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The glycolytic enzyme 6-phosphofructokinase (EC was studied in adult and fetal type II pneumocytes which had been isolated from rat lung at different days of development. In addition, the activities of the enzymes hexokinase (EC, enolase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC were assayed. The specific activities of the latter enzymes decrease during perinatal development and reach about adult values shortly after birth. In contrast, 6-phosphofructokinase activity increases slightly until 2 days before birth, and drops sharply afterwards. The 6-phosphofructokinase subunit composition was determined in fetal and adult type II cells. The ratio of the three subunits of 6-phosphofructokinase in type II cells isolated on fetal days 19 and 21 (term is at day 22) and in adult type II cells was identical: the three subunits were present in a ratio of 68: 14: 18 for types L, M and C, respectively. In addition, we investigated some regulatory properties of 6-phosphofructokinase from alveolar type II cells. 6-Phosphofructokinase from alveolar type II cells is strongly inhibited by increasing MgATP concentrations. This inhibition is reflected by an increase in the S0.5 for fructose 6-phosphate. Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate stimulates alveolar type II 6-phosphofructokinase. Half-maximal stimulation occurs at 1.6 and 2.0 microM fructose 2,6-bisphosphate for fetal and adult type II cells, respectively. The level of the most potent positive effector of 6-phosphofructokinase, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, was also determined. The level of the hexose bisphosphate decreases during prenatal development; however, the level in the adult type II cells is considerably lower. The concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate appears to be sufficient to fully activate 6-phosphofructokinase both in fetal and adult type II cells.  相似文献   

Rabbit pulmonary Clara cells isolated by centrifugal elutriation have been cultured for several weeks. Clara cells generally adhered poorly to plastic but the cells did attach to coated substrates. A selected medium supported serial subculture of Clara cells for 4-5 passages (1:2 split). The medium consisted of a basal nutrient medium, alpha MEM, supplemented with insulin, transferrin, epidermal growth factor, D-glucose, biotin, alpha-tocopherol, pituitary extract, trace elements and 2% Sephadex G-10-filtered FBS. Freshly prepared Clara cells showed high capacity to activate 2-aminofluorene (AF) to mutagenic products. However, after 6 weeks of culture the mutagenic activation of AF was reduced by 92.5% indicating loss of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

We have examined phospholipid-transfer activities in cytosols from rat and mouse whole lung, isolated rat alveolar type II cells and alveolar type II cell-derived mouse pulmonary adenomas. We report an enrichment in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol (but not phosphatidylinositol) protein-catalysed transfer in the type II cell and adenoma cytosols compared with the whole-lung cytosols. The activities from these cytosols were resolved using column chromatofocusing, which clearly demonstrated the presence of a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein in each of the four tissues. In addition, two proteins (rat) or three proteins (mouse) catalysing both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol transfer were resolved from whole lung, whereas in both the rat isolated alveolar type II cells and the mouse type II cell-derived adenomas one of these less specific proteins is not present.  相似文献   

Colon epithelium is made up of two general classes of cells, surface cells which are post-mitotic and crypt cells which contain the proliferative population. Their relative vulnerability to environmental damage and ability to perform DNA repair are important issues in colon carcinogenesis. DNA damage and repair was studied by the nucleoid sedimentation method in freshly isolated crypt cells for comparison with previous studies of post-mitotic surface epithelial cells. Suspensions of crypt cells were isolated from preparations of mouse colon by a series of sequential incubations in buffer containing 1.5 mM EDTA. Treatment of crypt cells for 30 min with 1.2 X 10(-6) M methyl methane sulfonate (MMS), photoaffinity labeling with 1 X 10(-6) M ethidium monoazide, lithocholic acid (2.5 X 10(-4) M) treatment for 1 h or X-irradiation at 1500 rads resulted in single-strand breaks in the DNA, which were repaired after 2 h of additional incubation. Interestingly, X-rays at 1000 rads and lithocholic acid (LA) (2.5 X 10(-6) M) after 30 min incubation failed to produce the detectable shift in nucleoid sedimentation characteristic of single-strand breaks, perhaps due to rapid repair by these proliferative cells. UV-irradiation failed to provoke strand incision as was also observed for the superficial post-mitotic cells in the previous studies. These studies showed the feasibility of studying DNA damage and repair processes in these two classes of colon epithelial cells in response to specific carcinogenic insult.  相似文献   

