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Abstract— The phospholipid composition of, and the incorporation of labelled phosphorus into the different phospholipids of rat and calf retina have been studied. The influence of various conditions, such as dark and light adaptation, during the preparation of retina, lipid extraction and incubation of retina with radioactive phosphorus was investigated.
The phospholipid composition of rat retina did not differ significantly from that of calf retina and the different conditions of preparation and incubation did not modify the distributions.
The specific radioactivities of the different phospholipids of calf and rat retina, incubated in the presence of 32P, distinguished in both species two groups of components characterized by the rate of labelling. Phosphatidic acid (PA) and inositol glycerophospholipids (PI) belonged to the first group and showed the highest uptake of labelled phosphorus; the second group, comprising choline glycerophospholipids (PC), serine glycerophospholipids (PS), sphingomyelin (SP), ethanolamine glycerophospholipids (PE) and cardiolipin (CL) showed low incorporation activities. Only SP was labelled differently in rat and calf retina. With the exception of PS, there was no evidence for the influence of light on the turnover of individual phospholipids. The finding that PS showed higher specific radioactivities when adaptation and incubation proceeded in the dark, seems to be of interest and needs further study.  相似文献   

The course of dark adaptation of the human eye varies with the intensity used for the light adaptation which precedes it. Preadaptation to intensities below 200 photons is followed only by rod adaptation, while preadaptation to intensities above 4000 photons is followed first by cone adaptation and then by rod adaptation. With increasing intensities of preadaptation, cone dark adaptation remains essentially the same in form, but covers an increasing range of threshold intensities. At the highest preadaptation the range of the subsequent cone dark adaptation covers more than 3 log units. Rod dark adaptation appears in two types—a rapid and a delayed. The rapid rod dark adaptation is evident after preadaptations to low intensities corresponding to those usually associated with rod function. The delayed rod dark adaptation shows up only after preadaptation to intensities which are hundreds of times higher than those which produce the maximal function of the rods in flicker, intensity discrimination, and visual acuity. The delayed form remains essentially constant in shape following different intensities of preadaptation. However, its time of appearance increases with the preadaptation intensity; after the highest preadaptation, it appears only after 12 or 13 minutes in the dark. These two modes of rod dark adaptation are probably the expression of two methods of formation of visual purple in the rods after its bleaching by the preadaptation lights.  相似文献   

