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We investigate the landscape of the internal free-energy of the 36 amino acid villin headpiece with a modified basin hopping method in the all-atom force field PFF01, which was previously used to predictively fold several helical proteins with atomic resolution. We identify near native conformations of the protein as the global optimum of the force field. More than half of the twenty best simulations started from random initial conditions converge to the folding funnel of the native conformation, but several competing low-energy metastable conformations were observed. From 76,000 independently generated conformations we derived a decoy tree which illustrates the topological structure of the entire low-energy part of the free-energy landscape and characterizes the ensemble of metastable conformations. These emerge as similar in secondary content, but differ in tertiary arrangement.  相似文献   

Schug A  Wenzel W 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(12):4273-4280
We have investigated an evolutionary algorithm for de novo all-atom folding of the bacterial ribosomal protein L20. We report results of two simulations that converge to near-native conformations of this 60-amino-acid, four-helix protein. We observe a steady increase of "native content" in both simulated ensembles and a large number of near-native conformations in their final populations. We argue that these structures represent a significant fraction of the low-energy metastable conformations, which characterize the folding funnel of this protein. These data validate our all-atom free-energy force field PFF01 for tertiary structure prediction of a previously inaccessible structural family of proteins. We also compare folding simulations of the evolutionary algorithm with the basin-hopping technique for the Trp-cage protein. We find that the evolutionary algorithm generates a dynamic memory in the simulated population, which leads to faster overall convergence.  相似文献   

Schug A  Herges T  Wenzel W 《Proteins》2004,57(4):792-798
All-atom protein structure prediction from the amino acid sequence alone remains an important goal of biophysical chemistry. Recent progress in force field development and validation suggests that the PFF01 free-energy force field correctly predicts the native conformation of various helical proteins as the global optimum of its free-energy surface. Reproducible protein structure prediction requires the availability of efficient optimization methods to locate the global minima of such complex potentials. Here we investigate an adapted version of the parallel tempering method as an efficient parallel stochastic optimization method for protein structure prediction. Using this approach we report the reproducible all-atom folding of the three-helix 40 amino acid HIV accessory protein from random conformations to within 2.4 A backbone RMS deviation from the experimental structure with modest computational resources.  相似文献   



The reliable prediction of protein tertiary structure from the amino acid sequence remains challenging even for small proteins. We have developed an all-atom free-energy protein forcefield (PFF01) that we could use to fold several small proteins from completely extended conformations. Because the computational cost of de-novo folding studies rises steeply with system size, this approach is unsuitable for structure prediction purposes. We therefore investigate here a low-cost free-energy relaxation protocol for protein structure prediction that combines heuristic methods for model generation with all-atom free-energy relaxation in PFF01.  相似文献   

Although proteins are a fundamental unit in biology, the mechanism by which proteins fold into their native state is not well understood. In this work, we explore the assembly of secondary structure units via geometric constraint-based simulations and the effect of refinement of assembled structures using reservoir replica exchange molecular dynamics. Our approach uses two crucial features of these methods: i), geometric simulations speed up the search for nativelike topologies as there are no energy barriers to overcome; and ii), molecular dynamics identifies the low free energy structures and further refines these structures toward the actual native conformation. We use eight α-, β-, and α/β-proteins to test our method. The geometric simulations of our test set result in an average RMSD from native of 3.7 Å and this further reduces to 2.7 Å after refinement. We also explore the question of robustness of assembly for inaccurate (shifted and shortened) secondary structure. We find that the RMSD from native is highly dependent on the accuracy of secondary structure input, and even slightly shifting the location of secondary structure along the amino acid sequence can lead to a rapid decrease in RMSD to native due to incorrect packing.  相似文献   

Rigid-body methods, particularly Fourier correlation techniques, are very efficient for docking bound (co-crystallized) protein conformations using measures of surface complementarity as the target function. However, when docking unbound (separately crystallized) conformations, the method generally yields hundreds of false positive structures with good scores but high root mean square deviations (RMSDs). This paper describes a two-step scoring algorithm that can discriminate near-native conformations (with less than 5 A RMSD) from other structures. The first step includes two rigid-body filters that use the desolvation free energy and the electrostatic energy to select a manageable number of conformations for further processing, but are unable to eliminate all false positives. Complete discrimination is achieved in the second step that minimizes the molecular mechanics energy of the retained structures, and re-ranks them with a combined free-energy function which includes electrostatic, solvation, and van der Waals energy terms. After minimization, the improved fit in near-native complex conformations provides the free-energy gap required for discrimination. The algorithm has been developed and tested using docking decoys, i.e., docked conformations generated by Fourier correlation techniques. The decoy sets are available on the web for testing other discrimination procedures. Proteins 2000;40:525-537.  相似文献   

