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Anatomy and affinities of cocculinid limpets (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anatomy of seven cocculinid species, representing four genera, is described. Two new genera are erected, Paracocculina and Coccocrater, and a comparative account of all cocculinid species so far anatomically investigated is given. Definitions of six genera, mainly based on anatomical data, are presented. Variation at the species level is also discussed. The closest relatives of the Cocculinidae are found in the Bathysciadiidae, sharing a distinct gill type and similar coelomic conditions. Therefore, both families are united as the Cocculinoidea. The Lepetelloidea (Lepetellidae, Pseudococculinidae, Osteopeltidae, Bathyphytophilidae (?), Cocculinellidae, Addisoniidae and Choristellidae) are more distantly related and are classified, together with the Cocculinoidea, within the suborder Cocculiniformia. The Cocculiniformia are regarded as one of the earliest offshoots at the archaeogastropod level of organization, being secondarily modified in several respects.  相似文献   

The anatomy of 12 pseudococculinid species, representing the two subfamilies and 10 (of 11 known) genera, is described in detail. Three new genera are erected, Yaquinabyssia, Copulabyssia and Amphiplica. Subfamilial and generic systematics are reconsidered and additionally based on anatomical characters. Characters defining subfamilies and genera (Pseudoeoeculininae: Pseudococculina, Notocrater, Tentaoculus, Mcsopelex, Bandabyssia, Kurilabyssia; Caymanabyssiinae: Caymanabyssia, Colotrachelus, Yuquinabyssia, Copulabyssia, Amphiplica) are the modifications in shell and radula, the number and arrangement of gill-leaflets, the size of the pedal gland, the degree of eye-reduction and the modifications of the seminal groove and of the copulatory organ. Separation of the Pseudococculinidae Hiekman, 1983 from the Cocculinidae Dall, 1882 at the superfamilial level is confirmed by great differences in their anatomy. Whereas the Cocculinidae are closely related to the Bathysciadiidae (Cocculinoidea). the Lepctcllidae, Pyropeltidae, Pseudococculinidae,? Bathyphytophilidae, Osteopeltidae, Cocculinellidae, Addisoniidae and Choristellidae form a clearly separated supcrfamily (Lepetelloidea). Both superfamilies compose the Cocculiniformia. a primitive but highly specialized arehaeogastropod suborder.  相似文献   

Bathyphytophilus diegensis sp. n. is described on basis of shell and radula characters. The radula of another species of Bathyphytophilus is illustrated, but the species is not described since the shell is unknown. Both species feed on detached blades of the surfgrass Phyllospadix carried by turbidity currents into continental slope depths in the San Diego Trough. The anatomy of B. diegensis was investigated by means of semithin serial sectioning and graphic reconstruction. ‘The shell is limpet-like; the protoconch resembles that of pseudococculinids and other lepetclloids. The radula is a distinctive, highly modified rhipidoglossate type with close similarities to the lepetellid radula. The anatomy falls well into the lepetelloid bauplan and is in general similar to that of Pseudococculinidae and Pyropcltidae. Apomorphic features are the presence of gill-leaflets at both sides of the pallial roof (shared with certain pseudococculinids), the lack of jaws, and in particular many enigmatic pouches (bacterial chambers?) which open into the postcrior oesophagus. Autapomorphic characters of shell, radula and anatomy confirm the placement of Bathyphytophilus (with Aenigmabonus) in a distinct family, Bathyphytophilidac Moskalev, 1978. As revealed by a cladistic study, the Bathyphytophilidae should be classified within the Lepetelloidea close to the Lepetellidae, Pyropeltidae, and Pseudococculinidae.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis, a partial nucleotide sequence of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and discriminant analysis of shell morphometric characters were used to study the relationships among the Sicilian marine gastropods of the Patella genus. Allozyme and mtDNA markers unequivocally distinguished the species and were very useful markers in correctly classifying the different species when morphological characters overlapped each other. Several allozyme loci and many nucleotide positions were diagnostic of species. In contrast, the discriminant analysis of simple morphometric shell characters failed to adequately discriminate the species, suggesting that environmental factors influence colouration and morphological patterns in the Patella species. Our results underline the importance of a genetic approach, as compared to a morphological approach, in discriminating the Mediterranean Patella species.  相似文献   

