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Pterostichus thunbergi Morawitz and its related species of Japan are revised based on the structure of membranous parts of their genitalia for the first time, under the name of the thunbergi species group. This species group is monophyletic and is placed in the subgenus Morphnosoma Lutshnik. The monotypic subgenus Moritapterus Berlov, erected for P. thunbergi, is synonymized with Morphnosoma. Comparative study of the endophallus revealed that P. thunbergi michinoku Nakane is a junior synonym of P. habui and that four species should be recognized in this group. Three of them are sympatric with P. thunbergi and one of them, Pterostichus (Morphnosoma) robustistylis, is described as a new species. Molecular phylogeny based on the COI gene (mitochondrial [mt]DNA) supported its independence as a distinct species. The resultant trees of mtDNA and comparative study of morphology revealed that P. thunbergi is probably non‐monophyletic. In the present study we suggest the presence of further cryptic species of Morphnosoma in Japan.  相似文献   

A macrocephalic pterostichine carabid, Pterostichus ishikawai Nemoto, endemic to the Korean Peninsula, is taxonomically revised based mainly on the membranous parts of the genitalia (male endophallus and female vagina). Two species are separated from P. ishikawai (type locality: Mount Taebaegsan) and newly described: P. ishikawaioides (type locality: Mount Sobaeksan) and P. jiricola (type locality: Mount Jirisan). Since comparative male genital morphology does not support monophyly for these three species, the two novel species should be treated as distinct species, not subspecies of P. ishikawai.  相似文献   

We constructed a phylogeny of the ground beetle subgenus Nialoe ( s. lat. ), genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear (28S ribosomal DNA) gene sequences. Thirty-three representative species of the group and three outgroup species were analyzed. The resultant trees (maximum parsimonious, maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees of the combined data of the three gene sequences) indicated that there are two large and three small lineages in the group, some of which were supported by a previous morphology-based phylogeny. In all the analyses, the small lineage composed of two Korean species is sister to the rest of the subgenus, but relationships of other four lineages differed among the analyses and remained unresolved. The implications of the present results are discussed in terms of taxonomy and biogeography of the group.  相似文献   

  • 1 Pterostichus species were sampled on ninety-two sites distributed throughout north-east England using pitfall trapping.
  • 2 The incidence of each species was related to measured site environmental variables using logistic regression.
  • 3 Four species groups were identified on the basis of size. The extent of overlap in habitat types between species in each group varied. Two large species overlapped considerably whilst the smaller species showed different responses to one or more environmental variable.
  • 4 Possible causes of the differences in habitat overlap between Pterostichus species are discussed.

All of the known species of the Chinese endemic subgenus Pterostichus (Circinatus) are revised, keyed, and illustrated. Eleven new species and one new subspecies are described: Pterostichus adelphus sp. n. (Sichuan: Meigu, N28.66°, E103.06°); Pterostichus ailaoicus sp. n. (Yunnan: Xinping, N23.94°, E101.50°); Pterostichus camelus sp. n. (Sichuan: Mianning, N28.97°, E102.16°); Pterostichus dimorphus sp. n. (Yunnan: Dayao, N26.08°, E101.03°); Pterostichus maitreya sp. n. (Guizhou: Fanjingshan, N27.90°, E108.70°); Pterostichus miao sp. n. (Guangxi: Maoershan, N25.87°, E110.41°); Pterostichus tumulus sp. n. (Guizhou: Fanjingshan, N27.90°, E108.70°); Pterostichus wangjiani sp. n. (Yunnan: Dongchuan, N26.08°, E102.87°); Pterostichus yan sp. n. (Hubei: Shennongjia, N31.47°, E110.39°); Pterostichus yuxiaodongi sp. n. (Sichuan: Wolong, N30.99°, E103.15°); Pterostichus zhygealu sp. n. (Sichuan: Meigu, N28.67°, E103.05°); and Pterostichus cavazzutianus mianningensis subsp. n. (Sichuan: Mianning, N28.97°, E102.16°). Pterostichus cavazzutianus is proposed as a replacement name for Pterostichus cavazuttii Allegro and Sciaky 2010, preoccupied by Pterostichus (Sinosteropus) barbarae cavazuttii Sciaky and Facchini 2003. A lectotype is designated for Pterostichus baenningeri Jedlička 1931. Two species, Pterostichus schuelkei Sciaky & Wrase and Pterostichus wenxianensis Allegro & Sciaky, are moved from the subgenus Circinatus to Morphohaptoderus. An infra-subgeneric taxonomy is proposed for the subgenus Circinatus with four species groups. The male endophallus characters for most species of Circinatus were well studied, with three types of endophallus defined. A phylogenetic analysis based on adult morphological characters confirmed the infra-subgeneric classification and clarified some of the relationships among species. Two main lineages within Circinatus were identified from the phylogenetic analyses. Three of the four species groups were monophyletic, whereas the fourth group was paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The genus Thambemyia Oldroyd is revised. Five species are recognized. Three new species –T. bisetosa, T. bruneiensis and T. hui– are described, and T. pagdeni Oldroyd, 1956 is redescribed. A new subgenus is founded for one new Japanese species, T. (Prothambemyia) japonica. A key to all known species of the genus is provided. Their distributions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The flies of the genus Dicranosepsis from Vietnam were investigated and classified taxonomically. Six new species (D. longa sp. nov., D. kurahashii sp. nov., D. monoseta sp. nov., D. sinuosa sp. nov., D. barbata sp. nov., and D. vietnamensis sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Dicranosepsis is redefined and a revised key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