杨凌云  吕强 《生物信息学》2011,9(2):167-170
蛋白质小分子对接的难点之一是从生成的大量候选结构中挑选出近天然构象。本文使用了一种基于SVR的方法来挑选RosettaLigand生成的GPCR—配体decoy构象中的近天然构象。首先,对已有数据训练得到一个SVR模型,预测decoy构象的LRMSD,然后依此挑选近天然构象。最终,比较了本文方法和RosettaLigand方法挑选出的近天然构象decoy的质量,结果优于RosettaLigand方法,结果表明了本文方法能够有效地挑选出近天然构象。  相似文献   

Structure comparisons of all representative proteins have been done. Employing the relative root mean square deviation (RMSD) from native enables the assessment of the statistical significance of structure alignments of different lengths in terms of a Z-score. Two conclusions emerge: first, proteins with their native fold can be distinguished by their Z-score. Second and somewhat surprising, all small proteins up to 100 residues in length have significant structure alignments to other proteins in a different secondary structure and fold class; i.e. 24.0% of them have 60% coverage by a template protein with a RMSD below 3.5 Å and 6.0% have 70% coverage. If the restriction that we align proteins only having different secondary structure types is removed, then in a representative benchmark set of proteins of 200 residues or smaller, 93% can be aligned to a single template structure (with average sequence identity of 9.8%), with a RMSD less than 4 Å, and 79% average coverage. In this sense, the current Protein Data Bank (PDB) is almost a covering set of small protein structures. The length of the aligned region (relative to the whole protein length) does not differ among the top hit proteins, indicating that protein structure space is highly dense. For larger proteins, non-related proteins can cover a significant portion of the structure. Moreover, these top hit proteins are aligned to different parts of the target protein, so that almost the entire molecule can be covered when combined. The number of proteins required to cover a target protein is very small, e.g. the top ten hit proteins can give 90% coverage below a RMSD of 3.5 Å for proteins up to 320 residues long. These results give a new view of the nature of protein structure space, and its implications for protein structure prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

Loops in proteins are flexible regions connecting regular secondary structures. They are often involved in protein functions through interacting with other molecules. The irregularity and flexibility of loops make their structures difficult to determine experimentally and challenging to model computationally. Conformation sampling and energy evaluation are the two key components in loop modeling. We have developed a new method for loop conformation sampling and prediction based on a chain growth sequential Monte Carlo sampling strategy, called Distance-guided Sequential chain-Growth Monte Carlo (DiSGro). With an energy function designed specifically for loops, our method can efficiently generate high quality loop conformations with low energy that are enriched with near-native loop structures. The average minimum global backbone RMSD for 1,000 conformations of 12-residue loops is Å, with a lowest energy RMSD of Å, and an average ensemble RMSD of Å. A novel geometric criterion is applied to speed up calculations. The computational cost of generating 1,000 conformations for each of the x loops in a benchmark dataset is only about cpu minutes for 12-residue loops, compared to ca cpu minutes using the FALCm method. Test results on benchmark datasets show that DiSGro performs comparably or better than previous successful methods, while requiring far less computing time. DiSGro is especially effective in modeling longer loops (– residues).  相似文献   

H Lu  J Skolnick 《Proteins》2001,44(3):223-232
A heavy atom distance-dependent knowledge-based pairwise potential has been developed. This statistical potential is first evaluated and optimized with the native structure z-scores from gapless threading. The potential is then used to recognize the native and near-native structures from both published decoy test sets, as well as decoys obtained from our group's protein structure prediction program. In the gapless threading test, there is an average z-score improvement of 4 units in the optimized atomic potential over the residue-based quasichemical potential. Examination of the z-scores for individual pairwise distance shells indicates that the specificity for the native protein structure is greatest at pairwise distances of 3.5-6.5 A, i.e., in the first solvation shell. On applying the current atomic potential to test sets obtained from the web, composed of native protein and decoy structures, the current generation of the potential performs better than residue-based potentials as well as the other published atomic potentials in the task of selecting native and near-native structures. This newly developed potential is also applied to structures of varying quality generated by our group's protein structure prediction program. The current atomic potential tends to pick lower RMSD structures than do residue-based contact potentials. In particular, this atomic pairwise interaction potential has better selectivity especially for near-native structures. As such, it can be used to select near-native folds generated by structure prediction algorithms as well as for protein structure refinement.  相似文献   

