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Abstract Conidia of the endoparasitic fungus Drechmeria coniospora were able to adhere to the nematode Acrobeloides buetschilii ; approximately 70% of the nematodes were carrying spores 16 h after their addition to the fungal culture. Young nematodes were preferentially affected; adhesion mainly took place in the head region of the animal. Full infection, characterized by colonization of the nematode body and production of conidiophores and conidia, was observed, albeit at low frequencies. In case of failure, a second adhesive knob was often formed on the germinated spore. The low frequencies of infection are not related to a loss of virulence, due to prolonged in vitro culturing of the fungus. Fresh spores, obtained from cultures which were passed several times through the host, did not show higher infection frequencies.  相似文献   

We studied conidiogenesis and adhesive knob formation (maturation) by newly developed conidia of the nematophagous fungusDrechmeria coniospora. Upon conidiogenesis on infected nematodes or during saprophytic growth of the fungus in axenic cultures compact clusters of conidia developed. Less than 10% of such clustered conidia matured; mature conidia were invariably located on the periphery of the clusters.The kinetics and rate of maturation of conidia were studied inin vitro systems and in soil. In both cases adhesive knobs were formed; the rate at which knobs were formed appeared to be determined by the age of the conidia, the temperature and the soil moisture. In addition, knob formation was suppressed at increasing conidial densities. Under favorable conditions, however, over 90% of the conidia matured within a period of 3 days. The rate of knob formation was neither influenced by the presence of nematodes nor by that of exogenous nutrients, which suggests that maturation is an autonomous process. Electron-microscopical analysis indicated that budding of the conidia at the initial stage of maturation occurred simultaneously with the deposition of the sticky, adhesive layer around the wall of the developing knob.The ecological significance of the time- and spatially separated maturation of conidia after conidiogenesis is discussed with respect to survival of the conidia.  相似文献   

Methods were developed to quantify predatory and endoparasitic fungi in soil. The methods were based on previously developed detection techniques and combined with a most probable number estimation. The methods were applied to an agricultural soil fertilized with farmyard manure. Large amounts of farmyard manure resulted in increased amounts of organic matter, numbers of propagules of predatory and endoparasitic fungi, and numbers of bacteria and nematodes.  相似文献   

This study was to determine whether Arthrobotrys flagrans, A. oligospora, and Meria coniospora would control the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla on alfalfa and tomato. Alfalfa seeds were coated with a fungus-rye powder in 2% cellulose and were planted in infested soil. Three-week-old seedlings from seed treated with M. coniospora had 60% and 58% fewer galls in two experiments than did seedlings from untreated seeds. Numbers of J2 in the soil were not reduced. Plant growth did not improve. When seed of tomato were coated with M. coniospora and planted in M. hapla-infested soil, roots had 34% fewer galls and 47% fewer J2 in the soil at 28 days. After 56 days there was no reduction in J2 numbers. Plant growth did not improve. When roots of tomato transplants were dusted with M. coniospora fungus-rye powder or sprayed with a spore suspension before planting in M. hapla-infested soil, 42% and 35%, respectively, fewer galls developed in 28 days on treated roots than on roots not treated with fungus. The numbers of J2 extracted from roots or recovered from soil were not reduced, however, and plant growth did not improve.  相似文献   

The changes of implanted Harding-Passey melanoma in C57Bl/6J mice following treatment with wholebody hyperthermia were studied. The treated tumours showed a progressive growth delay, cellular and architectural irregularities as well as cell injury characteristics. The presence of distended and irregular blood vessels, the peripheral localization of the melanosomes and the melanosome complexes were constant.  相似文献   

