days at low RH to less than half an hour at 90% RH, demonstrating that hydration of the antibody promotes unfolding. Antibody stability was not influenced by the PAE paper surface treatment. This work shows that antibodies are good candidates for development of bioactive paper as they have sufficient stability at high temperature to withstand printing and other roll-to-roll processing steps, and sufficient low temperature stability to allow long-term storage of bioactive paper materials.  相似文献   

Six strains of Rhizobium , three temperature-tolerant (U1, C13 and A19) and three temperature-sensitive strains (U10, C10 and A4) selected on the basis of previous study were used to screen the synergestic effect of different relative humidities (r.h. 50%, 65% and 90%) and temperatures (28°, 35°, 40° and 45°C) on the survival of rhizobia in inoculant carrier. At a particular temperature all the three r.h.'s were maintained. At a storage temperature of 28° and 35°C, the r.h. had little effect on the population of any of the rhizobial strains tested, but at 40° and 45°C, marked differences were observed and it was concluded that higher r.h. in conjunction with higher temperature resulted in low viable counts. The effect was similar but less obvious with the temperature-tolerant strains. It was found that 50% r.h. at different storage temperatures extended shelf life of rhizobial strains of blackgram, cowpea and arhar crops which were tested in this study in inoculant carrier.  相似文献   

The survival of Chlamydia pneumoniae in aerosols was investigated by using a chamber with a capacity of 114.5 liters. We injected 5 x 10(7) inclusion-forming units (IFU) of C. pneumoniae in aerosols with a droplet size of 3 to 5 microns. Samples were taken after 30 s and every 1 min thereafter. The survival of C. pneumoniae was measured at four temperatures (8.5, 15, 25, and 35 degrees C) and at three different relative humidities (RH) of 5, 50, and 95% for each temperature. The survival rates of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Chlamydia trachomatis LGV2, and cytomegalovirus were also determined at 25 degrees C and 95% RH and compared with that of C. pneumoniae. At the mentioned temperatures and RH, a rapid decrease of C. pneumoniae IFU was observed in the first 30 s. After this the decrease in the number of IFU was more gradual. The survival of C. pneumoniae in aerosols were optimal at 15 to 25 degrees C and 95% RH; it was good compared with those of other microorganisms. A lower death rate was observed only in S. faecalis. In C. trachomatis, the death rate during the first 30 s was higher than that in C. pneumoniae (85 and 53.3%, respectively). After the first 30 s, the death rates in the two organisms were identical. It was concluded that transmission of C. pneumoniae via aerosols was possible. There is probably a direct transmission from person to person, taking into account the relatively short survival period of C. pneumoniae in aerosols.  相似文献   

温、湿度对美洲斑潜蝇发育、存活及食量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝树广  康乐 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):332-336
以花斑芸豆Phaseolus vulgaris为食料植物,在不同温、湿度组合下,观测了美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae的发育、存活及取食特征。结果表明,卵、幼虫和蛹期的发育速率与温度的关系均呈S型曲线。发育起点温度为:卵,8.9℃;幼虫, 10.1℃;蛹,9.6℃;整个未成熟期,9.5℃。有效积温为:卵,57.7日·度;幼虫,53.9日·度;蛹,151.9日·度;整个未成熟期,264.2日·度。湿度对发育速率的影响不明显。温度对存活的影响较大,当温度>34℃或<19℃时,各虫态的存活率都显著降低。湿度对存活率的影响主要发生在蛹期,当湿度低于50%时,蛹的羽化率显著降低。在高温、低湿的条件下,蛹不能羽化。在相对低温下的累计取食面积大于高温时的相应值,在25℃时达到1.6 cm2,而在28℃及以上温度时取食面积只有0.9 cm2左右。  相似文献   

温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了温度、相对湿度和pH对蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaeraapis)孢子萌发3个阶段(活化、膨大、产生萌发管)的影响.结果表明,孢子活化和膨大在15~40和(25~40)±0.5℃范围内受温度的影响不明显(P>0.05);萌发管仅发生在25~37±0.5℃,最适温度位于(31~35)±0.5℃.相对湿度越大,越有利于孢子萌发,而相对湿度低于80%对孢子萌发极为不利.孢子萌发的3个阶段在pH为5~7.8时几乎不受pH变化的影响,而在pH值较低影响很大.可见,A.apis是一种高度专一的蜜蜂幼虫病原体.  相似文献   

温湿度对中华通草蛉越冬成虫存活的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许永玉  牟吉元  胡萃  王洪刚 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2569-2572
室内研究了不同温湿度对中华通草蛉 (Chrysoperla sinica)越冬成虫存活的影响。试验采用因子二次正交旋转组合设计的要求安排 ,研究了越冬成虫在不同的温度组合条件下储存不同时间后的存活率 ,并得到了在不同时间后 ,成虫存活率与温湿度间的二次回归模型。结果表明 ,在试验条件下 ,越冬成虫存活的最佳条件组合是温度为 5℃和相对湿度为 75 % ,此条件下储存90 d的越冬成虫存活率达 85 %以上 ;温度对成虫存活率的影响最大 ,湿度次之 ,温湿度的交互作用最不重要。利用温湿度与存活率之间的回归方程 ,分析并得出了适宜于越冬中华通草蛉成虫存活的条件为温度 5~ 9℃ ,相对湿度 70 %~ 85 % ,温度和湿度过高或过低均不利于成虫的存活  相似文献   

Survival of airborne Mycoplasma as affected by relative humidity.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  

Abstract The effects of relative humidity (RH) on cocoon formation and survival in the braconid parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are investigated under various humidity conditions (50, 75, 90, 95 and 100% RH) at 20 °C and under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod. The mortality rate at the time of egression from hosts under 100% RH is significantly higher than for other RHs. Cocoon clusters formed at 100% RH spread significantly more than those formed at 50, 75, or 90% RH. Developmental periods differ significantly among RHs under which wasps developed. The mean period from the egression from hosts to adult emergence is 8.7 days when developed at 50–95% RHs, and 8.0 days at 100% RH. The emergence rates of C. glomerata that are maintained under the same humidity conditions after egression from hosts are not significantly different among RHs. However, emergence rates from cocoons that are transferred from 100% RH to 50 and 75% RH are < 70%, although the rates are > 90% in most cases. Some wasps do not emerge from cocoons: more than 60% die after adult eclosion at all RHs; the relative frequency of adult deaths is approximately 90% at 50% RH. Relative humidity influences the cluster and cocoon status strongly: both good clusters and cocoons are formed at low RHs. Emergence rates from cocoons of different ranks are significantly different: the rates of low‐rank cocoons are low at low RHs. The survival of C. glomerata is affected strongly by RH through cocoon formation.  相似文献   

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