A novel method of parameter optimization is proposed. It makes use of large sets of decoys generated for six nonhomologous proteins with different architecture. Parameter optimization is achieved by creating a free energy gap between sets of nativelike and nonnative conformations. The method is applied to optimize the parameters of a physics-based scoring function consisting of the all-atom ECEPP05 force field coupled with an implicit solvent model (a solvent-accessible surface area model). The optimized force field is able to discriminate near-native from nonnative conformations of the six training proteins when used either for local energy minimization or for short Monte Carlo simulated annealing runs after local energy minimization. The resulting force field is validated with an independent set of six nonhomologous proteins, and appears to be transferable to proteins not included in the optimization; i.e., for five out of the six test proteins, decoys with 1.7- to 4.0-Å all-heavy-atom root mean-square deviations emerge as those with the lowest energy. In addition, we examined the set of misfolded structures created by Park and Levitt using a four-state reduced model. The results from these additional calculations confirm the good discriminative ability of the optimized force field obtained with our decoy sets.  相似文献   

We probe the stability and near-native energy landscape of protein fold space using powerful conformational sampling methods together with simple reduced models and statistical potentials. Fold space is represented by a set of 280 protein domains spanning all topological classes and having a wide range of lengths (33-300 residues) amino acid composition and number of secondary structural elements. The degrees of freedom are taken as the loop torsion angles. This choice preserves the native secondary structure but allows the tertiary structure to change. The proteins are represented by three-point per residue, three-dimensional models with statistical potentials derived from a knowledge-based study of known protein structures. When this space is sampled by a combination of parallel tempering and equi-energy Monte Carlo, we find that the three-point model captures the known stability of protein native structures with stable energy basins that are near-native (all α: 4.77 Å, all β: 2.93 Å, α/β: 3.09 Å, α+β: 4.89 Å on average and within 6 Å for 71.41%, 92.85%, 94.29% and 64.28% for all-α, all-β, α/β and α+β, classes, respectively). Denatured structures also occur and these have interesting structural properties that shed light on the different landscape characteristics of α and β folds. We find that α/β proteins with alternating α and β segments (such as the β-barrel) are more stable than proteins in other fold classes.  相似文献   

We have developed an all-atom free-energy force field (PFF01) for protein tertiary structure prediction. PFF01 is based on physical interactions and was parameterized using experimental structures of a family of proteins believed to span a wide variety of possible folds. It contains empirical, although sequence-independent terms for hydrogen bonding. Its solvent-accessible surface area solvent model was first fit to transfer energies of small peptides. The parameters of the solvent model were then further optimized to stabilize the native structure of a single protein, the autonomously folding villin headpiece, against competing low-energy decoys. Here we validate the force field for five nonhomologous helical proteins with 20-60 amino acids. For each protein, decoys with 2-3 A backbone root mean-square deviation and correct experimental Cbeta-Cbeta distance constraints emerge as those with the lowest energy.  相似文献   