Monoclonal strains of Chaetoceros species were collected from Chinese warm waters. Vegetative cells and resting spores were examined using light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Combined morphological and DNA sequence data from the hypervariable D1–D3 region of the nuclear ribosomal large subunit showed the presence of two new species within the section Compressa, herein described as Chaetoceros bifurcatus sp. nov. and C. millipedarius sp. nov. Both species possessed features typical of the section Compressa, but C. bifurcatus was characterized by the heavy intercalary setae fusing and extending together for a distance before diverging. The heavy setae were not visually contorted, lacking poroids and spines, in contrast with how the section Compressa has been defined. Chaetoceros millipedarius was characterized by a horizontal stagger of ordinary intercalary setae when the chain was seen in broad girdle view, making the chain look like a millipede. The two new species were supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses with C. bifurcatus sister to C. contortus var. ornatus, while C. millipedarius was sister to C. contortus var. contortus. Based on the morphological features exhibited in C. bifurcatus, the diagnosis of the section Compressa was emended to exclude “contorted” heavy setae and compressed valve faces.  相似文献   

Among the ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains isolated from various plant leaves collected in North and Northeast China, 12 strains forming orange to orange-red colored colonies were revealed to represent four novel species of the genus Sporobolomyces by conventional, chemotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic studies, based on the 26S-rDNA D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences. Sporobolomyces beijingensis sp. nov., represented by eight strains (type strain CB 80T = AS 2.2365T = CBS 9730T), and Sporobolomyces jilinensis sp. nov., represented by two strains (type strain CB 118T = AS 2.2301T = CBS 9728T), clustered in the Johnsonii clade of the Sporidiobolus lineage. Sporobolomyces clavatus sp. nov., represented by strain CB 281T (= AS 2.2318T = CBS 9729T), belonged to the Agaricostilbum lineage and showed a close relationship to Sporobolomyces ruber and Sporobolomyces dracophylli. Sporobolomyces symmetricus sp. nov., represented by strain CB 64T(= AS 2.2299T = CBS 9727T), formed nearly symmetrical ballistoconidia and was closely related with Sporobolomyces vermiculatus and Sporobolomyces gracilis in the Gracilis clade of the Erythrobasidium lineage.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Phyllomyza Fallén are revised. Four new species, Phyllomyza kanmiyai sp. nov., P. amamiensis sp. nov., P. proceripalpis sp. nov. and P. japonica sp. nov., are described and illustrated. P. securicornis Fallén is recorded from Japan for the first time. A key to the Japanese species of Phyllomyza is presented.  相似文献   

1 In two successive years, the olfactory responses of Pterostichus melanarius Illiger (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to intact cabbage and white clover plants were studied, using a four‐arm olfactometer. 2 The first set of experiments tested the response to the odours of cabbage, white clover and the two plants grown together against potting compost; in the second and third sets of experiments, white clover and cabbage were tested, respectively. 3 The results indicate that female P. melanarius individuals are arrested by the combined odours of cabbage and white clover, spending significantly more time in the cabbage with white clover odour field than in either the cabbage, white clover or control odour fields. 4 Similar results were not found for males. 5 Cabbage plants alone did not elicit significant responses in either sex. 6 White clover alone did not elicit significant responses by females and the responses of males were not uniform in the two successive years.  相似文献   

Two new species of the parasitoid wasp genus Trichospilus (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae: Eulophinae) are described from Java and Sulawesi, Indonesia. A key to all species of Trichospilus worldwide is provided.  相似文献   

A new subgenus, Huaius n. subgen. of the genus Pterostichus, is described to deal with the following three new species of ground beetles which were recently discovered from limestone caves in Central China: Pterostichus (Huaius) caoi n. sp. (Cave Lijia Dong in Yichang, Hubei Province), Pterostichus (Huaius) tiankeng n. sp. (Cave Xigou Dong in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province) and Pterostichus (Huaius) yuae n. sp. (Cave Didonghe Dong in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province). This new subgenus is not closely allied to any lineage of Chinese Pterostichus. The pronotal structure of Huaius has the most peculiar morphological characteristics, lacking lateromarginal borders and without grooves on the portion of basal foveae. All members of Huaius are de-pigmented, almost blind and extremely troglomorphic. This is the first report of cave-adapted pterostichine beetles from Asia.  相似文献   

From studies in the field, botanic garden and herbarium we concluded that the following four species of Dryopteris grow on the Canary Islands: D. aemula (n = 41) so far found only on Gomera; D. pseudomas (n = 82, apogamous) similarly recorded only for Gomera; D. oligodonta (n = 41) the most common representative of the genus in the Islands is possibly an old Canary endemic related to some African species; D. guanchica a new tetraploid species ( n = 82) hitherto confused with D. austriaca (D. dilatata). On four islands of the Azores the following were found: D. aemula (n = 41); D. azorica (n = 41); D. pseudomas (n = 82, apogamous); and D. crispifolia a new tetraploid species ( n = 82) which is very distinct when living but in the dried pressed state is difficult to differentiate from D. austriaca and D. guanchica.  相似文献   

Sasakawa K 《Zoological science》2005,22(11):1217-1228
Pterostichus (Nialoe) asymmetricus Bates and its allies are revised based on the membranous parts of their genitalia. Four new taxa, P. (N.) ovaliphallus sp. nov., P. (N.) fujimurai ibukiyamanus ssp. nov., P. (N.) shotaroi kiimontanus ssp. nov., and P. (N.) basilobatus sp. nov. are described. A cladistic analysis based on 31 morphological characters reveals that Daisenilaoe (s. str.) Nakane and Straneo is included as one clade within Nialoe (s. str.). The speciation and dispersal process of this species group are also discussed.  相似文献   

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