The organic content (caecum) of the shell pores of five species of fissurellid (key-hole) limpets was investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Fissurellid caeca are unbranched, polycellular extensions of the mantle epithelium, which penetrate the whole shell and contact the periostracum via organic fibres called 'brush'. They are built up by two cell-types, which enclose a central lumen, and are formed concurrently with the shell itself. Because of fundamental structural and developmental differences, the superficially similar shell pores of bivalves (caeca) and polyplacophorans (aesthetes) are considered as analogous rather than homologous organs. Similarities are found with brachiopod caeca, probably owing to similar functions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the taxonomic value of sclerenchyma in distinguishing Pinus sylvestris and P. mugo, P. uncinata, P. rotundata and P. uliginosa, all representing the subsection Sylvestres within the genus Pinus. Thirty-six samples were gathered in natural populations. Every sample was represented with 30 individuals, every individual with 10 brachyblasts. Three types of sclerenchymatic cells surrounding the resin canals and four between vascular bundles were distinguished. Relations among samples and taxa were verified using discriminant analysis and clustering based on Euclidean distances. The types of sclerenchymatic cells surrounding the resin canals and located between the vascular bundles differentiate the compared taxa when used as average frequencies but are extremely variable and do not allow the classification of every individual. The study demonstrated that the type of sclerenchymatic cells surrounding the resin canals and between the vascular bundles in needles could have an important taxonomic value in distinguishing the taxa of two-needle pines of the subsection Sylvestres in Europe at the population level. The distinguishing of individuals was difficult because of very high variation of sclerenchyma characters.  相似文献   

An efficient and rapid plant regeneration system was established for zonal and scented geraniums using leaf discs as explants. Several explants, medium and culture conditions were studied to optimize shoot induction. Leaf discs taken from 4–5 weeks old in vitro grown plants, whatever the genotype, were more effective for shoot regeneration than those taken from greenhouse grown plants. Darkness proved to be a stimulating factor for shoot regeneration and the combination between NAA and two cytokinins gave the best results. Direct shoot regeneration (100%) was obtained from leaf discs of P. capitatum on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 NAA in combination with 1 mg l−1 of BAP and zeatin in darkness (11.4 shoots per explant). In the same medium and culture conditions, all P. graveolens leaf discs also exhibited direct shoot regeneration (7.3 shoots per explant). For P. x hortorum, 100% of leaf discs underwent shoot regeneration on a MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg l−1 NAA in combination with 0.5 mg l−1 of BAP and zeatin in darkness (8.8 shoots per explant) or under low light conditions with 0.2 mg l−1 NAA and 1 mg l−1 of BAP and zeatin (7.5 shoots per explant). For this species, the best results for shoot elongation were obtained on half-strength MS medium gelled with Phytagel 0.3% (v/v). Whatever the genotype, all shoots rooted readily when transferred to diluted MS medium (MS/2) containing 1 mg l−1 IAA. Acclimatized plants grew normally and flowered in greenhouse conditions. Flow cytometry analysis made on leaves of acclimatized plants revealed that all the scented geranium plants are similar to mother plants while 71% of P. x hortorum plants which showed strong growth were tetraploid.  相似文献   