In this study we have analyzed the effects of variations in the concentrations of oxygen and of blood sugar on light sensitivity; i.e. dark adaptation. The experiments were carried out in an air-conditioned light-proof chamber where the concentrations of oxygen could be changed by dilution with nitrogen or by inhaling oxygen from a cylinder. The blood sugar was lowered by the injection of insulin and raised by the ingestion of glucose. The dark adaptation curves were plotted from data secured with an apparatus built according to specifications outlined by Hecht and Shlaer. During each experiment, observations were first made in normal air with the subject under basal conditions followed by one, and in most instances two, periods under the desired experimental conditions involving either anoxia or hyper- or hypoglycemia or variations in both the oxygen tension and blood sugar at the same time. 1. Dark adaptation curves were plotted (threshold against time) in normal air and compared with those obtained while inhaling lowered concentrations of oxygen. A decrease in sensitivity was observed with lowered oxygen tensions. Both the rod and cone portions of the curves were influenced in a similar way. These effects were counteracted by inhaling oxygen, the final rod thresholds returning to about the level of the normal base line in air or even below it within 2 to 3 minutes. The impairment was greatest for those with a poorer tolerance for low O2. Both the inter- and intra-individual variability in thresholds increased significantly at the highest altitude. 2. In a second series of tests control curves were obtained in normal air. Then while each subject remained dark adapted, the concentrations of oxygen were gradually decreased. The regeneration of visual purple was apparently complete during the 40 minutes of dark adaptation, yet in each case the thresholds continued to rise in direct proportion to the degree of anoxia. The inhalation of oxygen from a cylinder quickly counteracted the effects for the thresholds returned to the original control level within 2 to 3 minutes. 3. In experiments where the blood sugar was raised by the ingestion of glucose in normal air, no significant changes in the thresholds were observed except when the blood sugar was rapidly falling toward the end of the glucose tolerance tests. However, when glucose was ingested at the end of an experiment in low oxygen, while the subject remained dark adapted, the effects of the anoxia were largely counteracted within 6 to 8 minutes. 4. The influence of low blood sugar on light sensitivity was then studied by injecting insulin. The thresholds were raised as soon as the effects of the insulin produced a fall in the blood sugar. When the subjects inhaled oxygen the thresholds were lowered. Then when the oxygen was withdrawn so that the subject was breathing normal air, the thresholds rose again within 1 to 2 minutes. Finally, if the blood sugar was raised by ingesting glucose, the average threshold fell to the original control level or even below it. 5. The combined effects of low oxygen and low blood sugar on light sensitivity were studied in one subject (W. F.). These effects appeared to be greater than when a similar degree of anoxia or hypoglycemia was brought about separately. 6. In a series of experiments on ten subjects the dark adaptation curves were obtained both in the basal state and after a normal breakfast. In nine of the ten subjects, the food increased the sensitivity of the subjects to light. 7. The experiments reported above lend support to the hypothesis that both anoxia and hypoglycemia produce their effects on light sensitivity in essentially the same way; namely, by slowing the oxidative processes. Consequently the effects of anoxia may be ameliorated by giving glucose and the effects of hypoglycemia by inhaling oxygen. In our opinion, the changes may be attributed directly to the effects on the nervous tissue of the visual mechanism and the brain rather than on the photochemical processes of the retina.  相似文献   

Abstract— High phosphodiesterase activity for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was found in subcellular fractions of the bovine retina with more rapid hydrolysis of cyclic GMP than cyclic AMP in each fraction. Rod outer segments (ROS) and the supernatant fraction had highest activity. High enzyme activity remained associated with ROS membranes through several steps of purification by gradient centrifugation. A complex kinetic pattern was observed for cyclic AMP hydrolysis by the supernatant fraction yielding two values for K m; a simple kinetic pattern was observed with cyclic GMP hydrolysis in supernatant and for both cyclic nucleotides in preparations of purified outer segments. Phosphodiesterase activity of outer segments was enhanced by Mg2+. Mn2+ and inhibited by EDTA. Cyclic AMP had relatively little effect on the hydrolysis of cyclic GMP in supernatant or ROS while cyclic GMP inhibited hydrolysis of cyclic AMP in both fractions.  相似文献   

Light-adapted sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces respond to sudden darkening by a temporary decrease in the rate of elongation, after a latent period of several minutes. The reaction time of this "dark growth" response is compound like that of the "light growth" response. It is, moreover, shorter the more intense the previous illumination. The rate of dark adaptation following adaptation to a very large range of light intensities is found to be proportional to the logarithm of the preceding light intensity. It is shown that a constant amount of dark adaptation takes place before the response occurs. On the assumption that changes in the rate of growth reflect changes in the concentration of a substance which at constant light intensity is in equilibrium with a light-sensitive material, possible equations for such a photostationary state are examined. The most reasonable formulation requires that the partial velocity of the "light" reaction be taken proportional to log I instead of to I directly.  相似文献   

Abstract— Guanylate cyclase activity of dark-adapted bovine rod outer segments demonstrates a biphasic pattern upon exposure to light. By 10 s of illumination, activity is 20% lower than that observed in dark-adapted outer segments. Activity subsequently increases and then slowly declines to two-thirds of the original activity after 10 min of illumination. In the presence of GTP or ATP, hydrolysis of cyclic GMP is rapidly enhanced by exposure of outer segments to light; the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the amount of substrate present. The rapid effects of light on synthesis and degradation of cyclic GMP indicate that these reactions may be involved in the visual process. The concentration of guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) is extraordinarily high in dark-adapted bovine rod outer segments and is at least 100-fold that of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP). No significant decrease in the level of cyclic GMP or cyclic AMP was observed however upon exposure of dark-adapted outer segments to light.  相似文献   

