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Power output and work in different muscle groups during ergometer cycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to calculate the magnitude of the instantaneous muscular power output at the hip, knee and ankle joints during ergometer cycling. Six healthy subjects pedalled a weight-braked bicycle ergometer at 120 watts (W) and 60 revolutions per minute (rpm). The subjects were filmed with a cine camera, and pedal reaction forces were recorded from a force transducer mounted in the pedal. The muscular work at the hip, knee and ankle joint was calculated using a model based upon dynamic mechanics described elsewhere. The mean peak concentric power output was, for the hip extensors, 74.4 W, hip flexors, 18.0 W, knee extensors, 110.1 W, knee flexors, 30.0 W and ankle plantar flexors, 59.4 W. At the ankle joint, energy absorption through eccentric plantar flexor action was observed, with a mean peak power of 11.4 W and negative work of 3.4 J for each limb and complete pedal revolution. The energy production relationships between the different major muscle groups were computed and the contributions to the total positive work were: hip extensors, 27%; hip flexors, 4%; knee extensors, 39%; knee flexors, 10%; and ankle plantar flexors 20%.  相似文献   

Thin mandibles and small incisors found in New World monkeys as compared with Old World monkeys suggest that there may be differences in craniofacial loading patterns between these two groups, particularly in levels of mandibular corpus twisting (Hylander, 1975, 1979a; Eaglen, 1984; Bouvier, 1986a,b). This study examined the hypothesis that changes in the relative force contributions of the masticatory muscles were responsible for lowering torsion on the mandibular corpus in New World monkeys. Muscle weight and physiological cross-sections were compared using data from the literature (Schumacher, 1960: Turnbull, 1970; Cachel, 1979) as well as new data on adult male Cebus apella and Macaca mulatta. Both age and sex had an effect on muscle ratios. Mixed samples such as those used by Schumacher and Turnbull probably are not appropriate for drawing conclusions concerning species or group differences in muscle ratios. In addition, biomechanical conclusions based on muscle weight ratios alone to estimate muscle force may be misleading because fiber length inversely affects the amount of force a muscle can exert. A comparison of ratios based on physiological cross-section as an estimator of muscle force in New and Old World monkeys does not support the hypothesis that alterations in force contribution by individual masticatory muscles are responsible for minimizing mandibular corpus twisting in New World monkeys. Therefore, if twisting has been minimized in New World monkeys as suggested by their thin corpora, other changes in the craniofacial musculoskeletal complex, such as different muscle recruitment or pinnation patterns, may be responsible.  相似文献   

Rollover crashes are dynamic and complex events in which head impacts with the roof can cause catastrophic neck injuries. Ex vivo and computational models are valuable in understanding, and ultimately preventing, these injuries. Although neck posture and muscle activity influence the resulting injury, there is currently no in vivo data describing these parameters immediately prior to a head-first impact. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the in vivo neck vertebral alignment and muscle activation levels when upside down, a condition that occurs during a rollover. Eleven human subjects (6F, 5M) were tested while seated upright and inverted in a custom-built apparatus. Vertebral alignment was measured using fluoroscopy and muscle activity was recorded using surface and indwelling electrodes in eight superficial and deep neck muscles. In vivo vertebral alignment and muscle activation levels differed between the upright and inverted conditions. When inverted and relaxed, the neck was more lordotic, C1 was aligned posterior to C7, the Frankfort plane was extended, and the activity of six muscles increased compared to upright and relaxed. When inverted subjects were asked to look forward to eliminate head extension, flexor muscle activity increased, C7 was more flexed, and C1 was aligned anterior to C7 versus upright and relaxed. Combined with the large inter-subject variability observed, these findings indicate that cadaveric or computational models designed to study injuries and prevention devices while inverted need to consider a variety of postures and muscle conditions to be relevant to the in vivo situation.  相似文献   