The development of the crayfish retina was examined in embryos and first, second and third instars with both and light and electron microscope. Light microscopic observations indicate that differentiation begins at the posterior portion of the optic disc and progresses in an anterior direction. Development of screening pigment, dioptric elements, and rhabdoms all parallel this posterior to anterior gradient in the retina. Tracer studies in early embryos reveal that the retina is separated from the proximal neuropil regions by a distinct vascular space. This observation suggests that the source of new cells for the retina may not be the more proximal cell proliferation zone as previously indicated. It is proposed that mitotic activity within the retina and/or differentiation of cells from the anterior surface layer of the eye may be sources for addition of new cells to the retina. Proto-ommatidial clusters of seven retinula cells occur very early at the posterior region of the embryonic retina. Initially the receptor cells extend throughout the entire thickness of the retina, but later they withdraw from beneath the cornea to occupy only the proximal portion of the retina. Microvilli of the rhabdom arise from the centrally opposed membranes of the retinula cells in each cell cluster. Each new microvillus contains a core of fine filaments which extend out into the cytoplasm at its base. As development of the microvilli continues, the core filaments appear to be lost or altered, but the cytoplasmic bundles at the base of the microvilli persist.  相似文献   

R G Garrison  K S Boyd 《Sabouraudia》1975,13(2):174-184
Within 48h following the induction of mycelial to yeast-like phase conversion of Histoplasma farcininosum, randomly occurring hyphal cells were observed to contain multiple nuclei and markedly increased numbers of mitochondria. Yeast-like cells arose as buds from swollen tips of terminal hyphae, as sessile buds along the hyphae, and as buds from chlamydospores. Yeast-like cells were characterized by the presence of numerous buds over the surface of the mother cell. Bud scars were evident in the cell wall of the mother cell following abscission of the bud cell. Little similarity was noted between the fine structure of yeast-like H. farciminosum and that reported for H. capsulatum. The yeast-like cells of H. frciminosum underwent rapid transformation to the mycelial phase at 25 degrees C. The hyphal cell wall originated from the inner layer of cell wall of the yeast-like form. The cytoplasm of the hyphal cell usually contained a single nucleus, scattered mitochondria and occasional lipid storage bodies. Occasionally, Woronin bodies were observed at the septal pore.  相似文献   

Antiserum to calbindin-D, a 28 KD vitamin D-dependent calcium binding protein, was used to localize the protein immunocytochemically in developing chick thyroid by both light and electron microscopy. The protein first appeared in future follicular cells of developing thyroid tissue from 8-day-old embryos. The number of calbindin-D-containing cells increased rapidly to a near-plateau level at day 10; this concentration was sustained until day 15, and then declined to an undetectable level just before hatching. The protein was distributed throughout organelle-free areas of the follicular cell cytoplasm and extended into the nucleus; it was not present in the follicular colloid. Comparison of the time course of changes in calbindin-D content with known differentiative changes taking place in follicular cells suggests that the protein may function in some yet to be determined mechanism related to normal development of the thyroid.  相似文献   

The conidia of the endoparasitic fungus Meria coniospora (Deuteromycetes) had different patterns of adhesion to the cuticles of the several nematode species tested; adhesion in some species was only to the head and tail regions, on others over the entire cuticle, whereas on others there was a complete lack of adhesion. After adhesion, the fungus usually infected the nematode. However, adhesion to third-stage larvae of five animal parasitic nematodes, all of which carry the cast cuticle from the previous molt, did not result in infection. M. coniospora infected animal parasitic nematodes when this protective sheath was removed. Seven preparations of sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid) gave three types of response in adhesion-infection of nematodes: (i) a significant reduction in conidial adhesions; (ii) no interference with adhesion, but a 10-day delay in infection; and (iii) a delay in infection by 2 to 3 days. The current results support previous findings indicating involvement of sialic acids localized on nematode cuticles in recognition of prey by M. coniospora.  相似文献   

Complete serial sections demonstrated that ten species of Antarctic teleost fishes representing two families had aglomerular kidneys. The aglomerular nephron of such kidneys consists of two distinct regions: (1) a highly contorted principal segment and (2) a system of collecting tubules and ducts. Throughout the principal segment the cells are characterized by densely packed microbilli and a single cilium projecting into the lumen. Within the cytoplasm, lysosomes are rarely encountered, as would be expected if there is little or no reabsorption of protein from the urine. At the base of these cells, the plasma membrane is prominently infolded in close association with abundant mitochondria. The overall fine structure of the principal segment cells is consistent with their probable function in the secretion of ions into the formative urine. Between the principal segment and the collecting tubule is a very short transitional zone characterized by transitional mucus cells and multiciliated cells. The collecting tubule and duct system is lined entirely by mucus cells. In comparison with principal segment cells, the mucus cells have a well-developed Golgi complex and abundant secretory granules in the apical cytoplasm; these granules presumably contain the non-sulfated acid mucopolysaccharide demonstrable by light microscopic histochemistry.  相似文献   

