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Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins play a crucial role in the adaptation of cells to stimulation by G protein-coupled receptors via heterotrimeric G proteins. Alterations in RGS function have been implicated in a wide range of disease states, leading to many researchers focusing on controlling the action of these regulatory proteins. Previous studies have centered on reducing or inhibiting the action of RGS proteins, utilizing inactive mutants or small molecular RGS inhibitors. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel human RGS4 mutant which displays enhanced or gain-of-function (GOF) activity. RGS4(S30C) demonstrates GOF activity both in an in vivo yeast-based signalling pathway and in vitro against the Galpha(o1) subunit contained in an alpha(2A)-adrenoreceptor-Galpha(o1)(C351I) fusion protein. Mutational analysis of serine 30 identified a number of alternative substitutions that result in GOF activity. GOF activity was retained upon transposition of the serine 30-cysteine mutation to the equivalent serine residue in human RGS16. As with previously identified GOF mutants, RGS4(S30C/S30F/S30K) demonstrate increased steady state protein levels, however these mutants also demonstrate enhanced GAP activity through an additional mechanism distinct from the increased protein content. The identification of human RGS mutants with GOF activity may provide novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of signaling-based diseases and the ability to transpose these mutations to other human RGS proteins extends their application to multiple pathways.  相似文献   

To search for negative regulatory components of the NF-kappaB activation pathways, we mutagenized Rat-1 fibroblasts and established a stable mutant cell line with a constitutive NF-kappaB activity. This mutant cell line, designated as TK26, showed permanently elevated I kappa B kinase (IKK) activity and a genetically recessive phenotype revealed by somatic cell hybridization between TK26 and Rat-1. Our results suggested that lack of a negative regulation of IKK could lead to permanent NF-kappaB activation. The TK26 cell line will be useful to genetically identify a component necessary for keeping the IKK complex under an inactive form in resting cells.  相似文献   

A naturally occurring ACTH receptor [melanocortin 2 receptor (MC2R)] mutation (F278C) has been identified in a subject with ACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome. Functional characterization of this mutant receptor reveals that it is associated with elevated basal cAMP accumulation when compared with wild-type receptor-expressing cell lines. Dose responsiveness is similar between wild-type and mutant receptors in cell lines expressing similar numbers of binding sites. In view of the location of this mutation in the C-terminal tail of the MC2R, desensitization and internalization were investigated and found to be impaired. Inhibition of protein kinase A by H89 blocks wild-type MC2R desensitization and also results in increased basal activity, as does alanine substitution of Ser 280 in the C-terminal tail. Alanine substitution of Ser 208, the consensus protein kinase A phosphorylation target in the third cytoplasmic loop also results in a reduction in desensitization without significant change in basal activity or internalization. These findings suggest a novel mechanism is involved in the apparently constitutive activation of the MC2R in which failure of desensitization appears to be associated with enhanced basal receptor activity.  相似文献   

RAG-1 and RAG-2 initiate V(D)J recombination by cleaving DNA at recombination signal sequences through sequential nicking and transesterification reactions to yield blunt signal ends and coding ends terminating in a DNA hairpin structure. Ubiquitous DNA repair factors then mediate the rejoining of broken DNA. V(D)J recombination adheres to the 12/23 rule, which limits rearrangement to signal sequences bearing different lengths of DNA (12 or 23 base pairs) between the conserved heptamer and nonamer sequences to which the RAG proteins bind. Both RAG proteins have been subjected to extensive mutagenesis, revealing residues required for one or both cleavage steps or involved in the DNA end-joining process. Gain-of-function RAG mutants remain unidentified. Here, we report a novel RAG-1 mutation, E649A, that supports elevated cleavage activity in vitro by preferentially enhancing hairpin formation. DNA binding activity and the catalysis of other DNA strand transfer reactions, such as transposition, are not substantially affected by the RAG-1 mutation. However, 12/23-regulated synapsis does not strongly stimulate the cleavage activity of a RAG complex containing E649A RAG-1, unlike its wild-type counterpart. Interestingly, wild-type and E649A RAG-1 support similar levels of cleavage and recombination of plasmid substrates containing a 12/23 pair of signal sequences in cell culture; however, E649A RAG-1 supports about threefold more cleavage and recombination than wild-type RAG-1 on 12/12 plasmid substrates. These data suggest that the E649A RAG-1 mutation may interfere with the RAG proteins' ability to sense 12/23-regulated synapsis.  相似文献   