BackgroundExcess body mass alters gait biomechanics in a distribution-specific manner. The effects of adding mass centrally or peripherally on biomechanics during sitting and rising from a chair are unknown.MethodsMotion analysis and lower extremity EMG were measured for fifteen healthy, normal weight subjects during sit-to-stand (SitTS) and stand-to-sit (StandTS) from a chair under unloaded (UN), centrally loaded (CL), and peripherally loaded (PL) conditions.ResultsCompared to UN, PL significantly increased support width (SitTS and StandTS), increased peak trunk flexion velocity (SitTS), and trended to increase peak trunk flexion angle (SitTS). During StandTS, CL significantly reduced peak trunk flexion compared to UN and PL. EMG activity of the semitendinosus, vastus lateralis and/or medialis was significantly increased in CL compared to UN during SitTS and StandTS.ConclusionsAdding mass centrally or peripherally induces contrasting biomechanical strategies to successfully sit or rise from a chair. CL limits trunk flexion and increases knee extensor muscle activity whereas; PL increases support width and trunk flexion, thus preventing increased EMG activity.  相似文献   

Rising from a chair is a task essential for independent living. Many elderly persons have difficulty with this task. Previous studies have drawn conflicting conclusions as to the role of strength in limiting the ability to rise from a chair. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of knee extensor strength in rising from a chair in the functionally impaired elderly. It is hypothesized that knee extensor strength limits the minimum chair height from which a subject can rise in the functionally impaired elderly, but not in the young. Studying both young healthy adults and functionally impaired elderly showed that required joint moment increased monotonically with decreasing chair height. Further, the elderly used significantly more of their available strength to rise from any chair height, and their mean required knee moment was 97% of the available strength when rising from the lowest chair height from which they could successfully rise. These data suggest that strength is a limiting factor in determining the minimum chair height from which the functionally impaired elderly may rise  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of the present study was to analyze the neuromuscular responses during the performance of a sit to stand [STS] task in water and on dry land.Scope10 healthy subjects, five males and five females were recruited for study. Surface electromyography sEMG was used for lower limb and trunk muscles maximal voluntarty contraction [MVC] and during the STS task.ResultsMuscle activity was significantly higher on dry land than in water normalized signals by MVC from the quadriceps-vastus medialis [17.3%], the quadriceps – rectus femoris [5.3%], the long head of the biceps femoris [5.5%], the tibialis anterior [13.9%], the gastrocnemius medialis [3.4%], the soleus [6.2%]. However, the muscle activity was higher in water for the rectus abdominis [?26.6%] and the erector spinae [?22.6%].ConclusionsThis study for the first time describes the neuromuscular responses in healthy subjects during the performance of the STS task in water. The differences in lower limb and trunk muscle activity should be considered when using the STS movement in aquatic rehabilitation.  相似文献   

AimTo evaluate the activity of knee stabilizing muscles while using custom-made biomechanical footwear (BF) and to compare it when walking barefoot and with a knee brace (Unloader®).MethodsSeventeen healthy working-aged (mean age: 29 years; standard deviation: 8 years) individuals participated. The knee brace was worn on the right knee and BF in both legs. Surface electromyography (sEMG) data was recorded bilaterally from vastus medialis (VM), semitendinosus (ST), tibialis anterior (TA) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) muscles during walking, and repeated-measures ANOVA with a post-hoc t-test was used to determine differences between the different walking modalities (barefoot, brace and BF).ResultsAveraged sEMG was significantly higher when walking with BF than barefoot or knee brace in the ST muscles, in the right LG, and left TA muscle. It was significantly lower when walking with the brace compared to barefoot in the right ST and LG muscles, and left TA muscle. Analysis of the ensemble-averaged sEMG profiles showed earlier activation of TA muscles when walking with BF compared to other walking modalities.ConclusionBF produced greater activation in evaluated lower leg muscles compared to barefoot walking. Thus BF may have an exercise effect in rehabilitation and further studies about its effectiveness are warranted.  相似文献   

