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We have isolated and characterized a gene, His1-3, encoding a structurally divergent linker histone in Arabidopsis thaliana. Southern and northern hybridization data indicate that A. thaliana expresses three single-copy linker histone genes, each encoding a structurally distinct variant. H1-3 is a considerably smaller protein (167 amino acids with a mass of 19.0 kDa) than any other described linker histone from higher eukaryotes. We examined the expression of His1-3 at the RNA and protein levels and found that it is induced specifically by water stress. In contrast, expression of His1-1, His1-2 and His4 appear unaffected by water stress. Furthermore, the primary structure of the protein possesses distinct characteristics that are shared with another drought-inducible linker histone, H1-D, isolated from Lycopersicon pennellii. Based on structural characteristics of the deduced protein and its inducible expression, we hypothesize that H1-3 and H1-D are linker histone variants that have specialized roles in the structure and function of plant chromatin and therefore they can be considered to be members of a unique subclass of plant histones. Immunoblotting with an antibody produced against a short polypeptide in the conserved domain of this subtype indicates that similar proteins may exist in other plants.  相似文献   

Differential expression of linker histone variants in Euplotes crassus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ray S  Jahn C  Tebeau CM  Larson MN  Price CM 《Gene》1999,231(1-2):15-20

We have previously developed a method for expression in Arabidopsis thaliana L. of transgenes encoding cleavable chimaeric polyprotein precursors. The polyprotein precursors consisted of a leader peptide and two different antimicrobial proteins (AMPs), DmAMP1 originating from Dahlia merckii seeds and a variant form of RsAFP2 originating from Raphanus sativus seeds, which were linked by an intervening linker peptide sequence originating from a natural polyprotein occurring in seeds of Impatiens balsamina. By altering the amino acid sequence of the linker peptide separating the two AMPs, we now show that it is possible to improve the accuracy of polyprotein precursor cleavage, leading to the release of both the AMPs with either no or a few additional amino acids derived from the linker peptide. Furthermore, subcellular localization indicated that both the AMPs are predominantly present in the extracellular fluid of the transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Two allelic isoforms (H1.a1 and H1.a2) of histone H1.a were identified within two conservative flocks (R11 and R55) of Rhode Island Red chickens. These proteins form three phenotypes: a1, a2 and a1a2. Birds with phenotype a1 were most common (frequency 0.825-0.980) while the a1a2 chickens appeared relatively rarely (0.017-0.175). The third phenotype a2, not detected in the tested populations, has only been revealed in progeny of the purpose-mated a1a2 birds. The polymorphism of histone H1.a was observed in all examined chicken tissues, so that the H1 preparations isolated from the lung, spleen, kidney and testis from the same individual exhibited identical phenotypes (a1, a2, or a1a2). This finding, together with inheritance data, supports the genetic nature of the H1.a polymorphism. As indicated by cleavages with alpha-chymotrypsin and protease V8, the H1.a1 and H1.a2 are two highly related proteins which differ within N-terminal part of their C-terminal tails. Only a single nonconservative amino acid substitution between both H1.a allelic isoforms was detected by Edman degradation: glutamic acid present at position 117 in histone H1.a1 was replaced by lysine in histone H1.a2. Furthermore, using microsequencing techniques we have found a sequence homology between the N- and C-terminal parts of an unknown minor protein H1.y, present in the phenotype a2, and similar regions of histone H1.b.  相似文献   

In this review, the structural aspects of linker H1 histones are presented as a background for characterization of the factors influencing their function in animal and human chromatin. The action of H1 histone variants is largely determined by dynamic alterations of their intrinsically disordered tail domains, posttranslational modifications and allelic diversification. The interdependent effects of these factors can establish dynamic histone H1 states that may affect the organization and function of chromatin regions.  相似文献   

Zhang K  Sridhar VV  Zhu J  Kapoor A  Zhu JK 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1210
Post-translational modifications of histones play crucial roles in the genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene expression from chromatin. Studies in mammals and yeast have found conserved modifications at some residues of histones as well as non-conserved modifications at some other sites. Although plants have been excellent systems to study epigenetic regulation, and histone modifications are known to play critical roles, the histone modification sites and patterns in plants are poorly defined. In the present study we have used mass spectrometry in combination with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation and phospho-peptide enrichment to identify histone modification sites in the reference plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. We found not only modifications at many sites that are conserved in mammalian and yeast cells, but also modifications at many sites that are unique to plants. These unique modifications include H4 K20 acetylation (in contrast to H4 K20 methylation in non-plant systems), H2B K6, K11, K27 and K32 acetylation, S15 phosphorylation and K143 ubiquitination, and H2A K144 acetylation and S129, S141 and S145 phosphorylation, and H2A.X S138 phosphorylation. In addition, we found that lysine 79 of H3 which is highly conserved and modified by methylation and plays important roles in telomeric silencing in non-plant systems, is not modified in Arabidopsis. These results suggest distinctive histone modification patterns in plants and provide an invaluable foundation for future studies on histone modifications in plants.  相似文献   

