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Plant sucrose transporters (SUTs) are functional as sucrose-proton-cotransporters with an optimal transport activity in the acidic pH range. Recently, the pH optimum of the Solanum tuberosum sucrose transporter StSUT1 was experimentally determined to range at an unexpectedly low pH of 3 or even below. Various research groups have confirmed these surprising findings independently and in different organisms. Here we provide further experimental evidence for a pH optimum at physiological extrema. Site directed mutagenesis provides information about functional amino acids, which are highly conserved and responsible for this extraordinary increase in transport capacity under extreme pH conditions.  相似文献   

The involvement of amino acid residues previously proposed on the basis of structural data to have roles in the ferroxidase and diamine oxidase activities of human ceruloplasmin was investigated. Variants of human ceruloplasmin, in which residues proposed to be involved in electron transfer and/or iron-binding had been altered by site-directed mutagenesis, were expressed in HEK293 cells. E633A and E597A/H602A variants exhibited reduction in both activities by 50–60% compared to recombinant wild-type ceruloplasmin. The variant E935A/H940A had reduced ferroxidase activity (50%) but unaltered diamine oxidase activity, whereas the variant E971A exhibited enhanced diamine oxidase activity. For the L329M variant, both activities were identical to those of wild-type ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

Resistance of cancer cells to oncotherapeutics designed to trigger programmed cell death (a.k.a. apoptosis) greatly limits clinical efficacy. The human FLN29 protein may play a role in this process via protein-protein interactions. Here we report the NMR spectral assignment of the N-terminal TRAF2/6-RING-zinc finger-like domain of this protein.  相似文献   

AOBP, a DNA-binding protein in pumpkin, contains a Dof domain that is composed of 52 amino acid residues and is highly conserved in several DNA-binding proteins of higher plants. The Dof domain has a significant resemblance to Cys2/Cys2 zinc finger DNA-binding domains of steroid hormone receptors and GATA1, but has a longer putative loop where an extra Cys residue is conserved. We show that the Dof domain in AOBP functions as a zinc finger DNA-binding domain and suggest that the Cys residue uniquely conserved in the putative loop might negatively regulate the binding to DNA.  相似文献   

The interaction of arsenite with a Cys3His (CCHC) zinc finger model (34-51) HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein p7 (NCp7) peptide in the absence and presence of ZnII was studied using fluorescence spectroscopy, CD (circular dichroism) and ESI-MS (Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry). We found that arsenic forms different complexes with the free peptide and the zinc finger peptide. In the former case the peptide conformation differed greatly from that of the zinc finger, whereas in the second case a mixed As-Zn-peptide complex was formed with partial preservation of zinc finger conformation. An apparent stability constant was estimated for the mixed As-Zn-peptide complex (K = 2083 M− 1 and 442 M− 1 at 25 °C and pHs 6 and 7, respectively). Our study also shows that the interaction of arsenic with the CCHC motif is facilitated by glutathione (GSH), through formation of a GS-As-peptide conjugate.  相似文献   

Oxidation plays an important role in the functioning of zinc fingers (ZFs). Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) is a very useful technique to study products of ZF oxidation, but its application has been limited largely to qualitative analysis of reaction products. On the other hand, ESI-MS has been applied successfully on several occasions to determine binding constants in metalloproteins. We used a synthetic 37-residue peptide acetyl-DYVICEECGKEFMDSYLMNHFDLPTCDNCRDADDKHK-amide (XPAzf), which corresponds to the Cys4 ZF sequence of human nucleotide excision repair protein XPA, to find out whether ESI-MS might be used quantitatively to study ZF reaction kinetics. For this purpose, we studied oxidation of the Zn(II) complex of XPAzf (ZnXPAzf) by H(2)O(2) using three techniques in parallel: high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of covalent reaction products, 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol monosodium salt (PAR)-based spectrophotometric zinc release assay, and ESI-MS. Single and double intrapeptide disulfides were detected by ESI-MS to be the sole reaction products. All three techniques yielded independently the same reaction rate, thereby demonstrating that ESI-MS may indeed be used in quantitative kinetic studies of ZF reactions. The comparison of experimental information demonstrated that the formation of the Cys5-Cys8 single disulfide was responsible for zinc release.  相似文献   