本文研究了埃及蟾蜍(Bufo regularis Reuss)从早期幼虫到变态结束,光和暗对视网膜的影响。所观察到的对光和暗反应的变化限于色素上皮和光感受细胞。实验动物分四组:1)在亮处固定的对照(CL);2)在暗处固定的对照(CD);3)连续养在暗处的动物(DD);4)连续受光照的动物(LL)。在CD和DD组动物,黑色素颗粒在色素上皮细胞突起(PEP)中的分布限于光感受细胞顶部间之外周区(巩膜方位)。与此相反。在CL和LL组动物,大量黑色素颗粒则分散在视觉细胞外节段和椭球段间色素上皮细胞突起之向心端位置(玻璃体方位)。在这种动物,上皮细胞色素对光和暗反应发生的光机械运动出现在肢芽期以前。新变态小蟾蜍DD组眼球,与其他三组比较起来,色素上皮层相当厚并含有大的脂肪滴。在较晚期,只有DD组动物的一些杆细胞外节段呈现退化现象。其次,这一组中,由于连续缺少光照的结果,眼球之锥细胞数目有明显减少。四组动物的视网膜上也观察到锥细胞的细胞核位置略有不同。  相似文献   

1. The reaction time of Mya to light is composed of two parts. The first, a sensitization period, is an exceedingly short interval of the order of magnitude associated with photographic processes. The second is a latent period of about 1.3 seconds, during which Mya need not remain exposed to the stimulating light. 2. The process of dark adaptation in Mya is orderly. Its progress may be represented by the formation of a photosensitive substance according to the dynamics of a bimolecular reaction. See PDF for Structure 3. Photosensory equilibrium as represented by the light- and dark-adapted conditions finds a rational explanation in terms of the "stationary state" of a reversible photochemical reaction involving a photosensitive substance and its two precursors. 4. There are two corollaries to this hypothesis. The first requires that the reaction time at sensory equilibrium for a given intensity should vary inversely with the temperature; the second, that the rate of dark adaptation should vary directly with the temperature. Experiments verified both of these requirements.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to analyze the base response, one of the light growth responses of Avena coleoptiles, by means of growth substance curvatures. The decrease in growth rate (first part of the base response) after exposure to light does not show if hetero-auxin is substituted for auxin-a (Sections 5, 6, and 10). This decreased growth after exposure very likely is due to an oxidative inactivation of auxin-a (Sections 8 and 9). Hetero-auxin can be inactivated too but in a much lesser degree than auxin-a (Section 9). The increase in growth rate following on the decreased growth (second part of the base response) is due to an increase in response of the plant to growth hormone which is independent of the type of hormone (Sections 1, 2, 7, 8, and 10). Under conditions of continuous exposure to light, however, the inactivation of the auxin-a under influence of the light is superimposed on this increased response to growth hormone. This inactivation can be eliminated from the light growth response by replacing the auxin-a by hetero-auxin. More detailed information on this subject can be found in Section 10. A review of the experiments and their results can be obtained from the scheme in Section 8. In Section 11 it is shown that light inhibits the formation of growth hormone in the decapitated coleoptile (regeneration). Very small amounts of light (25 m.c.s.) inhibit the regeneration markedly.  相似文献   