Centromere behavior is specialized in meiosis I, so that sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes are pulled toward the same side of the spindle (through kinetochore mono-orientation) and chromosome number is reduced. Factors required for mono-orientation have been identified in yeast. However, comparatively little is known about how meiotic centromere behavior is specialized in animals and plants that typically have large tandem repeat centromeres. Kinetochores are nucleated by the centromere-specific histone CENH3. Unlike conventional histone H3s, CENH3 is rapidly evolving, particularly in its N-terminal tail domain. Here we describe chimeric variants of CENH3 with alterations in the N-terminal tail that are specifically defective in meiosis. Arabidopsis thaliana cenh3 mutants expressing a GFP-tagged chimeric protein containing the H3 N-terminal tail and the CENH3 C-terminus (termed GFP-tailswap) are sterile because of random meiotic chromosome segregation. These defects result from the specific depletion of GFP-tailswap protein from meiotic kinetochores, which contrasts with its normal localization in mitotic cells. Loss of the GFP-tailswap CENH3 variant in meiosis affects recruitment of the essential kinetochore protein MIS12. Our findings suggest that CENH3 loading dynamics might be regulated differently in mitosis and meiosis. As further support for our hypothesis, we show that GFP-tailswap protein is recruited back to centromeres in a subset of pollen grains in GFP-tailswap once they resume haploid mitosis. Meiotic recruitment of the GFP-tailswap CENH3 variant is not restored by removal of the meiosis-specific cohesin subunit REC8. Our results reveal the existence of a specialized loading pathway for CENH3 during meiosis that is likely to involve the hypervariable N-terminal tail. Meiosis-specific CENH3 dynamics may play a role in modulating meiotic centromere behavior.  相似文献   

Plant genomes are earmarked with defined patterns of chromatin marks. Little is known about the stability of these epigenomes when related, but distinct genomes are brought together by intra‐species hybridization. Arabidopsis thaliana accessions and their reciprocal hybrids were used as a model system to investigate the dynamics of histone modification patterns. The genome‐wide distribution of histone modifications H3K4me2 and H3K27me3 in the inbred parental accessions Col‐0, C24 and Cvi and their hybrid offspring was compared by chromatin immunoprecipitation in combination with genome tiling array hybridization. The analysis revealed that, in addition to DNA sequence polymorphisms, chromatin modification variations exist among accessions of A. thaliana. The range of these variations was higher for H3K27me3 (typically a repressive mark) than for H3K4me2 (typically an active mark). H3K4me2 and H3K27me3 were rather stable in response to intra‐species hybridization, with mainly additive inheritance in hybrid offspring. In conclusion, intra‐species hybridization does not result in gross changes to chromatin modifications.  相似文献   

Standard methods of isolation of chromatin histones from Arabidopsis thaliana yield strongly degraded proteins when applied to plants grown from seeds in axenic liquid media. For isolation of undegraded histones from Arabidopsis grown in liquid media we used extraction with guanidine hydrochloride followed by selective binding of histones on BioRex 70 resin in the batch system. The quality of obtained proteins is confirmed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Linker histones are essential components of chromatin, but the distributions and functions of many during cellular differentiation are not well understood. Here, we show that H1.5 binds to genic and intergenic regions, forming blocks of enrichment, in differentiated human cells from all three embryonic germ layers but not in embryonic stem cells. In differentiated cells, H1.5, but not H1.3, binds preferentially to genes that encode membrane and membrane-related proteins. Strikingly, 37% of H1.5 target genes belong to gene family clusters, groups of homologous genes that are located in proximity to each other on chromosomes. H1.5 binding is associated with gene repression and is required for SIRT1 binding, H3K9me2 enrichment, and chromatin compaction. Depletion of H1.5 results in loss of SIRT1 and H3K9me2, increased chromatin accessibility, deregulation of gene expression, and decreased cell growth. Our data reveal for the first time a specific and novel function for linker histone subtype H1.5 in maintenance of condensed chromatin at defined gene families in differentiated human cells.  相似文献   

G R Green  D L Poccia 《Biochemistry》1988,27(2):619-625
Several physical properties of sea urchin spermatid chromatin, which contains phosphorylated Sp H1 and Sp H2B histone variants, and mature sperm chromatin, in which these histones are dephosphorylated, were compared. Density, thermal stability, average nucleosomal repeat length, and resistance to micrococcal nuclease digestion are all increased in mature sperm relative to spermatid chromatin. Since the chromatins are identical in histone variant subtypes, the altered physical properties are not a consequence of changes in histone primary structure during spermiogenesis. The data are interpreted to mean that dephosphorylation of the N-terminal regions of Sp H1 and Sp H2B in late spermatid nuclei permits strong ionic binding of these highly basic regions to the extended linker, stabilizing the highly condensed structure of sperm chromatin.  相似文献   