A contingent auxotrophic mutant of CHO-Kl cell is described. This mutant grows in minimal medium. Its growth is inhibited by the exogenous addition of guanine at levels which do not affect the wild type parent. Adenine reverses the guanine effect. This mutant does not complement ade-H (defective in adenylosuccinate synthetase) and has been denoted as ade-HG because of its guanine sensitivity. Some partial revertants of ade-H are found to be also sensitive to guanine, suggesting a close relationship between the ade-H locus and the guanine sensitivity. Studies of 14C-hypoxanthine incorporation into nucleotides indicated that ade-HG has some adenylosuccinate synthetase activity whether it is pre-exposed to guanine or not. Early de novo purine synthesis in ade-HG, however, is greatly inhibited when pre-exposed to guanine. This inhibition of purine synthesis by guanine is reversible and its recovery is facilitated by adenine.  相似文献   

The biological and repair responses of Mut 8–16, an ultraviolet radiation (UV)-resistant derivative of CHO-K1, were characterized with respect to UV and to the active chemical carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene-4,5-oxide. In comparison to the parent, the UV-survival response curve of this mutant showed a significantly larger shoulder but little or no difference in the slope of the exponential survival region. In addition, the mutant cell line demonstrated significantly larger mutation frequencies at high survival UV fluences, but smaller mutation frequencies at high survival equitoxic concentrations of the carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene-4,5-epoxide relative to the parent cell. However, these relative differences in mutation frequencies between parent and mutant appeared to decrease as survival decreased. Despite these observations there were no measurable differences in excision-repair, or in post-replication repair although the mutant appeared to show a nominal reduction (not an enhancement) of replication-repair activity following the UV exposure. These data imply there is another lesion recognition system in CHO cells whose effects on survival and mutation are best observed at low doses of carcinogen and/or radiation but which are masked at higher doses where major repair processes dominate. The dissimilar relationship of cytotoxicity to mutation induction frequency observed in UV and carcinogen treated mutant vs. parent cell lines, imply that the probabilities for lethality and mutation are independent of one another in the presence of otherwise unrepaired (residual) damage.  相似文献   

Summary The enzyme inositol-1-phosphate synthase is repressed at least 50-fold in wild type yeast grown in inositol-supplemented media. Mutants which synthesize this enzyme constitutively have been isolated using a selection procedure based on excretion of inositol into the growth medium by putative mutants. Biochemical analysis of one of the mutants (opi1-1) confirmed that the nature of the mutations is regulatory, and not in the structural gene for the enzyme. Immunoprecipitation of crude extracts with antibody directed against purified inositol-1-phosphate synthase showed that a protein which reacts with the antibody is present in the mutant grown under both repressing and derepressing conditions, in contrast to the wild type which synthesizes the enzyme only when derepressed. Assay of inositol-1-phosphate synthase activity in crude extracts of the mutant verified synthase activity in cells grown under both repressing and drepressing conditions. Synthase purified from this mutant was characterized with respect to molecular weight, thermolability and affinity for substrates glucose-6-phosphate and NAD. These analyses indicated that purified mutant synthase was similar to the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

The canonical transient receptor potential 6 gene, TRPC6, has been implicated as a putative risk gene for chemotherapy-induced congestive heart failure, but knowledge of specific risk variants is lacking. Following our genome-wide association study and subsequent fine-mapping, a rare missense mutant of TRPC6 N338S, was identified in a breast cancer patient who received anthracycline-containing chemotherapy regiments and developed congestive heart failure. However, the function of N338S mutant has not been examined. Using intracellular Ca2+ imaging, patch clamp recording and molecular docking techniques, we assessed the function of N338S mutant heterologously expressed in HEK293 cells and HL-1 cardiac cells. We found that expression of TRPC6 N338S significantly increased intracellular Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i) and current densities in response to 50 μM 1-oleoyl 2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), an activator of TRPC6 channels, compared to those of TRPC6 WT. A 24-h pretreatment with 0.5 μM doxorubicin (DOX) further potentiated the OAG effects on TRPC6 N338S current densities and [Ca2+]i, and these effects were abolished by 1 μM BI-749327, a highly selective TRPC6 inhibitor. Moreover, DOX treatment significantly upregulated the mRNA and protein expressions of TRPC6 N338S, compared to those of TRPC6 WT. Molecular docking and dynamics simulation showed that OAG binds to the pocket constituted by the pore-helix, S5 and S6 domains of TRPC6. However, the N338S mutation strengthened the interaction with OAG, therefore stabilizing the OAG-TRPC6 N338S complex and enhancing OAG binding affinity. Our results indicate that TRPC6 N338S is a gain-of-function mutant that may contribute to DOX-induced cardiotoxicity by increasing Ca2+ influx and [Ca2+]i in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

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