The adsorptive properties of phospholipids of pulmonary surfactant are markedly influenced by the presence of three related proteins (26-38 KD, reduced) found in purified surfactant. Whether these proteins are pre-assembled with lipids before secretion is uncertain but would be expected for a lipoprotein secretion. We performed indirect immunocytochemistry on frozen thin sections of rat lung to identify cells and intracellular organelles that contain these proteins. The three proteins, purified from lavaged surfactant, were used to generate antisera in rabbits. Immunoblotting of rat surfactant showed that the IgG reacted with the three proteins and a 55-60 KD band which may be a polymer of the lower MW species. Specific gold labeling occurred over alveolar type II cells, bronchiolar Clara cells, alveolar macrophages, and tubular myelin. In type II cells labeling occurred in synthetic organelles and lamellar bodies, which contain surfactant lipids. Lamellar body labeling was increased fivefold by pre-treating tissue sections with a detergent. Multivesicular bodies and some small apical vesicles in type II cells were also labeled. Secondary lysosomes of alveolar macrophages were immunoreactive. Labeling in Clara cells exceeded that of type II cells, with prominent labeling in secretory granules, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum. These observations clarify the organelles and pathways utilized in the elaboration of surfactant. After synthesis, the proteins move, probably via multivesicular bodies, to lamellar bodies. Both lipids and proteins are present in tubular myelin. Immunologically identical or closely similar proteins are synthesized by Clara cells and secreted from granules which appear not to contain lipid. The role of these proteins in bronchiolar function is unknown.  相似文献   

Various cell types in spermatogenesis exhibit differential sensitivity to radiation-induced DNA damage. The investigation of DNA radiosensitivity in vitro is complicated by the heterogeneous population of male germ cells (MGC) present in isolated single-cell suspensions. In the present investigation, the neutral elution technique was used to assess gamma-irradiation-induced DNA double-strand damage (DSD) in spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes (SG/PL), pachytene spermatocytes and spermatid spermatocytes, as well as in MGC. In addition, the capability of these cell types to repair DNA double-strand damage was investigated. Based on the well established timing of the rat spermatogenic cycle, the DNA of specific cell populations was labeled using tritiated thymidine. DNA from labeled cells was determined isotopically, whereas total DNA was quantitated using a fluorometric method. DSD was induced in a dose-dependent manner in the heterogeneous population as well as in the labeled cell populations. SG/PL were more sensitive to gamma-irradiation-induced DSD than either the heterogeneous MGC population, pachytene or spermatid spermatocytes. Each cell type exhibited a similar capability to repair DSD following exposure to 3000 rad; repair was rapid (maximal within 45 min) and incomplete (less than 40%). Only pachytene spermatocytes exhibited significant repair following exposure to 6000 rad. Since a difference in sensitivity to radiation-induced DSD was demonstrated, the capability of each cell type to repair a similar initial frequency of strand damage was investigated. SG/PL, pachytene and spermatid spermatocytes differed in their capability to repair similar levels of strand damage. However, the difference in dose required to achieve equal damage may have contributed to other cellular effects, thus altering repair. In summary, a model is described that permits the evaluation of genotoxic responses in specific populations of spermatogenic cells within a heterogeneous cell suspension. The ability of specific cell types to repair gamma-irradiation-induced DNA double-strand damage is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The rate-limiting reaction in the formation of phosphatidylcholine by type II cells isolated from fetal rat lung was examined. Studies on the uptake of [Me-3H]choline and its incorporation into its metabolites indicated that in these cells the choline phosphate pool was much larger than both the choline and CDPcholine pools. Chemical measurements of the pool sizes showed that the choline phosphate pool was indeed much larger than the intracellular choline and CDPcholine pools. Pulse-chase studies with [Me-3H]choline revealed that labelled choline taken up by the cells was rapidly phosphorylated to choline phosphate and that the radioactivity lost from choline phosphate during the chase period appeared in phosphatidylcholine. Little change was observed in the labelling of CDPcholine during the chase period. These results indicate that cholinephosphate cytidylyltransferase catalyzes a rate-limiting reaction in phosphatidylcholine formation by fetal rat lung type II cells.  相似文献   

