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Peripherin/rds is an integral membrane protein required for the elaboration of rod and cone photoreceptor outer segments in the vertebrate retina; it causes a surprising variety of progressive retinal degenerations in humans and dysmorphic photoreceptors in murine models if defective or absent. (Peripherin/rds is also known as photoreceptor peripherin, peripherin/rds, rds/peripherin, rds, and peripherin-2.) Peripherin/rds appears to act as a structural element in outer segment architecture. However, neither its function at the molecular level nor its role in retinal disease processes are well understood. This report initiates a systematic investigation of protein domain structure and function by examining the molecular and cellular consequences of a series of 14 insertional mutations distributed throughout the polypeptide sequence. Protein expression, disulfide bonding, sedimentation velocity, and subcellular localization of the COS-1 cell-expressed mutant variants were examined to test the hypothesis that protein folding and tetrameric subunit assembly are mediated primarily by EC2, a conserved extracellular/intradiskal domain. Protein folding and tetrameric subunit assembly were not affected by insertion of either an uncharged dipeptide (GA) or a highly charged hendecapeptide (GDYKDDDDKAA) into any one of nine sites residing outside of EC2 as assayed by nonreducing Western blot analysis, sedimentation velocity, and subcellular localization. In contrast, insertions at five positions within the EC2 domain did cause either gross protein misfolding (two sites) or a reduction in protein sedimentation coefficient (two sites) or both (one site). These results indicate that although the vast majority of extramembranous polypeptide sequence makes no measurable contribution to protein folding and tetramerization, discrete regions within the EC2 domain do contain determinants for normal subunit assembly. These findings raise the possibility that multiple classes of structural perturbation are produced by inherited defects in peripherin/rds and contribute to the observed heterogeneity of retinal disease phenotypes.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor peripherin/rds promotes membrane fusion, through a putative fusion domain located within the C-terminus (Boesze-Battaglia et al., Biochemistry 37 (1998) 9477-9487). A peptide analogue to this region, PP-5, competitively inhibits peripherin/rds mediated fusion in a cell free assay system. To characterize how this region is involved in the fusion process we investigated two of the individual steps in membrane fusion, membrane adhesion and membrane destabilization inferred from depolarization studies. Membrane depolarization was measured as the collapse of a valinomycin induced K(+) diffusion potential in model membranes, using a potential sensitive fluorescent probe, diS-C(2)-5. PP-5 induced membrane depolarization in a concentration dependent manner. PP-5 has been shown by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to be an amphiphilic alpha-helix. Therefore, the requirement for an amphiphilic alpha-helix to promote depolarization was tested using two mutant peptides designed to disrupt either the amphiphilic nature of PP-5 (PP-5AB) or the alpha-helical structure (PP-5HB). PP-5AB inhibited PP-5 induced depolarization when added in an equimolar ratio to PP-5. Neither mutant peptide alone or in combination with PP-5 had any effect on calcium dependent vesicle aggregation. Using non-denaturing gel electrophoresis and size exclusion chromatography techniques PP-5 was shown to form a tetrameric complex. Equimolar mixtures of PP-5 and PP-5AB formed a heterotetramer which was unable to promote membrane depolarization. The hypothesis that PP-5 tetramers promote membrane depolarization is consistent with the calculated Hill coefficient of 3.725, determined from a Hill analysis of the depolarization data.  相似文献   

Vertebrate photoreceptor outer segment (OS) morphogenesis requires peripherin/rds (P/rds). We have characterized this protein's C-terminus and present evidence that suggests it is intrinsically disordered. We propose that structural flexibility may underlie the multifunctionality proposed for this domain previously. The extremely short C-termini present in other tetraspanin family members suggest that intrinsic disorder may also play a role for those proteins.  相似文献   