1. A single-celled, elongating sporangiophore of Phycomyces responds to a sufficient increase in intensity of illumination by a brief increase in growth rate. This is the "light-growth response" of Blaauw. 2. The reaction time is compound, consisting of an exposure period and a latent period (this comprising both the true latent period resulting from photochemical action and any "action time" necessary for the response). During the latter period the plant may be in darkness, responding nevertheless at the end of the latent period. 3. Both light adaptation and dark adaptation occur in the sporangiophore. The kinetics of dark adaptation can be accounted for on the basis of a bimolecular reaction, perhaps modified by autocatalysis. Attention is called to the bimolecular nature of the "dark" reaction in all other photosensory systems that have been studied, in spite of the diversity of the photosensitive substances themselves and of the different forms of the responses to light.  相似文献   

An increase in the degree of light adaptation causes a decrease in the slope of the subsequent rod dark adaptation function and a displacement of the function to the right on the time axis. Over a wide range, these changes occur to the same extent whether the increase in the degree of light adaptation is produced by raising the intensity or by prolonging the exposure. Within these limits, the Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity law applies to the intensity and duration of pre-exposure. Over a still wider range, dark adaptation has the same course following brief exposure to a bright light as it has following prolonged exposure to a dim light, provided the degree of light adaptation is the same in both instances (as indicated by identical initial dark adaptation thresholds).  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of 121 m m -K+, 10 m m -glutamate, 5 m m -GABA, 1 m m -glycine, 0.1 m m -NE, and 1–10 μ m ACh on cyclic GMP levels in tissue slices prepared from cerebral cortex and cerebellum of mouse, rabbit, guinea-pig, cat, and rat were studied. Basal levels of cyclic GMP in the cerebella of mice, guinea-pigs and cats were 4–15 and 70 pmol/mg prot in rat, whereas in the cerebral cortex of the same animals, levels were only 0.6–2 pmol/mg prot. In contrast, basal levels of the cyclic nucleotide were 1–2 pmol/mg prot in both of these regions in rabbit brain. Only 121 m m -K+ was capable of increasing cyclic GMP levels in all the tissues studied. Elevations ranged from 30% in rat cerebral cortex to 2800% in mouse cerebellum. Glutamate produced a 30–1000% rise of cyclic GMP levels in all tissues except rabbit cerebellum. NE elevated levels of cyclic nucleotide 2- to 3-fold in slices of cerebellum from all species studied but had no effect in cerebral cortex. GABA and glycine had no effect in any tissue except mouse cerebellum. ACh had no consistent effect on levels of cyclic GMP in any brain region investigated. These results suggest that mechanisms regulating cyclic GMP levels in mammalian CNS vary among brain regions and among animal species.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to describe the regulation of cyclic nucleotide metabolism in a cholinergic tissue, the properties of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase were determined in electroplax of Electrophorus electricus and compared to those of mammalian brain. Electroplax phosphodiesterase was Mg2+ -dependent. localized in the soluble fraction and displayed normal linear Lineweaver-Burk kinetics ( K m: cyclic AMP. 1.4 μ m ; cyclic GMP, 0.54 μ m ). No low affinity (i.e. high K m) activity was detected. These results were correlated with comparatively low tissue levels of cyclic AMP (67 pmol/g) and cyclic GMP (3.2 pmol/g). Attempts were made to detect calcium-dependent phosphodiesterase because of the presence of large amounts of the calcium-dependent regulator protein (CDR) in electroplax, as this protein has been shown to activate brain phosphodiesterase. Assay with EGTA under a variety of conditions revealed that no calcium-dependent activity could be detected. Preparation of CDR-deficient phosphodiesterase also failed to produce calcium-dependent activity. Assay of phosphodiesterase in other cholinergic tissues revealed calcium-dependent activity in Electrophorus muscle and rat diaphragm but not in Torpedo electroplax. The results suggest that calcium-dependent activity is not a significant portion of phosphodiesterase in electroplax and indicate alternate roles for CDR in electric tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract— Synthetic substance P initially increased cyclic AMP levels and subsequently induced neurite extension in cultured neuroblastoma N 18 cells. The magnitude of these effects depended on the concentration of fetal calf serum (FCS) in the culture medium, being more evident in the presence of a lower (0.1%) concentration of FCS.
In Eagle's medium containing 0.1% FCS, low concentrations of substance P (10−7-10−5 M) increased cyclic AMP levels and stimulated neurite extension.
In Eagle's medium containing 5%FCS, both substance P at concentrations of 10−5-10−3M and dibutyryl cyclic AMP at concentrations of 10−4-10−2M increased cyclic AMP levels and stimulated neurite extension. The activities of acetylcholinesterase, (Na++ K+)-, HCO3 and Mg2+ -stimulated-ATPase were also increased. Cell growth was inhibited.
Substance P at concentrations of 10-7-10−5M also stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity of a particulate fraction of N 18 in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