The activities of several enzymes which metabolize xenobiotics were measured and compared in freshly isolated rabbit Clara cells (50–70% purity) and alveolar type II cells (80–95% purity) or microsomal preparations from the isolated cell fractions. The presence of 1 mM nicotinamide in protease and cell isolation buffers increased significantly 7-ethoxycoumarin (7-EC) deethylase and epoxide hydrolase activities in the isolated Clara and type II cells. Isolated Clara cell fractions metabolized 7-EC to umbelliferone at a rate of 241 ± 27 pmoles/mg prot/min (mean ± S.E., N=5), while the 7-EC deethylation rate in type II cells was 111 ± 15 pmoles/mg prot/min. Coumarin hydroxylation activity, however, was more than ten times greater in the Clara cells than in the type II cells on a per mg cellular protein basis. N-oxidation of N,N-dimethylaniline, catalyzed by a flavin monooxygenase, was about 2 times as great in microsomes of Clara cells as in microsomes of type II cells. Epoxide hydrolase activity with benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide as substrate was about 10 times higher in Clara cells than in type II cells. Because of the greater cellular, structural and functional heterogeneity in lung, differential distribution of enzymes responsible for xenobiotic metabolism in this tissue may contribute to cell selective chemical toxicity and carcinogenesis.Abbreviations 7-EC 7-ethoxycoumarin - DMA N,N-dimethylaniline  相似文献   

The major secretory product of Clara cells is a low molecular weight protein (CCSP) whose extracellular function, at this time, is not known. The primary translation product of its mRNA is a protein with molecular weight approximately 1 kD greater than that of the native secreted protein (6.0 kD). The primary translation product is not detected in incubated lung tissue, only the secretory protein is found. The primary translation product is trypsin sensitive whereas the secretory protein is not. Cell free translation of the mRNA in the presence of microsomes results in cleavage of the signal peptide and the appearance of the lower molecular weight trypsin-resistant secretory protein. These data indicate that the low molecular weight Clara cell secretory protein is synthesized as a larger, trypsin sensitive, protein. Passage of the protein into the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum results in loss of the signal peptide and alterations to the tertiary structure of the protein rendering it trypsin insensitive.  相似文献   

Clara cells, alveolar type II cells and pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM) were isolated in high yield from rabbit lung. The purity of the cell fractions was 80–90%, 98% and above 99%, respectively. Cytochrome P-450 total content was determined in microsomes from freshly prepared cells. The Clara cells contained significantly more cytochrome P-450 than was found in whole lung microsomes. Furthermore, the cytochrome content of the Clara cells was 2 -fold higher than in the type II cells and 4 -fold higher than in the macrophages. 2-aminofluorene (AF) was the major metabolite in all preparations when intact cells were incubated with 2-acetylaminofuorene (AAF). The PAMs produced AF in the highest rates, while the Clara cells showed the largest rates of cytochrome P-450-dependent, ring hydroxylation of AAF. Mutagenic activation of AAF by isolated lung cells was assayed with a chamber-incubation method. The Clara cells were far more active than the type II cells in this respect, while the macrophages were inactive.Abbreviations AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene - AF 2-aminofluorene - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium - 7-OH-AAF 7-hydroxy-AAF - 9-OH-AAF 9-hydroxy-AAF  相似文献   