Protein targeting is essential for domain specialization in polarized cells. In photoreceptors, three distinct membrane domains exist in the outer segment: plasma membrane, disk lamella, and disk rim. Peripherin/retinal degeneration slow (rds) and rom-1 are photoreceptor-specific members of the transmembrane 4 superfamily of transmembrane proteins, which participate in disk morphogenesis and localize to rod outer segment (ROS) disk rims. We examined the role of their C termini in targeting by generating transgenic Xenopus laevis expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. A GFP fusion containing residues 317-336 of peripherin/rds localized uniformly to disk membranes. A longer fusion (residues 307-346) also localized to the ROS but exhibited higher affinity for disk rims than disk lamella. In contrast, the rom-1 C terminus did not promote ROS localization. The GFP-peripherin/rds fusion proteins did not immunoprecipitate with peripherin/rds or rom-1, suggesting this region does not form intermolecular interactions and is not involved in subunit assembly. Presence of GFP-peripherin/rds fusions correlated with disrupted incisures, disordered ROS tips, and membrane whorls. These abnormalities may reflect competition of the fusion proteins for other proteins that interact with peripherin/rds. This work describes novel roles for the C terminus of peripherin/rds in targeting and maintaining ROS structure and its potential involvement in inherited retinal degenerations.  相似文献   

Peripherin-2 is a member of the tetraspanin family of membrane proteins that plays a critical role in photoreceptor outer segment disk morphogenesis. Mutations in peripherin-2 are responsible for various retinal degenerative diseases including autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). To identify determinants required for peripherin-2 targeting to disk membranes and elucidate mechanisms underlying ADRP, we have generated transgenic Xenopus tadpoles expressing wild-type and ADRP-linked peripherin-2 mutants as green fluorescent fusion proteins in rod photoreceptors. Wild-type peripherin-2 and P216L and C150S mutants, which assemble as tetramers, targeted to disk membranes as visualized by confocal and electron microscopy. In contrast the C214S and L185P mutants, which form homodimers, but not tetramers, were retained in the rod inner segment. Only the P216L disease mutant induced photoreceptor degeneration. These results indicate that tetramerization is required for peripherin-2 targeting and incorporation into disk membranes. Tetramerization-defective mutants cause ADRP through a deficiency in wild-type peripherin-2, whereas tetramerization-competent P216L peripherin-2 causes ADRP through a dominant negative effect, possibly arising from the introduction of a new oligosaccharide chain that destabilizes disks. Our results further indicate that a checkpoint between the photoreceptor inner and outer segments allows only correctly assembled peripherin-2 tetramers to be incorporated into nascent disk membranes.  相似文献   

Peripherin/RDS is a member of the tetraspanin family of integral membrane proteins and plays a major role in the morphology of photoreceptor outer segments. Peripherin/RDS has a long extracellular loop (hereafter referred to as the LEL domain), which is vital for its function. Point mutations in the LEL domain often lead to impaired photoreceptor formation and function, making peripherin/RDS an important drug target. Being a eukaryotic membrane protein, acquiring sufficient peripherin/RDS for biophysical characterisation represents a significant challenge. Here, we describe the expression and characterisation of peripherin/RDS in Drosophila melangolaster Schneider (S2) insect cells and in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The wild-type peripherin/RDS and the retinitis pigmentosa causing P216L mutant from S2 cells are characterised using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The structure of peripherin/RDS and of a pathogenic mutant is assessed spectroscopically for the first time. These findings are evaluated in relation to a three-dimensional model of the functionally important LEL domain obtained by protein threading.  相似文献   

Transcarboxylase is a 1.2 million Dalton (Da) multienzyme complex from Propionibacterium shermanii that couples two carboxylation reactions, transferring CO(2)(-) from methylmalonyl-CoA to pyruvate to yield propionyl-CoA and oxaloacetate. Crystal structures of the 5S metalloenzyme subunit, which catalyzes the second carboxylation reaction, have been solved in free form and bound to its substrate pyruvate, product oxaloacetate, or inhibitor 2-ketobutyrate. The structure reveals a dimer of beta(8)alpha(8) barrels with an active site cobalt ion coordinated by a carbamylated lysine, except in the oxaloacetate complex in which the product's carboxylate group serves as a ligand instead. 5S and human pyruvate carboxylase (PC), an enzyme crucial to gluconeogenesis, catalyze similar reactions. A 5S-based homology model of the PC carboxyltransferase domain indicates a conserved mechanism and explains the molecular basis of mutations in lactic acidemia. PC disease mutations reproduced in 5S result in a similar decrease in carboxyltransferase activity and crystal structures with altered active sites.  相似文献   