There are several knowledge-based energy functions that can distinguish the native fold from a pool of grossly misfolded decoys for a given sequence of amino acids. These decoys, which are typically generated by mounting, or “threading”, the sequence onto the backbones of unrelated protein structures, tend to be non-compact and quite different from the native structure: the root-mean-squared (RMS) deviations from the native are commonly in the range of 15 to 20 Å. Effective energy functions should also demonstrate a similar recognition capability when presented with compact decoys that depart only slightly in conformation from the correct structure (i.e. those with RMS deviations of ∼5 Å or less). Recently, we developed a simple yet powerful method for native fold recognition based on the tendency for native folds to form hydrophobic cores. Our energy measure, which we call the hydrophobic fitness score, is challenged to recognize the native fold from 2000 near-native structures generated for each of five small monomeric proteins. First, 1000 conformations for each protein were generated by molecular dynamics simulation at room temperature. The average RMS deviation of this set of 5000 was 1.5 Å. A total of 323 decoys had energies lower than native; however, none of these had RMS deviations greater than 2 Å. Another 1000 structures were generated for each at high temperature, in which a greater range of conformational space was explored (4.3 Å average RMS deviation). Out of this set, only seven decoys were misrecognized. The hydrophobic fitness energy of a conformation is strongly dependent upon the RMS deviation. On average our potential yields energy values which are lowest for the population of structures generated at room temperature, intermediate for those produced at high temperature and highest for those constructed by threading methods. In general, the lowest energy decoy conformations have backbones very close to native structure. The possible utility of our method for screening backbone candidates for the purpose of modelling by side-chain packing optimization is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a novel method to generate ensembles of conformations of the main-chain atoms [N, C(alpha), C, O, Cbeta] for a sequence of amino acids within the context of a fixed protein framework. Each conformation satisfies fundamental stereo-chemical restraints such as idealized geometry, favorable phi/psi angles, and excluded volume. The ensembles include conformations both near and far from the native structure. Algorithms for effective conformational sampling and constant time overlap detection permit the generation of thousands of distinct conformations in minutes. Unlike previous approaches, our method samples dihedral angles from fine-grained phi/psi state sets, which we demonstrate is superior to exhaustive enumeration from coarse phi/psi sets. Applied to a large set of loop structures, our method samples consistently near-native conformations, averaging 0.4, 1.1, and 2.2 A main-chain root-mean-square deviations for four, eight, and twelve residue long loops, respectively. The ensembles make ideal decoy sets to assess the discriminatory power of a selection method. Using these decoy sets, we conclude that quality of anchor geometry cannot reliably identify near-native conformations, though the selection results are comparable to previous loop prediction methods. In a subsequent study (de Bakker et al.: Proteins 2003;51:21-40), we demonstrate that the AMBER forcefield with the Generalized Born solvation model identifies near-native conformations significantly better than previous methods.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Predicting protein interactions is one of the most challenging problems in functional genomics. Given two proteins known to interact, current docking methods evaluate billions of docked conformations by simple scoring functions, and in addition to near-native structures yield many false positives, i.e. structures with good surface complementarity but far from the native. RESULTS: We have developed a fast algorithm for filtering docked conformations with good surface complementarity, and ranking them based on their clustering properties. The free energy filters select complexes with lowest desolvation and electrostatic energies. Clustering is then used to smooth the local minima and to select the ones with the broadest energy wells-a property associated with the free energy at the binding site. The robustness of the method was tested on sets of 2000 docked conformations generated for 48 pairs of interacting proteins. In 31 of these cases, the top 10 predictions include at least one near-native complex, with an average RMSD of 5 A from the native structure. The docking and discrimination method also provides good results for a number of complexes that were used as targets in the Critical Assessment of PRedictions of Interactions experiment. AVAILABILITY: The fully automated docking and discrimination server ClusPro can be found at http://structure.bu.edu  相似文献   

The accuracy of model selection from decoy ensembles of protein loop conformations was explored by comparing the performance of the Samudrala-Moult all-atom statistical potential (RAPDF) and the AMBER molecular mechanics force field, including the Generalized Born/surface area solvation model. Large ensembles of consistent loop conformations, represented at atomic detail with idealized geometry, were generated for a large test set of protein loops of 2 to 12 residues long by a novel ab initio method called RAPPER that relies on fine-grained residue-specific phi/psi propensity tables for conformational sampling. Ranking the conformers on the basis of RAPDF scores resulted in selected conformers that had an average global, non-superimposed RMSD for all heavy mainchain atoms ranging from 1.2 A for 4-mers to 2.9 A for 8-mers to 6.2 A for 12-mers. After filtering on the basis of anchor geometry and RAPDF scores, ranking by energy minimization of the AMBER/GBSA potential energy function selected conformers that had global RMSD values of 0.5 A for 4-mers, 2.3 A for 8-mers, and 5.0 A for 12-mers. Minimized fragments had, on average, consistently lower RMSD values (by 0.1 A) than their initial conformations. The importance of the Generalized Born solvation energy term is reflected by the observation that the average RMSD accuracy for all loop lengths was worse when this term is omitted. There are, however, still many cases where the AMBER gas-phase minimization selected conformers of lower RMSD than the AMBER/GBSA minimization. The AMBER/GBSA energy function had better correlation with RMSD to native than the RAPDF. When the ensembles were supplemented with conformations extracted from experimental structures, a dramatic improvement in selection accuracy was observed at longer lengths (average RMSD of 1.3 A for 8-mers) when scoring with the AMBER/GBSA force field. This work provides the basis for a promising hybrid approach of ab initio and knowledge-based methods for loop modeling.  相似文献   