To facilitate future investigations of glyphosate-resistance mechanisms, three approaches were taken to obtain Arabidopsis thaliana variants that differed in glyphosate response. Recurrent selection by spraying with sub-lethal glyphosate concentrations was performed with Columbia-0 seedlings. After seven cycles of treatment, no resistance was found. A population of 800,000 ethylmethanesulfonate-mutagenized M(2) seedlings was screened on agar containing 0.2mM glyphosate, a lower concentration than that previously used in other studies, and no resistant mutants were recovered. Seventy-two Arabidopsis ecotypes were screened with glyphosate and a range of responses was observed. In a follow-up experiment on a subset of these ecotypes, reduction of seed yield by 11.5 g/ha glyphosate (about 1% the typical field use rate) ranged among ecotypes from 0% to >90%, relative to untreated controls. However, even the least sensitive ecotypes were severely injured by relatively low glyphosate rates. Overall, attempts to select Arabidopsis seedlings that were significantly glyphosate-resistant were unsuccessful and consistent with previous reports. Arabidopsis ecotypes identified with differential glyphosate responses could be used for further studies though the inherently high sensitivity of Arabidopsis to glyphosate could limit their utility in studying glyphosate-resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

We propose an evolutionary scenario that could have shaped the modern Arabidopsis thaliana genome, which began with the reduction in chromosome number from n=8 to n=5 in the past 4 million to 5 million years as a result of chromosome fusion. The scenario also includes three ancient polyploidizations: the most recent occurred in an early Brassicaceae with n=4 chromosomes 24 million to 40 million years ago. The two other polyploidizations occurred after the emergence of the Eudicots and the Angiosperms, respectively. Angiosperm evolution includes recurrent cycles of genome duplication and gene and chromosome reorganizations.  相似文献   

Glutathione is an important antioxidant and has many important functions in plant development, growth and defense. Glutathione synthesis and degradation is highly compartment-specific and relies on the subcellular availability of its precursors, cysteine, glutamate, glycine and γ-glutamylcysteine especially in plastids and the cytosol which are considered as the main centers for glutathione synthesis. The availability of glutathione precursors within these cell compartments is therefore of great importance for successful plant development and defense. The aim of this study was to investigate the compartment-specific importance of glutathione precursors in Arabidopsis thaliana. The subcellular distribution was compared between wild type plants (Col-0), plants with impaired glutathione synthesis (glutathione deficient pad2-1 mutant, wild type plants treated with buthionine sulfoximine), and one complemented line (OE3) with restored glutathione synthesis. Immunocytohistochemistry revealed that the inhibition of glutathione synthesis induced the accumulation of the glutathione precursors cysteine, glutamate and glycine in most cell compartments including plastids and the cytosol. A strong decrease could be observed in γ-glutamylcysteine (γ-EC) contents in these cell compartments. These experiments demonstrated that the inhibition of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GSH1) - the first enzyme of glutathione synthesis - causes a reduction of γ-EC levels and an accumulation of all other glutathione precursors within the cells.  相似文献   

In yeast and mammals, selective vacuolar delivery and degradation of whole mitochondria, or mitophagy, represents an important quality control system and is achieved by a cargo recognition mechanism enabling selective elimination of dysfunctional mitochondria. As photosynthetic organelles that need light for energy production, plant chloroplasts accumulate sunlight-induced damage. Plants have evolved multiple mechanisms to avoid, relieve, or repair chloroplast photodamage. Our recent study showed that vacuolar degradation of entire chloroplasts, termed chlorophagy, is induced to degrade chloroplasts that are collapsed due to photodamage. Our results underscore the involvement of autophagy in the quality control of endosymbiotic, energy-converting organelles in eukaryotes.  相似文献   


Root gravitropism affects root hydrotropism. The interference intensity of root gravitropism with root hydrotropism differs among plant species. However, these differences have not been well compared within a single plant species. In this study, we compared root hydrotropism in various natural variants of Arabidopsis under stationary conditions. As a result, we detected a range of root hydrotropism under stationary conditions among natural Arabidopsis variants. Comparison of root gravitropism and root hydrotropism among several Arabidopsis natural variants classified natural variants that decreased root hydrotropism into two types; namely one type that expresses root gravitropism and root hydrotropism weaker than Col-0, and the other type that expresses weaker root hydrotropism than Col-0 but expresses similar root gravitropism with Col-0. However, root hydrotropism of all examined Arabidopsis natural variants was facilitated by clinorotation. These results suggested that the interference of root gravitropism with root hydrotropism is conserved among Arabidopsis natural variants, although the intensity of root gravitropism interference with root hydrotropism differs.


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