Summary Essentially complete assignments have been obtained for the1H and protonated13C NMR spectra of the zinc finger peptide Xfin-31 in the presence and absence of zinc. The patterns observed for the1H and13C chemical shifts of the peptide in the presence of zinc, relative to the shifts in the absence of zinc, reflect the zinc-mediated folding of the unstructured peptide into a compact globular structure with distinct elements of secondary structure. Chemical shifts calculated from the 3D solution structure of the peptide in the presence of zinc and the observed shifts agree to within ca. 0.2 and 0.6 ppm for the backbone CaH and NH protons, respectively. In addition, homologous zinc finger proteins exhibit similar correlations between their1H chemical shifts and secondary structure.  相似文献   

The ADR1 protein recognizes a six base-pair consensus DNA sequence using two zinc fingers and an adjacent accessory motif. Kinetic measurements were performed on the DNA-binding domain of ADR1 using surface plasmon resonance. Binding by ADR1 was characterized to two known native binding sequences from the ADH2 and CTA1 promoter regions, which differ in two of the six consensus positions. In addition, non-specific binding by ADR1 to a random DNA sequence was measured. ADR1 binds the native sites with nanomolar affinities. Remarkably, ADR1 binds non-specific DNA with affinities only approximately tenfold lower than the native sequences. The specific and non-specific binding affinities are conferred mainly by differences in the association phase of DNA binding. The association rate for the complex is strongly influenced by the proximal accessory region, while the dissociation reaction and specificity of binding are controlled by the two zinc fingers. Binding kinetics of two ADR1 mutants was also examined. ADR1 containing an R91K mutation in the accessory region bound with similar affinity to wild-type, but with slightly less sequence specificity. The R91K mutation was observed to increase binding affinity to a suboptimal sequence by decreasing the complex dissociation rate. L146H, a change-of-specificity mutation at the +3 position of the second zinc finger, bound its preferred sequence with a slightly higher affinity than wild-type. The L146H mutant indicates that beneficial protein-DNA contacts provide similar levels of stabilization to the complex, whether they are hydrogen-bonding or van der Waals interactions.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) offers a principal method to detect specific DNA-protein interactions. As commonly conducted, the reaction and electrophoresis running buffers contain large concentrations of EDTA. EDTA has large affinity for Zn2+ and readily competes with zinc finger peptides for Zn2+ resulting in protein unfolding. Nevertheless, EMSA is routinely used to detect zinc finger protein-DNA adducts. This paper examines the chemistry that permits the detection of zinc finger-DNA complexes in the presence of EDTA, using Zn3-Sp1 and a cognate DNA binding site, GC1. Twice as much adduct was detected when the reaction was conducted in the absence than in the presence of EDTA. The observation of Zn-Sp1-GC1 was shown to depend on three properties: the inertness of Zn-Sp1-GC1 to reaction with EDTA and the comparatively similar rates of reaction of EDTA and GC1 with Zn3-Sp1 under the conditions of the assay that permit some Zn3-Sp1-GC1 to form. Inquiring about the mechanism of stabilization of Zn3-Sp1 by GC1, EDTA readily reacted with Zn3-Sp1 bound to a non-specific DNA, (polydI-dC). Two structurally similar but oppositely charged chelators, nitrilotriacetate (NTA) and tris-(2-ethylaminoethyl) amine (TREN), that react with free Zn3-Sp1 failed to compete for zinc bound in the Zn3-Sp1-GC-1 adduct. On the basis of these, other results indicated that the stability of Zn3-Sp1-GC-1 has a thermodynamic, not a kinetic origin. It is concluded that the observation of zinc finger proteins in the EMSA rests on a fortuitous set of chemical properties that may vary depending on the structures involved.  相似文献   