Fibre bundles or whole muscles from Xenopus laevis, ranging in size from 0.5-60g, were studied. Maximum power output of predominantly fast (sartorius) and slow (adductor magnus) muscles was measured at cycle frequencies between 0.5 and 20Hz, using the work loop technique. Power output was highly dependent on cycle frequency, and in 50-60g adults was maximal at 6 Hz for fast fibres (65 Wkg-1), and 2 Hz for slow fibres (14 Wkg-1). The cycle frequency for maximum power output was dependent on body mass (Mb), and decreased as a function of Mb-0.07 in fast fibres, and Mb-0.23 in slow fibres. The functional significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

The relation between changes in potential and kinetic energy in a seven-segment model of the human body and the work of m. triceps surae was investigated in four subjects walking on a treadmill at speeds between 0.5 and 2.0 m/s. Segment energy levels were determined by means of tachometers attached with strings to various points on the subject's body. Muscle work was assessed by electromyogram to force processing. M. triceps surae is active during stance, first doing negative (eccentric) work and ending with a short period of positive (concentric) work at “push-off”. It turned out that in normal walking these muscles provide the major part of positive work for the initiation of swing at push-off. Only at large step lengths, when push-off starts well before contralateral heel contact, is there a minor pushing forward of the trunk. In the negative work phase, m. triceps surae seem to check the forward speed of the trunk. A related decrease of trunk kinetic energy is not present, however, but this may be obscured by the simultaneous action of m. quadriceps femoris and, in a later stage, by a transfer of energy from the decelerating contralateral (swing) leg to the trunk. Energy of the trunk segment shows a sharp decline in double stance and a more gradual increase in the first half of single stance. Evidence is given that this effect is due to quadriceps action in the knee flexion-extension movement during stance. The presented results are incorporated in a general picture of energy flows in human walking.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the explosive power of the leg in extension which has been found safe and acceptable for all age groups and levels of physical capability. The extension movement takes 0.25-0.40 s in a push through 0.165 m against a flat pedal. At the end of the push the leg is fully extended. The movement is made seated so that the forces are contained between the buttocks and the foot. The seat position is adjusted for leg length and the push is transmitted by a lever and chain to spin a flywheel. The gearing is such that resistance to the movement remains velocity of the flywheel is measured by an optoswitch and used to calculated the average leg extensor power (LEP) in the push. The reliability of the power measurement was evaluated in 46 subjects ranging in age from 20 to 86 years; they included medical students and geriatric day patients. They were tested on two occasions separated by a week. The maximal values on the first occasion (best of at least five trials) ranged from 30 to 300 W (mean +/- 1 SD = 154 +/- 88 W). There was no significant difference on re-test and the coefficient of variation was 9.4%. In a subgroup of 9 non-naive subjects who were measured by an experienced observer it was 6.3%. As expected, power was lower in women than in men and declined sharply with age. The sex difference was less when the values were expressed as power per body mass; a sharp age-related decline remained.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