We experimentally show that substratum can determine an individual patellogastropod's color and morphology. Lottia asmi (Middendorff), previously considered a high-domed, black stenotopic species on trochid gastropods, is similar to other northeastern Pacific limpet species with low profile and tessellated color patterns, when it is translocated to rock substrata. Lottia digitalis (Rathke), a highly variable species with at least two ecological variants that have been considered to be genetically determined, changes between these two forms when translocated from stalked barnacles to rocks. Color changes because the ingested pigments (algal, periostracal, etc.) and other materials (e.g., calcium carbonate) vary between substrata; morphological changes occur as responses to the topographical complexity and constraints of substrata. The geographical distribution of ecological variants of polytypic limpet species, and the ability to achieve cryptic coloration, may be determined by the geographic distributions of algae on which the limpets feed rather than by intrinsic characteristics of the limpets.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is made of hybridization between the House SparrowPasser domesticus and Tree SparrowP. montanus based on a long-term breeding study in Spain and a survey of the published literature. The field study, in which hybrids were detected by phenotypes, gave a rate of hybridization close to 1:500. The majority of literature records of hybrids between these species are from areas where one is uncommon; there is no evidence for natural cross-fostering. We suggest that mate restriction is the most likely reason for mixed-pair formation and hybridization in these sparrows.
Zusammenfassung Die Hybridisation zwischen Haus- und Feldsperling wurde in einer langfristigen brutbiologischen Studie in Spanien und auf der Grundlage eines Literaturüberblicks untersucht. In der Freilandstudie, bei der Bastarde phänotypisch registriert wurden, ergab sich eine Hybridisierungsrate nahe 1:500. Die Mehrzahl der Literaturangaben stammt von Gebieten, in denen eine Art nicht häufig ist (Appendix). Hinweise für Aufzucht von Jungen der jeweiligen anderen Art ergaben sich nicht. Sicher ist Partnermangel die wahrscheinlichste Ursache für Mischpaare und Verbastardierung beider Sperlingsarten.

Genomic constitutions of three taxa of Pseudoroegneria á. L?ve, P. geniculata, P. geniculata ssp. scythica, and P. geniculata ssp. pruinifera, were characterized using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The results indicated that ploidy level and genomic constitution in the three Pseudoroegneria taxa studied were as follows: P. geniculata (2n = 4x = 28; genomic formula StSt g ), P. geniculata ssp. scythica (2n = 4x = 28; genomic formula ESt), and P. geniculata ssp. pruinifera (2n = 6x = 42; genomic formula EESt). P. geniculata ssp. scythica and P. geniculata ssp. pruinifera should be transferred to Trichopyrum á. L?ve following L?ve’s principles and treated as T. scythicum and T. pruiniferum, respectively.  相似文献   

We studied phylogenetic relationships among populations and species in the California closed-cone pines (Pinus radiata D. Don, P. attenuata Lemm., and P. muricata D. Don) via chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis. Data on genetic polymorphism within and among 19 populations in the three species were collected using9 to 20 restriction enzymes and 38 to 384 trees. Because only five clades and extremely low intraclade diversity were found, additional phylogenetic data were collected using a single representative per clade and two outgroup species, P. oocarpa Schiede and P. jeffreyi Loud. In total, 25 restriction enzymes were employed and approximately 2.7 kb surveyed (2.3% of genome). The five clades recognized were Monterey pine, knob-cone pine, and the southern, intermediate, and northern races of bishop pine. On the basis of bootstrapping, both Wagner and Dollo parsimony analyses strongly separated the northern and intermediate races of bishop pine from the southern race; knobcone pine from Monterey and bishop pines; and the closed-cone pines from the two outgroups. Approximate divergence times were estimated for the lineages leading to knob-cone pine and to the intermediate and northern populations of bishop pine. The position of Monterey pine relative to bishop pine within their monophyletic clade was unresolved. Surprisingly, Montery pine and the southern race of bishop pine were much more similar to one another than was the southern race of bishop pine to its conspecific intermediate and northern races. Both the Monterey and southern bishop pine lineages also evolved severalfold more slowly than did the knobcone pine and intermediate-northern bishop pine lineages. These results differ significantly from a recent allozyme study, corroborating previous observations that chloroplast genome phylogeny can depart substantially from that of nuclear genes.  相似文献   