The outer segments of vertebrate rod photoreceptor cells consist of an ordered stack of membrane disks, which, except for a few nascent disks at the base of the outer segment, is surrounded by a separate plasma membrane. Previous studies indicate that the protein, peripherin or peripherin/rds, is localized along the rim of mature disks of rod outer segments. A mutation in the gene for this protein has been reported to be responsible for retinal degeneration in the rds mouse. In the present study, we have shown by immunogold labeling of rat and ground squirrel retinas that peripherin/rds is present in the disk rims of cone outer segments as well as rod outer segments. Additionally, in the basal regions of rod and cone outer segments, where disk morphogenesis occurs, we have found that the distribution of peripherin/rds is restricted to a region that is adjacent to the cilium. Extension of its distribution from the cilium coincides with the formation of the disk rim. These results support the model of disk membrane morphogenesis that predicts rim formation to be a second stage of growth, after the first stage in which the ciliary plasma membrane evaginates to form open nascent disks. The results also indicate how the proteins of the outer segment plasma membrane and the disk membranes are sorted into their separate domains: different sets of proteins may be incorporated into membrane outgrowths during different growth stages of disk morphogenesis. Finally, the presence of peripherin/rds protein in both cone and rod outer segment disks, together with the phenotype of the rds mouse, which is characterized by the failure of both rod and cone outer segment formation, suggest that the same rds gene is expressed in both types of photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

We report the functional characterization of RPN6, an essential gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoding the proteasomal subunit Rpn6p. For this purpose, conditional mutants that are able to grow on galactose but not on glucose were obtained. When these mutants are shifted to glucose, Rpn6p depletion induces several specific phenotypes. First, multiubiquitinated proteins accumulate, indicating a defect in proteasome-mediated proteolysis. Second, mutant yeasts are arrested as large budded cells with a single nucleus and a 2C DNA content; in addition, the spindle pole body is duplicated, indicating a general cell cycle defect related to the turnover of G(2)-cyclins after DNA synthesis. Clb2p and Pds1p, but not Sic1p, accumulate in the arrested cells. Depletion of Rpn6p affects both the structure and the peptidase activity of proteasomes in the cell. These results implicate Rpn6p function in the specific recognition of a subset of substrates and point to a role in maintaining the correct quaternary structure of the 26 S proteasome.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases, caused by protozoa, such as malaria, sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease or leishmaniasis, are a global threat. The increase in the number of affected individuals and the rapid spread of drug-resistant strains call for specific novel strategies to combat human pathogenic parasites. In the search for novel drug targets, transport proteins for nutrients and metabolites of the parasite-host interface are getting into focus. The present review summarizes and discusses the currently available results on protozoan aquaporins. Various genes coding for aquaporin water and solute channels have been identified in the protozoan genomes and they are probable elements of the parasite's cell membrane. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that individual aquaporin genes are of bacterial or plant origin. So far, six protozoan aquaporins have been cloned and functionally characterized. Typically, these are bifunctional channels and pass water at intermediate to high rates as well as uncharged solutes. In the present review, amino acid compositions of the individual pore entries are compared and permeability properties are attributed to specific protein features. Furthermore, possible physiological roles in osmotic protection and metabolism are discussed. Finally, the potential of protozoan aquaporins for use as a target or entry pathway for chemotherapeutic compounds is reviewed.  相似文献   

DNA footprinting and nuclease protection studies of PcrA helicase complexed with a 3'-tailed DNA duplex reveal a contact region that covers a significant region of the substrate both in the presence and absence of a non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP, ADPNP. However, details of the interactions of the enzyme with the duplex region are altered upon binding of nucleotide. By combining this information with that obtained from crystal structures of PcrA complexed with a similar DNA substrate, we have designed mutant proteins that are defective in helicase activity but that leave the ATPase and single-stranded DNA translocation activities intact. These mutants are all located in domains 1B and 2B, which interact with the duplex portion of the DNA substrate. Taken together with the crystal structures, these data support an 'active' mechanism for PcrA that involves two distinct ATP-dependent processes: destabilization of the duplex DNA ahead of the enzyme that is coupled to DNA translocation along the single strand product.  相似文献   