To evaluate their role in the active site of the MurG enzyme from Escherichia coli, 13 residues conserved in the sequences of 73 MurG orthologues were submitted to site-directed mutagenesis. All these residues lay within, or close to, the active site of MurG as defined by its tridimensional structure [Ha et al., Prot. Sci. 9 (2000) 1045-1052, and Hu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 845-849]. Thirteen mutants proteins, in which residues T15, H18, Y105, H124, E125, N127, N134, S191, N198, R260, E268, Q288 or N291 have been replaced by alanine, were obtained as the C-terminal His-tagged forms. The effects of the mutations on the activity were checked: (i) by functional complementation of an E. coli murG mutant strain by the mutated genes; and (ii) by the determination of the steady-state kinetic parameters of the purified proteins. Most mutations resulted in an important loss of activity and, in the case of N134A, in the production of a highly unstable protein. The results correlated with the assigned or putative functions of the residues based on the tridimensional structure.  相似文献   

We identified a novel Golgi apparatus-specific protein with the DHHC zinc finger domain and four putative transmembrane regions, designated as GODZ. The amino acid sequences were highly conserved among mouse and human GODZs and homologous proteins in human, mouse, rat, Drosophila melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans, implying a functional significance of the GODZ protein family. Overexpression of mouse GODZ in COS7 cells suppressed the sorting of the glutamate receptor GluRalpha1 from the Golgi apparatus. These results suggest that GODZ plays a role in the membrane protein trafficking.  相似文献   

The availability of amino acids in the brain is regulated by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) large neutral amino acid transporter type 1 (LAT1) isoform, which is characterized by a high affinity (low Km) for substrate large neutral amino acids. The hypothesis that brain amino acid transport activity can be altered with single nucleotide polymorphisms was tested in the present studies with site-directed mutagenesis of the BBB LAT1. The rabbit has a high Km LAT1 large neutral amino acid transporter, as compared to the low Km neutral amino acid transporter at the human or rat BBB. The rabbit LAT1 was cloned from a rabbit brain capillary cDNA library. Alignment of the amino acid sequences of rabbit, human, and rat LAT1 revealed two radical amino acid residues that differ in the rabbit relative to the rat or human LAT1. The G219D mutation had a modest effect on the Km and Vmax of tryptophan transport via cloned rabbit LAT1 in frog oocytes, but the W234L variant reduced the Km by 64% and the Vmax by 96%. Conversely, LAT1 transport of either tryptophan or phenylalanine was nearly normalized when the double mutation W234L/G219D variant was produced. These studies show that marked changes in the affinity and capacity of the LAT1 are caused by single nucleotide polymorphisms and that phenotype can be restored with a double mutation.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ester and amide moieties. These enzymes have an active site that is composed of a nucleophile (Ser), a base (His), and an acid (Glu) that is commonly known as a catalytic triad. It has previously been observed that the majority of carboxylesterases and lipases contain a second conserved serine in their active site [Proteins, 34 (1999) 184]. To investigate whether this second serine is also involved in the catalytic mechanism, it was mutated to an alanine, a glycine or a cysteine. Site-directed mutagenesis of this conserved serine resulted in a loss of specific activity, in both the S247G and S247A mutants (5- to 15-fold), which was due to a decrease in the rate of catalysis (kcat). Due to the instability of the S247C mutant no reliable data could be attained. A carbamate inhibitor, carbaryl, was then employed to investigate whether this decrease in the kcat was due to the rate of formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate (k2) or the rate of deacylation (k3). The S247A mutant was found only to alter k2 (2.5-fold decrease), with no effect on k3. Together with information inferred from a human carboxylesterase crystal structure, it was concluded that this serine provides an important structural support for the spatial orientation of the glutamic acid, stabilizing the catalytic triad so that it can perform the hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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