Of 80 fluorescent pseudomonad strains screened for phosphate solubilization, three strains (BFPB9, FP12 and FP13) showed the ability to solubilize tri-calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2). During mineral phosphate solubilization, decrease of pH in the culture medium due to the production of organic acids by the strains was observed. These phosphate solubilizing strains produced indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and protease as well as exhibited a broad-spectrum antifungal activity against phytopathogenic fungi. When tested in PCR using the gene-specific primers, strain BFPB9 showed the presence of hcnBC genes that encode hydrogen cyanide. On the basis of phenotypic traits, 16S rRNA sequence homology and subsequent phylogenetic analysis, strains BFPB9, FP12 and FP13 were designated as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. plecoglossicida and P. mosselii, respectively. Present investigation reports the phosphate solubilization potential and biocontrol ability of new strains that belong to P. plecoglossicida and P. mosselii. Because of the innate potential of phosphate solubilization, production of siderophore, IAA, protease, cellulase and HCN strains reported in this study can be used as biofertilizers as well as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Pelecanema n. g. is erected for P. sirry (Khalil, 1931) n. comb., syn. Synhimantus sirry Khalil, 1931 (type-species) and P. pelecani (Johnston & Mawson, 1942) n. comb., syn. Dispharynx pelecani Johnston & Mawson, 1942. In the structure of its cordons, consisting of two rows of delicate cuticular plates, the new genus is similar to Synhimantus Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912, Dispharynx Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912, Chordatortilis Machado de Mendon?a & Olivera de Rodrigues, 1965 and Parachordatortilis Mutafchiev, Santoro & Georgiev, 2010. Pelecanema sirry, a parasite of Pelecanus onocrotalus L. and P. crispus Bruch (Pelecaniformes, Pelecanidae) in Africa (Egypt and Senegal) and Europe (Ukraine and Bulgaria), is redescribed using light and scanning electron microscopy on the basis of specimens from P. crispus from Bulgaria. Pelecanema pelecani, a parasite of Pelecanus conspicillatus Temminck in Australia, is also redescribed using light microscopy on the basis of specimens from its type-host and type-locality. In contrast to a previous opinion recognising Pelecanema sirry and P. pelecani as synonyms, the two species are considered distinct and P. pelecani is validated.  相似文献   

Two species of the calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus, P. acuspes and P. elongatus, have been reported from the Baltic and North Seas. Morphometric analysis based on Frost (Can J Zool 67:525–551, 1989) did not identify the species in samples collected during the German GLOBEC program; the majority of measurements fell outside reported ranges for Baltic and North Sea specimens. A multiplexed species-specific PCR (SS-PCR) protocol was designed from a ~700 bp sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI), with primers designed to amplify regions of different sizes for the two species to allow detection by gel electrophoresis. The accuracy and reliability of the multiplexed SS-PCR reaction was confirmed by sequencing the mtCOI region. Preliminary SS-PCR analysis of geographic distributions of the two species indicated that P. acuspes occurred exclusively at sampling sites in the Baltic Sea, whereas P. elongatus was found in the southern North Sea and at one site in the Baltic. The SS-PCR protocol can be used for routine identification of the two species for studies of population, community and ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   



As exemplified by the famously successful model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, nematodes offer outstanding animal systems for investigating diverse biological phenomena due to their small genome sizes, short generation times and ease of laboratory maintenance. Nematodes in the genus Panagrolaimus have served in comparative development and anhydrobiosis studies, and the Antarctic species P. davidi offers a powerful paradigm for understanding the biological mechanisms of extreme cold tolerance. Panagrolaimus nematodes are also unique in that examples of gonochoristic, hermaphroditic and parthenogenetic reproductive modes have been reported for members of this genus. The evolutionary origins of these varying reproductive modes and the Antarctic species P. davidi, however, remain enigmatic.  相似文献   

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