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This study evaluated the effect of a signal on resistance to change using a multiple schedule of reinforcement. Experiment 1 presented pigeons with three schedules: a signaled delay to reinforcement schedule (a two-link chain schedule with a variable-interval 120-s initial link followed by a 5-s fixed-time schedule), an unsignaled delay schedule (a comparable two-link tandem schedule), and an immediate, zero-delay variable-interval 125-s schedule. Two separate disruption procedures assessed resistance to change: extinction and adding a variable-time 20-s schedule of reinforcement to the inter-component interval. Resistance to change tests were conducted twice, once with the signal stimulus (the terminal link of the chain schedule) present and once with it absent. Results from both disruption procedures showed that signal absence reduced resistance to change for the pre-signal stimulus. In probe choice tests subjects strongly preferred the signal stimulus over the unsignaled stimulus and exhibited no reliable preference when given a choice between the signal stimulus and immediate stimulus. Experiment 2 presented two equal signaled schedules where, during resistance to change tests, the signal remained for one schedule and was removed for the second. Resistance to change was consistently lower when the signal was absent.  相似文献   

The effect of signals on resistance to change was evaluated using pigeons responding on a three-component multiple schedule. Each component contained a variable-interval initial link followed by a fixed-time terminal link. One component was an unsignaled-delay schedule, and two were equivalent signaled-delay schedules. After baseline training, resistance to change was assessed through (a) extinction and (b) adding free food to the intercomponent interval. During these tests, the signal stimulus from one of the signaled-delay components (SIG-T) was replaced with the initial-link stimulus from that component, converting it to an unsignaled-delay schedule. That signal stimulus was added to the delay period of the unsignaled-delay component (UNS), converting it to a signaled-delay schedule. The remaining signaled component remained unchanged (SIG-C). Resistance-to-change tests showed removing the signal had a minimal effect on resistance to change in the SIG-T component compared to the unchanged SIG-C component except for one block during free-food testing. Adding the signal to the UNS component significantly increased response rates suggesting that component had low response strength. Interestingly, the direction of the effect was in the opposite direction from what is typically observed. Results are consistent with the conclusion that the signal functioned as a conditioned reinforcer and inconsistent with a generalization-decrement explanation.  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of d-amphetamine on sensitivity to reinforcement amount under concurrent schedules were examined using a rapid-acquisition procedure. Four pigeons key pecked under single concurrent variable-interval 30-s schedules of grain presentation. Two different reinforcer-amount ratios (7:1 and 1:7) changed across sessions according to a 31-step pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS). After at least four times through the PRBS, response ratios generally tracked the session-to-session changes in amount ratios; estimates of sensitivity ranged from 0.26 to 0.31 across the four pigeons. Effects of a range of doses of d-amphetamine (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) then were determined. For 3 of 4 pigeons, at least one dose, which did not dramatically alter overall response output or bias, decreased sensitivity to reinforcement amount. These results suggest that reducing sensitivity of responding to reinforcement amount may be one behavioral mechanism of stimulants, which may have implications for interpreting drug effects on self-control.  相似文献   

Four pigeons responded under a 7-component mixed schedule in which each component arranged a different left:right reinforcer ratio (27:1, 9:1, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:9, 1:27). Components were unsignaled, and the order within each session was randomly determined. After extensive exposure to these contingencies, effects of a range of doses of d-amphetamine (0.3-5.6 mg/kg) on estimates of sensitivity to reinforcement at several levels of analysis were assessed. Under non-drug conditions, the structure of choice was similar to that previously reported under this procedure. That is, responding adjusted within components to the reinforcer ratio in effect (i.e., sensitivity estimates were higher in the 2nd than in the 1st half of components), and individual reinforcers produced “preference pulses” (i.e., each food presentation produced an immediate, local, shift in preference toward the response that just produced food). Although there was a general tendency for d-amphetamine to reduce overall sensitivity to reinforcement, the size of this effect and its reliability varied across pigeons. Further analysis, however, revealed that intermediate d-amphetamine doses consistently reduced sensitivity immediately following reinforcer presentations; that is, these doses consistently attenuated preference pulses.  相似文献   

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