C. Delage  R. Lagacé  J. Huard 《CMAJ》1975,112(10):1205-1208
An unusual bluish discolouration of the nose was noticed in a woman 9 months after she had begun treatment with a coronary vasodilator, amiodarone hydrochloride. Cutaneous biopsies of the nose were obtained 6 and 9 months later for light and electron microscopic studies. In the dermis were histiocytes containing cytoplasmic yellow-brown granules with histochemical properties of melanin and lipofuscin. Ultrastructurally the granules appeared as lysosomal membrane-bound dense bodies similar to lipofuscin. Similar granules were observed at diascopy in both corneas. The pathogenesis is obscure. A storage disease involving the drug or its metabolites cannot be ruled out. Another possibility is that amiodarone accelerates the normal cellular autophagocytosis, resulting in increased production of lipofuscin, which then accumulates in lysosomes because of a deficiency in lipolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic nematophagous fungus Meria coniospora reduced root-knot nematode galling on tomatoes in greenhouse pot trials. The fungus was introduced to pots by addition of conidia at several inoculum levels directly to the soil or addition of nematodes infected with M. coniospora to the soil; both methods reduced root galling by root-knot nematodes. These studies represent a part of a recently initiated effort to evaluate the potential of endoparasitic nematophagous fungi for biocontrol of nematodes.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of spinal ligament innervation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The innervation of the posterior ligamentous structures of the human lumbar spine was studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of nerve endings were recognized: free nerve endings, Paciniform corpuscles and Ruffini corpuscles. The free nerve endings, which are thought to act as nociceptors, were found in the superficial layers of all ligaments. A few free nerve endings were also identified within the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments. The Paciniform corpuscles were predominantly found in the supraspinous ligament. The Ruffini corpuscles were located in the interspinous and flaval ligaments. These findings suggest that the posterior ligamentous structures could be involved in the spinal control system.  相似文献   

The neurons innervating the muscles of mastication were labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) which was injected into each muscle of mastication of the rats. The TMB-HRP labeled neurons were for light microscopic and DAB-HRP labeled neurons for electron microscopic study. Many HRP-labeled mesencephalic neurons were observed in the trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus (TMEN) after HRP injection in jaw-closing muscles (JCM). On the other hand, no labeled neurons were found following the application of HRP to the lateral pterygoid and the anterior belly of the digastric muscles, with the exception of a very few from the mylohyoid muscle. The latter three muscles were jaw-opening muscles (JOM). The mesencephalic neurons of each JCM in the TMEN were rather randomly distributed, although they were concentrated more in the caudal region of this nucleus. These neurons were typically unipolar, with spherical to oval perikarya. Each neuron had a single process which coursed caudolaterally to join the mesencephalic tract of the trigeminal nerve. Ultrastructurally, mesencephalic masticatory neurons had a rather regular nucleus locating either centrally or eccentrically in the perikaryon, which is rather plump. The cytoplasm was endowed with very well developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Neurofilaments, varying in number, intermingled mostly with the Golgi apparatus in the cytoplasm. Somatic spines were frequently observed; however, synapses abutting upon the soma were few. Macula adherens-like structures were occassionally encountered in the contact zone between two cells.  相似文献   

Appressoria of the nematophagous fungus Verticillium suchlasporium infecting eggs of the beetroot cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii were studied by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Protoappressoria and mature appressoria were found in both germ tubes and mycelial hyphae, and mucilaginous material was seen where the appressoria contacted the surface of the egg. The role of this material in the penetration of the eggs by the hyphae is discussed.  相似文献   

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