Pilin proteins assemble into Type IV pili (T4P), surface-displayed bacterial filaments with virulence functions including motility, attachment, transformation, immune escape, and colony formation. However, challenges in crystallizing full-length fiber-forming and membrane protein pilins leave unanswered questions regarding pilin structures, assembly, functions, and vaccine potential. Here we report pilin structures of full-length DnFimA from the sheep pathogen Dichelobacter nodosus and FtPilE from the human pathogen Francisella tularensis at 2.3 and 1 ? resolution, respectively. The DnFimA structure reveals an extended kinked N-terminal α-helix, an unusual centrally located disulfide, conserved subdomains, and assembled epitopes informing serogroup vaccines. An interaction between the conserved Glu-5 carboxyl oxygen and the N-terminal amine of an adjacent subunit in the crystallographic dimer is consistent with the hypothesis of a salt bridge between these groups driving T4P assembly. The FtPilE structure identifies an authentic Type IV pilin and provides a framework for understanding the role of T4P in F. tularensis virulence. Combined results define a unified pilin architecture, specialized subdomain roles in pilus assembly and function, and potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Suberin is a lipid-phenolic biopolyester deposited in the cell walls of certain boundary tissue layers of plants, such as root endodermis, root and tuber peridermis, and seed coats. Suberin serves as a protective barrier in these tissue layers, controlling, for example, water and ion transport. It is also a stress-induced anti-microbial barrier. The suberin polymer contains a variety of C16–C24 chain-length aliphatics, such as ω-hydroxy fatty acids, α,ω-dicarboxylic fatty acids, and primary fatty alcohols. Suberin also contains high amounts of glycerol and phenolics, especially ferulic acid. In addition, non-covalently linked waxes are likely associated with the suberin polymer. This review focusses on the suberin biosynthetic enzymes identified to date, which include β-ketoacyl-CoA synthases, fatty acyl reductases, long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases, cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferases, and phenolic acyltransferases. We also discuss recent advances in our understanding of the transport of suberin components intracellularly and to the cell wall, polymer assembly, and the regulation of suberin deposition.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1727-1734
cDNA encoding the 20-kD subunit of coatomer, zeta-COP, predicts a protein of 177-amino acid residues, similar in sequence to AP17 and AP19, subunits of the clathrin adaptor complexes. Polyclonal antibody directed to zeta-COP blocks the binding of coatomer to Golgi membranes and prevents the assembly of COP-coated vesicles on Golgi cisternae. Unlike other coatomer subunits (beta-, beta'-, gamma-, and epsilon- COP), zeta-COP exists in both coatomer bound and free pools.  相似文献   

Two series of 1,3,4-oxadiazoline heterocycle derivatives were designed, synthesized and identified. Bioactivity assays showed that all synthesized compounds inhibited chitin synthesis in yeast, suggesting they might be a novel class of potential inhibitors against chitin biosynthesis. The structure–activity relationships (SAR) of these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA methylation abnormalities are regarded as critical event for cancer initiation and development. Tumor-associated genes encompassing aberrant DNA methylation alterations at specific locus are correlated with chromatin remodeling and dysregulation of gene expression in various malignancies. Thus, technologies designed to manipulate DNA methylation at specific loci of genome are necessary for the functional study and therapeutic application in the context of cancer management. Traditionally, the method for DNA methylation modifications demonstrates an unspecific feature, adversely causing global-genome epigenetic alterations and confusing the function of desired gene. Novel approaches for targeted DNA methylation regulation have a great advantage of manipulating gene epigenetic alterations in a more specific and efficient method. In this review, we described different targeting DNA methylation techniques, including both their advantages and limitations. Through a comprehensive understanding of these targeting tools, we hope to open a new perspective for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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