As one of the most complex and vulnerable structures of body, the human knee joint should maintain dynamic equilibrium and stability in occupational and recreational activities. The evaluation of its stability and factors affecting it is vital in performance evaluation/enhancement, injury prevention and treatment managements. Knee stability often manifests itself by pain, hypermobility and giving-way sensations and is usually assessed by the passive joint laxity tests. Mechanical stability of both the human knee joint and the lower extremity at early stance periods of gait (0% and 5%) were quantified here for the first time using a hybrid musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity. The roles of muscle coactivity, simulated by setting minimum muscle activation at 0–10% levels and ACL deficiency, simulated by reducing ACL resistance by up to 85%, on the stability margin as well as joint biomechanics (contact/muscle/ligament forces) were investigated. Dynamic stability was analyzed using both linear buckling and perturbation approaches at the final deformed configurations in gait. The knee joint was much more stable at 0% stance than at 5% due to smaller ground reaction and contact forces. Muscle coactivity, when at lower intensities (<3% of its maximum active force), increased dynamic stability margin. Greater minimum activation levels, however, acted as an ineffective strategy to enhance stability. Coactivation also substantially increased muscle forces, joint loads and ACL force and hence the risk of further injury and degeneration. A deficiency in ACL decreases total ACL force (by 31% at 85% reduced stiffness) and the stability margin of the knee joint at the heel strike. It also markedly diminishes forces in lateral hamstrings (by up to 39%) and contact forces on the lateral plateau (by up to 17%). Current work emphasizes the need for quantification of the lower extremity stability margin in gait.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of size changes in different organ and muscle groups was studied in red knots (Calidris canutus islandica) in relation to their migration. Birds were sampled on five occasions: at arrival in Iceland in May 1994, two times during subsequent refueling, at departure toward, and on return from, the high arctic breeding grounds. During their 24-d stopover in May, body mass increased from 144.3 to 214.5 g. Mass gains were lowest over the first week (0.85 g/d, only fat-free tissue deposited). Over the subsequent 10 d, average mass increased by 5.0 g/d (fat contributing 78%), and over the last week before takeoff, it increased by 2.0 g/d (fat contributing over 100% because of loss of lean components). There were no sex differences in body and fat mass gains. Over the first interval, lean masses of heart, stomach, and liver increased. During the middle 10 d, sizes of leg muscle, intestine, liver, and kidneys increased. Stomach mass decreased over the same interval. In the last interval before takeoff, the stomach atrophied further and the intestine, leg muscles, and liver became smaller too, but pectoral muscles and heart increased in size. Sizes of "exercise organs" such as pectoral muscle and heart were best correlated with body mass, whereas sizes of organs used during foraging (leg muscles) and nutrient extraction (intestine, liver) were best correlated with rate of mass gain. Kidneys changed little before takeoff, which suggests that they are needed as much during flight as during refueling.  相似文献   

Involuntary muscle contractions (spasms) are common after human spinal cord injury (SCI). Our aim was to compare how well two raters independently identified and classified different types of spasms in the same electromyographic records (EMG) using predefined rules. Muscle spasms were identified by the presence, timing and pattern of EMG recorded from paralyzed leg muscles of four subjects with chronic cervical SCI. Spasms were classified as one of five types: unit, tonic, clonus, myoclonus, mixed. In 48 h of data, both raters marked the same spasms most of the time. More variability in the total spasm count arose from differences between muscles (84%; within subjects) than differences between subjects (6.5%) or raters (2.6%). Agreement on spasm classification was high (89%). Differences in spasm count, and classification largely occurred when EMG was marked as a single spasm by one rater but split into multiple spasms by the other rater. EMG provides objective measurements of spasm number and type in contrast to the self-reported spasm counts that are often used to make clinical decisions about spasm management. Data on inter-rater agreement and discrepancies on muscle spasm analysis can both drive the design and evaluation of software to automate spasm identification and classification.  相似文献   

In Megalobulimus abbreviatus, the ultrastructural features and the contractile proteins of columellar, pharyngeal and foot retractor muscles were studied. These muscles are formed from muscular fascicles distributed in different planes that are separated by connective tissue rich in collagen fibrils. These cells contain thick and thin filaments, the latter being attached to dense bodies, lysosomes, sarcoplasmic reticulum, caveolae, mitochondria and glycogen granules. Three types of muscle cells were distinguished: T1 cells displayed the largest amount of glycogen and an intermediate number of mitochondria, suggesting the highest anaerobic metabolism; T2 cells had the largest number of mitochondria and less glycogen, which suggests an aerobic metabolism; T3 cells showed intermediate glycogen volumes, suggesting an intermediate anaerobic metabolism. The myofilaments in the pedal muscle contained paramyosin measuring between 40 and 80 nm in diameter. Western Blot muscle analysis showed a 46-kDa band that corresponds to actin and a 220-kDa band that corresponds to myosin filaments. The thick filament used in the electrophoresis showed a protein band of 100 kDa in the muscles, which may correspond to paramyosin.  相似文献   