Singly isolated beating heart cells from newborn rats performed unscheduled DNA synthesis (‘repair’ synthesis) when irradiated with ultraviolet light in vitro. Repair synthesis could not be induced in beating cardiac cells isolated from adult animals (3–12 months old).  相似文献   

We investigated the cellular and subcellular distribution of surfactant protein D (SP-D) by immunogold labeling in lungs of adult rats that had been given bovine serum albumin coupled to 5-nm gold (BSAG) for 2 hr to visualize the endocytotic pathway. Specific gold labeling for SP-D was found in alveolar Type II cells, Clara cells, and alveolar macrophages. In Type II cells abundant labeling was observed in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the Golgi complex and multivesicular bodies were labeled to a limited extent only. Lamellar bodies did not seem to contain SP-D. Gold labeling in alveolar macrophages was restricted to structures containing endocytosed BSAG. In Clara cells labeling was found in the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, and was most prominent in granules present in the apical domain of the cell. Double labeling experiments with anti-surfactant protein A (SP-A) showed that both SP-A and SP-D were present in the same granules. However, SP-A was distributed throughout the granule contents, whereas SP-D was confined to the periphery of the granule. The Clara cell granules are considered secretory granules and not lysosomes, because they were not labeled for the lysosomal markers cathepsin D and LGP120, and they did not contain endocytosed BSAG.  相似文献   

The antitumor antibiotic neocarzinostatin that causes DNA strand breaks in vivo and in vitro is shown to induce DNA repair synthesis in HeLa S3 cells. In the repair assay, the parental DNA was prelabeled with 32P and a density label (bromodeoxyuridine) was introduced into the new synthesized DNA. Quantitation of the repair synthesis as measured by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the light parental DNA at varying doses of the drug indicate that there is a significant repair response at low levels of the drug (0.2--0.5 microgram/ml) which cause DNA strand breakage and inhibition of DNA synthesis. In isolated HeLa nuclei neocarzinostatin stimulates the incorporation of dTMP many-fold. This enhancement of dTMP incorporation, which requires the presence of a sulfhydryl agent, is a consequence of the drug-induced DNA strand breakage and is in the parental DNA. These results suggest that an intact cell membrane is not required for DNA strand breakage and its subsequent repair.  相似文献   

Two antisera, denoted R41 and R42, were raised against a synthetic peptide from the murine Clara cell-specific protein CC10, and one antiserum, denoted R40, was raised against human recombinant uteroglobin, the human homolog of murine CC10. Purified antigen-specific antisera, denoted R40AP, R41AP, and R42AP were prepared using peptide columns. The purified antisera were characterized by dot blots, immunohistochemistry, and immunoblots. Immunohistochemistry of mouse lung showed specific labeling of Clara cells in distal bronchioles by all three antisera. In human lung, the antiuteroglobin antiserum specifically labeled Clara cells, while the anti-mouse peptide antisera had weak crossreactivity and higher background staining. Electron microscopy revealed immunogold labeling of CC10 granules in Clara cells of mouse lung with all antisera. All antisera also labeled a 5-kDa protein on immunoblots of mouse lung homogenates. The surface epithelium of the alveolar air spaces around the distal bronchioles were CC10 positive suggesting a functional activity for CC10 in the lung parenchyma distal to Clara cells. R40AP immunohistochemical staining of sections of normal human lungs and lungs from patients with surfactant protein B deficiency, bronchopneumonia, and idiopathic alveolar proteinosis illustrate the utility of the anti-human CC10 antibody for diagnostic pathology.  相似文献   

The effect of X-irradiation has been assessed on cultivated bovine lens epithelial cells by analysis of the DNA sedimentation in alkaline sucrose gradient and compared with bovine fibroblasts. (1) It can be concluded that for the same irradiation, DNA from both sources were broken to the same extent; (2) the rate of DNA repair was similar for both types of cells. The relation between these results and the fact that X-ray induces cataract very easily in the lens is discussed.  相似文献   

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