急性重复缺氧对小鼠脑组织腺苷及其A1受体的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
分别应用酶鉴别分光光度法和放射性配体结合法测定小鼠脑组织腺苷(adenosine,ADO)含量及A1受体在急性重复缺氧过程中的变化。发现经急性重复缺氧处理的动物全脑内ADO含量有一定程度的累积增加,尤其在海马、脑桥和延髓处的增加较为显著;各脑区A1受体的数目显著低于正常对照组,但海马、脑桥和延髓处A1受体的亲和力显著高于正常对照组。结果提示,重复缺氧后虽然脑内A1受体数目减少,但由于海马、脑桥和延髓处A1受体的亲和力升高,累积增加的ADO和A1受体结合后,抑制神经细胞兴奋性的作用仍可能得到加强,从而使ADO仍能更好地发挥抑制性神经调制作用。  相似文献   

Abstract— Following intracerebral inoculation of mouse adapted scrapie agent into mice, polyamine concentration in the brain decreases to about 75 per cent of the normal level during the first 2 months after intracerebral inoculation of the agent. Between 2 and 4 months after infection thelevel of spermidine and spermineincreased by 80 and 40 percent respectively to reach concentrations of 25 and 20 per cent higher than controls of the same age. During the same period the rate of incorporation of [14C]putrescine into spermidine is increased four-fold as compared with controls. The changes in polyamine levels correlate well with the pattern of astrocyte hypertrophy and are similar to those reported for human brain tumours. The concentration of polyamines in spleen increases soon after inoculation. Whilst changes in brain polyamines might be referred to the hypertrophic growth of astrocytes those in spleen are perhaps due to an increased metabolic activity of spleen cells associated with the replication of the agent. These results are derived from experimental mouse scrapie and not naturally occurring disease in sheep.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds forage almost exclusively underwater. Consequently, observing them is difficult and relatively little is known of how they use their senses to locate prey, avoid predators, and navigate while diving. Vision has been presumed to be of primary importance, although previous measurements of visual functioning in pinnipeds have been restricted to just a few shallow-diving species. As diving pinnipeds experience rapid changes in light levels during descent/ascent and low light levels at depth, it has not been clear whether they possess visual capabilities adequate for use while diving, particularly in the case of deep-diving species. To examine this issue, behavioral psychophysics have been used to assess and compare the dark adaptation rates and relative light sensitivities of a deep-diving pinniped (northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris), two shallow-diving species (California sea lion, Zalophus californianus, and harbor seal, Phoca vitulina), and a human subject. In comparison to the human subject, both the California sea lion and the harbor seal dark-adapted relatively quickly and were more light sensitive. These findings suggest that both of these species are well suited for vision in the moderately dim shallow-water environments in which they dive to forage. In contrast, the elephant seal reached complete dark adaptation in less than half the time taken by the other pinnipeds, and it was significantly more light sensitive. Unlike the shallower-diving species, the visual abilities of the elephant seal are commensurate with the extreme conditions experienced while deep diving. Thus, we conclude that elephant seals are sufficiently adapted to rely on vision underwater, even while diving to depths in excess of 1000 meters where bioluminescence may be the sole source of ambient light.  相似文献   

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