不同来源生物炭对砷在土壤中吸附与解吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用OECD Guideline 106批平衡方法研究了由凋落松针、玉米秸秆、牛粪制备的3种生物炭对As(Ⅴ)在棕壤中的吸附和解吸特性的影响.结果表明:3种生物炭的添加量为0.5%时,对As(Ⅴ)在土壤中的吸附量大小顺序为牛粪炭处理>松针炭处理>玉米秸秆炭处理,这与生物炭的基本性质密切相关;等温吸附曲线能用Langmuir方程进行很好的拟合(R2 =0.997);与对照相比,生物炭处理对砷的吸附容量(lgKf 为1.99~2.10)和吸附强度(1/N 为0413~0.449)降低,生物炭对As(Ⅴ)的主要吸附机制为物理吸附;生物炭处理对As(Ⅴ)解吸率大小顺序为:玉米秸秆炭处理>松针炭处理>牛粪炭处理,解吸率在14.5%~18.7%.添加3种来源生物炭降低了棕壤对As(Ⅴ)的吸附,这可能会导致砷的有效性增强,更易被生物吸收,进而增强土壤中砷的毒性.  相似文献   

The biomechanical principles underlying the organization of muscle activation patterns during standing balance are poorly understood. The goal of this study was to understand the influence of biomechanical inter-joint coupling on endpoint forces and accelerations induced by the activation of individual muscles during postural tasks. We calculated induced endpoint forces and accelerations of 31 muscles in a 7 degree-of-freedom, three-dimensional model of the cat hindlimb. To test the effects of inter-joint coupling, we systematically immobilized the joints (excluded kinematic degrees of freedom) and evaluated how the endpoint force and acceleration directions changed for each muscle in 7 different conditions. We hypothesized that altered inter-joint coupling due to joint immobilization of remote joints would substantially change the induced directions of endpoint force and acceleration of individual muscles. Our results show that for most muscles crossing the knee or the hip, joint immobilization altered the endpoint force or acceleration direction by more than 90° in the dorsal and sagittal planes. Induced endpoint forces were typically consistent with behaviorally observed forces only when the ankle was immobilized. We then activated a proximal muscle simultaneous with an ankle torque of varying magnitude, which demonstrated that the resulting endpoint force or acceleration direction is modulated by the magnitude of the ankle torque. We argue that this simple manipulation can lend insight into the functional effects of co-activating muscles. We conclude that inter-joint coupling may be an essential biomechanical principle underlying the coordination of proximal and distal muscles to produce functional endpoint actions during motor tasks.  相似文献   

In grass-based beef production systems (PS), early maturing (EM) breed types may be preferable to late maturing (LM) breed types in achieving adequate carcass fat cover. Biochemical and organoleptic characteristics of muscle from suckler bulls were investigated in EM and LM (n=28/breed) assigned to one of two PS (ad libitum concentrates and grass silage to slaughter (C) or ad libitum silage plus 2 kg concentrate daily during winter followed by 99 days at pasture and then an indoor finishing period on C (GSPC)) in a 2 breed type×2 PS factorial arrangement of treatments. Bulls were managed to have a common target carcass weight of 380 kg. Intramuscular fat (IMF) content was higher (P<0.05) for EM than LM, and for C than GSPC bulls. Collagen solubility was higher (P<0.05) for C than GSPC bulls. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and phosphofructokinase activities were higher (P<0.05) for LM than EM. Isocitrate dehydrogenase activity and the Type I myosin heavy chain (MyHC) proportion were higher (P<0.05) for EM than LM. The LDH activity and the Type IIX MyHC proportion were higher (P<0.05) for C than GSPC bulls. Sensory ratings for tenderness and juiciness were higher (P<0.01) for beef from EM than LM while sensory ratings for tenderness, flavour liking and overall liking were higher (P<0.001) for C than for GSPC bulls. Differences in sensory quality were largely eliminated when adjusted for IMF. Overall, carcass fat scores, IMF and sensory scores were higher in EM than LM and in C than GSPC bulls but most differences in sensory quality could be attributed to differences in IMF.  相似文献   

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