We have developed a new combined approach for ab initio protein structure prediction. The protein conformation is described as a lattice chain connecting C(alpha) atoms, with attached C(beta) atoms and side-chain centers of mass. The model force field includes various short-range and long-range knowledge-based potentials derived from a statistical analysis of the regularities of protein structures. The combination of these energy terms is optimized through the maximization of correlation for 30 x 60,000 decoys between the root mean square deviation (RMSD) to native and energies, as well as the energy gap between native and the decoy ensemble. To accelerate the conformational search, a newly developed parallel hyperbolic sampling algorithm with a composite movement set is used in the Monte Carlo simulation processes. We exploit this strategy to successfully fold 41/100 small proteins (36 approximately 120 residues) with predicted structures having a RMSD from native below 6.5 A in the top five cluster centroids. To fold larger-size proteins as well as to improve the folding yield of small proteins, we incorporate into the basic force field side-chain contact predictions from our threading program PROSPECTOR where homologous proteins were excluded from the data base. With these threading-based restraints, the program can fold 83/125 test proteins (36 approximately 174 residues) with structures having a RMSD to native below 6.5 A in the top five cluster centroids. This shows the significant improvement of folding by using predicted tertiary restraints, especially when the accuracy of side-chain contact prediction is >20%. For native fold selection, we introduce quantities dependent on the cluster density and the combination of energy and free energy, which show a higher discriminative power to select the native structure than the previously used cluster energy or cluster size, and which can be used in native structure identification in blind simulations. These procedures are readily automated and are being implemented on a genomic scale.  相似文献   

The folding stability of a protein is governed by the free-energy difference between its folded and unfolded states, which results from a delicate balance of much larger but almost compensating enthalpic and entropic contributions. The balance can therefore easily be shifted by an external disturbance, such as a mutation of a single amino acid or a change of temperature, in which case the protein unfolds. Effects such as cold denaturation, in which a protein unfolds because of cooling, provide evidence that proteins are strongly stabilized by the solvent entropy contribution to the free-energy balance. However, the molecular mechanisms behind this solvent-driven stability, their quantitative contribution in relation to other free-energy contributions, and how the involved solvent thermodynamics is affected by individual amino acids are largely unclear. Therefore, we addressed these questions using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of the small protein Crambin in its native fold and a molten-globule-like conformation, which here served as a model for the unfolded state. The free-energy difference between these conformations was decomposed into enthalpic and entropic contributions from the protein and spatially resolved solvent contributions using the nonparametric method Per|Mut. From the spatial resolution, we quantified the local effects on the solvent free-energy difference at each amino acid and identified dependencies of the local enthalpy and entropy on the protein curvature. We identified a strong stabilization of the native fold by almost 500 kJ mol−1 due to the solvent entropy, revealing it as an essential contribution to the total free-energy difference of (53 ± 84) kJ mol−1. Remarkably, more than half of the solvent entropy contribution arose from induced water correlations.  相似文献   

The ability to fold proteins on a computer has highlighted the fact that existing force fields tend to be biased toward a particular type of secondary structure. Consequently, force fields for folding simulations are often chosen according to the native structure, implying that they are not truly “transferable.” Here we show that, while the AMBER ff03 potential is known to favor helical structures, a simple correction to the backbone potential (ff03) results in an unbiased energy function. We take as examples the 35-residue α-helical Villin HP35 and 37 residue β-sheet Pin WW domains, which had not previously been folded with the same force field. Starting from unfolded configurations, simulations of both proteins in Amber ff03 in explicit solvent fold to within 2.0 Å RMSD of the experimental structures. This demonstrates that a simple backbone correction results in a more transferable force field, an important requirement if simulations are to be used to interpret folding mechanism.  相似文献   

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